Fire Emblem 3H Spoilers

Who is the best lord and why is it Dimitri

Attached: caimitri.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

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Post final bosses.

We have 6 of these already.

He is a homophobic asshole

He's a king you know, he wants heirs and hie has legit the best Byleth end of the three.

Mercedes is in his house though, it's Claude who has zero tolerance policy

based fuck these discord trannies

>Emperor: With unparalleled defense, Edelgard appears as an unstoppable force in the legendary armor of the Adrestian Emperor.
>Great Lord: A lordly figure who leads with unwavering authority, Dimitri dominates the battlefield with his unparalleled lance skills.
>Barbarossa: In the tradition of Almyra, Claude wields a bow while riding the skies on his wyvern. He can move again after taking certain actions.

OK so which route is the most "classic FE" though
Or, which is the hardest

deer is hardest

Or not, we only have one single post about it and things probably change in harder difficulties.

>the gays were lionfags the entire time

Is there a final Dimitri x Flayn?

So let me get this straight.
> Edelgard is a sociopath, pretty much causing collateral damage regardless of civilian life
> Dimitri is slightly less one, considering it his issues are pretty much justified because of Edelgard
> Claude is the most reasonable Australian.
Did I get this right?

Attached: Aussie.jpg (640x640, 107K)

Linhardt and Flayn kek

>Flayn: About our shared Crests...
>Linhardt: Goodness, this again?
>Flayn: There's an experiment I wish to attempt, although it\nmight prove to be a bit troublesome.
>Linhardt: A troublesome experiment? You know I do not like pain.
>Flayn: Pain? No. There won't... Well...I'm unsure of the\nresults, but that's why they call it an experiment.
>Flayn: It would, of course, require that you and I get married.
>Linhardt: I beg your pardon?!
>Flayn: Yes. If bearers of major and minor Cethleann Crests reproduce...
>Flayn: What Crest would the offspring possess, if any?\nI must know and thought the question might pique\nyour interest as well.
>Linhardt: Are you actually speaking about a hypothetical future with me? Involving...children?!
>Flayn: Yes. Such parentage has never been documented.\nA whole new field of research awaits.
>Flayn: It would be a worthy experiment, and we'd need only\nfive or so children for a good sample size.
>Linhardt:Do you mind going back to what you mentioned earlier?
>Flayn: Pardon? Which part?
>Linhardt: The part about marrying and having children!
>Linhardt:I've always believed, rather firmly, that marriage is\nsomething between two people who love one another.
>Flayn: I like you well enough to advance a field of study to \npreviously unknown heights. How do you feel?
>Linhardt: This is the first I've heard of such a thing from you!
>Flayn: Do you imagine I've spent all this time talking to you\nbecause I was bored?
>Linhardt:Anyway, I'm pretty worn out now, so let's continue this conversation another time, yes?
>Flayn: Does conversing with me tire you out so much?
>Linhardt: Talking to anybody tires me out. Thinking, putting thoughts into words, opening my mouth—all tiring.
>Flayn: Do give some thought to my proposal. Think of how\nfar we could advance Crest research, you and I.
>?: Experimental marriage and children? He likes me?
>?: I don't understand. I don't understand at all.

>Edelgard was the Jew all along

>Dance of the Goddess: Allies in the area can move again.
This is fucking broken

he's also a fat women lover

Attached: 4chin_enigma_code.webm (720x720, 1.37M)

Oh wow, Flayn is a fucking sex beast.

Why did he go insane?

Edelgard was the flame lord but she's also his sister so he snapped hard and reverted to old bloodbath Dimitri.

I still find it funny that Edelgard turned out to be every Claude kike meme ever.

Because his Gorilla sisterfu turned out to be a kike that attacked his kingdom and he was very close to her. Even in the ending of his route, after everything, he still wanted to make peace with her, but she no way fag'd him.
>She may be a hated enemy now, but the emperor is your old friend and your stepsister. Can you bring yourself to kill her?
>I will kill her...if I must. But if there is any chance that the world she seeks to create could be a just one... Then I... I would love to see a future in which I may reach out my hand for her and have her reach back.

Attached: kino.webm (800x450, 2.72M)

So does this mean Edelgard has supplanted Camilla's position as worst girl?

>Edelgard was evil from the beginning

I was going to say Claude is Naruto, but I guess your lost works.

I can already smell the shitty fix-fics

Wait a minute, so my summary was true ?

He looks like he's enjoying every last bit of moment when beating up those soldiers holy shit. He's literally an Ephraim 2.0 when it comes to his bloodlust for fighting

Attached: calm down dude.jpg (371x380, 32K)

The writing is incredibly biased towards Dimitri Good thing I've already decided to be a Blue Lion chad

>Edelgard doesn't marry you
>the game pushes gorilla x boar instead
Inb4 DLC that lets you have them all and Dimitri and Edelgard marry there. kek

Attached: edelmitri.png (669x843, 77K)

So who was the death knight, Hubert?

All the factions:
Church of Seiros
Adrestian Empire
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Leicester Alliance
Those Who Slither in the Dark
Western Church
Resistance Army
Flame Emperor Army
Rebel Army
Children of the Goddess
Giant Beasts
Liberation Army
Faerghus Dukedom
Old Faerghus Territories

Unrelated but I was listening to Elder Hymm by Elbinde watching this and it was sick as fuck

Part of his setting is try to reform and becoming a better person in the academy because his bloodlust is something else.

How can Bandits and thieves be factions

The canon end is healing Dimitri with sensei pussy

Something about media trying to understand what the kids say is hilarious to me.
The mysterious hacker Yea Forums is probably the best though.


>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign, and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused some incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as recompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a great number that it became necessary to compile them, and the resulting document came to be known as the "47 Articles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them


I ship it.
Give gorilla her boar IS.

Attached: Edelgorilla.jpg (800x1117, 336K)

>sides with Edelgard
>she gets zero comeuppance for her kikery
so I assume the normalfags are going to desert Edelgard when they learn of this shit

>cure her crestaids with the power of your dick
>make a bunch of children
Why would you choose anyone else?

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>Flayn is so horny she wants to have 5 kids with her own descendant
Ah, there's the incest I was waiting for, can't have FE4 without some blood fuckery.

I do like that each route had a different boss/major villian

>btfo multiple big bads
>parents are still alive and they love him
>hands you a kingdom
>chill bro
>only straight house
>help peoples people out
>not an insane nigger

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Are teacher playable in any route after the time-skip or only in the Church route?

>The stone within your chest is little more than a decoration now.
>The stone within your chest... It is no more
Reminder that these lines imply that Byleth's heart starts beating in other routes aside from Edelgard's

I said Flayn was a slut and nobody believed me

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All these fuckers keep talking about crestaids, but what the hell is it? Does having crests give you aids unless you get dicked down? I missed the boat.

Ok. I ship it now.

>his house has Lysithea, Marianne, Hilda and Leonie so you already have easy access to most of the best girls besides Ingrid and Bernie

Definitely gonna aim for her. She appeals to me.

>all students except Sylvain can get A with her

I wonder how many times they (((Experimented))) post game

As expected of the true route


What the fuck? I was winging the explanation. Who knew Edelgard was Nohr this whole time while Dimitri was really a punished hoshido? Meanwhile, is Claude really too upside down to really interact with everyone else?


Hopefully not. The beauty of their story is that it is so bittersweet.

>Meanwhile, is Claude really too upside down to really interact with everyone else?
Claude has to deal with Byleth's angry grandpa and him being from another continent basically

True route DLC will be timetravelling until you fix everything

>so chad even Edeldyke fell for him
>out of the main lords, he's the only one who didn't give a shit about status
>straight up makes Femleth his queen
>takes her on long """rides""" every night and doesn't give a fuck about people watching them hitting in on in public
Holy shit I knew Dimitri is based but I didn't think he'd be this much of a chad

Attached: CHADMITRI.jpg (1000x730, 161K)

Clause literally gives no fucks about petty political squabbles

Your pic is all wrong.
So pic related?

Attached: As balanced as it should be.jpg (455x1024, 53K)

Incest Emblem always wins baby

Why didn't she accept the hand?

Attached: 20190716_010721.png (130x142, 22K)

If you give your hand to a Gorilla they'll throw shit at you

Fuck me, I thought the pic would be upside down.

Edelgard? Morelike edgelord.
needs more context but I assume it's ilbecausr she doesn't want his compassion/pity o

Now this might work.

Attached: 15638690427058515.jpg (333x750, 32K)

Otomefags BTFO. Gorilla wins Dimitribowl even though they don't fuck.

If this was Fates there would be a scene where they'd reconcile and possibly marry each other. IS is actually based for going with a tragic end. I think Dimitri truly considers her as if she's a part of her family but sometimes relationships can no longer return the way it used to be once you've crossed the line. Anyone who wants a fairy tale tier ending where everyone lives and is happy are pussy babies who should probably just go back to Fates. It'll just cheapen the tragedy and loss in each route and no war can be won if there are no losses and sacrifices.

>Dimitri gives Edelgard a dagger
>in the ending she gives it back to him

I dig it, I don't care much for Edelgard and but I do want her to be happy.

>During her exile Dimitri and her lived together for a year unaware they were step-siblings, and Edelgard fell in love with him. For his part Dimitri remembers it as the happiest time of his life and wishes they could reconnect as friends if not siblings in the present and angsts over how they've both changed too much for it.
>Edelgard actually still has fondness for him that she's in denial over and he thinks she's probably forgotten most of that period since they were so young.
>She's also the one who taught him to dance.

>part of her
part of his*

watch as future dlc will be exactly just that

Nah, I prefer the route where you kill that eyepatch edgelord.

>Dimitri and Edelgard's at each other's throat
>Meanwhile Claude and Rhea are fighting white niggers who have ICMBs and dubstep

Bwahahaahah! This is hilarious now even more.

>people meme Edelgard as sensei crazed
>she wanted to get Lion'd instead

doesn't Edelgard have a quote about her first love or some shit?

Please, someone can tell me the sothis S rank support text,and if sothis be a playable caracter ?

if death knight be playable after time skip ?

thank you so much for the answer !

>byleth was just a rebound guy
>edelgard cucks byleth with a fat noble if you s rank her
Oh no...

Reminder that Flayn is the best ending.
>Byleth becomes immortal because of crest stone + Flayn's dragon magic
>Flayn is horny as fuck and never ages
>get a horny wife that never ages for all eternity

Im glad the leak got proven wrong, Best girl LIVES

>someone can tell me the sothis S rank support text
>if sothis be a playable caracter ?
>if death knight be playable after time skip ?
As of right now, no.

Sothis isn't playable, she's part of Byleth now. She does have an S support though, /feg/ should have it.

>If this was Fates there would be a scene where they'd reconcile and possibly marry each other
Yeah tell that to Xander, Elise, Ryoma and Takumi. Why are you faggots so obsessed with Fates get over it already.

Did the Bernadetta supports drop or do I have to keep waiting?

>Im glad the leak got proven wrong
The leak was sort of right, she dies in a bunch of her endings. But some of then save her with SCIENCE and Byleth saves her with GOD DICK.

So this is why she never marries you. I wouldn't be surprised if they added DLC with "true route" and have Edelgard x Dimitri happen.

The S Rank dropped a while back, it's super cute.


Attached: first love.png (2149x1165, 116K)

Why didn't Dimitri give her the dick?

>friends if not siblings in the present
holy shit poor Edelgard. Also poor waifufags because they literally got cucked by CHADmitri

>kill your potentially biggest fanbases in one move
Nah, they wouldn't dare.

Can a brother get a link?

>So this is why she never marries you
Her S support has her telling you that once she can groom a successor, she will abdicate the throne and find a quiet place to marry and live with you.

Post time skip designs where? I still can't believe it's taken this long.

Attached: 1563860667981.png (1011x693, 50K)

They dropped like three threads ago nigga

Oh thank you for the answer for my question with sothis !

But, sothis don't have C,B, and A rank, where obtain the romancing issu if you don't can seduce there with thea party and other ? someone know how to get the sorhis S Rank ?

user........... they have been out for hours now.

Go outside, for your own good.

No idea yet, all we have is the datamine.

Attached: 1563843974444.png (1553x882, 1.85M)

Has the Lysithea S rank been posted yet? Probably missed it.

What about Dimitri x Edelgard shipfags though

Is there a place where the supports are being collected?

Yeah, in the end she couldn't get over Dmitri. I don't think they'll make the pairing happen though since it'll piss off waifufags and otomefags.

ESL bros are welcome here.

Edelgard is the main lord you want to fuck and Dimitri is the otomestacy choice.
Those are bigger.

They already added him as her first love that she still has feelings for, but she keeps being in denial for obvious reasons.
You can't even properly marry her in the end. Same goes for Claude. You can only marry Dimitri out of 3.
If anything, Manleth looks cucked on her route as it is.

Reminder that Rhea murdered your mom, gave you autism by putting a crest in your heart and traumatized your father for life just because she wanted to see her mom again.

I'm going to combine with her mom and then fuck her and let her know that she was technically knocked up by her own mom.

I don’t know. A lot of women get their rocks off through shipping, even if the female is not directly a self insert. Male fans can simply self-insert as an absolute Chad

And you can S rank her. How romantic.

>participates in genocide
>doesn't get the girl
>literally loses his heart
I actually feel bad for Male Byleth players

>Linhardt fucks all kinds of men and women and Flayn wants to fuck half the male cast including her own descendant
Why are Cethlenn and her descendants such huge sluts?

>Jeralt wonders why his wife is dead
>or why his son never smiles or cries
>He doesn't even have a hearbeat despite having a pulse
>Rhea insists everythings fine

Only if they join the Bl*ck E*gles rather than the Church in which case they get Big Holy Tiddies and Immortal Loli Wife.

Sothis S support does imply his heart starts to beat after the war.

Rhea is a dindu

I'm going to pick either her or Flayn

That's only if you choose Edelcuck, pick a better girl

but his heart started to beat again in Edelgard's cutscene

A dindu you'd bone and marry, admit it.

Judging by the cutscenes male Byleth can get the Empress. She just needs to train a successor and then step down. Their epilogue says that while she was Emperor, both of them would ride off to enjoy the world they created; what they do is not written in history. Most likely they were lovers while she ruled, then they probably married Byleth after she stepped down.

>romancing the gorilla of bad life choices in the same house as Bernie of Cute and Heartwarming Supports

>Yea Forums memes edelgard as the camilla/tharja
>she actually loves dmitri
>she doesn't even marry MU in her s rank

>Claude the "schemer"
>never ever betrays anyone and despite acting like an ass is one of the most trustworthy characters in the game

Yea Forums was off about Edelgard being a possessive yandere and Claude being a backstabbing jew, but nailed Dimitri being best boy and best route.


Otomesisters this shit is untagged ntr..

>Dimitri is the revenger
>the purest guy you can marry

They honestly should have had a part where he slaps Dimitri and Edelgard's shit before going off to fight the Big Bad.

> Claude was the Australian all along
>Edelgard was the manipulative Nohr all along.
> Dimitri was Hoshido all along.

Someone make an art of Edelgard getting NWF'd by Dimitri. This is hilarious

>Edelgard ended up being both the schemer AND the avenger
>she is the Flame Emperor and had students kidnapped/assassinated and is the one that sent bandits to kill the other lords
>and massacres the church and kills the other lords

He does mention in his S rank that he planned to use you in his ambition to create a new world, but decided you where too good of a friend

Not when the dlc comes out. Edelgard is gonna get his dick, just like she always wanted.

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

>finally get a FE game where we get to side with Hardin/Arvis/Walhart
Absolute Kino

Eh, Arvis had a good reason for killing Sigurd at least. Edelgard's reasons for killing the church seem sort of dumb.

What's her reason

Existing is plenty of reason to kill

Doesn't she want to put an end to crest fuckery due to what happened to her family?

Just because you're a schemer doesn't mean you have to betray someone and you can't act like an ass.

The dagger was supposed to make her wishes true. With her defeat it became impossible, so she felt cheated by Dimitri (the dagger was from him).

Quake Σ
The highest tier of dark magic. Attacks the entire battlefield, except fliers.
Moves an ally to a targeted space within a range based on Mag.
Doubles skill experience earned in battle.

Why is she so perfect?

Attached: Lys.png (660x1300, 593K)

>Arvis had a good reason for killing Sigurd
God dammit I am just starting chapter 5, should have expected it

Relying on a retarded goddess is plenty good reason

So, I haven't really played Fire Emblem, how does S support works?
Can you only have one in the whole playthrough?

>crests dangerous
>church worships crests and the god that gave crests to humans
Never mind the fact that politics are still going to exist even without crests.

Yes, in this game, only your character can.


Attached: puppy_love.jpg (1065x402, 124K)

Yes, S support means you will get a romantic ending with another character rather than a solo ending.

A supports for other characters act like S too.

Can someone post Petra's S support?

Makes me feel bad for Edelgard, she's fully in the imoutoone, so hard he can't even kill her without an excuse.

Around how long is the blue lions route?

Attached: 1563632251054.png (920x903, 580K)

Do we know Mercedes' timeskip design?

Yes, all of them are out.

No wonder Edelgard hates the church, the Church told her filthy Adrestian ancestors to stop murdering the people of Fearghus and Liecester. Adrestia really is Nohr 2.0, right down to the comical love of murder.

Is there nowhere an image with ALL of the designs, both pre and post timeskip?

>Lysithea support reveals that the Empire was the one doing the crest experiments in the first place and were likely in league with Thales
Oh shit, no wonder they side with Thales in the Golden Deer route.

Edelgard/Dimitri is unironically going to be the most popular pairing after the Japs get a hold of this game.

>Pure prince so deeply traumatised as a child he develops a sadistic split personality to represss the anger he feels over it and remain an idealist
>Nice girl tortured and experimented on that grew cold as a result and is now hellbent on purging the world of those responsible to try build a fairer society
>Both actually make the continent better off in their endings, showing they sincerely were trying to do the right thing
>Both shared a childhood friendship with a one sided romance on her part they look on fondly but believe the other forgot, which tortures them when time comes for them to fight
>She's upset to kill him on her route, breaking her facade slightly, and on his he tries to spare her to the point its only when she stabs him with the dagger he gave her as a parting gift (symbolically near his heart) that he can bring himself to kill her
>Non-blood related siblings on top of all this

It's going to be fucking massive. This is kino as fuck and they're both hot.

>church fucks up Edelgard
>church fucks (You) up and your family
>constant crest experimentation probably fucked up a lot of other families
Name 1 (ONE) good reason Edgelord isn't justified

>implying it won't be even more fujoshit shit

>Hey, this soundtrack's pretty good so far
>Get to this:
Jesus fucking Christ.

Attached: Saw_Hard.jpg (370x380, 111K)

The wrong of others doesn't make your wrongs right.

But #1 and #3 are by fellow Adrestians. Church is only responsible for #2.

MByleth's S-rank power rankings





>BTFO by Abe

Here you go.

Attached: 1563850865365.png (2056x1547, 2.13M)

It still hurts

its rudolf tier

Attached: rudolfstand.webm (654x416, 2.27M)


>we're living in a timeline where the fire emblem game is good and the pokemon game is shit
What happened

Are we sure this isn't an Ace Combat soundtrack.

To be entirely fair, XY, ORAS, SM and USUM weren't necessarily good, more like passable. But yeah, Pokemon is a fucking trainwreck right now. I can't wait for Diamond and Pearl remakes with "The Spear Pillar project has started"

But waifufags and husbandofags would have a stroke if that thing happened.

>walk into mt coronet
>get warped straight to the other side

>Zelda, Mario, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Animal Crossing and Splatoon are all having being widely loved in Switch
>Pokemon meanwhile is getting what it deserves after so many years of barely giving a fuck
And nothing of value was lost.

>please understand, we gave tackle and tail whip new animations but due to the heavy work involved, we had to remove part of the campaign due to time and space constraints

It's actually funny FE dropped most of the stuff people gave shit them for in awakening/fates.
Barring the MU being bland, it actually works on most of its issues pretty neatly.

>Hubert is probably my favourite character
>hate Edelgard and don't care for her campaign
It's not fair, can't she have Caspar instead?

Holy shit Mercedes' design is fucking murdered.

Yeah, almost everyone else got improved but she got the short end of the stick.

>Bernie and Marianne lose their messy hair

Attached: 1335853403521.jpg (245x262, 21K)

So how does the gameplay for this look? From what I've learned about the story it's won me over, but I would prefer not to play a easy, shit game just because I want to murder.

What's going on with MC's hair post timeskip?
Super saiyan?

Datamine determined 4 difficulties so you should be fine. Right now the main problem is that we don't know how to unlock Lunatic and Infernal.

So are all of the same sex A rank supports gay or are there still straight people left in this game?

Are you chad enough for Infernal difficulty?

>le mad saiyan anime trope

B-b-but the story is good

You know you could easily select Infernal difficulty, right? Easy/Hard Mode are pretty simplistic though, from what I've heard. The last 2 difficulties make the game challenging, so there you go.

Sothis powers.

NTR is the thinking man's fetish.

Attached: 1563800621209.jpg (418x152, 29K)

MC fuses with Sothis and gets the minty hair just before the timeskip I think

>Before the timeskip occurs, Sothis becomes one in spirit with Byleth
>He goes Super Saiyan
>Unlocks his Master Class, "The Enlightened One", from a gameplay perspective
I don't know what it does in terms of story, though.

user that's not a hypothetical all of it has been spoiled

No there's only 5 lesbian and 3 homo, the rest is straight

How many chapters in blue lion?

Which ones are those?
I think I only know about Dorothea x Manuella and maybe Lynhard x Caspar.

Now that Three Houses has just about been leaked to a wide margin, and people seem to love the story on top of that, where do we go next?
>Do you see them reusing the school setting or something similar in the next game?
>Do you see them using a prior FE game as inspiration for the plot?
>Do you think we can maintain a streak of good plot in the sequel?
My only real hopes are that they continue to improve in terms of the over world, and 3D. A new artist would be great too.

Do you have to unlock the higher difficulties or are they available from the start?

I mean is infernal difficulty actually difficult, or is it "difficult" the same way awakenings lunatic plus was?

I don't feel sorry for Edelgardcucks, they were pretty loud about their shitty waifu

>the pushed as canon love interest once again is garbage
Why does Japan love doing this?

at least she gets a kino end like

>the dagger was Dimitri's gift to her because in his country, daggers symbolize a better future
Dimitri literally cannot stop suffering even in his own route, when I play the game I'm going to throw Marianne's big church titties at him so hard he will forget his troubles.

How is a ruthless and pragmatic girl trash in the overabundance of goodie two shoes waifus? She's a Sith Lord incarnate, that shit makes my dick cut diamonds. I was worried she'd end up redeeming herself or whatever but now I'm certainly going with her and her only.

How long is the timeskip?
>Bernadetta and Leonie lose cute hair

Attached: 1486603318988.png (289x343, 14K)

We dont have any info on it yet, but assume that IS has taken feedback from their previous games to improve aspects of their new ones, like the other stuff in 3H

>not throwing YOURSELF at Dimitri
Do you even his canon best end?

Do I have to buy 3 games or can I play all 3 campaigns in one?

Honetsly, as long as they don't take conquest's approach to difficulty either I'll be happy
>only way to make maps harder is throwing hordes of reinforcements at you every single turn

I kind of want a Switch for this. How do they work? Do I need a TV or can I just play on the little controller screen thing?

Its one Disc, that features 4 campaigns

>acts retarded and kills innocents for fun
Definitely a Sith, yeah. At least Arvis had reasons for his killing.

Switch can be played entirely in handheld mode. You can get a stand and play it in bed.

milfs are to be mate pressed not killed this game is bollocks

>I'm going to throw Marianne's big church titties at him
Does this look like someone that can soothe Dimitris suffering? She can't even manage her own suffering.

Attached: Marianne_Portrait.png (1000x1000, 593K)

>acts retarded and kills innocents for fun
I'm not arguing about that, but is one character like that too fucking much for you? Even in this game alone you have tens of vanilla girls, some variety won't hurt.

You do that, user.

>Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of\nFaerghus and spent his life ruling justly over FĂ³dlan.\nSeveral years after his coronation, he took Marianne,\nwhom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's\ngreatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided\nby Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive\nfather, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri\nfell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very\nend. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing,\ncontained recounts of their time together. The last words,\npenned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our\ntime together or the happiness we knew for anything."

So that's what happened to their handhelds. I didn't pay attention to it at all but was wondering why there was no 3DS sequel.

>Edelgard's Route is the one they've been pushing the most
>She's easily the most morally dark character in terms of her actions, and easily commits most of the atrocities in the story that snowball into other events
>Dmitri is just the suffering, mentally broken, hero who has to stop his psychopathic step sister
>Claude is just.. the outlier who fights an ancient villain while the rest of the world goes to shit
It really feels like the Golden Deer route was just there because they didn't know what else to do with them. They couldn't have allowed you to fight both Edelgard, and Dmitri? I guess it would have been too much.

They could have had him playing them both, like people predicted he would.
Instead... generic FE plot disconnected from the actual game plot.

Do you think they'll maintain this dark, and tragic tone for future Fire Emblem games? I'm really glad we're going into darker plot since the last two games were honestly pretty tame, outside of a couple instances.

Attached: claude timeskip meeting.webm (800x450, 2.72M)

So, does Edel do less bad stuff if you join her?

Attached: dimitri timeskip meeting.webm (800x450, 2.7M)

It doesn't even need to be dark and tragic, just a tad more serious.

Depends on whether genociding the church is something you think is bad,

No, you're enabling her by joining her so she does even worse shit.

Claude should have been the one to setup the deaths of the other lords with Flame Emperor, Bandit, Death Knight shit. So much for ((((Schemer))))

I actually dislike the GD's because of this. He's basically just a "I care for my Nakama/hero who saves the peace" character, instead of going into depth on his shifty personality. While Edel, and Dmitri are intertwined and have a lot of character depth to them, Claude is literally just there for a trio set. Bummer.

Attached: edelgard timeskip meeting.webm (800x450, 2.48M)

Damn. No Happy ending for hat girl or cute shy girl either?

You do the church route and enjoy life with the biggest whore in the academy and the psycho with mommy issues.

Game of Thrones S8 good
Fighting the actual villains bad

Attached: NPC.png (636x773, 94K)

>intrigue and personal stakes bad
>shonenshit good

So you cannot magically have a happy end with edel or stop her from going berserk, huh.

That is somewhat dark.
I dunno if i like it or not.

Probably. A true route where you don't go to sleep for 5 years

What about when you stay with the church in the 4th route?
Do you end up fighting the other Lords?

I know it's unlikely, but what are the chances of the DLC route having Claude toying with the Eagles, and Lions?

Now post female version

I like the darker/more tragic take, at least it's more interesting than the predictable filling her dark soul with light thing. The power of benis and love can't save everything.

Edel AU redemption DLC?

Please? I am legit unused to having a game where i cannot manipulate all events based on choices.

The Church route specifically branches from Edelgard's. Dmitri doesn't have an issue with the Church, and Claude is again an outlier who doesn't really care about the Church. I think the main antagonist of the Church route, is actually the group of baddies. You do end up fighting Edelgard in this route, though.

I think Claude stuff still has a lot to do with the other two but it is not the main focus, remember we only have a couple of cutscenes right now.

So whats the damage for supports?


Only ones I was interested in. If they are good thats all that matters.

Attached: edelgard timeskip meeting v2.webm (800x450, 2.5M)

I wonder if edel route is still fun despite the spoilers or are at least able to save bernadetta.

This pleases my tragedyboner but I'm still sure they will fuck everything up with the DLC because people are too afraid to have actual consequences in a fucking video game

I dont like consequences.

I just want to help a ccue empress conquer the entire continent then rule but i guess nothing is that simple huh.

I must say, it has indeed been quite a while since a game denies a perfect ending to the player.

>Byleth and Ferdinand are the only people capable of putting a baby in her

Attached: 1563749641960.jpg (1600x900, 208K)

They fixed her face? she actually doesn't look that bad here

Dammit why did they have to give her those big eyes. She'd look so good with male eyes.

This game is turning out to be pretty damn good. I don't mind the artist much anymore, but if they chose someone with a more detailed style, and the cutscenes were properly animated, I'd be completely pleased.

Legit first girl to beat the cock in fiction

>save bernadetta

so how many routes are there? from what i currently know there's edelgard, claude, and dmitri. do their plots branch out?

What if in the DLC route the player can sacrifice their own life for Edelgard and Dmitri to be happy?

Attached: 1563709646599.jpg (1198x667, 242K)

Can you have children?

And who is the Gorilla you guys keep going on about?

Attached: 1563387011511.jpg (900x900, 109K)

What the fuck bros
Why can i not make edelgard good
Why can i not magically change a character' full nature with my cock

>Can you have children?

>And who is the Gorilla you guys keep going on about?
Edelgard because of her retard strenght

I think everyone dies and goes to shit despite your choices in edel route

Prease buy season pass


Attached: FE BLS.png (1862x754, 511K)

also, is there an evil route? when i first played fates i thought nohr would be the evil route since garon seemed pretty evil as well as the bald axe man who was with you in the intro

Nah, I'd rather if they just expand the characters' backstories. IS should've killed marriage and supports in the game. Shipperfags are cancer.

Edelgard is the evil route.

heres another female version, big spoilers here

Attached: when you try to quick save and load.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

4. The other one is the church route and is a neutral one

From what I've heard it's 4, with the extra route branching from Edgegards if you side with the church

Is that the clown girl?

has there been any info on the church route? is it as long, longer, or shorter than the others?

Goddamn i wanted to dick edelgard and conquer the rest of the continent.

>dick edgelord
Nope, enjoy your bald man NTR, you cuck.

yes, but there's more to it

>blood on the dagger
>no blood or wound on the body
At least Byleths face is hilarious

Attached: 1464455767695.png (291x286, 117K)


But what does it meme?

Not him but what. She actually marries someone else?

This is just a downward spiral
This legit cannot get worse for an edel heart struck like me.

Attached: 1563396421086m.jpg (722x1024, 91K)

In her s rank ending you keep your love affair hidden while she looks for a suitable noble to sire an heir with so she can abdicate and elope in quiet with you.

Your commoner seed isn't good enough for the throne.

She doesn't marry Byleth because he isn't a noble, she marries a fat noble and asks Byleth to wait until she has a child with him then she can settle down.

Attached: byleth cries.webm (800x450, 2.39M)

so, how's the gameplay

the doujins are practically writing themselves. do you have her s-rank ending in full?

Attached: expression.jpg (1001x1147, 75K)

Who knows, it's pretty pointless to talk about normal/hard when there are unlockable difficculties that probably change the strategy a lot.

I feel like i dodged a bullet.
God, i liked her design and personality from the trailers but this is a dealbreaker.
Marrying bernadetta.

Attached: __edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_fuukasetsugetsu_and_etc_drawn_by_okuma_yuugo__sample-98b0784005 (850x510, 83K)

>you keep your love affair hidden while she looks for a suitable noble to sire an heir with so she can abdicate and elope in quiet with you
Hahahahaha holy shit. Meanwhile Dimitri didn't give a shit and takes Female Byleth as his queen. This is going to enrage waifufags who jumped on her ship because they think she wants sensei's cock.

Attached: 1456612723834.gif (250x164, 765K)

Thats me.
Holy shit.

There is nothing worse than having a crush only to rwalize the future would not let ya have your empress.

Attached: __edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_fuukasetsugetsu_and_etc_drawn_by_atoatto__ccb11debdc9cdd96c9a16 (708x1000, 76K)

Attached: byleth cries v2.webm (800x450, 2.34M)

Why do you people believe random shit ?
The text dumps are out, do not believe any random post without a clear text

This is all coming out of his ass, I have no idea why he's so pissed at this character he can just kill anyways. The reality is she accepts your proposal but mentions she has to train a successor before she can live a quiet life with you, although I might be a brainlet from how I read the ending because it just sounds like she marries you right away without abdicating.

that's why i was asking if anyone had it available for read

Beagles will be my 2nd playthough, but I definitely wont be S-ranking her now. Probably Petra or a recruit now.

No, she doens't marry you until she finds a successor, so you are the unoffical lover of the empress until then.

What the fuck edelbros.

I had a fucking crush on her.

Attached: 1562731455681.png (420x491, 207K)

So your crush is ruined because she has to train someone for the throne before you elope?

If you romance Petra she doesn't get her kingdom


Attached: hmmmmmmm.jpg (518x362, 41K)

>beagles are the heavily pushed route
>edelgard is pushed like lucina and azura
>she cucks you if you s rank her
IS trying to subvert expectations like GoT.

So the ntr and automatic bad end of her route are not true?
Cuz at this point i am just marrying poor shy girl instead.

Attached: 1563250457086m.jpg (1024x746, 82K)

As real as Sakura in Fates getting eaten by nameless was.
People will be posting random shit till the game comes out.

There is no NTR in the game.

We dont know the extent of the damage on her route, just the support conversations and the animated cut scenes.

holy shit did someone really think that?
The sheer brutality is enough for a M rating.

If you are going to seeth about Edelgard not being your Camilla at least seeth about canon one.

Attached: 1563879158708.jpg (1920x2714, 1.21M)

People would post random shit about how everyone from the other side dies if you choose on route.

I wouldn't mind Edelgard/Dimitri becoming canon if some revelation tier dlc were to come out. They have the best dynamic and their story is very tragic.

I don't know why everyone is forcing the NTR meme with Edelgard. The fact of the matter is,
>She's looking for a successor to train so he/she can take up the throne for her
>So she can marry Byleth and elope in the world while everything is at ease
That aside though, her route is probably the most twisted because of what her actions cause, so it's Lions or Deer for me.

The whole thing is pretty dark
But not dark enough.

I want to fucking capture one of the units from the other houses and fucking MIND WIPE them into souless husks under my will and make them kill their friends.

Attached: 1563397242596m.jpg (1024x750, 88K)

Its Intelligent Systems.
Some fucking drgon will be the cause of everythin and will cause everyone to team up.

Why cant we full her dark soul with light bros.

Attached: __byleth_byleth_and_edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_fuukasetsugetsu_and_etc_drawn_by_fishi_webcom (850x1223, 234K)

What's going on in this vid? is this some twist reveal?

I'm actually surprised that they didn't stick any playable beast units in the game since the Crests have the power to do that shit. At least from what we've seen with Edelgard being able to transform.
>Not dark enough
Edel's entire scheme, on top of how it impacts Dmitri and their overall relationship together is pretty fucking tragic. The plot is fine as it is, really.

She was also in love with Dimitri and is said to be fond of him still, but she is in denial and gave up on the idea because he keeps family zoning her.

DILF Hunter Maleth died so people had to cope with Edelgard being a cuckbait now. It feels extremely forced though. I despise fujokeks but I'm kind of sad IS killed the daddy pairings with Manleth

See + (which makes this for a better tragedy)

One lord is fighting another lord. That shouldn't have been a twist, you should have anticipated that.
how's the rest of the soundtrack shaping to be?

>hurr durr claude's route is just filler despite us only knowing the ending and knowing absolutely nothing about his stake in the story despite it being obvious he deals with Dimitri and Edelgard in some way because he unites Fodlan and leaves you as king
Why are the people shitting on Golden Deer now acting so pants-on-head retarded? It's just like Yea Forums, anyone who unironically calls shit "filler" is braindead

I haven't been reading all of the leaks but is there a reason Byleth's hair changes colour or is it juat a time skip thing?

>t. coping deerfag

In conclusion.
Edel ntrs in S tier
Edel is evil no matter what you do
Everyone dies in edel route
Can't fill her dark soul with light.

Oh boy.
She legit makes me question the sheer danger of having a crush.

Attached: 1562734582607.png (600x750, 418K)

Changes after Sothis dies.


Based retards, so just because Claude isn't killing the other 2 houses in his ending it obviously means his story has nothing to do with the main plot of the game and the main conflict at all, right?
You can at least pretend you've got more than a single-digit IQ, these are fucking leaks, we know nothing else about the rest of the 80-90 hour runtime of the game.

I've been a Blue Lion fag since the start you nigger. It's common fucking sense to know that the ending of a route doesn't summarize everything that happened in the past 70 fucking hours of the game.

Sothis fuses with you mentally, and you essentially become one being.
From what we do know, it sounds like the other two simply wipe each other out and you get to become king.

>posts deerfag defense 101
>i-i'm not a deerfag, promise!
Yea Forums doesn't want you either /feg/ refugee

It's not her fault. Her crush kept friend zoning her because he saw her just as his sister.

>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.
Do some research before believing shitposting niggers. There'sno cuckshit.

Attached: 1563863860726.png (1169x603, 65K)

Holy shit, this can't be real

Attached: 1419709001229.png (1280x720, 558K)

I sincerely doubt that's all there is to it. Plenty of shit happens before we get to the endings of each route that no one expects, like the Death Knight allying with the Aldrestian empire on Edel's route
>hurr if you believe every route in the game is good you're xfag
Whatever helps you sleep better at night, schizo, throwing buzzwords doesn't excuse you're still retarded for presuming an ending cutscenes is a summary of an entire route.

Is Byleth voiced during these supports?

well since the game leaked, is the tutorial good?

She's for danyfags

Nope. She just doesn't marry you because blah blah blah you don't have a title so she wants to find someone to take over instead of her so she can live in peace with you.
The only "cuckshit" there is that her 1st love was Dimitri and that she is still fond of him, but decided to give up on it. That's about it.

so memes aside, how's the game looking now? Did it end up a trainwreck like Fates?

No idea. I don't have the game myself.

Unironically great, Dimitri and Edelgard are contenders for best lords in the series and there's tons of content

It turns out that the story is actually pretty damn great. At least from a majority of the opinions I've saw, on top of what I personally liked.
The leakers themselves said that the Golden Deer route was an outlier from the other two. It's still plenty plot relevant, but it's not as intertwined as the Eagles, or Lions. Im actually wondering if..
>Scene in one of the trailers where Claude giving a hand to Dmitri leads to him rejecting the offer
>He ends up killing Dmitri while Edel goes off to destroy the Church as usual in her route
>You end up facing the revived Nemesis to end things off
Otherwise, I'm a little disappointed in the Deers.

Wait did they just create a fucking universe?

Welp I feel a lot more secure in my pre-order now, thanks user

So, is it best to go MaleLeth and bro up with Dimitri of FemLeth and love him?

Femleth and cucking Edelgard by fucking the guy she never could desu. It makes his ending even more better because of it.

Femleth has one of his few, 100% good endings, no strings attached with retarded early deaths or illnesses.

>ntr fags were just shitposters

That might actually make sense.
>Byleth and Claude kill Dmitri
>Edelgard gets wiped out by Rhea since Byleth isn't there to back her up, and Claude doesn't have any interest in the Church
>You end up saving the nation from a revived Nemesis and help Claude restore peace to the land
It would be pretty cool if so.

Absolute kino

It's the most whitest game of 2019.
>only white people
>no niggers
>all whites in it are classy and well mannered
Japan love whites more than whites themselves, a shame since it should be the reverse. (should be us loving ourselves the most)


>sothis dies
Fucking what. How am I supposed to marry her?

>Do you see them reusing the school setting or something similar in the next game?
Something similar for sure
>Do you see them using a prior FE game as inspiration for the plot?
>Do you think we can maintain a streak of good plot in the sequel?
Just ride this wave and it should be easy to that.

She comes back later.

I hope there's no sequel, just something with the same system, mostly because I'd rather get no canon route even if Edelgard's is kinda it.

>most whitest game
can anyone else confirm this?

>Great OST
>Pretty good story, with something for everyone due to the multiple routes
>Relatively tight knit group of characters with a good amount of depth
>Nice setting, hit or miss
>Enhanced gameplay mechanics with proper difficulty in Infernal/Lunatic to spice things up
This game is a major step up from Fates/Awakening. If they can retain this level of quality for the next couple of games, including possible remakes, I'll be glad. I really want to see them further improve on the graphics, art, and 3D, though. That's my only concern.

have you even looked at the game bro

Yes, no niggers in it, tanned people aren't niggers

How many endings does each route have?

I doubt we'll get a sequel (maybe), but it really helps that IS listens to complaints and seemingly has their shit together this time around. I hope they continually improve in the next game. My only question is, what setting or mythology will they focus on? I've been wanting something Egyptian for awhile.

>Who are the Duscar Empire
sorry whitey, you've lost yet again

Endings as in A-S ranks, every route has one ending, obviously.

The literal white woman of power NTRs you

They all have caucasian traits, no negroid trait in it, try again shitlib

Fuck it, I'm going to splurge on this game even though I've never played anything like it. Seems good as fuck, but there's too much choice for me.
I have no idea whether to choose male or female Byleth and which house to choose
It's too much pressure for me.

>Do you see them reusing the school setting or something similar in the next game?
I don't think so. I'm hoping if they bring back a "customize your characters and have a home base" game-play system its more of a Mercenary Group like FE9, except this time instead of just chapter to chapter you have "jobs" you can accept with downtime in between. Then at the end of the moth you get a "big job" that pushes the story forward.
>Do you see them using a prior FE game as inspiration for the plot?
I mean there are now 16 FE games, so its likely. Most of them are fairly similar though.
>Do you think we can maintain a streak of good plot in the sequel?
I bet the next one will be weaker since IS is pretty inconsistent with their writing, but maybe 2-3 games from now we get another grand-scale plot.

The canon end for Dimitri of course
>To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all.
>My beloved...
> beloved.
>Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation.
>Give me your hand.
>Please... I beg of you. Say something!
>If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
>That's not it at all...
>What is this?
>I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
>You beat me to it...
>Yes, I see. Right.
>In that case, let us exchange them, shall we?
>Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are.
>These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved.
>Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...

>call each other "My beloved"
>thinks she'll get rejected
I think she might be an autist

Attached: 1560448416204.png (500x617, 264K)

I don't want a sequel either, but a setting that allows for similar game mechanics to the Academy where you can really interact with all the characters is something that seems very likely to me.

Just read character bios and choose who to marry based on that.
Obviously the best option is Dimitri with your female character.

>canon end
But he didn't end up with Edelgard desu.

whatever helps you sleep better at night, insecure whitey

Where is it? So far I've saw no nigger in this fire emblem.

A shame but at least three is no interracial crap, guaranteed since there is no niggers in it

I want to do Dimitri with the female character, but I like the male character's design a lot more.

I want to get fucked by a lion!

Dedue my dude
>b-but he doesn't have nigger lips therefore he's white!!
imagine being this obsessed with skin pigmentation lmao

It's okay, Edgelord ends up with his lance

You can get the dlc and dress her up, but I agree, her design is kinda crap, mostly the tights.

Cope nigger

Attached: 18289orcg9293jpg.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

Deude is the only dark skinned character and he is from Duscur. Maybe some villans or bandits are black, would make sense.

Cope with being born a dicklet too lmao, try winning over women with your """"white superiority"""" while being under 6 inches

Racial traits matter shitlib, his name and racialt traits show that he's European, see pic

We know, Marianne

They call him Dimitri "stain my blade at the pride parade" Blaiddyd for a reason.

Niggers are european now? We Wuz Europeans n Shiet?
also Petra's clearly from a more eastern country so that rules her out as being just "tanned", so rip all-white FE cast

Dimitri "Mercedes is gay, no slander about me you can say" Blaiddyd

>i-i-if he's not named Shaq Ali and has big nigger lips/is black as charcoal he's not black!
The absolute state of wh*teys playing their sissy weeb games

Petra look white as fuck, but at worst, having asians is way better than a single nigger, but anyway racial traits prove you wrong

why does nu-Yea Forums feel the need to even make fire emblem a fucking thing they need to make identity politics, kill yourself

Is there a route where I reject all idiots and build my own future?

Attached: image.jpg (1075x919, 243K)

Edelgard ->edgelord
Suddenly acted like a bitch in FEH
Says she will leave you after you solve the issues of your world in FEH.

Oh my god, i legit, legit liked her. But she truly was the most messed up lord yet.

It could have been harder for waofufags ti catch on if they made a 4th route with a green girl lord.

Attached: 1563400264894m.jpg (789x1024, 94K)

>Adr*stians are the ones doing the Crest research
>Adr*stians are the ones working with Thales
>Adr*stians are the ones invading the other countries
>Adr*stians are the ones the church had to reel in during the previous war
>Adr*stians are the ones indiscriminately killing
Adrestia needs a few of those magic ICBMs.

Yes spic, niggers don't call themselves Claude or any very white name like that, and racial traits matter

Church I guess? But letting your dick/pussy guide your future is good enough.

>white as fuck
so you're a 56%er? Oh no no no, poor user, don't even have any actual white pride to hold up your weak backbone?
how else am I meant to escape from my sad existence if i'm playing a game with people of other skin colors in it? That's lefty shit bro

Wait for DLC gorim

That's pretty much the Church route, you are the faction leader in that.

Go to france?
Or french-colonized african countries?

Whities don't call themselves Edelgard or Sylvain either dipshit.
>a-all black people have nigger lips
Just like how all white people have 4 inchers right?


Show me a trait from her that isn't caucasian, good luck.

That's the left fault for demonizing white people with western games, I wouldn't have to care about that otherwise. It's still great to see that Japan at least still fetishize us

how many more months until rumblingkino, bro?

>I'll just do what the cute girls and boys tell me to do

Fuck off, neutralfag.

Attached: Screenshot (204).png (894x523, 202K)

>go to France
They use nigger names or Arab names in France retard, Mohammad is the French version of Tyrone.

They're white names brainlet, and go to Africa, good luck finding a nigger without big lips that isn't a mutt

>wanting to follow yourself instead of someone else means you want a neutral route

Attached: brainlet.jpg (989x1000, 76K)

>whitey this insecure he can't play games with the black menace in them and has to reassure himself that latinos/blacks are actually white because they're not ugly
so this is the power of the white american... truly fearsome...

Is church generic "le ebin ancient evil" in this one? Willing to lead them if the reason are good, I just dislike the three main fagets.

What happens if I engage in relations with Edelgard as Male Byleth?

based user, tell us about your expedition in africa

Rhea did some extremely unforgivable shit and the main church is evil, but the route should be aboyut reforming it.

No, your only hope is to wait for dlc.

What happens in the church route? Which students join and are the church moralfags?

Again, show me a single character in fire emblem which do not have caucasian trait.

So you recognize that Africa is a shithole because of niggers? You're awaking user

you can side with the church for the 4th route and Rhea is based as fuck

Don't bully

Attached: 1425695867155.jpg (600x600, 382K)

Ace Combat music sucks so yes

Actually, a decent amount of the Church is good, and the Church spent a long time fighting the main villains before the game happens. Some of the sects of the Church become corrupt and the Church's leader murdered someone in a sacrifice to summon her god, but other than that the Church itself isn't really bad.

Why only Japan now produce white games like this?

Dumb slaves.

Someone on /feg/ said that the Eagles besides Edelgard and Hubert, but we still need some proof of that, it's hearsay for now.


Attached: 1560287092912.jpg (644x422, 69K)

can you fuck off with your obsession with race mutt. make a thread on /pol/ about white video games if you're that obsessed

Is the FE fanbase as retarded as this?

those who've spoiled themselves on the whole OST already, how would you rank this OST among the other recent FE's? better than SoV's/Fates' ost?

>obsession with race
you should ask yourself why Japan fetishize us so much making many games with European setting, it will do you wonder.
And /pol/ has been invaded by reddit and spics

just insecure virgins doing what they do best, user.

>ESLspic being this deluded that he's not only white but also that Japan is obsessed with him
you should leave your room someday user, there's a lot more to the world than this taiwanese propaganda image board that you clearly spend every day on. you could actually make good friends and fulfilling experiences too.

The insecure virgin is right thought, if you think that Japan will ever get interested by nigger setting, then you're a delusional shitlib or cuckservative

Try to live around niggers and spics, just try

Just Yea Forumseddit using its release valve thanks to the oppression on the other sites.
>wtf non-whites? gays? power of friendship? fucking sjw panderin-
>what do you mean it's japanese? based nips wouldn't dare pander unlike western scum
and rinse and repeat for practically every non-remake release that isn't a shonenshit game or a shooter nowadays

We won

Attached: DgqIBS8W4AEBV9W.jpg large.jpg (582x600, 31K)

>Try to live around niggers and spics, just try
i've lived in casablanca for most of my life you faggot. As long as you don't live in a rundown place people will be people. people's mentality aren't shaped by the color of their skin, but their upbringing and environments. I've met more rude whites than I have rude niggers because I don't go to nigger-infested crime zones. also, maybe something you'd never guess but, if you treat people like humans or with respect more often than not they'll do the same to you.

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>one of the villain themes

Attached: activating icbm.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>in my fire emblem
This should be shit, why am I getting a boner?

Jesus fuck, this dude has magic nuclear launch codes???

>stop looking at me with them big ol eyes

Is Edelgard the Flame Emperor in all routes? Didn't you fight "him" in the Black Eagles route too?

Wanna know how I know that you're a spic?

Then play with the male version and have a bro run with Dimitri and male Byleth. No need to force yourself to play the inferior female version. Give Dimitri one of the actual nice looking females.

if arabs are now spics then ding ding ding, my friend. Bit embarrassing that you proved my point with just one reply though mate.

Most of those nice females end up killing him before it's his time.

>E3 2019 theme is finally here
Hhhngh I'm going to fucking shit everywhere. RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY NINTENDO/IS I WANT IT

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I hate it!

Edelgard is unironically the most well-written FE female of all time and her game isn't even out yet

Don't. I love his design and I'm not playing BE route. Even if I was, I've never been interested in marrying Edelgard.

>went from being the "obvious shill pick" female character to being one of the best written females and antagonists
IS did it

And I still love her!

just think, she was getting compared to boring trash like Lucina and Azura

This is fantastic to me and it involves a pretty lady instead of a retarded looking goblin frog.

my one hope now is that the Golden Deers route is actually great despite the impressions we got from the ending. If IS manage to knock it out of the park with all 4 routes I think i'll finally forgive them for the trainwreck of Fates

>fell to illness and died
That's where it fucks up.

He has multiple endings like that unfortunately, see Dedue.
I'd guess it made it easier to push just how super perfect his ending with Byleth was to have some of the others get cut with some tragedy.

Probably a theme in general, looking at Lysithea's endings.

Lys gets several decent endings, not just Byleth.
Femleth is Dimitri's almost only chance to to die in some random way.

I shitposted this in an earlier thread but holy fuck Edgelord really is yamato in drag

That's my point, and that's not even true about Femleth and Dmitri being the only ending that doesn't have him die of illness.
Lysithea does have multiple partners that save her (Edelgard, Linhardt, Claude is left ambigious but likely), but it's also at a clear effort and cost. Byleth literally fixes what would had been a lifelong issue in a single support set during the war.

Sounds pretty kino so far desu
>Claude is a total outsider initially only in it to win enough prestige/power to go across the seas to go home and claim his father's kingdom despite being a bastard
>Is only leader of Leicester Alliance because of connections and wealth, not from a storied royal line like the other two
>Ends up growing genuinely attached to Byleth and the others early on, comes around to wanting to secure lasting peace for the continent after seeing Edelgard and Dimitri are both crazy and the consequences of it
>When Edelgard ends up beating Dimitri and losing to the church despite his intervention, and the Nemesis returns, Claude's faction singlehandedly take it on and save the land despite having no divine backup
>He ultimately chooses to return home a wiser man and a better leader to try bring change to it too and either puts you in charge of the church to reform it for him or outright makes you ruler in his stead while he is abroad

OH a shitskin, that explains a lot

God I want to protect this smile...

Attached: i came here to laugh at you.png (1678x1077, 1.13M)

I will forgive everything ever if the high difficulty settings are as good as Conquest Lunatic or H4. The thought of 4 separate 40 hour routes of that level of difficulty, customization and fun is making my dick quiver to think of. I hope they aren't afterthoughts like Maniac or Lunatic+

>I don't like murder
>I left the Duscar massacre behind
>I just want peace
>LIfe must be protected at all costs

>when you double on Edelgard

Attached: dimitri.webm (800x450, 1.46M)

>Claude's faction singlehandedly take it on and save the land despite having no divine backup
Big reason why i'm going with the Deers.

Dimitri fags is seething because he's pretty much irrelevant outside his own route

Aside from needing to murder him in every route, you mean.

Literal fodder

>one of the main obstacles in Edel's route
>literally need to side with her to beat him in deercuck route
Whatever you say, seething deercuck.

The real question is should you choose your route based on the spoilers or play through it regardless?

>One of the main obstacles
Nah it's the church, rhea and seiros, he's just used by church and die before boss fight

I don't know how reliable this thread is anymore but based on what I'm hearing I'm not sure I envy anyone who goes into Edel's route blind.

Claude sounds more like Ike but in a real good way. I think having a more traditional story is fine as long as it's executed really well, it'd be a real good way of making that route feel unique alongside the other 2.

Oh look. It's THAT homo with hate boner for Dimitri again. How are you?

wtf bros you told me the deer route was filler, this sounds kino?

So is he an irelevant third wheel that all those fags kept screaming about or is his route actually good?

He's irrelevant and the least popular out of 3 lords, deal with it

That's Claude

Don't even respond to him. His post is literally always the same both on Yea Forums and /vg/ when it comes to this shit.

IMAGINE the games having actual good difficulty on top of this top-tier story and bomb-ass OST. i stuck around for the leaks because I was completely afraid of falling for another Fates but now I feel genuinely excited for the game

>and the least popular out of 3 lords
Didn't he top the pre-release popularity polls?


Sounds incredibly hard to be an irrelevant third wheel when he's pretty much the neutral path that actually gets shit done for the country instead of falling completely into the squabbling of the other houses.
this shit in particular sounds pretty great



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I'm pretty sure she got over that fact prior to the game's story; after all, she's the red emperor who sent bandits to kill him and Claude.

Based intellectually-stunted user, I hope your life turns out alright despite you being so sheltered.

We should have paid heed to the warning

So that's why no one in Golden Deers is explicitly loyal to Claude. He really is just an outsider compared to everyone else, neat. I hope him and the deers have some great chemistry, it'll make their alliance post-timeskip pretty great


Grounded man with grounded and selfish motives ends up becoming the most genuine hero even without the backing of some divine being.

It's an oldie but a goodie.

Attached: Claude Timeskip.png (959x960, 740K)

I know bro. falling for another Fates is exactly what I'm afraid of. but if they pull off the difficulty then this will unironically be the best game in the series, that's why I'm trying desperately to manage my hype

Lol she looks ridiculous in that armor

Edelgard stop humping my leg and moaning about burning the non-believers. Dimitri please stop crying. You know what, fuck it, I'm backing the Australian guy. He can take a joke without genociding half the continent

Attached: Byleth.jpg (1079x1080, 385K)

I was talking about the official Japanese polls.

Here's a new thread

fucking based. I'm excited for his route all over again.
Though I'm wondering now if I should play Black Eagles/Blue Lions first since his route seems like it'll probably have the happier end

>psycho bitch

Why is this cutie so popular

Attached: IMG_20190716_131122.jpg (1709x1955, 295K)

Then post it

Attached: 1563690093405.png (313x714, 71K)

>Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them
Jesus fuck Caspar, do you want to make your own army from scratch

What's with all these moralfags saying Edelgard is anything but best girl?
Imagine not wanting to play the tyrant route and wanting yet a fucking nother goody two shoes faction. Bring on that Roman imperial conquest

All routes are good and fit their respective main lords perfectly. I can't believe IS actually looks like they're giving us practically a 4 in 1 deal with this game rather than splitting everything up like Fates.

so wait a second

Edelgard hired that mercenary group at the beginning... the same mercenary group that almost killed her... and the same mercenary group that almost killed Byleth

I don't think Edelgard is necessarily evil. I'd like to know more information but it seems to me that her intentions are good.

Congratulations, you are currently the world's most tasteless human

Well yes the point is she's an authoritarian dictator. Good, evil, or morally gray it's cool regardless but there's a bunch of whiny girls in these threads that say her route is bad because she's Hitler or something. Who the fuck wouldn't want to play the Hitler route though? You don't even have to agree with the ideas it's just a cool concept.

they're all authoritarian dictators. There's no functional difference from a governmental perspective of Fuhrer, Emperor, the "Enlightened Monarch", etc. Edelgard just comes off not as nice doing it because she wants to burn everything to the ground and build it back up again whereas Dimitri wants to reform.

FE is pretty popular on Resetera so I imagine she's extremely unpopular there since she's basically a representation of the Roman empire

>Augustus Caesar route
>Not fucking based

part 2