Women-hating incel freaks. Have sex

Women-hating incel freaks. Have sex.

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i mean i get the joke but the girl in the OP should be obese instead of looking like 110lbs

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Yeah, vidya OP. Don’t create hate threads please

Why did that man confess to him?

>people who can't have a relation hate women despite being defined by wanting women
The brain of a woman is not a really logical creature

based bobby

women want the relationship on the right though

This is completely inaccurate portrayal of what incels are, by the way.

Incels please. As if the nornal threads don't get derailed by some misogynist pig who spouts his hate, then gets 200+ positive replies. All you sad freaks need to have sex and have your site taken down.

Just be attractive, its not hard.

>All of you sad freaks need to have sex and have your site taken down
If you aren't shitposting, then I ask this: why don't you leave? You can practically post anywhere else on the Internet to talk about whatever you like if you hate this place so much.

>implying any men actually think like this

keep seething

>cannot provide me with any of my needs
You get feminism and roady ways

money/career, attractive, have a fun personality, always have things to talk about that are actually interesting for other people, and don't have an autistic personality. simple really

Someone post the pig woman experiments.

Even if you're a 0/10 cunt you can get 10/10 chad to fuck you in no time.

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this is Yea Forums you retard, it's about fuckin' vidya.

go to Yea Forums for that shit

Do you even play videogames?
Did you came here after the US election?

>Why should we go to war against nazis?

Because your sad site breeds hate. You don't deserve to have an echo chamber. Just like KKK or the Nazis don't.

Why on gods green earth would you ever wish the horrible existence on another person as vile as two ugly people being forced to "love" eachother over due to social pressure. What a awful thing to wish someone a loveless relationship where at best you might be good friends but lacking any attraction or love for your abominable partner.

It's not right.

No, just be good looking. That's literally it. Nature has done all the hard work for you.

>wanting to fuck f*males in 2019


Women can be ugly and not fat you know?

I did.
I still hate women.

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