Friend tells me the Potion Seller was right

>friend tells me the Potion Seller was right
>take him off my friends list

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You have the right to refuse service, and Potion Seller had a legitimate reason even if you think he was being rude.

This. Free market capitalism, he can sell it who he chooses. Not only was he right, he saved that knight's life. No shit the guy who sells the potions knows who is capable of handling them.

>constantly warns the knight that his potions are too strong for him
>could have easily sold the knight his own death and made a scummy sack of coin
>is bluntly honest; the puny knight could obviously not handle his strongest potions and he made it abundantly clear
>knight doesnt even ask for weaker potions, is a stubborn faggot
The Potion Seller was 100% in the right. The shithead knight was probably from royalty and was used to getting his way 24/7, hence why he cried like a bitch when denied service.

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The Knight never even said he was going to drink the potions, just that he needed them.

The knight will be stronger one day and will buy more potions since he won't die from them
Not selling them to him now is a long term investment

The Knight should have clarified that, then. The Potion Seller HAD to assume the worst, since his business was on the line.

Then why not recommend a tamer potion or give him the illusion of buying the strongest one? There's no reason to be that abusive against potential customers.

Potion Seller's potions are MAGIC potions. Potion Seller literally tells the Knight his potions are too strong for him. I bet they would've had an effect on the Knight like The One Ring has on Frodo or whoever holds it.

The knight was an entitled brat that believed everything should go his way. The potion seller gave him a taste of reality, and saved his life in the process. If knight was smart, he would see this as a challenge to rise to the level where he can handle his best potions
Pray tell, what else would he be using healing potions for? He's a knight, he won't be chugging them at enemies to kill them or sneak them into his enemies drinks either

It was heavily implied
Its safe to assume that in this setting, its commonplace for knights to consume potions before battle to strengthen themselves for the incoming conflict
On top of that the knight could have just explained if such was the case that he wasnt going to consume his potions. But he didn't

>retarded potion seller brags about how his potion can kill dragons but doesn't realize knight was going to use the potions to poison his enemies

The potion seller was just a rascal. His business probably won't last much longer when he disrespected his empire by denying the knight.

>why not recommend a tamer potion
Judging by his resolve, i'd reckon that the knight couldnt even handle the potion seller's WEAKEST potions. He doesn't seem too steadfast of a knight
>or give him the illusion of buying the strongest one?
A. Gives the potion seller a bad reputation. "THIS is your strongest potion, potion seller? This puny knight could handle the strongest you could concoct?"
B. Gives the already boisterous knight an even more inflated ego. "SEE ALL, as I can handle the potion seller's STRONGEST of potions!"
Thank god you don't run a potion shop.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know an honorable knight used poisoning tactics like a rogue or assassin.

We youtube comments now

The Knight was clearly a brave and capable warrior, or he wouldn’t have been a knight, nor would he have been on such a hazardous quest. If even he wasn’t strong enough for that potion, can we at least agree that the potion maker is a retard who doesn’t understand how to cater to his demographics? It would be like opening a shoe store and only selling size 87s.

>Buy potion
>Use it as poison
Just buy poison then

>judging by the knight’s unbreakable, limitless resolve, I’d assume he’s weak
Well maybe you’re just a fucking idiot.

>you're a rascal
fucking queer

why the fuck would the potion seller sell his potions to the weaklings regardless of how they use his potions

I wish YouTube was with amusing stuff made by random people like this other than the over-produced carboncopy garbage that pollute the site these days. Used to have so much fun.

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There obviously MUST be a market if he's able to maintain a business. Any fuckin schmuck can be knighted, he could sense his amateur nature from a mile away. Only the strongest of warriors can handle his potions, those greater than a dragon even.

The Potion Seller is able judge someone's level of ability purely based off a first-time meeting
He knew the time simply could not handle the potions. While bravery is appreciated it is no excuse for foolishness. He simply didn't want another man to die and for people to blame him for his potions simply not working on someone so feeble and weak like the knight and thus causing direct harm to his business. The Knight should have realised this and taken his business to other less-potent potion sellers.

>starts crying in front of a potion seller because he didnt get his way
yeah okay pal

We don’t know how long he was in business, this could have literally been his first day opening his shop. If he even has a storefront, he’d need to cater to walk-ins. If he only sold the finest potions to the most legendary of warriors, he wouldn’t even need a shop, as he’d presumably not be selling very many potions.

You’re the one who used the word “resolve”, friend. Weak people aren’t known for their resolve.

Both of them are frauds.
The potion seller was not a real potion seller, but using it as a cover story. Nobody likes using consumables, and everyone just ends up hanging onto them and never using them anyway. The 'potion seller' knew this, and so reasoned that being a potion seller was the perfect disguise, he could come and go as he pleased in the market place, in the arcane academies and libraries, in the banks, a potion seller has a reasonable excuse to be in any of these places so the guards would never question it. But also nobody has ever bought a potion, not once, at most people might come to him and try to sell him potions before discovering he pays the same as the general merchant and never bothering again.

Untill we met the 'knight'. Any knight who would have actual need for a consumable is clearly a very experienced and high level knight trying to do something specific, probably for a one off quest or something. The problem is any such knight will already have dozens if not hundreds of potions in his inventory. There is absolutely no legitimate reason he would need to buy a consumable, unless it was some very specific concoction for a quest or something in which case he would have specified he needed the quest item potion and not just a strong potion.

The only conclusion is both of them are not who they claim to be, and the fact that they need to keep their disguise up left them in this back and forth exchange, the potion seller having no potions to sell in the first place, and the knight really needing one because hes too weak otherwise as hes not a real knight.

Potion Seller was "right" as in not selling a dangerous potion to the knight. But he says that NO ONE can handle his potions which makes me wonder how is he able to be a Potion Seller in the first place. Something fishy going on there.


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He was using semantics to annoy the knight. His potions are industrial-grade strength and you water them down before using them. He only sells in bulk to large businesses.

The potion seller likely sells other things besides potions. The Knight was looking for potions and never asked for his name so he could have just arbitrarily called him that.

>But he says that NO ONE can handle his potions
No. He says no one can handle his strongest potions. Obviously not the same. The knight was also very specific in which he wanted ONLY the strongest potions.

The Knight would not just wander in a random establishment and call the clerk "Potion Seller" unless there was a sign advertising his potions or if Potion Seller was famous far and wide.

Imagine going to your local pharmacy and demanding that they give you their strongest drugs, giving no specifics about what kind or how strong you can actually handle.

They're not only going to choose not to sell it to you, they're legally obligated not to sell it to you because stronger drugs typically require express approval due to their potential side effects. Considering the Potion Seller outright says that his potions can potentially kill people, this equates pretty fucking well.

The Knight is a manchild who walks into the store demanding vague shit like "your strongest potion". The Potion Seller only shows hostility when the Knight refuses to say anything beyond that after several comments.

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could you faggots stop talking in gay speak and just explain what happened

who did ryan have a fight with

There is still a lot of gold hidden among the manure pile, you just gotta know where to look.

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>playing morrowind
>knows about alchemy
>sell my merchandise to a potion seller
>watch a noble knight enter his shop

The Knight was a little bitch for needing potions in the first place

>Then why not recommend a tamer potion
He did, all his potions are too strong. Go find another potion seller.

This. Potion Seller only sold Master-level potions and the Knight was clearly only a Novice-level.

He WAS right.

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Can you imagine what his potions could do for someone who CAN handle them? What the hell would that look like?

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>Knight goes into battle without the potions
>Dies and the battle is lost
>Knight goes into battle with the potions
>They prove too strong for him and kill him, the battle is also lost
The potion seller clearly knew in either case the knight was going to die and outcome would be the same. He simply chose the outcome that required the least material from him to be accomplished, the one where he doesn't give him the potion. He literally did nothing wrong since there was no outcome where the knight lives.

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Or the knight could have gone to a shop that sold potions suited for his rank

But the knight clearly states that only the potion sellers strongest potions would allow him to be successful in the battle. Sure he could have gone to a shop that sold weaker potions, but he would still die anyway.

The knight was entitled. He CRIED when denied service for perfectly legitimate reasons.

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If he's so weak that he needs only the most powerful potions to win a battle then maybe he should leave the battling to the stronger knights