
Why is no one talking about the gameplay?
>Weapon triangle removed for no good reason without a equivalent or necessary replacement
>taking away any depth still left in the series
>mostly a teacher sim
>Combat arts being a lackluster addition
>Replacing the class system entirely with something completely unnecessary for a Fire Emblem game and adding options to just skip it anyway showing a lack of commitment.

Attached: Lorenz no hair.png (1200x1200, 492K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Weapon triangle removed for no good reason without a equivalent or necessary replacement
What the hell

They finally realized FE fans don't care about gameplay anymore and only buy the games for muh waifus.

>>Weapon triangle removed for no good reason without a equivalent or necessary replacement
Imagine lying about that. There are skills that fulfill the old weapon triangle. There is also the fact that the skills have a cost to use.

Yes. It is quite literally true.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (671x202, 23K)

>for no good reason without a equivalent or necessary replacement
This part isn't faggot.

But I didn't lie at all. The weapon triangle IS GONE.
Combat arts aren't even equivalent in how they function or the roll they fulfill.
The weapon triangle acted as an added layer to encounters between different units; combat arts are just moves you can use for more damage or some added benefit, but it's a false equivalency.

>There are skills that fulfill the old weapon triangle.
So like a sword user having advantage against axe users or something different ?

what's the good reason?
you replied but failed to elaborate and everywhere I go online I fail to see a justifiable reason for it's removal.

I'd hate to say your just a Nintendo shill, but you're going to have to do more to convince me otherwise: explain why the weapon triangle deserved to be removed.

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That's not how these skills work
they're just abilities you can decide to use that cost durability. Weapon match-up isn't a factor.

Yes. Abilities like Lancebreaker are in the game. Don't believe this lying faggot

Oh that is ok then, i will miss the triangle but that is good too

These skills were in games with the weapon triangle.
They are literally just trying to dumb down FE even more.

>weapon triangle removed
excuse me?

Attached: what.gif (498x345, 2.49M)

Not even shitting you chief

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They are replaced with Breaker skills
So essentially, you have to use durability in order to get that obnoxious hit bonus

He looks like Master Vajra now

Fire Emblem Echoes didn't have the weapon triangle too. It's nothing new

the shitty thing is all these existed with the weapon triangle in other games.

the literally just removed depth for no good reason.

>Why is no one talking about the gameplay
Because unfortunately 70% of anons only care about story/their waifu. From what I've seen the map designs are okay at least, not open fields. But the objectives are usually rout the enemy which is lame. The teacher sim shit sounds like it's gonna get tedious also.

God.. Echoes was really fucking shit though

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>Imperial Lineage+: If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Res +4 for 1 turn. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
>Royal Lineage+: Grants Avo +20 while unit is at full HP. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
>Leicester Lineage+: Allows unit to pass through spaces occupied by foes. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.

>oh no they removed rock paper cissors where is muh depth now

Yeah, and Echoes was fucking attrocious.

>Make it so weapon triangle effectiveness now has a cost that must be considered and weighed instead of just auto you do better
>removed depth
Are you retarded user?

Weapon triangle stops mattering after the first few chapters of every FE. Swords and lances can hit anything and axes suck ass without huge SKI.

Not that user, but probably because they have so many different weapons now that they're expanding the game beyond the scope of the NES/GBA days. Having a triangle was cool when it was Axes>Lances>Swords and Bows as a neutral physical ranged option with Magic and transformations as their own things. But then you add daggers and knuckles and all this other equipment, the traditional triangle limits both balance options and overall creativity.

Besides, it's not like we don't get the weapon triangle fucked with nearly every entry throughout the rest of the franchise. Settling on the specific +/-20% was a pretty recent series staple, and the latest entry, Echoes, didn't have a triangle either.

I should probably just get mk8d instead of this... I already have mk8 wii u though so Idk

All the maps that I've seen so far have all been generic and flat, so I hope you're right and I just haven't seen the best it has to offer in terms of map layouts. Everything else you said is on the money.

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If you already own it on Wii U it's not worth it unless you play online. And even then Switch online is fucking garbage AND it costs money. If you haven't picked up BotW, Splatoon, or Mario Odyssey go for one of those.

I definitely saw a couple maps that took place in villages, but admittedly I haven't been able to see many maps because all that gets fucking posted is story spoilers, supports, and portraits.

Attached: disgust.png (1000x1000, 622K)

>knock switch online
>recommend splatoon anyway
>recommend splatoon post-final splatfest

it's a nice addition, but it just doesn't need to replace the weapon triangle. They could co-exist in the game.
The game would have two-fold depth if the you had the choice to go all in with a combat art AND properly positioned your team so that you have triangle advantage (It taking skill to successfully pull this off but extremely rewarding.)

Why did they remove it?
these systems aren't even the same anyway in how they function. One is an overarching rule between weapon match-ups and the other is an activated ability.

Cause I forgot the final Splatfest happened to be honest, and because Splatoon 2 is at least a Switch exclusive.

That does seem dumb, but it's not like it mattered a ton anyways, and if they pepper weapon type counter skills in where it matters, it fulfills the role decent enough.

Hell, in hard mode RD, the weapon triangle was taken out, as all it ever really does is provide a benefit for you, rather than for the CPU.

If you already have MK8, pick up Crash Team Racing instead.

I should also mention, what I saw wasn't enough to convince me to preorder. Like god fucking damn, show me something that'll actually help me to decide whether or not the game is worth getting before it releases. Is that not the fucking point of a leak?

>recommending an online-dependent dead in the water game with no more content updates just because it's a switch game
At least Smash still has DLC coming and Mario Maker gets user content

Let's not forget all this Teacher SIM shit too

The weapon triangle is one thing but... well... I think the waifufags won. They just don't care about gameplay at all now do they?

Also thoughts on the new class system?
I don't think it's even necessary given you have so many characters to choose from anyway.. as in every FE game.

I'm not gonna recommend games I haven't played mane.

Get ctr

The teacher sim stuff is amazing because it gives you complete control over your army and gives a viable timeline for all the events in the game

Didn't you basically have complete control in previous entries? I don't really see the point besides adding more tedium to the promotion process.

Nintendo didn't even give any real info until E3 and now, less then a week from launch, we still don't know that much about the game. It's like all this game is is Sim shit and..??? idk
it's like they know it'll sell just because le fanbase and waifufags and they don't even try to tell us anything since it isn't necessary anymore. It's as if the game doesn't even have content desu.


No, not really. You were limited by your resources and most characters had classes they were very clearly good at, and before Awakening you didnt have real freedom.

The extra processes are fine its good to have prerequisites for your classes so you dont end up getting too OP too soon

>You were limited by your resources and most characters had classes they were very clearly good at
Why is this bad again? Also my understanding is that characters in this still have classes that would better suit them and you are still limited by time.

So you admit they didn't dumb it down since the activated ability adds way more depth?
>They could co-exist in the game.
You spoke of dumbing down Fire Emblem; well 2x weakness, and one without any cost, does that. It restricts combat to making sure your sword hits their axe. Without native weakness, you can't rely on the dumb axe npcs getting destroyed by your sword user on their turn. AI will always have a disadvantage since it must follow a set protocol, so innate weapon triangle favored the user, reducing strategy. Activated weapon triangle ironically favors enemies who don't need to care about cost between battles, which enhances strategy.

Not like this. You get to direct how a unit shapes up with ranks, which give you skills.

Echoes was also a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden which did not have the weapon triangle at all. At the very least that game has an excuse to remove in order to be more faithful to the source material.
And we all know that Echoes stayed a bit too close to the source material in other aspects too. Those maps are still pretty terrible.

>we still don't know that much about the game.
Retard try reading a preview article or watching one of the many videos the media has put out. Only a retard wouldn't have a grasp of the game by now.

>You get to direct how a unit shapes up with ranks, which give you skills.
I'm not really clear how this is different from promoting classes. You get different growth rates and skills depending on the class you switch to in other games too. I'm genuinely curious because I actually would like to have a new game to play on my Switch.

more then you could even imagine
they went full fanservice

Attached: damn.png (524x394, 29K)

>Weapon triangle removed for no good reason without a equivalent or necessary replacement
Unironically for the best.

I said TOGETHER it could have added more depth
but the arts as they are don't make up for the deficit left behind by the triangle's removal.

literally everything you're complaining about is a shit opinion or flat out wrong, but somehow I doubt this was intended as bait

>lots of people are gonna be turned off by it
I'm gonna pretend you didn't just post a discord screencap as gospel, but have you seen how popular Persona is?

Fire Emblem became a dating sim years ago, nobody cares.

The weapon triangle literally did not matter in any game after Thracia

I remember paying some attention to it in Conquest. Hit rates were already low in that game.

I wouldn't say literally did not matter, but it's fucking pointless the vast majority of the time.

All I see and hear about is endless sea of waifu shit
the entire first half of the game is pretty much just all teacher sim stuff. It goes on for too long and is most of the game. It doesn't even seem interesting.

>but have you seen how popular Persona is?
you're right
no one even cares about the gameplay anymore.
that's it then. It's just a dating sim for Nintendo basedboys and their ilk.
all depth lost to the wind. I give up.
Fire Emblem 2019... I am forgotten...

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>All I see and hear about is endless sea of waifu shit
Oh so you are just a dumb faggot who can't read/watch a video? Cool, kys.

>Can't formulate an arguement and resorts to telling people to watch an unnamed video

>Weapon triangle removed

Your first point and you're already wrong. Just stop. Why am I even responding to a shitpost thread anyway. Kill me.

The only video featuring gameplay I've seen is from E3
I won't believe you unless you post something else, otherwise your post is just:

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You could always talk about what' the gameplay actually includes since literally no other thread is discussing it.

It literally was removed though.
They said it themselves.
Here's a bad article talking about it


Because they switched to another system instead?
>weapons arent inherent "lol fuck you knight"
>cost durability (4-5/30-40) to use an art for said effect (ala Knight-kneeler)
every other stuffs are still intact

LITERALLY every other thread is talking solely about the story and waifu sim shit
I even ctrl-f and the word gameplay never popped up once

this is either proof of reddit, proof of the state of Nintendo fans on this board (avoiding the gameplay to make ninty look good) or proof of how far FE has fallen into a fanservice death.

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Everybody's seen the E3 footage, you faggot.

Google/youtube you dumb faggots
Are you retarded?

because people who play fire emblem are not the audience for fire emblem anymore

What about the other three videos, you faggot.

>It's removed!
>Put into a new system where you have to get it by leveling up and getting combat arts that are the same thing

>Two of them are Treehouse (E3)
>One is literally just a show of classes and some animations
>One that actually shows something, but barely anything we haven't seen in Treehouse streams
Nice how you guys dropped the argument that the teaching sim gives you more control too.

seeing just how misinformed and ignorant Yea Forums really hurts in these threads
people like should stop posting and reconsider their life choices


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You are more than welcome to talk about the gameplay and change opinions.

It's just the FE equivalent to XBX.
>silent emotionless MC
>choices are glorified Y/N and don't matter at all
>characters constantly suck you off
>main female is cold-hearted and ruthless mary sue
>villains are boring one and done or "all according to keikaku" trite
>other party members have rich background stories that never matter and are only brought up during supports
>the hub area is just a glorified backdrop
>20 layers of political bs and intrigue with the depth of a puddle
Props to 3H for not falling for the open world meme, and making content with single player in mind.

It's not an equivalent exchange, how do you not understand this? One is a passive match-up based system and one is active. They could have both been in the game desu.

1. Every class can equip every weapon type (gauntlets and magic aside), ridding weapon-locked classes and the need for a weapon triangle. You're definitely still rewarded for specializing in one/two weapon types than a jack-of-all-trades with 3+ because of passive abilities like Sword Prowess, Axebreaker, and the skill exp requirements for Advanced and Master classes.
2. Enemies can use Gambits (which can't be retaliated against) and Combat Arts, nerfing the power of Enemy Phase tanking and ORKOing. Weapon weight and item durability return: you need +4 AS to double, AS = Spd - (Wt + Str/5), and Combat Arts require 3 ~ 5 uses of weapon durability
>Iron Sword - Uses: 40, Mt: 5, Rng: 1, Hit: 90, Wt: 5, Crit: 0, Sword: E.
>Steel Sword - Uses: 50, Mt: 8, Rng: 1, Hit: 85, Wt: 10, Crit: 0, Sword: D.
With just 10 Str, you'll suffer a -3 AS penalty with an Iron Sword and may not always double. If you're just short of doubling (+2 ~ +3 net AS), you can opt to use the higher durability, stronger, and heavier Steel Sword for one powerful Combat Art without getting doubled still.
4. With that in mind, there's more easily accessible and usable ones compared to SoV.
3. Teaching adds a another layer of strategy in time management and micromanging skill exp gain towards weapon rank and class promotions, because you need your students motivated to learn on weekdays. There's also improving your own skills because Byleth doesn't get free skill exp on weekdays, forcing him to do many Seminars and Faculty Training on weekends for his own promotions and recruiting other students.
5. The class system isn't that different from FE13-14 (class sets) or FE11-12 (free reclassing), except you have to work for the former among all available options of the latter. While it's possible to Cavalry Emblem for high Mov and Canto, there's checks and balances including individual student strengths.

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gameplay was perfected in Fates, but you hated it
you reap the consequences of your mistaken actions

who gives a shit about the weapon triangle


>You are more than welcome to talk about the gameplay
You faggots won't even admit that gameplay videos exist. How can we talk about fucking GAMEPLAY?

This song is so fucking good

>muh choices in a fucking SRPG
wrong video game series retard

I've been told the first 20-30 hours is literally all teacher sim shit with very sparse gameplay (all pre-timeskip) from a reputable source (pirated game).
He said that people will likely be pretty turned off if that's not their thing.
call me ignorant but it's a safe bet.

Attached: Arschersetzer.png (317x296, 173K)

Breaker skills do not use weapon durability you retards. There’s a difference between skills (passives) and Combat arts (active)

it more balanced this way, esp when the weapon choice is much, much more varied
you cant just use a strong weapon and steam-rolled the whole calvary map for example. now you have ~4-5 uses for it, use it wisely
you dont just have a cake, and eat it too

good, then fuck off, you will never be appeased and as you confessed you don't count as a customer anyway

Just because the tutorial in FE7 painted it as the most important thing ever it doesn't mean that it wasn't completely pointless shit which stopped being relevant once your units leveled up Skill twice.

Because FEfags don't care about gameplay.
I guarantee that when the game comes out people will only talk about the plot, most likely shitting on it because it's going to be trash just like Fates.

Thank you for actually posting something of substance. Unfortunately I still think
>in time management and micromanging skill exp gain towards weapon rank and class promotions
sounds real fucking tedious when the previous way to rank up weapons still required careful consideration in terms of who was safe to fight or who to use scrolls on because E rank is shit and well, actually took place during battle. I really don't dig it.

If you don't want to customize your units, why the fuck are you playing a strategy rpg

>he’s not a LTChad

>oh no how could they innovate
>fuck FE


Support dialogue rpg? See how much weebs can masturbate to a fully clothed anime girl in one day rpg?

>you dont just have a cake, and eat it too
But I can fuck Manuela.

Teacher shit sounds fucking boring as hell though.
it MAY have some depth to it, but what's the point if I have to sit through 20-30 hours of it just to get to the part I like?

Why do people like the triangle to begin with? I've always felt like it just simplifies decision making into basically playing rock paper scissors on a grid.

>hates fates
>complains about no one liking gameplay FE
cringe, you have obviously no idea what you are talking about, likely a troll

I don't think the issue is the customization so much as the process user.

Reminder that since there are no children in this game, you literally only """fuck""" in the character endings.

So you're saying there's still not point to this new system over the old system?
Go figure.

And that's a good thing.


One in ten people in this thread are going to do anything besides masturbate to fanart

It's the same shit from Pokemon. "I used the thing this guy is super weak to, I'm so smart"

The lack of children is actually a bummer since eugenics was kinda fun in how you had to consider that in unit placement.

The actual teaching part doesn't take long unless you have decision paralysis and either already have a plan for your units are can intuit the intended class path the characters are meant for. If you spend literally 20 hours on all that, you might be a brainlet.

I haven't played a fire emblem since path of radiance turned it into mash attack shonen flavor of the month nonsense. At least ogre battle 64 took some grinding

>So you're saying there's no point to the new system
Well yeah, it's what I've been saying the whole time.

Waifu-fag detected
We got em boys. You never cared about FE's gameplay. You're probably just a Nintendo shill.

Attached: chadicoot.png (119x147, 45K)

>I don't play FE anymore
ok, then do so or fuck off then?
if you really like gameplay you should play fates

The weapon triangle gives meager bonuses to hit and in most games it doesn't give bonuses to damage so its actually possible to ignore it completely past the starting chapter unless you are doing some sort of challenge run.

>all this assblast because of no weapon triangle
kek. the game is amazing

It's really easy to see which classes student excel at when you look at their strengths or even Hero's Relics, so it should fly by quickly when
>spend weekend motivating enough students to teach on weekend
>exhaust motivation on students who need to be teached
Because it's essentially free EXP, everyone's combat ready (which is necessary when it's just Byleth + 8 students for almost the entire game outside of recruits) aside from their own character level and statistically. You also still want to consider who fights so you can maximize your class mastery exp, and obtain passive abilities from classes that you can use in others.

It definitely won't be for everyone, the director said as much that RPG lovers can grind to overcome strategy and Strategy lovers can skip all the school stuff.
I think it borrows off Fate's My Castle in providing you a hub world to return to after combat, and takes SoV's base conversations, side quests, town/dungeon navigation to really double down on the RPG aspect of FE. If it's all for better world building and characterization though, which looks really solid, I like the change.

Children should only ever be in this series again if they will commit to timeskips instead of time travel bullshit or fucking hyperbolic time chambers. There's no point in having child and parent coexist, story or gameplay wise.

Nailed it.
No other reason.
If the next FE is a VN the new fan base will love it regardless, tjey just want weeb romance and waifus.

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this. Weapon triangle makes some shit unnecessarily tedious


>Playing the game with a generic tittymonster companion

Anime was a fucking mistake. You can portray literally anything the mind can imagine, and all they do is make fanservice for horny teenagers

Weapon Triangle literally only matters in FE4


>If you spend literally 20 hours on all that, you might be a brainlet.
There are single celled organisms with more intelligence frankly.
>It definitely won't be for everyone, the director said as much that RPG lovers can grind to overcome strategy and Strategy lovers can skip all the school stuff.
It's sad that these retards refuse to read any material on the game, since they would have found out you can just straight skip the school stuff and have the game auto pilot it.

>giving a shit about a story and in a series that has literally never been well written
Also gameplaywise it literally adds depth. It forces you to put more consideration into reclassing because of skills you can pass down as well as unit placement to build supports to get the ideal child unit in a less intrusive way than a whole segment of the game dedicated to teaching students would.

FE should never have been popular in the west, they are just not at the level required to understand it, this thread is proof of it
The whole "FE is shit now because it's not about gameplay" being in the same sentence as "fates bad" (fates having the most fun game in the series to play) is proof of just how warped their minds are

Does it? Isn't it just a 15% bonus to hit in a game that has absurdly stat inflated player units with weapons that almost all have great base hit rates?

Reread what I posted. I'm not arguing against children in general, just having parent units coexist with children units.

>characters are far better written than in any previous games
>great maps that have constantly changing objectives too
Yeah, I think this game is my goty.

Der u rike the gahmplay?
Rots of gampley yus?

Attached: rike it.png (214x317, 85K)

Have you considered that maybe we don't want the game to autopilot and want these growths to come from what we choose to do during chapters rather than what student we choose to do activities with? I bet you don't understand why people who aren't LTCfags dislike Rout Emblem either.

I've no idea what you are talking about, you are definitely insane, you need to log off for a while

It's 40% accuracy iirc. It's 15% in most GBA and 3DS games.

Yeah but what about them waifus? I think the female cast looks extremely bland. If you look at the boys, they all look different. Females? Well I sure hope you enjoy long hair leaning on one shoulder, because that's what you get for 30%. The other is 50% straight long hair, 15% long hair is different styles and 5% Short hair. 8f we consider the timeskip and all canon dead characters, 35% hair over one shoulder, 0% short hair.

Otome artist was a mistake. All she cared about was the boys. Diversity on the women design wise was of unimportance.

>great maps that have constantly changing objectives too
Post 'em. All I've seen are two okay maps but a whole lot of rout the enemy.

All these people are totally into fire emblem for the thrilling gameplay right?


no they are not, I never said they were, they hate all FE
I want to point out the irony of saying you like gameplay in FE at the same time as saying fates is bad
It's 20% hit/avoid, I still never felt like it really mattered considering how OP most of the characters are.

No one said anything about Fates was bad besides the story, which is objectively true. Conquest is my favorite FE.

>I hate the school aspect. It seems tedious
>You can autopilot it and focus on the battles
>I want the tedium you fuck
Just kill yourself retard.

No one's even talking about all the side quest bullshit and extra skill boosts in the school. Simply teaching, deciding character focuses, and taking exams, all manually, should only take like 5-10 minutes between each battle. It would only waste your time if you literally don't care about anything but bee lining to the next battle and basically only want to play canon classes.

When it's integrated into how you actually play on the maps, it's not really tedious. Honestly, at this point I'm convinced you're either too retarded to ever understand this difference or just baiting on purpose. Either way fuck off.

>He wants the first half of this game to be not so bad as to include an autopilot option
>Call him retarded

Fuck off retard. Ogre battle 64 let you pick your entire army in under five minutes, this school shit is completely unnecessary

Lol, the battles still function the same as ever, retard. You can just autopilot the teaching. Try actually reading about the game before making yourself look like a retard. You should probably kill yourself.
They included autopilot teaching for people who can't handle raising each unit and just want old fire emblem gameplay. Sorry you are too retarded to handle it.

So you're pretending to be retarded, got it.

>This gameplay element is so well designed they let the game do it itself

Wow man this game plays itself! 10/10 game right here. I hope they include this feature in every game

>wahhh I want the game to be easier. Damn IS keeps dumbing down these games for us true fans who want more depth. Why must they make it so complicated?

Well judging by this thread it's obvious there's nothing good about the gameplay to actually discuss. Guess I dodged a bullet by not preordering.

Great Counter argument bruh #epic #euphoric

So now you can't counter anything I say? Great, so just kill yourself and the cycle will be complete.
>Hates depth
>Devs provide an option to just be classic fire emblem for retards who can't handle depth
Lol, it's sad you are too stupid to handle a strategy game like Fire Emblem. I get you are mad that IS provided an autopilot for you, thus exposing you as a basic bitch, but you should really get over it.
There are gameplay videos posted retard. You don't want to actually comment on them for some reason. Guess you are just a faggot.

>It's so complicated it plays itself

Truly, a deep mechanic for fans of the fire emblem series, like fire emblem: heroes

It wasn't made for us man.
FE was fed to the wolves.

Attached: sobble sad.jpg (569x547, 20K)

>Depth is being a teacher in an anime high school


>tfw when FE Heroes is better then Mainline FE

Attached: geno_autism.png (195x167, 82K)

Well user, it's hard to counter a straw man argument that pretends character customization is a black and white thing that can only be done through teaching simulation and not how you actually use your units like it used to be. Enjoy your last (You). I know your next reply is gonna be a rehash of the last few.

>I've always felt like it just simplifies decision making into basically playing rock paper scissors on a grid
The alternative is just throwing whatever unit has the highest stats at everything like Gaiden. Granted, it stops mattering as much in lategame for most of the series and roided up superunits become the norm, but it at least adds a nice dynamic before everything goes to shit. Probably why the best part of every FE game is the first half where stat inflation doesn't ruin the puzzle feeling early maps have.

Only if you turn on autopilot. I get it, you are a faggot who doesn’t want to admit you can’t play it straight without easy mode. It’s alright, maybe this is more your speed:
It is when it’s teaching the soldiers and guiding them in ranks and classes. But that’s too complicated for faggots like you.

Edelgard is a fatass that sits down and does nothing all day!

It's the same thing xcom has, an inverse difficulty curve. It's hard to start since you have fewer options, by late game you can steamroll most things since you just have so many tools

That's why Conquest is the best FE. Puzzle feeling doesn't die until the last 3 chapters or so.

Judging from the responses in the thread, it seems like many are displeased with 3H. I am fairly new to the franchise, so when would people personally consider FE peaking? which game is the best one?

Thanks for admitting I was right user. It takes a lot to admit you were wrong (and a bit stupid). Have a nice day.

>so when would people personally consider FE peaking? which game is the best one?
You don't wanna ask that question

Attached: 1560520937393.png (800x801, 426K)

Gameplayfag: Fates Conquest
Storyfag: Holy War, maybe 3H if the hype holds true but don't buy any of that shit until the game releases. Fates as a whole got hyped as the new best story too and it objectively has the worst in the series.

Gramps will tell you FE7 or Path of Radiance, even though the latter and it's sequel killed the series.
As far as NuFE goes it's probably Conquest if you can ignore the terrible storyline.

Lol samefagging doesn’t fool anyone faggot. I get you hate new fire emblem, but stop spreading bullshit. Three houses is already hyped extremely, and nothing a dumb faggot like you who can’t handle added depth will change that.

Sacred Stones
GBA ones
Path of dawn/radiance

Just don't play 3H, it's not representative of the franchise's gameplay.


>Just don't play 3H, it's not representative of the franchise's gameplay.
Responding to your own question is retarded faggot.

Yeah, I've heard some praise of the supposed story of 3H, but I'll keep my eye out over the next week to see if it holds any weight.

How would you say it killed the series in your opinion?

You probably replied to the wrong person user.

Thanks for the suggestions, will probably play the GBA ones soon.

I still can't wrap my head around why people consider PoR one of the best games in the series when it's piss easy even compared to the rest of the series (lol forged hand axes) and every single new mechanic it introduced was a half baked mess. Oh right, because Ike is a gay icon and muh story.

>saw almost nothing but hype for this game for the last month or two
>tfw this whole thread is shitting on it
What happened? Did the leaks reveal the game is actually bad or what?

It's just a bunch of GBAbbies complaining about the most irrelevant mechanic in the series after biorythm missing.

>You probably replied to the wrong person user
Nope faggot. It’s clear as day you are leaping as a newfag.
It’s one faggot hating on the game. Leaks have only intensified the hype. Also it revealed that the gays got fucked. Trannies are pissed.

Unironically people who want video games to be self-insert movies ruined FE. I don't mind a good story or even waifu games on their own but those types literally don't even want good gameplay to go with their story and waifus.

Muh triangle tards mad that they can't read well enough to know the mechanic isn't gone it's just been put into something you get through leveling up and playing the game.

The leaks have pretty much been entirely focused on the story and characters. What little we've seen on the gameplay has gotten mixed opinions.

>What little we've seen on the gameplay has gotten mixed opinions.
oof. Hope the later maps are good at least. Any word on how challenging the game is?

>What little we've seen on the gameplay has gotten mixed opinions.
Gameplay videos dumbass. The previews of the gameplay have been great. Have you even looked at the previews?

They are lying user. Previews for the gameplay have been glowing. They just can’t read cause they are a butt blasted tranny upset there no gay options, only hot lesbians.

No one really knows it's just what we've seen of the maps and objectives is kinda mixed because some are pretty open and some aren't but many are rout the enemy based on the Beagles leaker's posts, but if you care about story a lot that does seem to be getting good responses.

There's also discussion on whether or not the gameplay changes actually mesh well with the series and if they actually bring anything new to the table and, as you can see, it's not going very far.

Weapon triangle was never good. Fight me.

The gameplay looks fine, it's pretty in depth and added back a bunch of previous mechanics from older FE games. Doomposters who haven't even played the game are seething for some reason.

>There's also discussion on whether or not the gameplay changes actually mesh well with the series and if they actually bring anything new to the table and, as you can see, it's not going very far.
You being a faggot upset you can’t fuck anyone but one guy doesn’t mean the gameplay is bad. Previews have been clear, user. It’s great.

I'm having fun with it at least. Wish I played on hard so I wouldn't be tempted to grind the infinite fights, though.

Good to know, I'm still really looking forward to the game. Can't wait to pick it up this Friday.
>and added back a bunch of previous mechanics from older FE games
Right, I heard canto and dismounting are back in. Loving what I've heard so far, my only big hope is that the game is actually as full of content as rumored and that the 3 (4?) routes are pretty distinct in gameplay.

They also added back aoe dancing

Can you give some details on what the maps and objectives are like? Preferably with screenshots.

>that the 3 (4?) routes are pretty distinct in gameplay.
Pretime skip is same outline, different perspective. 2nd half after time skip is divergence of paths from one another. At least that’s what the leaks I saw recently said. Trying to keep story details clean for myself.

Only on the third month, been exclusively "rout the enemy" objectives. Next major quest is to retake a castle though, so it may be different.
What kind of screenshots are you looking for?

treating the weapon triangle like its a tremendously earth shattering cornerstone of gameplay to this degree when it comes to FE just outs you as a fucking casual trying to act like a hot shit hardcorefag.
It is only significant in 4/5.

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Screenshots that show the layout of the map would be appreciated. I'm really interested in how many are open fields and how many contain hazards and chokepoints. Basically wondering if beating the maps gives the satisfaction of finishing a hard puzzle. Thanks for the input, by the way.

One of the early maps was great upside down "U" shape, forcing you to start separated at the bottom two sections. Had my gauntlet guy and lance guy hold them halfway in the map while they were supported from behind. When the enemy couldn't get by them, the rest tried to go around. Luckily the path was within range of mire mages on the other side who just pelted them as they tried to go around.
Wasn't hard, but I'm also playing on normal, min-maxing, etc.

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It just works.

Now you don't have to change out three house's ike when a lance unit approaches the choke point.

From what I’ve seen from the leaks the maps are above average for an FE game and some get remixed for paralogues. Dunno about balance though

Meant to quote OP

Fire Emblem is dead, don't even try to deny it.

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>Yes, the one extra damage this 40HP enemy will receive makes all of the difference!
If it was percentage based like in Heroes then it would actually mean something.

So axe users can actually play the game

Doesn’t sound amazing but definitely a step up from Awakening and SoV.

>Most recent game in the series according to that picture is very good

It's more alive than ever. Too bad you're to busy bitching about muh waifu shit even though you jacked off thy Lyn back in the day

Because weapons have more minute differenced than their matchups against one another. Swords are weak but accurate, axes are strong but inaccutate, lances are in the middle. Gautlets are weak but double/quad when you initiate, and bows have range.
This means that the Dex stat is much more important for hit rate, as opposed as the matchup being the deciding factor.

This mostly plays into the character building, as now you have to choose weapons to match your character's stats. If a character has high Str but lacks Dex you might want to learn swords to have an accurate alternative. Characters with high Dex and Str but who are slow might want to learn gauntlets to double, and so forth. This also means that the weapons you teach to a unit are less stereotypical, as otherwise you'd always teach lances to axe users, swords to lance users, etc.

Like the original Mystery of thr Emblem didn't had weapon triangle and it did fine. I am not against breaking the conventions of the game if it means bringing about new ways to go about the game.

Why the fuck is Imperial so much worse than the other two? I was thinking of starting with an Imperial playthrough but now I think I'll go Kingdom

Does splatfest matter that much to you? Never bothered with then. Took part in a few in splatoon 1, but for 2 I must´ve been in one and that´s it

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Byleths expression cracks me up, there's someone going nuclear right next to him and he just doesn't give a shit

Because the whole game looks like dogshit and I stopped caring about it.

I know this picture is bait, but I want to harm the person who unironically holds these opinions

>implying the gameplay matters anymore
Fates had some of the worst designed maps and gameplay in any FE, including a tutorial stage where RNG can kill one of your main units regardless of your actions. It sold just fine.

Fire Emblem is a fujoshi dating sim and animu soap opera dispenser now. If you want good gameplay go play 7 or Sacred Stones or an Advance Wars

I can't wait to be best friends with Dimitri and for me to lead with my punished best friend.

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>Sacred Stones

Is this bait? It's either bait or you are objectively delusional. And this is said by someone that hates Three Houses.

The weapon triangle isn’t even that significant in 4, it’s just swords/wind beats everything because of how fucked up and imbalanced weapon weight is. Also holy weapons almost entirely break the WT.

Magvelfags truly are worse than nufe shitters

hahaha anime is so shit

Its entirely possible to shag without causing a pregnancy user

user why are you arguing with this retard

>Judging from the responses in the thread, it seems like many are displeased with 3H
you're either retarded for falling for a bait thread or you're samefagging

The only thing I can see that is a true reason for the triangle being removed was the fact that classes can wield all weapon types. If the triangle was still in, you would walk up to a lance user with a myrmidon and pull out an axe and win anyway. The extra layer of rock-paper-scissors would be a detriment to the way this game was set up with the weapon freedom.

They could perfectly keep a main triangle while adding sub triangles. Something like Magic>Weapons>Sub Weapons> with magic having the usual Anima>Light>Dark>, Weapons being the well known Sword>Axe>Spear> and the sub weapon being something like Knuckles>Dagger>Shuriken (or whatever)> with the bow still being neutral, removing the whole triangle system is stupid.

People have posted why the removal of the triangle actually adds more strategy beyond "lol sword beat axe", and you're yet to make your point why they do add more depth to the game, because Awakening for example had both WTA and Breaker skills and we know how deep that game is.
An example scenario in favor of your argument would help us see as you see.

Are you fucking stupid? The gameplay is the only fucking reason people are talking about the game. In contrast to the past FE games, people pretty much universally hate the character designs with the exception of fujos, and everybody was shitting on it BEFORE we know more about the gameplay. Fuck, your fucking stupid.

Trying to maximize affinty while taking into account availability of characters and facilities feels too persona-esque to me. Nine hours in and like 70% of that is convos and menus.

Is this the most whitest game of 2019?
>Only white people in it
>Great european setting
>No niggers

So is it possible to grind in this game like in awakening and sacred stones or is it more old school fire emblem where you can't repeat old maps? I am still at the beginning of the game and it doesn't seem like there are infinite amounts of battles just yet.

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Depends on the difficulty setting iirc

>Tanned european
found the nigger

I'm glad I'm a Gaidenfag. It makes it easy to know whose opinions I can ignore entirely. Anyone who thinks SoV was bad has trash taste and is to be ignored or mocked.

Racial traits aren't convinced in anime games you retard


>dead in the water
Your desperation is ugly, man. Very depressing.


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How good is the Persona style relationship simulators? This is my first FE game and I don't really care about the combat, just want the school elements.

Contrarians should be shot on sight.
>Muh complex triangle rock paper scissor

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formal, universal rock-paper-scissors mechanics are trash in comparison to different niches interacting in ways to make rps emergent gameplay

with that said I haven't heard very good things about the game's maps or difficulty - seems like you're being encouraged to build superunits that wreck the hell out of hordes of enemies in enemy phase rather than desparetely high-tail it to objectives by the skin of your teeth while getting the shit beat out of you like in conquest or other good games

How did puberty hit her so hard?

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>seems like you're being encouraged to build superunits that wreck the hell out of hordes of enemies in enemy phase rather than desparetely high-tail it to objectives by the skin of your teeth while getting the shit beat out of you

Sounds like every Fire Emblem game.

>like in conquest

Oh please, for every map like that in Conquest there's one where you just pair up Camilla or Xander and have them rape the field.

Sounds like I’ll just feed my gorilla less exp so I can satisfy my balanced army autism, she doesn’t need it with her skill anyway.

Cute, would fuck his boipussy

It's because nobody has the fucking game yet you retards. People have datamined the story, so they're talking about the story. Since very few people have played the game, nobody is talking about the gameplay because there's nothing to talk about yet. Why is this so complicated for you fucking idiots? Gameplay discussion will be Friday. Oh, and there's already been speculation about the new hardest difficulty, and asking about growth rates, so people have been discussing gameplay already in whatever capacity they can anyway.

The game has literally been leaked already

How can you discuss it in depth with like 4 maps done
Gameplay for FE is something you truly discuss after finishing it and pondering about how the map design and unit balance was overall