What servers are you in Yea Forums?

What servers are you in Yea Forums?

Attached: Discord User Bingo.png (449x494, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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>people who dont use Discord
>fags who dont have friends IRL and are very lonely

"Autistic" is cheating because that's a prerequisite. Other than Terraria, two private ones for different groups of friends.

The absolute state of trannycord

How bad am I?

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I'm not a failed/low status normalfag, so I don't use discord.

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In a SS13 discord so id guess... furry? but im not a furry

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As unfortunate as it is, I am required to have a discord for LAN events and as such all of my servers are all owned by LAN center owners, tournament organizers, and local groups. I'm not exposed to the usual amount of faggotry that this bingo board describes, but the autism involved with eSports is still an evil.


Who else /backseat moderator/, /lives in apartment/ /alcoholic/ /indie games/ /xD/ /Sexual Deviant/ /Gaybi/ /Smokes/ here?

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what do i win

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quit smoking

So why are you here

cry more loner

Neet, lives with parents, socialist, fake-autistic sense of humour (arabfunny type shit)

kill yourself

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I don’t smoke much, only about 2-3 cigs a day, depends how pissed I am.

>lives withj parents
yeah that's
>or in apartment

wait, so anyone without a house is all equal in this square? What is it about apartment living that is the same as someone who has to go sometimes because their mommy puts them to bed?

only two of these apply to me
dude juice lmao

Shit, this one isn't easy.

>no racism
>4channel lingo
>edgy frog/wojack memes
>no user desperate for attention
>mad at having no friends
>Yea Forums guilds

What a shitty bingo. Never make one and/or this thread again and now go back.


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na I don’t vape

no bingo

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Attached: discord bingo.png (449x494, 27K)


>join video game community forum
>nothing gets posted there
>they expect you to join their discord to get everything
then why have a forum in the first place

rent free

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discord . gg / qQXyDv


Discord is for trannies and dumb gooners.
Borderline acceptable if it's for a small group of friends or for voice chat in a game.

Literally me


What the fuck is wrong with playing indie games?

Underrail New DLC finally came out and of course im gonna fucking play it.

You first you fat fuck.

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>playing indies is a bad thing
But Yea Forums told me AAA games were bad. And East games. And west games.

what's wrong with any of that?



I'm only in private servers with friends bc I'm not an ERP faggot or multiplayer person

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rate don't hate

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link discord?

you got me with smoking and unironic autism

just to suffer

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fuck videogames

Good luck with that I rarely leave the house due to the sheer amount of programming work I get innodated with.

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i'm implying shit like undertale and fnaf not good games

nobody on Yea Forums plays videogames lol nerd

You don’t honestly think this works, do you?


kill yourself

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Would loli go under sexual deviancy?

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I just have a private group with 2 friends, no servers.

I'm not a commie I'm a demsoc Bernie/Yangbro jew

No. Pedophilia.

could probably be worse. but im not entirely sure if i qualify on the gay/bi part. im hyper attracted to women, but i only will fuck someone who was born with a cock. so i wont actually fuck other women, and i wont fuck trannies because its a mental illness and i think its wrong to encourage delusion

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no bingo, not even close, thankfully I mainly use discord as a proper VoIP when playing games with friends, just as the lord intended.

>programming you're so predictable

Green - unironically am but I don't talk about it.
I am also a mentally I'll otherworlder.

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Sure why not

Is the autism square also meme autism and the alcoholism square meme alcoholism?

I’m an agnostic and syndicalist but those aren’t fucking shown.

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>t. ranny whose entire brain is riddled with "WHY DON'T BIGOTS ACCEPT MUH DELUSIONS? FUCKING BIGOTS." every waking moment of the day
>this upon constant ranting and raving on social media and having to orchestrate days, weeks, months, events, safe spaces etc. to pat yourselves on the back for being subhumans
Who really is living in whose head rent free? Really is a mystery.


Why user?

Discord allows loli?

I'm in multiple servers so am I just supposed to pick a random one for the bingo?

i think you know why


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>Lives with parents or in an apartment
Fuck I guess if you're not throwing all of your time into making money to dump into the inflated real estate market that's a testament to something being wrong with you and not simply wanting to have some form of a life before you retire 50 years from now

It's this but I am clinically depressed.

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Do you fags actually read the whole chat log?
Or just jump to recent?

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I may be mentally Ill, but not as mental as trannies are.

I will never give up my demsoc ways. I like capitalism but our country needs a good cucking by Big Jew (and I'm not talking about literal Isreal, who Trump adores)

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tranny suicide rate == 56% by the way

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not bad

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The profile pic is from a western comic, but it looks anime-enough to count.

At least I'm not a commie tranny

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I must post mine before this thread gets 404'd, but hardly any bingo.

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hi kamil

0w0 whats this

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>Half this shit is basically a prerequisite to post on Yea Forums in itself
>Thread isn't even videogames, just the new boogeyman because everyone here is a Redditor and we can't insult where everyone is from anymore
Fuck /pol/ for inviting you in. First with gamergate and then the election.

Your chart can be filled out one of two ways. Either all the meme things count or none of them do.

you're a faggot. might as well be a tranny. I hope that your depression actually pushes you over the edge you living piece of filth

Kill yourself,
Kill yourself.

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not anymore
>Backseat Mod
>lives with parents/or in an apartment
i don't see how those two are the same thing
>third worlder
nope, but clinical, actually diagnosed as manic depressive
>smokes weed
on occasion
>communist or socialist
don't really subscribe to a set political movement but lean left for sure
nope mostly because my old man was and it destroyed the family
>plays indie games
a few of the good ones
>face as a profile pic
lol nope
>anime profile pic
we already covered autism right?
technically agnostic but i guess that counts right
only ironically
>emojis/special font in usernames
does watching women pee count? serious question
Marlboro Reds all day
>talks about suicide
nah not anymore.

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commie kike

absolutely deranged

I only use it to talk to friends I know in real life, they won't use anything else.

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you are autistic

>we're not all /pol/
>immediately outs themselves as /pol/

some of the stupidest lefty bait i've ever seen. nice job liberal

>medical procedures are icky!
>genital surgery doesn't help alleviate gender dysphoria because I think it's weird!
Are you a literal child? Or do you think these images actually reflect the long term?

Put a minor amount of effort into this

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feels good being a homeowner

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fuckoff kike


You seem alright user

I didn't know Yea Forums's filled to the brim with actual homos what the fuck?

Cope harder, Reddit.

What is "meme autism" and "meme alcoholism"?


based tranoid

Post more bingos

>Marlboro Reds all day
Absolutely based

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Not too bad

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dumb liberals


Samefag Kike detected, you're a Samefag Kike.

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I mean, more power to you if you have an insanely good job or if you inherited it, but why in the fuck anyone would advocate fucking around in the real estate market after how much it's ballooned is fucking mind boggling

Yea Forums is a gay board straightoid

social awkwardness but no diagnose
drinker but not physically dependant

funny part is literally the only reason i use discord is for the VoIP with real life friends

You deciding to make this post automatically makes you as bad as a discuck tranny

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Yea Forums has always been a breeding ground for gayness and repressive gayness

>part of 7 different servers
>only box I can check is people playing indie games
You guys join servers you find on Yea Forums don't you