What are some low resource games to play during summer?

what are some low resource games to play during summer?

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Go back to 9fag

Starcraft, aoe2, doom, assfaggots, osrs

come live in nunavut and see for yourself fucker

>he cropped the image to remove the normalshit watermark
Oh no no no

Something with ice regions. MMORPGs/Adeventures.

btw. Fuck the next few days.

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>wears sunglasses only in winter

enjoy your snow blindness

>not using English are system language
Go away and fuck a pig, Muhammad.

>He doesn't have a custom loop keeping the pc at sub 20 degrees at all times
lmao what are you doing?


I have an LN2 loop keeping my computer nice and cool at 77°K

Battle for Wesnoth runs on a toaster and is fun and even online

>July 23
Too bad August is still hot in my state

>no ac that can cool your entire house down to 16 c
do americans really?

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Had the person who made this never heard of air conditioning and heating? My house is the same 67 degrees all year.

Visual novels, indie trash

SHMUPs and fighting games

Don't even try that shit, most Americans have A/C, it's the Europeans who are weird when it comes to them.

>it's going to be 36 on thursday
I don't think my computer is going to survive, bros. I think this is the hottest it's ever got in the UK.

>rendering a video

Literally who even renders videos? Youtubers?

as long as your temps are lower than about 150C your PC is fine, play whatever vidya you like

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Man wouldnt it be great if there was one single conventional window in this basement so I could put an AC in and not die?

>he's so much of a self hating cuck he uses english instead of his native language

Time to move out into your own place tranny

Get a box fan. It's not going to keep you cool, but it will circulate air enough to keep the PC from burning out. No joke. I live in the shittiest most desert ass butthole of the earth, and my box fan lowers my PC temps from 80c to about 60c.

don't you guys use wet towels and the wind as free aircon?

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We're weird because we're not wasting massive amount of energy cooling the air around us wish AC unit?
We are not giant blobs of fat unable to stand some heat like you.

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why are you complaining? 34's just above freezing, not even close to summer heat.

>those tens of thousands of Europeans dying from the heat the past decade

Why don't people realize humans sort of need AC during summer

based american retard

With AC units*. Fuck Google voice.

>I think this is the hottest it's ever got in the UK.
No, the hottest we ever had was 38 back in '03.

Yeah because it's not worth it. I am not gonna put an A/C into my house for 3-4 months of summer "heat". Half the time it's not even that hot. Most people are just keep the windows and shutters closed until dawn and then have them open overnight.

I also heard euros don't even have screens on their windows so isn't that just inviting all sorts of bugs into your house?

At worst i could have a hornet fly into my room, not a big deal desu.
As for other bugs there's a spider in the corner and since he moved in every annoying fuck that tries to get inside gets eaten by him

>spearchucker central
I'd rather melt of heat than deal with squaws all day

That's Celsius, not Farenheit. That's around 92F+.

Depends. Some people aren't annoyed by some flies, I personally hate them and other insects so all the windows I frequently open have them. Insects are only really active during spring and summer. I don't really see many insects during fall and ofc none at all during winter.

>went 250k years, minus about 50, without AC
>suddenly a necessity

You niggas don't mind mosquitoes? Wasps would generally avoid you but mosquitoes are shitcunts.

>americans being wasteful boomers as usual

>implying there's such a thing as a hot day in yurostan

You're not gonna keep those guys out. You're gonna need way better and finer insect nets for those guys.

Mosquitoes are cunts but here in Ukraine the worst you'll have is a small red bite mark on your body that'll go away by evening. Malaria and other bug bite related deaths are probably the rarest cause of death in this region.

there's about four decades consisting of several hundred old good games.

choose literally any of them.

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Guild Wars (2005)

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Burger here. Just because we have A/C doesn't mean we have it on 24/7.
However recently I have been running it nonstop because it's been >100 degrees and humid as fuck for a week now.

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>Slaver's Exile
Damn, soloing that in HM on a warrior even with a meta hero setup was still difficult.

>113°F isn't hot

bitching about the heat doesn't start until 43 degrees C or more, my dude.

I made a personal discovery for the first time playing melee chars: Shatter Hex is fucking OP. It's stronger than E-Surge, and jumping straight into a ball of Stone Summit will get you hex stacked making heroes go Shatter Hex->E-Surge for a huge spike, plus 100B or VoS with Splinter spike leaves them with 10-15% health left. Just sprinkle in a snare so they don't flee and auto-attacks/heroes will quickly clean up the remaining damage. Don't even need to worry about targeting healers or using Frozen Soil on every pull. It's crazy how OP it is compared to some other classes, and since melee don't get a lot of play, Shatter Hex was a really overlooked ability because of it's pure situational-ness.

It starts like 10 degrees lower than that if you are actually white

No snow having ass pussy

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silicon melts at 1300 degrees why do you care about heat

good on him.

I’ve been playing Dead Cells and Wizard of Legend.

yeah no one cares, talk about air con

Late response, but thanks for the tip, user. Adding to your comment about many situational op abilities being overlooked, also ties into the whole thing with mesmers becoming incredibly OP at the endgame due to massive armor ignoring damage.

>have r5 1600x gtx 1080ti system in a case with shit airflow
>the cpu is cooled really well with an AIO, but this AIO's radiator blocks the entire air intakes
>cpu is pretty cool, but GPU sometimes suffers and hits 80c+ temps (which it can handle) on high stress gaming
>this summer is crazy hot and global warming is in full force, hottest summer the country's ever seen. town is breaking 40 degrees for the first time in its history
>my 1600x is having issues with coordinating its threads and is underperforming severely 3 years into use; I buy a 3600x two days after launch and a high-end air cooler so i can keep the intakes open to give the GPU a breather
>3600x arrives
>install it
>mfw 55-65c idle
>mfw 75c+ on load (temps i never used to hit with the 1600x)
>GPU never reached 80c after, though
what the fuck is up with ryzen 3000's temps? they're fucking apeshit.

I live in Charleston, basically a swamp, in a townhouse built in the 80s with shit airflow and shit insulation. I unironically migrate downstairs and only play console games during the summer. Starting around October I can go back upstairs to play games on pc without sweating like a pig. Goddamn I hate the humidity so fucking much. I plan on moving within the year, if not far away, then into an actual house.