This Year's Steam Summer Sale Was A Mess, Game Developers Say

>“Last sale, I made over $2,000,” the developer wrote. “This one I’ve barely made $200. Thank you.”

>Developers are chalking this up not just to wishlist issues, but also changes in the way Steam recommends games, as well as changes to the structure of the sale itself. Nepenthe and To The Dark Tower developer Yitz pointed to Steam’s data on his games, which showed that the “vast majority” of his store page traffic came from outside Steam, as opposed to from built-in recommendation systems like the front page, the discovery queue, tags, and games’ “more like this” sections. Data from the first half of 2018, meanwhile, shows less than 20 percent of his traffic coming from external sites, while over half came from within Steam. This, Yitz says, has been an issue since October 2018, when a Steam algorithm bug caused big games to make big gains in traffic while small games lost out. While Valve said in December that the issue had been fixed and the flow of traffic re-normalized, some developers say their games never recovered. Yitz is in this camp.

>“Before October 2018 (and for a few months after that while I gave Steam the benefit of the doubt), I told anyone who asked me that Steam was 100% worth it for indie developers,” he said in a Twitter DM. “Now, that trust is gone, and it’s not because I’ve changed or become more cynical... This Steam sale was a disaster, but I’m far more concerned about the overall trend we’ve seen in the Steam algorithm since October last year: pushing unpopular (including ‘mostly negative’ reviewed) triple-A games over titles that Steam has more than enough data to know would be a better match for the consumer.”

How will Steam drones defend this?

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I didn't even have to read anything after that
Try harder

stop shilling your article. no one cares

>literally spend no money
>get more xp than the total I had before

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Post your profile, faggot

Go fuck yourself you shitty ass chink shill piece of shit bot fuck you fuck that shitty event fuck corgi fuck epic and fuck you twice. Nobody fucking cares about some shitty entitled shitcunts that want their boring ass deep narrative artsy bullshit to become a 10/10 top seller. The sales have been the same for years you buy games you want cheaper than usual its not Valve that sets the prices its the publishers and the devs. Fuck your stupid script ass and fuck this thread kill yourself.

posting a kotaku link or a polygon link should be a bannable offense. no one wants to read your fucking article shill

>Steam didn't shill my early access game and I didn't make any sheckles: The Article.

I don't want any offers for gay dolphin porn, thank you.

>insect reposted it yet again
Janny, it's doing your job for free time.

By saying i got 15$ Store credit for "free" at the start and that was more then enough to get me a game i wanted for free and only faggots expected to win the raffle anyway, regardless of team. Seriously, the event was REALLY good at rewarding past purchases and as consumer that's what i give a fuck about, i don't give a fuck some faggots "Shower with Dad Simulator" didn't get to be on the front page.

Fuck, this was probably better for those garbage games since the "Event" basically discouraged refunding games since your points and tokens could hit negatives if you did.

Drone'd enough for you OP?

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>This thread AGAIN

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>every single one is a no name indie whos 'games' wouldnt sell anyway, despite the sale
>Those who arnt no name devs with games that look like literal trash are people whos games are 3-4+ years old and should be shocked that they sold any amount of units, no matter the discount
>the rest of the article (by the rest of I mean barely 2 lines buried at the bottom) is people who said the steam sale was fine, they made good money and all of those who said it where people with somewhat established games OR newer releases that didnt look like it was made in 20m with RPGmaker and crayons
And yes, the image posted is one of the 'games' predominantly talked about in the article, the dev and game not only getting more paragraphs than ALL of the positive steam sales talk in the entire article, but also highlighted quotes mid fucking article

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>posting the same thread more than once

If you make low effort trash or try to follow a trend that is long dead, don't be surprised when people don't give a fuck about your product. How is this hard to understand? No one wants to play Undertale but with even worse art.

There are other games that look better than that still selling like shit.

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>How will Steam drones defend this?
Lets find out

this image is old, i wonder how much it sold now


This is why we need the Epic Games Store to replace Steam. The developers deserve to receive more profits and Epic is kind enough to allow that.

Reminder that it's okay to pirate Epic exclusives because the developer wouldn't be getting any extra money if you paid for it anyway.

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I'll agree with you whenever Epic finally gets its shit together and makes the store better to use. It's great that developers are getting more money, but Epic should spend more money making their store and launcher less of a trainwreck.

>it's this dog eater yet again posting this image 999th time since december
Not even gonna post fireden link because jannies are too retarded (or they are on payroll) to delete this post.

Agreed with you, only Steam drones think we want EGS to stay this shitty forever

Most of it is valid because this thread was posted yesterday. Sage and move on

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Mods please ban this OP for starting the same fucking thread of the same article 20 times a day

>>Mods please ban this OP for starting the same fucking thread of the same article 20 times a day

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Not gonna happen. They are sitting on piles of chink money and jew Hiro allowed them to do so.

>How dare we have the same thread twice

Why should the consumer care that some literally-who dev allegedly lost lots of sales because of steam?

More like 5 times you cocksucker.

Not as bad as Epic's ;^)

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Fuck you jannies do your worthless ""job"".
Last digit of my post decides how many days I'll spend being nice on Yea Forums

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How is that any of my concern?
Maybe if he made a game people would actually want to buy he wouldn't be proud of selling games for $2000 in a good sale, Jesus fuck how embarrassing

>linking to the article your wrote and not an archive
Man you really are desperate for clicks huh?

So, since it's 9 days I'm gonna ask you a question user.
What do you think about black people?

Not a fan tbqh

They're fine.
I don't mind them

What about dog eating insectoids who depend on social credit score?

>D-damn these Steamcucks exposing my autism! I must post Steam wojaks while mocking them for this, t-t-that will totally make them the pathetic ones!

Attached: epic wojak.png (683x751, 136K)

>developer from Sir, You Are Being Hunted
>surprised his 2014 game sells worse in 2019
oh noes

>it's one of those "muh survival game" made back when zoom zooms were eating them without hesitation
>noooooo it sells bad in the age of games where hundreds of people shoot each other on an island
These complainers are literally retarded and expect 100k copies sold each day. Nothing new desu.

Delete this thread, this is a STEAM board.

ok but you didnt refute these posters. Your post isn't an argument

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Fine, I'll bite

First off, this sale was garbage and everyone knows it, it was a fucking mess that kept advertising the same 100 or so games
However, you cant put the blame entirely on valve, they've implemented a lot of tools for people to find games themselves, mainly through discovery queue or recommended games based on what you already played
Now, lets take a look at this guy in question: you made less money this sale, than on the sale before?
For one, thats normal, it happens with every game.
For two, maybe you've exhausted the amount of people interested in your game? Because;
For three maybe your game is just shit and nobody wants it? There are tens of thousands of shovelware games on steam, what makes yours worth buying? Answer: not much
If you want your shovelware sold, make it for Switch since drones like buying shit, sell it to chinkshit, where nobody will care about it and Tim will just give ur shit game away for free or just learn how to actually make video games that people will want to play

Now fuck off chinkshill


yes, you subhuman, we truly hate seeing the same bad thread all over again.
You didn't get unlucky, the next one after this isn't going to be better. your threads are awful.

How many times are you going to post this shit?

Until Tim stops paying him

Must be a slow day for you Epic

It'll go into overdrive again once tetris effect comes out.

Its literally ALWAYS some indie dev complaining their game from over a year ago isn't selling as well as it did when it came out. Its like they don't understand that game sales fall off over time. New games hit the front page. They are new. Old games don't show up because there is an endless number of games on Steam and they literally can't advertise them all. If your game is more than 6 months old why the fuck would they advertise your game on the front page when they could do it for a new game?

I long for the days when sagebombing shit threads was a thing.

Fpbp. Just because you develop some shitty pixelart fag fest doesn't mean you're entitled to money.

What killed it? Captcha? Lack of care?

>Valve was controlled by Epic all along
It all makes sense now

Why do Steam drones seethe over this?

They must know it's true.

>has been sold nearly 300 copies
Not only do I hope this game doesn't sell another copy, I hope the fag who made it gets shanked.

Based obsessed steam poster

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Why is shit like this allowed on this board?

This. OP is a faggot.