Enemy can ambush and kill you despite your high level

>enemy can ambush and kill you despite your high level

Attached: ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif (769x432, 3.98M)

I remember seeing this on tv. Good times.

sauropods are pussies

prove me wrong

walking with sea monsters?

>Enemies are really stupid.

Attached: Tri vs T-Rex.webm (480x360, 2.95M)

Nah, Walking with Dinosaurs ep. 3.

God, I wish there were more episodes of this.

>Triceratops blindly rushes in to a T.Rex nest
>Falls over like a dumbass after being dodged
>Takes a tooth and gives a badass battle scar to momma Rex
>Dies while momma Rex just looks like she's thinking "It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno."

Wacky cartoons are the best.

I hope people don't actually think there was ever an animal bigger than the blue whale.

Your mom.

walking with my penus wenus :D
get it?
its scary as fuck my
haha :D
my pene wene xO
hah my pepe wipi hehe ;D

Fucking cunthead Tricerabitch got what was coming to him.

I wasn't prepared for just how stupid that was, christ.

Where are the feathers?

You can't prepare for stupid, so that's expected. Then again, we don't know the context. It could be a family of rexes hanging out near a triceratops' now-empty nest, and it wants revenge for its missing children that that T.Rex may or may not have snacked on. Or, it could just be a dumb triceratops.

The bird was prepared before being eaten.

Dinosaurs weren't very smart. That triceratops was just an asshole that thought it was stronger than it actually was.

I don't understand how they could make such a stupid mistake and believe bullshit claims about liopleurodon being so huge based upon some teeth.

would t-rex have raised their young like that?

I very much believe that they made some animals look bigger to appeal to the audience.

The concept of giant creatures and shit that are super dangerous is cool as fuck

There's no evidence that they did.