>Not understanding that the muffled audio in Super Metroid was intended to replicate how Samus hears the world around her
Not understanding that the muffled audio in Super Metroid was intended to replicate how Samus hears the world around her
Other urls found in this thread:
What sound does Samus make when she does a spinning jump?
Like sonic but more vibration
>Neat audio design theory
>Thread ruined by being a wojak poster
Such is life
I thought it was a remnant from its troubled development.
I highly doubt the Smashfags that make the metroid "threads" (read: ZSS Porn dumps) on Yea Forums have ever touched a Metroid game outside of Other M.
How does it explain the funky music of Brinstar?
lol, more like every Metroid game has been on shit hardware so you have to play pretend
The suit had an mp3 player.
He's here
I bet you guys think the end of AM2R was too easy/boring because there were less enemies.
>not understanding the Queen Metroid was an apex predator eating even larger and larger enemies as the game progressed
I do love the games, but I swear if only games like that weren't held hostage by these companies
Super metroid was in development before MPEG even existed
Super Metroid isn't set in the 1980s, boom toon
So she would be using FLAC then
I would have figured quantum files
took me a second to realize who you meant
Let's talk about Metroid Fusion for a second.
It's superior to Super Metroid.
Why the fuck do people like upscaling
The sharp SNES sprites look great before you smear vaseline all over them
I think it fucked the potential for Metroid to have interesting story/settings for future games by needing to be the "End of the series".
this was on a tiny-ass gameboy advance screen. Also those are all new sprites
If you like fast-paced arcade style shooting, a higher baseline challenge, being forced to sit through slogs of crap story, and an overall linear handholdey experience then Fusion is for you.
lmfao no
Fusion is shit, the only good part about it is it's engine, which is fantastic.
But its used on a linear piece of shit that allowed people to be fine with a different, linear style story focused version of Metroid.
Thus creating Other M.
>Metroid Fusion
Fusion didn't cause Other M, the rise of "cinematic experience" games did. It came out around the time when game devs starting telling themselves that they were actually movie directors.
Having a successful linear story- and dialogue-focused metroid game starring essentially the same two characters was no doubt a contributing factor. It doesn't make Other M the fault of Fusion, but Fusion certainly helped pave the way for the same reasons that hold back Fusion itself from being a truly amazing entry in the series.
What muffled audio?
the big problem with other m is nto the story, even though it's shit.
it's the gameplay. other m gameplay is simply balls. fusion is one of the best metroid games to play on the othe rhand.
I don't get this "Super vs. Fusion" bullshit. It's pointless because both games have such vastly different design choices and aren't really that comparable to begin with.
Fusion exists as a reaction to Super. The whole point of the game is to create dread (heh) in the player. The story is the most obvious contributor to this, but the gameplay is also very effective at thrilling the player. The controls are tight, we have new abilities like hanging, and combat is a lot more difficult. Samus is on a leash from the Federation, having lost her suit, ship, and agency and forced to do their dirty work. Samus's actions in Super have direct consequences on Fusion (the re-emergence of the X, cloning of the Metroids,the SA-X being essentially yourself from Super).
It's a fine sequel in that it both expands on the source material in a meaningful way, and enhances it retroactively. You could argue that Fusion's design decisions came down to the limits of creating a portable experience and you'd probably be right, but some of the best art comes from adversity. The devs took the limitations and ran with it, creating something brand new with entirely different design objectives than Super.
For the record, I love Super, Fusion, and ZM all equally. To me that's the perfect Metroid trilogy (Prime series are their own thing).
I agree with most of this except for the idea that ZM is as good as the other two
ZM definitely feels like a compromised experience, a middle ground between Super and Fusion that reaches neither's heights
AM2R is better than all three
You mean the gameplay elements that tried(and failed) to replicate the fast-paced arcade twitch shooting of Fusion? Other M tried to make a 3D upgrade of the unique aspects of Fusion and failed all over the place.
I won't knock fusion on its own merits too hard because it's a good game in its own right, I just see too many similarities not to think Other M was at least influenced heavily by Fusion.
I dont hate fusion user, it's got good and bad but overall it's a positive entry. I just won't pretend to like it as much as my favorites.
We can agree on that. I don't think anyone, even fans of Fusion, could deny that Other M took inspiration from Fusion. I'd even go so far as to call Other M Fusion fanfiction for how badly it wants to imitate Fusion and how much it screws up in the process.
Fusion just isn't fun to play through again, I already didn't like the hand holding and SA-X basically halting progression.
The game outright basically tells you to play the game in its own way, and I don't think Metroid does that well.
I don't agree that it's not replayable, as I've played it dozens of times and still enjoy it. There's enough twists and turns in the plot and gameplay that I can still stay engaged. That being said, it doesn't even come close to the replay value of SM, which is basically a massive sandbox.
It's a fucking shame because in the things that fusion does best, no other metroid game comes close, outside maybe Samus Returns but I havent played that game so I don't even know if it actually succeeded in what it was trying to do.
In a way, I compare it to OoT, where I basically have to commit time to Fusion, due to the sort of railroaded and guided progression, and it just leads to me not enjoying it as much.
The other issue is the game's story basically wrote Metroid into a hole, and I don't think it'll ever really recover from it.
1%ing Fusion is a fun challenge IMO, well worth replaying and challenging without getting retarded.
Samus Returns bored me to death, I didn't even finish it. But I don't need another game doing what Fusion did desu. Fusion did it about as best as I can hope for.
I don't know about that. Samus, in her post-Fusion suit, trying to fight the Space Pirates while being perused by the Federation sounds like a pretty good starting point for a story.
The evil federation plot is a dead end. I don't think anything interesting can come of it.
It should be resolved as quickly as possible, and the federation shouldn't be the antagonist.
Wrap it up offscreen, and give Samus a slap on the wrist. Arrest her and then make her go on a mission as a condition of her release. Have Samus escape into a lawless part of the galaxy where the Federation won't bother her. Any of these are more interesting than having Samus fight against le ebil government trope.
>It's superior to Super Metroid.
That's why they're bringing in the rogue Chozo, I believe even Nintendo realize that Federation plot wasn't going anywhere so they dropped it.
Depending on how they do it Rogue Chozo could be even worse.
Lower Brinstar is the best goddamn Metroid track in existence. Prove me wrong.
Naw, best Metroid track coming through
We don't really know anything about the rogue chozo yet. Considering the chozo were a warrior society it could fit nicely.
I don't see it, making humans enemies in Metroid was always a bad idea from the start.
Fuck Samus Returns lmao[/spoilers]