Why aren't there any games about the Revolutionary War?

Why aren't there any games about the Revolutionary War?

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There are plenty.

this lol

Which one?

>Revolutionary War
>posts anime girl in Napoleonic uniform

came here to read this

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As a Frenchman myself. pic related makes me hard

It's all fun and games until the woman in your pic goes down in the first volley, screaming in agony on the grass.

girls in uniform are so hot!
We need to make women do forced army work.

This will actually teach them everything they need to be a good wife: discipline, loyalty to the spouse, wearing cosplay, etc.
Not cooking unfortunately

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theres a bunch


Just dress revealingly and men will be too distracted to shoot.

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French soldiers fought in the Revolutionary War though.

you can't expect an american to know their own history.

Most boring period in the history of war.

I bet you picked Ulfric too, fag

Why isn't there more games about Russia eradicating the kraut invaders?

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>teach americans the essentials of military drills, tactics, and disciplines
>also fights alongside the british against them
crazy prussians

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I thought we mostly used gorilla warfare against the redcoats

Picture this: the story of the american revolution told in a video game, but the prominent historical actors are all turned into waifus. That game would sell like hotcakes.

well it was the last time your country was relevant. Now its just mooching off germany. Next beta uprising when?

>We need to make women do forced army work.
women fucking suck for army work

>loyalty to the spouse
every woman in the army is a huge whore. Its like you fags dont even know what youre talking about.

>tfw no game about the korean war
its like WW2 but a bit more advanced and being able to remove gooks

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>every woman in the army is a huge whore. Its like you fags dont even know what youre talking about.
How do we solve the women problem user?

lock them in women only compounds until their man gets back. Dont have mixed gender anything.

I want to serve under MacArthur-sama.

>tfw no anime girl themed shooter
>tfw no MRE setpiece where you go through all the steps of prepping your MRE and eat it. including hiss

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Is America the only successful revolution? They usually create outcomes worse for everyone when they topple the controlling regime.

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wars between insects are insignificant

Is Frederick the Great the only reason why Prussians were a force to be reckoned with?

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Dutch revolt worked out pretty well.

no, his father and grandfather were just as important in setting him up and improving prussia. and his generals were amazing as well

Select your character

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The thumbnail looks like she's waering just panties

Does Epaminondas' feats count in btfo'ing the Spartan hegemony?

The answer is obvious

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NZ so I could get yuri dom'd by AU

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also nepalchan is pretty cute

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Go go Canadians with their spades!

>Unsheathed Kukri
People got stabbed after that photoshoot.

Conservative would complain since they were the loyalists in the Revolutionary War and they don't like to see themselves losing.

They'd do the same with Civil War games with the Confederates and World War II with the Naizs.

That was really only Benedict Arnold and Daniel Morgan who really embraced the tactics of using cover while fighting.
If you read at what Benedict Arnold did during the war, he becomes a lot more sympathetic. He did a helluva lot more for the country than the current traitor in office.

>Why aren't there any games about the Revolutionary War
Because games where the good guys lose are depressing.

Rent free.

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, the man who whipped Washington's Army into shape was drummed out of the Prussian military after being accused of being a homosexual and the Americans were the only army to have him.
He died a bachelor

Don't worry Brit Bong, Boris Johnson is about the destroy the UK after he plows ahead with a no deal and your economy crashes, so you won't have much to worry about much longer.

Also, Assassin's Creed III.

Half the world fought in that war brainlet.

britain's economy crashing might end up being healthy for it at this point

seething Euro

good taste

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It'll probably help the world since a UK depression iis going to affect America as well since its economy is a house of cards. And swift kick to put in ressession would make for fun politics.

French soldiers assisted in the Revolutionary war. They gave us weapons, food, and docked their galleons in our ports to prevent bombardment and invasion by sea. When they fought, they did so dressed as Americans. Away from the main battles. Despite being units of French speaking soldiers.

until she cuts your balls off and wears them as a trophy

I find it hard to comprehend the hatred the French had for the British. Despite being one of the most authoritarian kingdoms in Europe at they time, they decided to go all "le freedum" and bankrupted themselves to spite the British out of their least profitable colony.

Because we are tired of hearing "Where is Charles Lee?"

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Americans supported bin laden in afganistan because of lul freedums against the sovjets. Thgen later they went in themselves and found out they armed and trained their enemy.

Funny how Americans have always been stupid.

imagine blowing up hundreds of your own people to stage a war that costs you billions to protect some oil, only to further destabilize the region and put you into more trouble

Koei's Liberty or Death remains unsurpassed to this day desu
Also, at first I thought this was meant to refer to the French Revolution, so I came here to post this:

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>muh america is the only successful revolution
kys amerifart

this, Liberty or Death is the kino revolutionary war game

Mexico, while not great, is better off without Spain.