Was he a prophet or just full of shit?
Was he a prophet or just full of shit?
>gaming will be overrun by people who dont play video games
What did he mean by this?
he was spot on about feminists and trannies ruining gaming, everything else was just fanboy wetdreams
Holy shit I just remembered that mods tried to ban repeating digits.
Too bad they couldn't ban these
>The ps3 will be on top in 3 years
So close yet so far
Very prophetic, unfortunately.
you can't get dubs on v
>thanks to feminism, fanboys and casuals will invade this board and drive discussion quality to shit
absolutely 100% correct, surprisingly.
And they're coming from /pol/, stormfront, and r_td
>if you disagree with anything youre a corporate bootlicker or a tranny
>half the threads are anime fapbait, pepe or wojack
>"gaming journalists" are normies who never played videogames and just switched to gaming journalism because they get to play a 50 hour game for one hour and write bad takes about it for clicks and money
Why was I born in this timeline
he was clearly going for 00 you double niggers
All the shit he whined about was already happening at that time.
exactly what I was gunna post
He didn't mention the Jews as the driving force behind advertising, feminism, us vs them camps, and normalfaggotry.
So no, he's full of shit. And also likely a Mossad agent.
bah gawd
>look at what they're trying to do with comic books but it wont work
well there's one thing he was wrong at but everything else is scary accurate
El SJWeracapachupra...
Yea Forums is already unironically seized by SJWS and the gov.
Yea Forums was fucking horrible in 2012. It was Yea Forums lite
This. Same applies to all the alt-right thinktank pseudo intellectuals who never name the jews.
There are plenty of writers with actual passion for games, but no one clicks on their articles.
Clickbait is basically the only way to get paid now as a games journalist
So don't blame them, blame the world
Have sex incels
And MediaMatters, special interest discords, and click farms based in universities.
Absolute prophet, this board is full of normalfags who hardly even play games and underage autists.
Have sex.
And yet it was much better than Yea Forums being blue /pol/
Yea Forums2.0 was at least funny, /pol/ fags take anonymous anime image boards way to seriously
360 did fine for itself, though the PS3 closed the gap pretty well in the end.
Pretty close on the rest except for the ponys though. We lucked out on the half-life that fad had, and most of them have fucked off out of public view.
Well anons what are your predictions for the future of gaming and this board two or three years from now?
A lot of those predictions came true, sure enough. No prophet is ever 100% accurate of course but he saw the way the ship was sinking all right.
>the moment you disagree with any of the camps you will be declared a member of the opposing camp
This one especially rings true. You're either /pol/ or a tranny, go back or dilate or have sex or something. Really no inbetween, is there.
You can still write a good article and make a clickbait title.
But the only relevant "game journalists" are normies who can spout bad takes that people disagree with so people share it to say "look how dumb theyre being LOL"
He made some good calls but also some terrible ones.
The PS3? Shit is even more nogames than it was then due to ports happening. PC actually has more good vidya than any console due to a surprisingly good indie scene the last few years with boomer shooters and niche RPGs galore. Comics did NOT resist feminism and are now actively feeding into with the MCU poop. Video games is more resistant than cinema, but not by much, still pretty cucked.
Also, he was way wrong about who would take over Yea Forums but I guess he couldn't have predicted GG, /pol/, Trump and discord trannies.
Well, Yea Forums's all about counterculture innit. The second the SJW trend dies and people just publically laughing at how uptight people used to be Yea Forums will become sensitive and politically correct in reaction.
ive been a newfag since 2016 and i didnt know about this
Yea Forums is already filled with stuck up sjw's. What threads are you seeing?
>Sony is finished glorious Microsoft shall Murder Nintendo and gaming will be saved
Shit, with Sony having transformed into a Californian company...
t. guy who gets baited extremely easily
He was right though?
Is anyone going to point out ponyfags didnt exist in 2010 and that this is fake
What a newfaggot
>>half the threads are anime fapbait, pepe or wojack
Or 10 concurrent Smash threads, most of which aren't even really about the game, and which the mods for some reason refuse to do anything about despite this having been going on ever since Smash for Switch was first announced.
>and which the mods for some reason refuse to do anything about despite this having been going on ever since Smash for Switch was first announced.
I think they're not allowed to since all the shitposting brings in alot of site traffic for advertisers and such
yeah, it's all just shitposting bro. All the pro-censorship opinions and tranny threads are just ironic, every last one. yep, just another prank by the epic oldfags of Yea Forums
The show started in fall 2010.
With me
It literally is, m8. Nobody who unironically holds those opinions would waste so much time amongst those they hate. It's all b8.
Full of shit. 2012-2013 were actually a pretty good point for Yea Forums after the low point of >tfw no gf 2011.
The only thing I remember about 2012-2013 Yea Forums is e-celeb posting being at an all-time high.
fake as fuck
put more work into it
full of shit, because even back then all posts were shit
Go dialte and have back sex trannie.
it didn't outsell the wii and it just barely made it past the 360. and the library is still shit... demon's souls, the yakuza games i guess, ...mgs4? (can also watch on youtube)
>2012-2013 were actually a pretty good point for Yea Forums
i dont think sjws were amok like they are now. female thor anyone? likely fake but i could be wrong. but the feminist comic thing seems more recent up to 5 years ago
The PS3 didn't end up on top, but everything was spot on. The Wii did become a doorstop for many of its owners.
>gaming is weak as an industry but comic books arn't
seems like a retard to me
his last two lines are absolutely true
I'm mainly surprised to see that Xboxfag, those are fucking extinct nowadays.
Poser bitches that only indulge in the latest AAA title and spend the rest of their time shitposting online.
2010 was the final year of the xbot
The person who posted that was not being serious.
>on Yea Forums
The problem is Yea Forums is too popular to actually be the homogenous community it once was. Too many "normies" literally post across the entirety of this site for it to be as cohesive as it once was. Call someone a nigger, for example, they shout go back to /pol/, despite every facet of this website was racist, /pol/ was just more racist. You have the uneducated masses from Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, 9gag, etc, all posting here now. Half the people posting on Yea Forums grew up with the 360 and memes. Mods barely follow the sites own fucking rules and let 500 Smash and Pokemon threads clog up the board, despite /vp/ and /vg/ existing. This place has gone to shit for the most part. Yea Forums barely discusses games, it's just console wars and shitflinging, Yea Forums barely discusses comics, it's just movies and cartoons, Yea Forums barely discusses anything outside of waifus, /vg/s threads are literally /r9k/ waifu shitposting on speed, Yea Forums is amazingly tame these days, etc. Thank God for hidden alternatives.
It wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. There were concentrated spam attempts then but it's endless now. It's already hell here and I only come to visit now and then to see if there is any news. Usually it's just porn vpn posting or bait threads to slide legit ones off.
I haven't seen any funny bans lately.
Ponyfags are Quarantined, The Barneyfag autist, or imitation reveals himself and makes a spectacle otherwise. No one cares about pony, because they usually get banned in a matter of minutes.
Google is attempting to make their own console.
Various companies are making online stores, which are sorta like Virtual Consoles, fighting for exclusives.
Sony never really get on top.
Xbox 360 and Wii had remarkable lifespans, but you must take into account Wii U flopped, and the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One is still around might just be at the end of their lifespans soon.
He was a prophet, but he had poor unfounded biases towards Sony.
The truth is No company is better than another, they all each have problems. Sony just are graphic whores, and like interactive movies, or remastering old games. Microsoft is just achievement whore brothel console. Gotta have gamer points, or else the game is shit. Barely any exclusives that aren't also on PC. Nintendo's consoles constantly have flaws, and the corruption of their developers are slowly revealing their faces, especially since the death of Iwata. They combined the mobile and home console into one, meaning they are making less games over all, or relying on more shovelware, ports, or indies.
Blizzard, Epic Games, Bethesda, and Steam have shown incompetency left and right constantly. Disney is monopolizing everything, Capcom is going mobile, Kickstarter games are more likely to end up trash, than as the fans expected.
The problem that Yea Forums has is while there are many people who celebrate upcoming games and announcements, there are also people who are excessive in support. Opposition show spite towards the group they are not a part of because they don't have that same, good feeling towards their "favored" platform. There will always be console wars, but never a true winner. We will always miss out on something, not everyone has money to experience it all.
(you)s are one of the main problems now.
People will adopt blatantly false opinions just to get their high
New buzzword will come in place of trannies like it happened with cuck and onions. Only nigger and faggot stay eternal.
There's the accusation of the opposing camp as well.