When making Fallout 4, why didn't Bethesda make it so that it was good?

When making Fallout 4, why didn't Bethesda make it so that it was good?

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fallout was never good

>whats a RPG then?
witcher 3 and ff7 teeheee

Nuka World was the biggest steaming pile of shit that absolutely ruined the game for me. I didn't even make a new character afterwards. I had no desire to go through that boring grindfest again. Fuck Bethesda.

t. Bethesda shill

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because bethesda is incapable of making a game good


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Because they are lazy as fuck yet retards still buy it so why try harder?

Fallout 1 and 2 are some of the greatest rpgs of all time

>fallout 2
>fallout 3
>new vegas
>fallout 4
>fallout 76

They considered it, but then decided to make it Perfect instead!

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Fallout 4's dialog system is not that different to your standard RPG, they both are mostly the sane result with different flavor dialog. The real issue with it is how it lacks checks for skill or rather perks.

Maybe todays standard """RPG""".

>find a bunch of cool places
>go to some village close to it
>turns out there was a quest related to said place
>accidentally sequence break it and have to trudge through an empty area for some key item I missed
I hate this shit. All I wanna do it roam around and find interesting places to loot but everything has some garbage storyline attached to it

the voiced protagonist was a good thing in 4 and i don't want to go back to a voiceless mook that stares blankly when people talk to them

Why? Because Bethesda consists of:
>incompetent programmers trying to stitch together a barely functional engine with spaghetti code
>game designers who chase fads in the hope of dragging in a broader audience at the expense of former fans
>writers who only understand rule of cool and terribly executed emotional appeals

Mix it together and you have one exceptionally shitty game studio who churns out exceptionally shitty games designed solely to draw in as broad an audience as possible by offering a boring story, fotm systems, and plenty of set-pieces for normies and females to blog about on twitter or facebook or whatever social media is popular now.

Attached: Fallout 4 dialog in a nutshell.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

You forgot
>art designers recruited from the homeless

Yeah okay onions friend

They had such a great opportunity to make it so players who refused him are straight up not let into the vault and just get blown up.

What's wrong with being a friend to onions??

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But the art designers are the one good part of Bethesda.

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They couldn't have done that or there'd be articles about how people got stuck in the introduction

Even those classic RPGs had dialog that was mostly just flavored or ask abouts, when something did have an effect it was something hard to perceive like a minor character alignment shif, there rarely were branching moments and typically quests only had one or two actual outcomes.

That died died and didn't work on Fallout 4


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4 still had some good artists. None as good as Adamowicz unfortunately but I really can't think of any vidya concept artists who comes close to his level.

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Costs money to make things good when mediocre sells fine.

I like Fallout 4. because It's basically Skyrim with guns.

A tier list I completely agree with for once.
No Adam

I am a vocal defender of Skyrim, I firmly believe it is Bethesda's best fame (as in the dev studio) but it really stradled the line in becoming too casual. Fallout 4 seriously hopped over the line, turned around gave it the finger and raped it to death. I seriously hope it is something they learned from and they take a step back. As for 76, I never really cared one way or the other since it was always clear it was a throwaway side project to make money off unoccupied dev time. But FO4 is a main entry in one of their flagship series. and One of Black Isles former babies.

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sure but at least I am roleplaying. I get to define how the character behaves. I hate people on the other exteme as well, but somewhere between "do you want eggs, eggs or eggs for breakfast" and " Do you want Eggs or Cereal, this decision will decide the ultimate outcome of the universe" would be great.

put tactics above 76 and I will actually 100% agree with this.

Or missed the opportunity to make the player a ghoul

Shit dialogue =/= bad game

Stop going for the lowest hanging fruit you simple retard.

Is there a worse game for this choice-illusion shit than FO4? This game was so bad for this, it was beyond parody. I can't imagine anything worse.

It's really not much like Skyrim at all though, except in that it's a dumbing down of FO3, like Skyrim is a dumbing down of Oblivion.

Hello fellow redditor, I too love LGBTQ+ and wacky humour!

Hmm. What are my choices
Yes with sass
Not right now but I'll say yes

not that I am aware of. It reminds me of the naming thing in Stick of Truth.

DA2 was pretty fucking bad.

>side with Mages against the Templars
>head mage hulks out and you have to kill him anyway

Maybe you should go back then.

>Shit dialogue =/= bad game
>A genre where dialogue and subsequent consequence for said dialogue is a pivotal aspect to gameplay
>Shit dialogue =/= bad game
Whats the fucking point of dialogue then. Just remove it and make an action Fallout shooter.

Seriously, these aren’t even great ideas but they seem like they are because that’s how shitty Bethesda writers are. It’s baffling.

>Deacon asks if I want a silenced pistol
>energy weapons "build" no point in a pistol
>"Too bad. It's yours anyway."

>>find a bunch of cool places
ask me how I know you're making shit up

The problem is the devs knew you wouldn't play the game the way they wanted you to, so they make sure that no matter what happens you always stay on the right path and enjoy the game exactly how the devs intended you to

they did you fucking retard

I actually liked BHOS... at least my pre teen self did.

>Why didn't Bethesda make it so that it was good?
That would mean telling Emil to fuck off and hit the road, which isn't going to happen.

fallout 4 had better characters and writing than skyrim

The whole game is so by the books it never even slightly goes of the rails, tries something new or subverts your expectations. The game is so incredibly safe and idiot proof that the whole game feels kind of sterile.

No they didn't you pathetic insect

I haven't played FO4, but Skyrim is a pretty fucking low bar for characters. About the only character worth a damn in Skyrim is Parthuunax.

tactics would actually be better if it was structured like x-com/jagged alliance instead of chains of long-ass scenarios

you're strawmanning your own strawman

Ngl lads, I was on board the fallout 4 contrarian hate train when it first came out and the normalfags loved it, but now, I don't know so much...

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it's because the bar keeps getting lower and lower
years from now people would say that fallout 76 isn't that bad after all

>they did you fucking retard
but they didn't
Its like you didn't even attempt to understand what I posted

Everyone's allowed to like shitty games. They're called guilty pleasures. Mine's Fable 2.

what is 76

Im pretty sure he means it's the norm to hate 4 now unlike at release so now the contrarian standpoint is to like it

>what is 76
This is a fallout 4 thread you absolute brainlet
Such a low iq

oh fuck sorry user, i didn't know you were ACTUALLY retarded


To this day I cant live down how much of a disappointment DA2 was.

>oh fuck sorry user, i didn't know you were ACTUALLY retarded
Someones upset

Tell me where you live so I can throw shit at your house. Faggot.

I live in ur house lmao

I would hesitate to call Fallout 4 a terrible game, but it absolutely does not live up to its predecessors.

Because they are lazy and incompeten

Dude, Fable 2 was fun.

Here is the real tier list.

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I like tactics more than three but otherwise I agree completely.


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You can refuse to run into the vault and get blown up.


Finally a good list

That's the one!

Because Bethesda Development Studio's business model and design philosophy has nothing to do with quality?
Beth is a studio that is 100% profit oriented. Their philosphy based on two fundamental cornerstones:
A) Marketability and market research: All their design decisions are based on careful market research to track down what has most positive response from test groups and community feedback to have widest appeal.
B) Cutting prodcution costs: every technical decision is entirely based around the cheapest possible way of implementation. Todd is notorious for refusing doing things such as unique assets for key locations: every asset HAS to be re-usable to save production costs, and cut them down to an absolute bare minimum they can get away with.

"Quality" or "Ambition" are not something that exists in Bethesda's vocabulary. Everything is done with the pure focus on minimizing costs while maximizing potential userbase. People with exceptional technical prowes are expensive: so the game has to be made without them. People with actual creative ambitions are a risk as they will persue their vision rather than approximation of the desire of widest possible audiences, so the company does without them. It used to be a completely common practice in Bethesda that most of the level design was literally done by barely-paid temps: the Modding tools, so popular, are designed in the way they are not so much for the benefit of modders, but for the benefit of DEVELOPERS, as it allows untrained (and thus cheap) temps to do considerable portions of the work.

That is the reality of Beth as a developer. They are incredibly cynical about their work. And it fucking pay. OFF.

>i like games with little content

Quality > Quantity

Fallout 2 was a rushed mess in many ways.

Laziness + greed and because the masses would lap it up no matter what. People are getting dumber.

Fallout 1 isn't good enough to make up for how little there is.

So was Fallout 1. And Fallout 2 is better in terms of writing, world-building, and more to the point, complexity and depth of it's RPG mechanics. Fallout 1 has somewhat better atmosphere simply because its very small scale allows for a more focused vision of the world, but Fallout 2 blows it out of the water gameplay-wise as well as by sheer quality of most of it's elements so hard it's not even funny.

Fallout 1 may have a special place in people's hearts due to it's very unique atmosphere, but Fallout 2 is just objectively a better game.

They needed to release FO76 as a complete broken mess to make FO4 look playable.

>NV that high

Put it down with 3 where it belongs because they're practically the same.

Actually, the story behind 76 is a bit different. 76 was actually originally supposed to be an element of Fo4.
You see, as some have mentioned, Beth basically only looks at market research to decide what to do. And as luck would have it, Minecraft-esque crafting and base building was the SECOND most demanded feature for Fallout back during Fo4's development. The number one, by absolute far the most demanded feature has been: Multiplayer.
Except - multiplayer and gamebryo aren't a good match. So while the studio tried pretty hard to implement multiplayer into Fo4, it became obvious pretty soon that it is not going to make it into Fo4's release, without costly delays. So with very, very heavy heart, the studio cut it out of Fo4.
But of course, this is Bethesda we are talking about: They DO NOT let things go to waste, and a lot of investment has been put into piloting the multiplayer of Fo4.
And that is where we got Fo76. An attempt to make returns on what was basically a doomed attempt to pander to the multiplayer crowd during Fo4's development.

>no source

Why do retards keep saying this?

NV is just as bad, if not worse than 3, fact. Deal with it retard.

Again: what exactly drives this urge to screech this drivel over and over again?
What exactly do you think you are acomplishing here?

How can anyone believe TES6 will be any good after this
Todd you fucker, you're treading on my dreams

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>stating fact is now screeching drivel

Cope harder.

Keep racism out of Yea Forums please.

there are no decisions or consequences in either fallout 4 or final fantasy.

I'll cope with your cock in my mouth, faggot


Stop being toxic

Is the attention you are getting from this really worth the effort to you?

Have you ever considered maybe learning some yoyo tricks and doing them in a park? Because you'll get more attention that way, hell, you could even earn some pennies alongside, and you will not have to sacrifice all of your dignity in the process.

>Bioware uses mages as a metaphor for homosexuality.
>Makes them horrifically powerful and unstable monstrosities.
Fucking X-men all over again.


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Have you considered that NV was hated just as much as 3 until 4 came along and took that crown so now everyone, like you, sucks its dick to high hell despite the literal fact it could be mistaken for a 3 expansion because it does nothing substantially different. It belongs in the same trash pile.

X-Men has nothing to do with that.

Fallout 4 is a 6.5 out 10
I like its yes, yes, sarcastic yes, no (yes) dialogue choices for the most part desu

First of all: No. I take this as an admission you have not been either on Yea Forums or on any other forum such as NMA around the time NV was released, I assume because you weren't born yet or definitely not old enough to browse unsupervised.
Second of all: unless this is your first day on Yea Forums you already know this claim has been refuted and explained why it's wrong a thousand times.
That is why I actually don't care about your droolings about the game, and I want to know more about you.
YOU KNOW that your line of reasoning is idiotic, and you know you will never actually convince anyone of your drivel. This isn't your first shitposting rodeo.
So what drives you to do the retard dance over and over and over again?

Do you think that makes you sound cool? Aloof, sophisticated, mature? Is just the attention enough for you? What is it? What exactly is going on in your head when you feel the urge to post this?

Thank you for your opinion Rodd Nottoddhoward! Im gonna buy skyrim again now, dunno why...

All this post lacks is a Kermit pic
There you go user. It's on the House

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Look how mad you are just because you know you're wrong kiddo, can't even refute the point and just make a bunch of empty insults like the saltiest bitch. NV is the same garbage as 3, there's nothing you can say that'll prove otherwise which is why you haven't even tried to attempt it because you know you'll just be spouting drivel yourself.

Is this about you not being able to enjoy the game and having to constantly scream that EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG because simple admission that your taste is limited (like that of every other person on earth) is just too much to handle?

Have you never considered that might be bit of a pathological behavior? If you just don't like the game, then be OK with not liking it, but what is it that makes such a simple admission so incredibly difficult.
You know you are acting like a twat, actively humiliating yourself in the public because you can't simply say "yeah, this particular type of game isn't my cup of coffee", right?
Do you not want to be a half-decent human being?

they think since it plays the same due to being on the same engine, it's the same game, but worse since it has an actual regional culture they don't like rather than the rootless cosmopolitan nothing f3 had, which appeals to their own rootless cosmopolitan socialist upbringing.

play fallout 76 then. no storyline there.

Why are you so insistent on huffing a game's farts so bad? Have you perhaps had a look at the way you're behaving yourself? All I've done is objectively state that NV is no better than 3 and you're acting like I shat on your coffee table, grow up a bit dude.

Am I the only person on the planet that thinks Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3? I think they're both the worst Fallout has to offer, but at least Fallout 4 had responsive gunplay, less meatbag enemies, and tried to do something interesting with the settlement system even if it failed. Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns, but in the worst way possible. The gunplay was atrocious, the character handling was terrible, the story was just as bad and railroady as Fallout 4 was, but somehow managed to be even dumber.

NV > 2 >= 1 > 4 > 3

I'm leaving tactics and BoS out because I never finished them and was really young when I played them.


Why bother working hard and writing good dialogue when your idiot fanbase will just buy it anyway. I'm surprised it took until Fallout 76 for normalfags to figure out that Bethesda was lazy. They've had the same behavior pattern that produced F76 since Oblivion.

making good games are hard and not rewarding enough.

DA2 is the second worst Bioware game right after Anthem which is so bad it's almost incomprehensible. But even Andromeda, ME3, and DA:I were all better than DA2 which manages to have all of the same features as the other DA games, but preform them in the worst possible way. It's truly the second worst game I've ever played.

First of all, try not to use words you don't know the meaning of. Second of all: why are you so blindly afraid to answer my questions?
I don't really care about the game, I do however care about you. I'm genuinely interested in you. And you should not complain: judging from how you use certain words wrongly, I can easily tell you actually do crave the attention.
I'm giving it to you, but in exchange, you have to offer something of interest to me. Stop being such a pussy and seriously answer my questions. Or at least admit to yourself that you are, at the heart, so fucking cowardly you can't even fucking look at yourself.

its people like you who are killing RPGs

If that can reassure you, I have a very love/hate relationship with it. For every 2 thing that I love in the game there are 5 other that just completely take me out of the experience

Look at you dude, just look at what a fucking disaster you are, you are are a legitimate embarrassment trying to act the internet psychiatrist over a fucking videogame on a Venezuelan finger puppet board, literally everyone laughs at that kind of behavior. Jog on, sport.

This is how I feel. Fallout 4 isn't even in my list of 10 worst games. It's honestly not even that bad. It's just that compared to Fallout New Vegas and compared to what it could have been it definitely failed to live up to expectations.

>Remove voiced protagonist; more chat options
>let Obsidian / Interplay write it
>stop putting all the cool shit at the beginning, Power Armor was an actual good thing that they did in Fallout 4, but they made it front and center which took all the mystique out of it
>bring back traditional perks, skills, and leveling; the new shit, while admirably tried, felt even worse than the previous system
>expand the gun customization; another good idea that was squandered, most guns have an absolute best and some guns only have like 2 upgrades. They could have done so much more
>remove level scaling completely
>open up the settlement system a bit more; have limited base stations you can put where ever you want provided any quests that require that area have been completed, less settlements overall, but the ones you place are more important personalized; hell, even let someone plant all their stations next to each other leading to one huge settlement rivaling any of the cities in the game

There, change all of that and Fallout 4 would be a pretty good game.

>remove level scaling completely
Absolutely dumb idea that runs contrary to Bethesda's goals.

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Because Todd is a hack and fraud. He rarely made good games.
Yeah this is objectively true. I'm not even a fan of the series.

the game gets so boring when you can oneshot a deathclaw because you leveled far past it. remove lower level scaling, sure, so that there are still areas that will fuck you up if you enter them too early, but once you reach the level and go past it enemies shouldn't become inconsequential.

it feels better when leveling is used for gaining new ways to deal with the world and enemies rather than just flat health/damage boost that eventually makes you oneshot everything, making the game boring as fuck.

>let Obsidian / Interplay write it
t. someone who hasn't played anything other than nv
they're shit writers now, retard.

Just remove the RPG elements altogether. Equipment has always mattered more in Fallout so it's no real loss.

Again: What are you so scared about? Answering couple of basic questions?

In multiple threads now, I see people actually fucking defending bethesda's level scaling.

That is how low this board has fallen. For fuck sake, Yea Forums...

Fallout 2 has too many problems to justify it being higher than 1, and Fallout 4 is just flat-out better than 3. 3 has all the problems 4 has and more, in addition to looking like dogshit.

Limiting RPG elements to non-combat stuff would work too. The various skill checks are still nice.

It does so many things flat out better than 1 to well justify being there. Again, the only thing that Fo1 has over Fo2 is atmosphere, which again is mostly just due to how small it is. It had all the flaws and bugs and issues Fo2 had, both are already fixed by fan-made patches, and Fo2 is just straight up mechanical improvement over the first game in every respect, and there is more of it, and it has more depth to it. Just atmosphere alone isn't by any means enough to justify a game that straight up takes all fundamental elements of the original and polishes them out.

>3 has all the problems 4 has
That is demonstrably false.

Ysolda in Whiterun basically has more character depth than anyone in Fallout 4. It's that bad.

Ysolda? Character? She's just a random MMO-style questgiver. All she ever does is ask for a mammoth tusk. How can anything have less character than her?

>How can anything have less character than her?
Ask Todd.

They took inspiration from you.

I fucking love Tactics. Wish it had a non-linear/branching dialogue system or release the SDK so people can add that. If it did, I'd make campaigns on it for years. Its turn-based combat was the best of the series.

Nice loot tho

Most retarded post this month, congrats