Symbol of Square's betrayal of Nintendo is given a spot in a celebration of Nintendo games

>symbol of Square's betrayal of Nintendo is given a spot in a celebration of Nintendo games
I lost all respect for Sakurai after this

Attached: 122341.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

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Most iconic character from a 26 Billion dollar franchise that originated on the NES, Cloud represents the entire FF series. He belongs

user, are you ok?

Nintendo is the one who fucked Sony by backing out of their disc software at the last second, going with cartridges instead for what became the N64. Sony turning that disc drive into the PS1 was just a revenge fuck-you and an attempt to break into the market themselves if Nintendo was going to spurn their technology way late into development.

>disc software
Meant to say hardware, given that we're discussing a disc drive.

This, OP's a fag.

Why do you mindless apologists always conveniently forget the ridiculous cut of profits they were going to take out of this “deal”? It’s good that Nintendo backed out, because they would have gotten royally screwed.

Was this Nintendo's biggest mistake? If they didn't back out then Sony may have never gotten into video games and Nintendo would basically have a hold over the entire market.

nintendo clearly didn't take it as personally as you

Nintendo is the one who buttfucked Sony by going with Phillips to make CDI games. They're just finally eating their crow and extending an olive branch to the enemy that they themselves created out of a business partner.

Well, and would you look at that. In doing what they did they created their biggest enemy and the final nail in their coffin.
Nintendo died the day Sony became independent and made the PS1. Makes you wonder how things would be nowadays had Nintendo taken the hit back then.

Great. It's about to get better.

Attached: mr_stab-your-girl.jpg (1710x900, 100K)

>"console wars are gay" - Masahiro Sakurai, 2015

And if Sony hadn't fought for disc profits they would've been making virtually nothing. Nintendo wanted to have like 90% of the proceeds of everything, instead of sharing some of the profits through the disc profits, as opposed to something like 70%, because they figured Sony would roll over and take it up the ass.

Nintendo did this to themselves, and you're a fool if you think otherwise. They were greedy and refused to share fairly with a solid business partner, so now they have a business enemy instead.

Because it was the deal Nintendo made, and still made with Philips when they backed out.

Sony didn't even care about it not happening, it was how they backed out. By not telling them, then announcing the Phillips CD-i the next day. That's the only reason he was mad enough to actually make it and release it.

Nintendo could still have controlled gaming if they simply bought Rare, Sega, Capcom & SquareSoft when they had the chance

Nintendo made the same deal in profit sharing with Philips, so that wasn't the reason retards

By a metric landslide, yes. Sony is more loved in Japan than Nintendo nowadays, partially because Sony stayed mostly loyal to Japanese nationalism while Nintendo went with foreign companies like Phillip's. This matters a fuckton to Japanese people on average, likely including Nintendo employees. I hope they've gotten into shouting matches over at Nintendo HQ about how they could've avoided all this fucking Playstation mess and video games could still be colloquially referred to as "the Nintendo," but they went with Phillip's and now Sony buttfucks them constantly.

Sakurai brings all the console competitors together under one umbrella for one of the biggest franchises in video game history. Cloud in smash is one of the greatest acts of good will in gaming. You have to embrace that.

The valid reason to dislike Cloud in Smash is the shitty bland moveset he has which doesn't reflect Final Fantasy, let alone FF7, gameplay at all
I get Cloud goes with popularity, but he is one of the blandest in terms of potential moveset

Obviously Square paid off Nintendo to include him in Smash and make him a good character to prehype snoyboys for FF7 Remake.

this. Tourneyfags adore him too, which always sucks.

its not that serious