BLACK EAGLES AND LIONCHADS WON. Dimitri is the most based and chad lord while Edelgard is confirmed to be the best girl in the game. GOLDENWHOS need not to apply
Fire Emblem Story Spoilers
Why'd she do it?
>Doesn't need to use crests
>Murders Edgelard for being shit
>Conquers the continent and ditches it because it's irrelevant
>Makes you a king
>Kills a God
>Fucks you and your waifu before going on more adventures
>Actually comes back for you
Sounds based to me
She knew Dimitri would kill her and that's a better fate than having to live without getting Sensei Dick
What endings do you want me to post? Supports not leaked yet, hopefully they add context to Claude's ending
>Byleth just standing there awkwardly
God I hope the Church route actually has him do something
>arguing about which house is the "true" ending when there's a fucking neutral path
>guys all get hotter while girls all get uglier
otomestaceys win again, how do we keep letting them get away with it bros
He does stuff in the Gorilla and Claude route
holy fuck they ruined not!Lute
Holy shit Dimitri just goes nuclear and fucking kills her?
Man everyone got JUST'd. The only ones who made an improvement are Bernadetta, Casper and ignatz.
Male w/ Rhea?
so is the "evil" route Edelgard or Church
she was coming right for him, this is self defense, Dimitri had no choice
Post Petra's ending
Blyeth gets BTFO by Claude in two of the routes though
Based eyepatch man.
Dimitri becomes cool again in his route.
Edelgard literally tried to backstab him one last time by throwing the knife despite him offering her his hand and knowing that a knife isnt going to stop the absolute fucking tank dimitri became
>Get Flayn instead of Shithis
Absolutely based
>leaks confirm Dimitri as the best lord and actually gets his tiddy sensei and lavishes her with love even in the eyes of the fucking public
>Byleth just standing there pretending not to be an absolute fuckup of a teacher
did a japanese lady write this game?
Dimitri's route is the "bad" ending because unlike Claude he didn't deal with the Nemesisfags, unlike Edelgard he didn't deal with Seiros and unlike Rhea he didn't deal with the Goddess, so he has three doomsday scenarios
I thought the girls were shit before but holy FUCK do they get worse after 5 years.
Who the fuck am I even supposed to waifu in this?
No one's played it. I doubt leakerchad will finish Beagles on Hard fast enough to show us Infernal any time soon
>teach at a school
>all your students look up to you for guidance
>they then go at each others' throats and genocide half the country
Is there anyone more JUSTed than Blyeth?
Dimitri and Byleth can realistically deal with anything thrown at them with Edelgard and her 3rd reich out of the way
Husbando the guys then
She's not any better.
>she doesn't try the ol' sudden knife trick with Byleth
wonder why
Church route?
I knew I made the right choice in choosing my boy Dimitri
I think this is their only ending
>After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis,\nS0 ascended the throne as the first leader of\nthe United Kingdom of Fódlan. From EK00hisEL00herEM00 temporary\nresidence at Garreg Mach Monastery, EK00heEL00sheEM00 endeavored to\nrestore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped\ndeath, Rhea took time to recover her strength before\nreturning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return,\nshe applied herself to rehabilitating the church and\nhelping those who had suffered because of the war.\nThereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies\nand achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work\ncame to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.
teacher of the goddamn decade
>conquering empire is ALWAYS put up as muh ebil villains in every fucking FE even though half the time they're doing it to stave off some greater evil
>Three Houses
>get to play as Walhart/Rudolf
fucking FINALLY
None of the options are good
if he wanted to behead her that's a very inefficient way to do it
Whatthe hell is Sothis?
>Byleth doesnt even hesitate to cut edelgard down while Dimitri gave her another chance and got stabbed for it
or generic nice guy lord #7
>story actually ended up being good
I can't fucking believe it
generic nice guy lord #7
>After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United\nKingdom of Fódlan, S0 announced his\nmarriage to Petra. In light of her love for her spouse and\nher unique position to act as a bridge between the two\nregions, Petra entrusted her homeland's throne to her\nfamily and remained in Fódlan. Together, the two worked\nhard to restore Fódlan and improve relations with Brigid.\nThe foreign royal was initially met with skepticism, but in\ntime, the people of Fódlan accepted and adored Petra.\nThanks to their efforts, in the distant future, the two lands\nwere eventually as one.
>After becoming the new archbishop of the Church of\nSeiros, S0 announced his marriage to\nPetra. In light of her love for her spouse and her unique\nposition to act as a bridge between the two regions,\nPetra entrusted her homeland's throne to her family and\nremained in Fódlan. Together, the two worked hard to\nrestore Fódlan and improve relations with Brigid.\nThe foreign royal was initially met with skepticism,\nbut in time, the people of Fódlan accepted and adored\nPetra. Thanks to their efforts, in the distant future,\nthe two lands were eventually as one.
>As S0 set out to fight those who slither in\nthe dark, Petra left the throne of Brigid to her family to\nfollow him. The pair fought many hard battles together\nagainst this terrifying enemy before finally emerging\nvictorious after the long war. Finally able to breathe easy,\nthey took up residence in the city of Nuvelle, which lies on\nthe western fringe of Fódlan, where they enjoyed the same\nwaters that touch her homeland of Brigid. As their love\ngrew, so did their mastery of each other's native language.
So what are the yuri/yaoi options in this game?
I'm curious.
Man, he didn't hesitate for a minute unlike Dimitri, if he had been the one to offer his hand she may have accepted it
Give me the details on Death Knight
Stop posting the version that's missing the last two lines for no reason
Both Gorilla and Caim because both of them are based.
Twitter homos can have their filler route.
There's yuri options but the S supports for guys are all P L A T O N I C Z O N E D
because she's Bylethsexual, it's literally her main character trait
if he offered his hand she'd probably take it, she wants the dick/cunny
Gay options are some dads and Linhardt.
Dunno what the yuri options are because yuri is shits.
Gay - Linhardt
Lesbian - Dorothea, Mercedes, Edelgard (kinda)
According to endings
Time to kill everyone with muh Emperor
seems a little OP
Much obliged.
>The joyous marriage of S0, the newly-appointed archbishop,\nand Dimitri, the newly-crowned king of Faerghus,\ngave the people of Fódlan much to celebrate. The two\nwere devoted to improving life for the people and to\nseeking greater wisdom in order to reform the government\nand the church from the inside out. As leaders of church\nand state respectively, at times they engaged in heated\ndebate. Even still, when enjoying a long horse ride or a\nquiet evening, they were not as the world saw them,\nbut rather two adoring spouses, desperately in love.\nThey remained as such for the rest of their days.
whats the mByleth/Edelgard ending
>the only ending where Dimitri doesn't get Reinhardt'd
Looks good. Is it actually not a dumpster fire like Fates was?
Dads are friendzone endings
>byleth showing emotion
She kinda looked like she wanted it to me. Like Teacher made her realize she fucked up, and she would've been insulted if she didn't get the appropriate punishment.
tell me about Marianne
The dads are platonic
We tried to tell you this before the leaks but you fags said "durrr they're S supports they must be romantic"
im unironically considering playing fem byleth now just because of how good this pair is
There is Deer route if you missed Fates tier writing.
Raphael's hair looks terrible post
Edelgard is alright
Hubert is better but eh
Dimitri is coldsteel the hedgehog
I prefer pre Felix personally but its not bad
So Black Eagle's have two routes right? Church and full gorilla?
What happens to Edel if you join the church?
Niggas I didn't know
I've barely paid attention to the leaks and info. I'm just here to be upset that none of the girls are good.
I don't and was never interested in those yellow losers since their lord looks like a faggot.
It turns out that the games original development like had 3 morally grey Lords in Dimitri, Edelgard and Rhea and the story was meant to be complex with betrayel.
Natural IS/Maeda got cold feet when they realized that they didn't have a generic good guy lord, so they basically demoted Rhea and made Claude and gave him his own shitty side story away from the others so that they could have a safe option for all the casuals/fatesfags/awakeningfags
That's why the one reviewer compared Claude's route to Fates, because it's literally meant to be the baby route for shit tiers
I gotta wait and see just how hard/fun the two difficulties above Hard (Maddening and Infernal) are. other than that the game seems to be rubbing me the right way.
from what i heard, the two "daddies" are just platonic but Linhardt is gay
now that the gay options are down to exactly 1, cue additional seething fujos. I'm going M!Byleth and gunning for Linhardt my first playthrough.
Edelgard and Dimitri are a return to classic FE
Is it true that Claude gets a wyvern?
Edelgard has crest AIDS. Kinda gives her erratic behavior more meaning.
Only Golden Deer seems like a boring nothing route for faggots who can't handle based Edelgard and based Dimitri.
Dropped until there’s a DLC where Sothis survives. Even that spic shitposting wasn’t as bad as hearing she literally dies/sacrifices herself in every route. Stop killing the cute dragons you faggots, Fates was bad enough.
Okay but why is Dimitri based? All I see are the memes and no context.
>Raphael's hair looks terrible post
totally disagree, he looks like '70s turbochad. the hair is my favorite part
>Dmitri is coldsteel the hedgeheg
implying that's a negative
>Blythe showing emotiong to his father
>Not giving a single fuck about watching his students murder each other or murdering them himself
>Edelgard canonically gets M!Byleth
>Dimitri canonically gets F!Byleth
>Claude is a filler and a nobody
He has an eyepatch.
It's why Haar is based.
>mad because no wish fulfillment ending in muh video game
Is there no way to save her?
Every route, but Claude sounds decent.
Eagles are canon route though and Edelgard is actually great unlike Shitzua, and Lions won in terms of having the most based lord.
You pretty much have to play the Lord's specific route to save them, although I think Claude can escape in Dimitri's route
only if you go through her route
>was excited for claude being the big deceiver with tons of political intrigue
That's fucking stupid.
Fuck off with that shit IS is fucking killing all the dragon girls in recent games and I’m sick of it. Where were the protests from the supposed hordes of Tikifags who work there.
I'm loving that the Eagles and Lions have allied to shit on Deerfags for their boring story and lord.
Lemme make sure I'm following this right:
Edelgard goes full dyke evil empress and murders most of the continent to kill the villain solely so she can stay in power but under the guise of MUH OPPRESSION.
Dimitri murders Edelgard because MUH CHURCH and isn't as punished as we assumed despite them selling him as it when it's Edel who actually does kill em all.
And then there's Claude...
>Literally irrelevant in all routes said his own
>Somehow fucking kills the main villain accidentally
>"Fuck what do we do now!?" "Hey I know, remember that cutscene where some dude with a whipsword is fighting an angry Sophitia from Soul Calibur? Let's revive him!"
>It fucking works and Nemesis supposed kills dykegard and Dimitri
>The whole fight is just Byleth vs Nemesis, Claude decides it's a good idea to run face first into a guy with a whipsword and gets decked
>They still win, Claude decides ruling is boring, lets Byleth be king cause who else is left?
>The whole point of the chunni friendship BS is lost if Claude's 2 pals die to the same final boss he accidentally spawned himself.
>MFW instead of being a cunning jew, it's just a less dark but not quite golden ending for nu-FE babies who won't appreciate darker plot
>Claude literally fucking has to kill roughly 3 final bosses for no reason other than it just sorta happened unintentionally.
And then there's the Church but no one's mentioned what their plot/deal is so I assume it's just Rhea vs Edel.
what would the Church route be? Finally acting like the adult you're supposed to be and stopping Dimitri and Edel from fucking up any further?
user there's zero reason to lose hope
You're stupid.
but that was a joke anyway, Idk why everyone's acting as if Dimitri is something special.
I feel bad for Deercucks. I was really hoping Claude would be an evil jew too, especially considering both Gorilla and Dimitri have a pretty high bodycount
Does Claude kill anyone or is it just a generic happy ending
>All those people crying over Edelgard being evil
>All those people who will cry over Edelgard being evil when the game comes out.
Good, fuck you. Do you know how many games where you can dick the villianess? Not fucking many. This is everything I've ever wanted, and you can't take it from me.
Best girl Edelgard and CHADmitri are classic FE routes.
Claude is Fates route with shit tier final boss, shit tier cut-scene and shit tier endings.
Very much this. And she didn't throw a dagger at Dimitri because she thought she could win, or she would have aimed for the head. She did it because she was insulted that he didn't finish her.
>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.
Looks like it's the same for mByleth and fByleth.
That sounds great if true. I'll wait to see what people say after release but I sure hope it's an improvement over the past couple entries.
Glaives are way too underused as weapons.
monica spoilers
let me reinstate, is there a way to save her without shoving your dick inside her? I'm playing female Blythe
Still, Blythe as a character is stone cold watching former students murder each other without a hint of regret or hesistation, they even slaughter them personally don't they?
>Somehow fucking kills the main villain accidentally
>>"Fuck what do we do now!?" "Hey I know, remember that cutscene where some dude with a whipsword is fighting an angry Sophitia from Soul Calibur? Let's revive him!"
The bigbrained guy, Thales and the clown's plan always was to revive him
>>It fucking works and Nemesis supposed kills dykegard and Dimitri
There's literally zero source of this
>>The whole fight is just Byleth vs Nemesis, Claude decides it's a good idea to run face first into a guy with a whipsword and gets decked
He was "tricking him" (yes it is retarded)
>>MFW instead of being a cunning jew, it's just a less dark but not quite golden ending for nu-FE babies who won't appreciate darker plot
We haven't seen anything but the cutscenes
Dimitri deserves better than that ugly creature. Thank goodness he can be paired up with the better girls.
True. Dimitri's glaive looks absolutely hideous though
>put birthday as 4/20
>green bitch says we have the same birthday
How does Edelgard kill Dimitri in her route?
I don't know what you mean. You can play any gender Bylthe in any route and female Bylthe can marry Edel.
She dies in Dimitri and Claude's routes regardless, just like Dimitri dies in Edel and Claude's routes.
>gets rid of crests
>gets rid of shitty gods
Literally did nothing wrong
I haven't been following this game at all, but nuclear missiles seem pretty based. What's that about?
She always has the same birthday as you, it’s a plot point later.
I will admit, I wanted this. Not only do we get to for once side with the evil empire and basically go full murder frenzy, we can also dick down the empress to cure her Crest cancer and get a good ending? What's there to lose?
>every fire emblem game ever
>"evil empire"
>actually trying to kill some kind of oppressive god
>le friendship hero steps in and fucks it all up but wins anyway
This time I actually get to be the empire and kill the fucking gods myself.
A lot of people were born on April 20th you know, I even knew one.
As far as best girl gorilla and best boy board are concerned? No.
Goldenwho is irrelavent to the gorilla/boar dynamic and his route is for everyone who likes Fates.
>and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.
Doesn't Edelgard have crest aids and will die even if she accomplishes her goal?
>Rhea gets nuked.
Okay what is the explanation of that.
Best boy deserves a better girl. Like Chaterine. He ending with Marianne was very cute and emotional as well. His solo ending is also based.
>muh plot
Do we know which one has the best maps? Or are they all the same unlike Fates?
but why
>Dimitri beats Edelgard
>He offers her his hand one last time
>She tries to fucking stab him because he isnt byleth senpai and gets killed for it
>Byleth beats Edelgard
>He just cuts her down instantly without a moments hesitation
why is byleth such a terrible fucking teacher
At least they have the decency to remember the turnwheel is a thing and none of us will have to go "Why didn't they just use it?" so this already proves the writing is less shit.
(You) know when to put a mad dog down
Nazi nukes
USgamer guys said a jap reviewer they know told them it went Deer > Lions >> Eagles
No idea. I'm just copy-pasting from the pastebin:
Is there fucking time travel in this game or some shit?
Because he/her only allowed to show true "emotions" with his/her dad. No really, its the only cutscenes where this character shows any emotions. Every other one is "...".
>the villains have literal nukes in actual missile casings, but powered by magic
I have a feeling the actual plot is going to be really really stupid
>Deer has the worst story but best gameplay
i wonder if they're gonna actually do anything with that or if the fucking magic missiles were an effect of that
Ew. Femleth isn't as good as the male counterpart but I'm going for the end where he gets the best ending (not dying or ending up with a literal gorilla) because that's what he deserves after all the suffering he went through
>worst story
Are we really doing the sames thing during the Fates datamine and judging things without context
Does Edel still obsess over Byleth even when its the female one?
Literally Drakengard E
First half of the game is the monastery
Second half is a big war
Third half is you go into the future and fight in World War 2, and then you give Truman/Hitler/Hirohito (depending on who you side with) a wyvern in exchange for a nuke
So is the church good? I wanna be pro church
The plot is probably going to be fucking retarded. We were all excited when Fates was leaking and we were getting screenshots of lategame Conquest and Revelations too.
Edelgard is the cutest female Hitler ever!
>everyone took a shit on Edelgard for being the main girl
>turned out she was the best girl and MASTER SCHEMER
>everyone on Yea Forums wanked Golden-who for being a "schemer"
Feels good not being a Deer cuck.
Honestly, with the fact that missiles literally show up in this game, I can believe this. It'd be so weird.
Is this true?
>Claude accidentally all the main villains and brings peace and cucks Byleth
>in a Japanese game
>in a fucking SRPG
Dimitri is the best route for the church
>Archbishop F!Byleth and Emperor Dimtiri get married and fix everything from the inside
It seems like its just as morally gray as Edelgard and Dimitri are.
Deerfags cope on feg is absolutely hilarious. They were so overconfident and they got BTFO the hardest.
I mean would you rather it be like this?
>Everyone says Dmit and Edel are a return to classic FE
All the classic FEs were about fighting off God/Dragons/Demons who manipulated the thrones of nations to become rulers and bring about war to make suffering for people.
What in the fuck? FE never been about true political intrigue. If anything Claude is following classic FE style.
It seems the "main branch" of the church are the good guys but plenty of the offshoots are villainous. Of course, Edelgard being a retard murders everyone, even the good people.
You know she wanted to die there,right? She forced Dimitri to kill her because he showed her mercy and Blythe already knew she wanted death so made a quick slash at her head to make it painless even if the animation is off. I wish someone would post Dimitri's death to see if he accepts it the same way Edel does or if he goes out pathetically
>The route involving country scale inheritance issues and stopping an insurrection before it destroys a continent is Fates-tier because it's not game of thrones
You're confused, I wish people would pay fucking attention to the terms that are hit over the head again and again.
Sieros IS the goddess worshiped by the church, the Mother of Life who Sieros herself reveres is a different person and consistently is refereed to as such.
Another example is the "goddess resurrection ceremony" that is again about SIEROS.
it's gray. the church is controlled by some shit which is why Edel goes nuclear on it
I'd totally play this. Imagine giving Hitler a fucking dragon.
It's the same retards that say that Gaiden is "classic FE" and that the GBA games are "dark and serious".
People are datameming not playing the game.
Wait till release mate.
They'll probably bring up 4 even though the main fucking point was just fighting a dude possessed by a dragon and that incest is fucking awful.
Wtf Yea Forums? You told me that Claude we be the most based route? Yet both gorilla fags and lion fags are laughing at us at this point. Lion fags in particular won when it comes to having the best lord.
Game of Thrones ruined fantasy. Now everything has to be non-stop intrigue.
Fuck fags.
>You told me that Claude we be the most based route?
It is
>Homos didn't even get their gay daddies
Thank you IS
Dimitri and Edel aren't even about intrigue. They have two opposing viewpoints about the continent and go to war.
how bout, wait until the game comes out
>intrigue bad
>All the classic FEs were about fighting off God/Dragons/Demons
Only at the very end. The bulk of the games were concerned with fighting against oppressive nations, only in the final chapters of several games in the series do you find out there's some dumb evil thing behind it all. And even then they're usually possessing/using the ruler of the conquering nation anyway so it's not like all that time spent warring against them was pointless.
The average retard here likes to pretend every FE game is like Jugdral or Tellius
post edelgard killing dimitri
>yfw you aren't a fag or a deershitter
>they went full monolith soft
>game goes science fiction in the final stretch
Absolute madmen.
>Lorenz's kid with femByleth is mini-Lorenz
>down to the purple hair and the silly haircut and the rose
Fucking Lorenz is the best.
The best ones are the ones that are trying to say that the other endings aren't any better.
>he fell for "schemer" meme
>he fell for Deer meme
You have only yourself to blame for this.
You know that FE4 is a thing right?
So is the story worth the wait or not i aint reading anything in this thread
God fucking damnit IntSys
Why the fuck is he losing it here
MC has some sort of time powers, as seen in . The full extent of time shenanigans is not known right now.
Seems like one of the most interesting stories a Fire Emblem has ever had, honestly.
wow they killed the father who could have seen that coming
>timekip Lindhard isn't feminine anymore
fug, I guess I have to fuck a girl now
you never really know it's the gods or dragons until the end of the game
usually it follows a route like 7:
fight against the evil empire -> oh shit there's a secret faction behind the evil empire and/or the empire was trying to stop a greater threat from appearing -> oh shit the head of the secret faction is a god/dragon or sorcerer trying to revive said god/dragon
>You know that FE4 is a thing right?
like fucking clockwork
Check the OP's webm
He was talking about the beginning, which is the same
>Marianne's best ending is with Dimitri
>Lysithea's best ending is with Byleth
Well I sure know what to do now in my Blue Lions playthrough.
>want play as MByleth to be bros with Dimitri
>but also want to play as FByleth for Dimitri
Should I flip a coin
See (OP)'s webm. He found out that Edelgard was Flame Lord and since they both have history with each other (step-siblings) he's kinda going nuclear at that point.
He still tired to make a peace with her in his ending though, but gorilla tried to kill him and failed .
Most of the time its going to be the dragons.
fuck intrigue in fantasy, give me a good adventure
there's a reason people will remember LOTR and forget about ASOIAF
i can't imagine what it's like to be so obsessed with western media like game of thrones or marvel movies to where you think it influences everything across the world
So how long is this game supposed to be
There's no reason it can't be about BOTH asshole dragons and political intrigue, and most of them are.
>Track 94
i'm getting Yoshito Sekigawa vibes from it
what is this terminator shit? guy just manhandles everyone, even without a weapon.
I don't even care that Rhea is platonic. The fact that you can side with the church and save her and have a close relationship with her whilst she gets better is enough for me. I mean it's not even a stretch to imagine them getting together post game...
Beautiful and BASES YONDUs..
i think people will remember both
LotR is better than asoiaf for a long list of reasons but I think "not having political intrigue" isn't very high on that list
>implying Edelgard isn't just Daenerys
yeah but there's a huge twist in sacred stones! it was a DEMON instead!
Where did these webms come from I want to see how edelgard kills dimitri and claude
With all three paths, probably close to 80 hours. Each one is probably only going to be around 25 or so, if you take your time.
That's in-game stuff
he ate all the stat boosters
you don't fight no evil empire in 7. 7 is like one of the only ones where you don't fight an evil empire.
>‘I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall [of Mordor], but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless – while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors – like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going round doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow – but it would be just that. Not worth doing.’
This might unironically be the best FE plot (and a pretty good plot overall) possibly with the exception of Golden Deer
The best ending for Dimitri is probably with FByleth so if you don't mind getting railed by him then go for it
right, IntSys paid so much attention to a tv show that just finished that they used the turnwheel to go back in time and design half the plot to copy it
That's because he's unironically the best boy of this game.
Edelgard is the best girl.
And the third one doesn't even matter.
Dimitri is the Sasuke to Claude's literal naruto.
leakerfag was pegging it closer to 40-50 per route
Seeing people go from "THIS IS OUR GAME GET FUCKED" to this over the course of a few weeks has certainly been something.
One of the leakers took 40-50 hours to get to the timeskip. So no
No robots around, also no gnosticism shenanigans.
So, how do you get the different paired endings if only Blyeth can S-support?
The leaker in /feg/, even with all his 10 hours of shitposting, padded 50 hours at the timeskip on beagles, this is RD length
It's not fair bros...
Are the Amiibo tracks included?
He was supposed to be the betrayer deerbros...
If you support her with Lysithea in her route, they become bffs and cure each other crest aids.
Of course she's fucked in the other routes.
His endings with Marianne and Dedue are also pretty good. All in all he makes out fairly well compared to most.
Most of those fags don't even own a switch.
>Each one is probably only going to be around 25
If you play on Normal and skip everything, maybe.
>Believing Yea Forums propaganda
Don't be stupid Claudefag
>they actually used tactical nukes against a dragon
Is it really from the future and not some kind of ancient magic technology?
I don't feel so good...
A rank is romance for other characters.
tbf he was fucking around for like 10 hours doing nothing but idling by his own confession so i'd put total length in 40-60 ballpark for your first route with no skipping. maybe a bit faster if you rush or play on babby difficulty.
Shut up Corrin 2.0
So, can other characters only have one A rank or something?
she's not best girl but she's pretty based
Fuck off back to Fates.
why do they all type like that? god I hate them.
Yeah they are good bittersweet endings. Though Fleth is probably the best one for him after all he went through. The man deserves eternal happiness
Here's all the supports
Why are they mad about that?
>Blythe as a character is stone cold watching former students murder each other without a hint of regret or hesistation
That's why he's the best.
Really? Pretty cool. The only Fire Emblem I've ever played was Awakening, but I might pick this one up.
What is wrong with the idea of having friendship/having hope? Why does Claude get shit on this when its literally the same shit we do in real life?
>muh age gap pedoshit
which is fucking retarded because they're applying stupid-ass modern social justice standards to a fantasy video game but fuck logic right?
He doesn't become immortal if that's what you're referring to and neither does she. Only in Flayn's ending do you become the immortal. Maybe Seteth's but it doesn't seem that way.
Still I'd agree it's overall happier since it doesn't swerve with a "separated by death"like the other two. It's still funny Slyvian and Felix get an ending that's less bittersweet than one of Dmitri's potential wives and his not-husband.
>following in the footsteps of Rudolf and Walhart FUCK THE CHURCH, FUCK GODS, AGE OF MAN NOW
I'd say she's best girl
You know, I'm not surprised that Dimitri ended up being pure CHAD. I'm surprised that he is this likable though. The man is just too pure. However, even Edelgard ended up being great tier and this is the character everyone called Azura 2.0.
Meanwhile... Claude is just Kamui 2.0 of dog shit. His endings are just as bad.
But there's no pedoshit at all
Its fucking boring as shit
What makes it extra retarded is that they were just complaining about the fact that Byleth, despite also being a teacher, CAN'T have enough gay sex with their students.
Go back and play some of the older games, you might have a good time. I'd say play Genealogy because I'm a Jugdralfag but that's me.
Shitposting. Everything about muh friendship or fates-tier is speculation, cutscenes have no audio.
It's just edgy retards that can't get over Fates having an happy ending route
>Byleth's sperm can literally cure crest-illnesses
>Byleth can literally stop Edelgard and Lysithea from dying by giving them a good dicking
Is edelgard really the only one with animated death scenes
Apparently older character fucking younger character that may or may not be teenage is pedoshit, stupid I know
What's extra stupid is you can tell who these people are immediately when they resort to calling it "gross" or "problematic"
This might sound malicious, but I have absolutely zero desire to play the other games. Strategy is not really my genre. I'm not even sure why I like Awakening as much as I do, considering I bought Fates, and dropped it less than halfway through.
This one does look appealing to me for some reason, though.
His character is boring but the real reason he is getting shit on is because his route is filler.
Yeah, I mean he deserves to live a fulfilling life and die an old age with a smile on face. But yeah, his A support with Ingrid is kind of disappointing and bland considering she's his childhood friend. I think even Claude has a better ending with her
Yeah, they're the Time to Act (Shadow Dragon), Alight/A Dark Fall (Fates) and Destiny (Awakening) according to some guy on /feg/
Fair enough, have fun anyways user
maybe they somehow stole some glimpse to the future with all the modern tech and brought some of it back, assuming you want a Fates Conquest tier plot - might as well go all the way with crazy stupid
It's a good day to be either an Eaglefag or a Lionfag
Well that's basically what happens with those two as well, it's just the other party that gets somewhat screwed, unlike with Femleth who both basically lose nothing.
And true, Ingrid's ending is much better with Claude. Hell it's better with Dedue and they specifically DON'T fuck, they kumbaya and actually end the Duscar racism.
So is there a neutral Ending where I kill every piece of shit lord and save humanity or no
>Entrusting the future of Fódlan to his friends, Claude left\nfor Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne.\nWhen he became king, he asked Lysithea to be his queen\nwith a heart full of love, and with the hope of fostering\nfriendly diplomatic relations with Fódlan. Due to her\nshortened lifespan, Lysithea declined. Claude, unable to\nabandon his love for her, gave up the throne to go on a\nquest for a means to save her. Years later, he appeared\nsuddenly before her, claiming to have found a cure.\nWith her trust and love to guide him, he whisked her\naway, across the sea. It is unknown where they went.
Claude can save her too.
Please stop calling Edelgard a Gorilla she doesn't control her Base Str
It would be fine if his route wasn't so disconnected with others. It's literally just Edelgard's and Dimitri's story. Claude is third wheel that has no impact of either of them, whatsoever and his plot revolves around being hurr "I accidentally killed the baddies" durr
They make this even more clear by the endings. All of his endings are retarded and he doesn't have have romantic endings with romanced Byleth, unlike Dimitri who gets pushed as more... "canon" choice for Femleth. Edelgard doesn't even need explaining since she's the main girl.
Churh end, maybe
I'm really glad there are paired endings that aren't romantic
Piss off, neutralfag.
We call her gorilla out of love. Just like we call Dimitri a boar.
So let me get this straight. What we know about Claude's route:
>Deals with Inheritance Disputes
>Claude dislikes the Church in its current form
>At some point both the House leaders die in his route, like in the others. There's no cutscene of him killing Edelgard/Dimitri so it's unknown how exactly that happens.
>He ends up killing Nemesis along with Byleth via an all according to keikaku moment
>Manages to create a United Kingdom of Fodlan
I think you fags need to wait and see how these dots are connected before shitting yourself like this.
>His character is boring and filler.
Just like Dmitri
I want to marry that cute Gorilla!
>Punished Dimitri "kill every last one of them" Blaiddyd turns out to be the wholesome man of friendship, camaraderie and peace and all his endings turn him into a cinnamon roll
>Edelgard slaughters anyone that disagrees with her including the peaceful part of the church and neutral factions and her endings have her being cold and commanding
>surprised that the Lords go nuclear
>acting like this is something new to Fire Emblem because of fucking Game of Thrones and that they don't make royals go apeshit all the time
The only thing IntSys likes more than using Mad Kings is dragons.
Here's a present for Sothisfags, she gets your rings
Damn that hair looks bad.
I thought edel stil lwants blyeth even if female did they just lazy out and her supports don't even change in dialogue depending on gender?
cope harder deerfag
I hope they went all out and made the Church end the evil ending
The White Ending was never fucking Neutral and I dont understand why people think it is, it is clearly the singular most extreme conclusion of either Law or Chaos
Same, even if some endings are disappointing.
Actually good romantic and platonic endings of all flavors are pretty much what should have been the case. Some are even pretty funny and would work as an interesting story on their own, overall, this is a massive improvement storywise.
Several endings save her, Linhardt and Edelgard's too. But Byleth literally fixes her with the power of God Dick.
What number in the tracklist?
>Sothis has a romatic S-support but no ending
>playing male byleth
>the dimitri/Ingrid ending is shit
Who do I ship him with bros? Do I bite the bullet and play as mommy byleth?
In the S route they are apparently the same, C B A might change.
Imagine wanting to get fucked by this man only for him to kike you and dump all the kingdom problems to you while he's fucking someone that isn't you
Don't forget retarded knights that would rather continue fighting for an objectively evil asshole instead of trying to help the people and uphold the knightly values they supposedly care about.
We’re all gonna Mary her dumbass you aren’t special
Dimitri already fills that role. The reason why he doesn't get shit for it is because HE HAS A ROLE while Claude is just some rando.
Not to mention this . Botch Edelgard and Dimitri have their stories connected with each other while Claude is, once again, JUST SOME RANDO.
Actually his parents may be involved
>the church were the good guys the entire time
what a twist
So about the gameplay...
Is there a post game?
Marienne. They have best and most bittersweet ending.
What a fucking chad. I bet he impregnated sensei and had her raise the child while running the kingdom while he ran around doing other things.
but bro...they have le honor
Some people think White is Neutral at it's most extreme.
Actually its a sect of the church that are good guys, you honestly expect a crazy bitch to be leading the whole thing to NOT be evil?
Thanks pal
not only that but when you fuck up he comes back and takes all the glory by saving the kingdom again
Napoleon was a rando too. We all saw how that turned out for France.
Dimitri/Marianne is super fucking sweet.
>in a Japanese game
>in an SRPG
What happens in it
Dmitri is based as fuck
Also found Eternal Bond (Radiant Dawn) in there.
Did the game come out? I haven't been on Yea Forums for a while so I'm overwhelmed and don't know what's going on.
>Raphael's sister decides that she wants to become a painter
>she disappears for a few years to learn
>when she returns, she brings Ignatz in tow who she married, and Raphael is delighted that his best friend is now his brother in law
I'm used to bad guys being dumb in FE games but the motherfucker literally didnt move out of the way when he saw the shot being fired
But Claude was a true schemer. He managed to fool Yea Forums into thinking that his character and route will be good.
It's not fucking fair bros.
add Id (Purpose) to that, track 8B, not sure if its a new remix
Could you post it?
>Jumps out the way
>Retreats to safe distance to shoot arrows
>He plans his shot and uses himself as a distraction so Byleth can land the final blow.
Why is he so competent?
>best possible end for Dimitri where he lives a happy man
>sweet and bittersweet endings for Dimitri
Marianne and Dedue
>Claude ditches Byleth and goes home
>Lorenz fucks Byleth so hard that Byleth's son has purple hair and wears a rose on his shirt
Who is he?
Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of\nFaerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fódlan.\nSeveral years after his coronation, he took Marianne,\nwhom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's\ngreatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided\nby Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive\nfather, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri\nfell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very\nend. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing,\ncontained recounts of their time together. The last words,\npenned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our\ntime together or the happiness we knew for anything."
Who was he anyway?
why are you spoiling the game for yourselves...
why is the CGI so fucking trash?
To be fair. There is no way he could believe that a random shot in the air that he made would land directly on him like that. It was a literal shot in the dark.
I thought all of the waifus looked bad and was going to pass on this game given I know it won't be as fun or pretty as GBA Fire Emblem, but then they revealed Shamir at the last minute.
Any more info on her?
Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of\nFaerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fódlan.\nSeveral years after his coronation, he took Marianne,\nwhom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's\ngreatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided\nby Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive\nfather, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri\nfell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very\nend. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing,\ncontained recounts of their time together. The last words,\npenned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our\ntime together or the happiness we knew for anything."
>Claude and Lorenz ending has Claude put Lorenz as Byleth's right hand man so Lorenz can rule Fodlan
Also Roy's map themes and the Alm and Celica amiibo ones
Because it's ISIS.
Dyke with a gambling problem.
This is so retarded compared to kino here .
Hers is good but I think she has one with other best boy Dedue that is also super cute. I think they open up a school together for Duscar children and teach them about their homeland and have kids. Something like that. My boy Dedue also deserves some sweet best girl pussy.
Who the fuck at IS ships these two so hard they arent even in the same house
Why does Dimitri have so many ends where he dies holy shit. This actually depresses me, I'm going for the one where he's happy
why do we call Edelgard gorilla and Dimitri boar?
Claude support, it seems he really planned to fuck you over.
>I have something else to ask. Please...i hope you'll accept this. When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your
power to my advantage. I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true.
But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world...with you by my side. I still feel that way, you know. I always will.
That's why I have to leave. But nothing will stop me from coming back. There's no way I'm gonna let you go. You know that, don't you? Thank you... For everything. I'll be back before you know it. We'll only be apart for a short while. And now... I'm off to cross Fódlan's Throat. I love you. With everything I am. And the next time we see each will be at the dawn of a whole new world. A peaceful, happy world.
whats this shit
I wanna fuck that milf
When's Awakening 2?
He is happy in that one. It is implied he dies when he is older. Just fuck him yourself, he is best boy followed by his bro for life Dedue at a close second.
>Dimitri is a pacifist that's forcing himself to fight
>Marianne is a pacifist that's forcing herself to fight
They are sort of made for each other.
that's why it's not fair
we don't even fucking know
Then pick a Femleth. She might be ugly, but she gives him the happiest ending that the boy deserves after all the suffering he went through.
>Awakening 2
>game is revealed
>everyone shits on it
>details start to leak
>it's actually one of the best Fire Emblem games ever made
What a timeline.
>game punishes quick-saving/loading
He grew old with his wife and eventually died of a sickness. If this is tragic to you then I have bad news about your own life.
Dimitri was the bad guy.
Edelgard actually made sense.
feg meme because Edelgard has retarded strength stats and "boar" for Dimitri because that's how Felix calls him as.
Better than the alternative
>tfw they changed Claude's route at the last minute.
The OST shits on Fates so fucking hard, it's 20/10
Reminder that Sylvain's solo ending (where he solves Crest's racism) means that Gorilla was just insane
Because all we got was the shitty high school setting for over a year
His hobby is literally training and getting stronger. You dont reach this level without liking to fight
He even gets a fucking marriage end with Catherine. A lot of romances feels forced considering those characters barely interact with each other. Other than F!Byleth, Ingrid is possibly the best candidate for him due to being in the same house and having history together. But her end with him turned out to be the most boring and bland of them. She gets a better ending with Claude and even Dedue which isn't even romantic.
>Edelgard murdered nuns to prove that crest worship is wrong
>Sylvain solved it himself not only without needing to axe nuns, but also did so while balls deep in his waifu
Is it at least like the Burger King where they give us hints on who it can be or is it literally nothing?
Are FE games fun? Would 3 Houses be a good starting point? Any word on how it is undocked?
How did Edel and Dmi die in Claude's route?
Dimitri has no choice but to fight due to his duty, but he doesn't like serious conflict. He does it out of necessity. At least, that's what I remember, do you have his bio with you?
The text is apparently really small and hard to read in handheld mode.
We don't know
Is there a route where I kill'em all? Fuck female hitler, fuck the silver tongued manipulator and fuck the dimwit who became the church's pawn without even thinking of anything other than fighting female hilter, they're all so fucking stupid and irritating that it just pisses me off. I want to slaughter them all and fuck off with my dragon loli I fused with
Yes they're fun.
Might as well start anywhere but generally people like Fire Emblem 7 the most. That's the GBA one that was released as just "Fire Emblem" in the US.
i don't know
i don't know if it's explained later in the game but from what i know it's literally not explained or has any sort of explanation. he just shows up as an ally on black eagles, fucks off, I dunno, maybe he fucking dies? who knows
either way none of these cutscenes leaked have him
I want to study with the Death Knight!
>Are FE games fun?
Yes, they are all fun SRPGs. Quality varies, but even the worst ones have their benefits, like how Fates has awful story but great gameplay, or how Echoes has awful gameplay but it's presentation is literally better than sex.
>Would 3 Houses be a good starting point?
Sure, you might miss some old references, but stories aren't connected.
Here's the Dimitri support
To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all.
My beloved... beloved.
Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation.
Give me your hand.
Please... I beg of you. Say something!
If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
That's not it at all...
What is this?
I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
You beat me to it...
Yes, I see. Right.
In that case, let us exchange them, shall we?
Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are.
These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved.
Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...
Wait is the story actually good?
>generally people like trash
Whoa holy shit a good looking woman in this game finally. What house is she tied to?
Fates already has a bretty gud soundtrack, is it that good?
Fucking kek, Dimitri is too much of a cinnamon roll and Byleth had to take the initiative, that's adorable.
Bern map theme in FE6 is 8D Alm is 8E and Celica's map is 8F
Eat shit.
Felix's S support?
Finally, you came.
Wars begin and end, but this place never changes.
And you don't change either.
That's not true.
Neither do you.
Hmph... If there's been any change, it's just that\nyou're so busy, your sword has grown dull.
That's true, except that the boar has thrust the\nbombastic title of "duke" upon me.
That's true.
We fought to bring peace to Fódlan, but peace is\nso boring.
No more chances to swing my sword at enemies.\nNo more life-threatening battles.
I know that these are positive developments, but I'm\nstill a warrior at heart.
Here I am, watching sadly as my blade grows dull.
That's selfish.
I feel the same.
You're right. Damn, I can be a fool sometimes...
You do? That's a relief. We're cut from the same\ncloth, you and I.
And on that note, I'll tell you why I asked you to\ncome here.
Take this.
Without a worthy opponent like you at my side,\nnot only will my sword grow'll rust.
So I had to think of a way to make sure you'd always\nbe with me. This is what I came up with.
You're pretty slow on the uptake. Don't you know\nwhat this ring means?
No, I don't.
I want to hear you say it.
If you keep messing around, I'll... I'll...
Fine! Listen carefully. I'm not going to say this more\nthan once.
I want you to be my wife. Please say yes. Let's get\nmarried and stay together until we die.
I love you.
That's all.
What? You have something to complain about?
I love you too, and I accept.
Oh... OK, then.
In that case, I'd better start planning for the future.
My future...with you.
Pick the canon one, user.
To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all.
My beloved... beloved.
Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation.
Give me your hand.
Please... I beg of you. Say something!
If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
That's not it at all...
What is this?
I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
You beat me to it...
Yes, I see. Right.
In that case, let us exchange them, shall we?
Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are.
These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved.
Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...
All the other endings solve the Crest issue and there are several people in endings that even all of that shit out. Edelgard was wrong as fuck about it and went crazy. That being said it is still fairly interesting, she is ultimately wrong though and proven in every other ending.
>read one sentence of the spoiler
>already better than the climax of the last five FE games put together
did Fire Emblem FINALLY get out of the fucking rut they've been in?
Seems like this is unironically the best story in any Fire Emblem game.
Nah the bar is just set low.
ok i'll go eat my copy of fe7
but the threads going ballistic when everyone thought gunter was the real villain was the only good part of fates
Dorothea x Manuela
>An entire thread of nothing but persona tier story discussion lauded as the second coming of christ
>Not a single discussion of what constitutes good strategic gameplay
Oh yeah I forgot, this is the nuFE fags
>bullying Felix
Byleth is based as fuck.
>I have something else to ask. Please...i hope you'll accept this. When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your
power to my advantage. I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true.
But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world...with you by my side. I still feel that way, you know. I always will. That's why I have to leave. But nothing will stop me from coming back. There's no way I'm gonna let you go. You know that, don't you? Thank you... For everything. I'll be back before you know it. We'll only be apart for a short while. And now... I'm off to cross Fódlan's Throat. I love you. With everything I am. And the next time we see each will be at the dawn of a whole new world. A peaceful, happy world.
Why'd they make dimitri so fucking huge and imposing with an eyepatch if he still acts like little boy
It's literally FE4 but with several routes and not ripped right from a fucking poem
Rhea S support
None of us have the game yet fucking retard, come back on the 26th.
He's too pure.
No. The Game of Thrones adaptation ruined modern fantasy. ASOIAF is a fantastic read that isn't just political intrigue and constant back stabbing. I mean it's still that but there's a point to it rather than just shock and awe.
Maybe because game isn't out yet?
>Neither can find a man so they dyke out together
humanity isn't competent enough
But its fully voiced so text only matters when using subtitles.
This, its adaptation has ruined current fantasy. It was their one chance to get the genre to be taken seriously but they absolutely destroyed it.
It's out if you hacked your Switch.
Dorothea/Petra A Support
Dorothea: Oh, Petra, are you researching something?
Petra: Yes. I am investigating useful fighting techniques.
Dorothea: You're always trying to become a better fighter. Personally, I'm sick of all the
Petra: You are...feeling sick about battle? Ah! I understand. Yes, I am also wishing for this
war to finish quickly.
Dorothea: Sooner the better. Ugh, I don't even remember the last time I washed my hair.
Petra: Yes, it is hard to be braiding your hair when it is damaged from lack of care.
Dorothea: Speaking of... You know, I don't think I've seen many braids like yours, Petra.
I assume it's a hairstyle from Brigid? May I take a closer look?
Petra: You may. This style of braiding has been passing...has been passed down through my
Dorothea: How very elaborate! That must take a long time to do.
Petra: Your words are delighting me. Braiding it does take up a great amount of time every day.
Dorothea: Every day? No, I suppose you couldn't sleep with your hair like that, could
you? When there's time, do you think you could teach me? It would be fun to match you every now and then! And once I learn how, I can help you with your hair. What do you think?
Petra: I am really liking that idea. It would give me great happiness to have our hair match.
Dorothea: Haha, I'd like it too!
Petra: Dorothea... Before, I had confusion. I thought you were being overly familiar.
But then I gained understanding. Now I am knowing that is how you show your kindness,
and I have much gratitude for that. It is impossible to be imagining life without you. You
are...precious to me.
Dorothea: Petra... What a lovely thing to say. I might just cry...
Petra: If you will be crying, you can have my...Ah! My shoulder. For your crying.
Dorothea: Oh, I was just playing around.
Petra: But...if I ever do need a good cry, I do hope you'll lend me your shoulder. My shoulder will always be available for you.
Dorothea: Oh, yeah? So, I don't even need to make a reservation or anything?
Petra: A reservation? shoulder?
Dorothea: Oh, I just meant... You know what? It doesn't matter. What matters is that I enjoy spending time with you. It makes me stop worrying about marriage and status.
Petra: If that is the truth, then will you be coming to Brigid with me?
Dorothea: Huh?
Petra: When this war is finished, I am wishing for you to be seeing my homeland.
Dorothea: are? Oh my. I'd love to, Petra. As soon as the fighting is done, I'd like
nothing more than to see Brigid with you.
It's like Fates all over again, and again, and again, and again
I think I'm becoming a Lion bro
I need Manuela and Shamir's S supports
>3H gets it's own White Ending right before the time skip
Holy fuck that'd be Kino.
having played Adler Klasse up to the timeskip on Hard, I can say strategic gameplay had been lacking a bit. Half the maps are Route and there's no real strategy to it, but there are other maps where you can make great use of the gambits, combat artes, spells, and a dancer (rip) to pull off stunts that will keep you one step ahead of the enemy. And a lot of the tactics come just from intution, no prior knowledge needed.
We'll see how the timeskip gameplay turns out.
Every route will be good
I thought the Fates OST was the best possible for the series, but this OST blows it out of the park.
Don't fucking pretend you were there for Fates hype, fucking Idiot, everyone could tell the story was garbage after the leak.
>runs at the guy with a spear and readies himself to bash the guy with the spear
>instead of keeping range and just stabbing him
what do you expect from a cherry boy who's only tasted war?
this is going to stay 60 bucks forever right? might as well get it day1 yes?
I fucking hate nintendo
>people never talked about supports pre-Awakening
Nigger back before Yea Forums existed people were having support wars on old forums. Hell, before us FE7fags were having Lyn wars, Japan was having Lachesis wars and FE5 caused the Japanese to go nuclear.
>Supreme Armored Co = The strongest armored soldiers in the Empire, hand-picked by Edelgard.
>King of Lions Corps = The most skilled lance infantry in the Kingdom, hand-picked by Dimitri.
>Immortal Corps = The most elite wyvern riders in the Alliance, hand-picked by Claude.
Which one Yea Forums?
People had to make shit up because lack of translation.
3houses is entirely translated.
probably be 40 bucks in 3 years
Gilbert/Gustave S Rank (lol)
So we still don't know the context for the fucking nuke?
It's been this way since the Gamecube Era, user, don't know what you expected
Based CHAD Lorenz.
So basically people hating on Claude because it turns out the route not starring a crazed psychopath is the route where things turn out the best
just hack it bro
I'm an idiot, sorry.
>arm*r cucks
>based lance infantry and based fliers
Claude is very much the "right Choice" but it's also the most boring
Yes. People don't like the fact that Claude doesn't go edgelord and gets the best ending for actually accomplishing things without fucking up.
Tfw you bring peace and prosperity to the land by not being an insane edge baby and Yea Forums rages at you for not senselessly killing people
Oh and by the way guys, "Classic" Fire Emblem isn't GoT edgelord shit. Most of the time the good guys win pretty decisively.
For those who don't know: The dagger that Edelgard stabs him with is the same dagger he gave her as a gift when they were kids.
Nope. Claude's route is the most retarded and filler that can be. It's just there so Awakening/Fates babies can have a route without having a bitter-sweet endings to them.
It is the most based route. For some reason "Chad" and "Based" has been warped to mean "psychopathic maniac" by Yea Forums.
>Claude doesn't care about ideologies, the church, dragons or gods.
>He just wants peace for the next few generations and for his men to go home and fuck their wives.
I would fight for Claude.
Wait so Gilbert and Alois aren't actually gay supports lmao so homos only got Linhardt ahahahaha and lesbians get what like 5 different girls ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
Nope. It's getting shit on because it has shit writing and because it isn't connected to other 2 routes at all. Edelgard and Dimitri have full history with each other and both are foils to each other. Claude is just there. That's all.
Dimitri and Marianne A rank
And what's wrong with that?! Friends killing each other is wrong! So why is it wrong to make them stop being retarded?! I dont get you edgefags you want nothing but constant suffering and death just because that's realistic! You're everything that's wrong with the modern world, instead of accepting how things are you should be even more determined to change them so they aren't that way anymore!
I apologize to the platonic S support guy. I couldn't believe IS were such fucking madmen hahahhahahah
We get it, you wanna fuck a 2D character and feel some odd, unjustified loyatly to them, you don't have to go on Attack dog mode for every single fucking post that puts the golden lions in a non-shit light
Right, Edelgard and Dimitri are retarded morons so you ignore them and go with the student who isn't going to burn down half the continent over a highschool bullying issue
Sounds pretty based to me.
Dimitri best bro
It's not about edge. It's about how it fits, and his route was given the least thought. It's just there for sake of being there so they don't have church (le 4th route) are 3rd one.
>it's all copypaste shit
Honestly they could have given everyone who didn't have kids a S support and it wouldn't make a difference.
>Claude's route is the most retarded and filler that can be. It's just there so Awakening/Fates babies can have a route without having a bitter-sweet endings to them
You mean almost every other Fire Emblem game including the Tellius games and Echoes that you fags like to shill so hard?
>Yea Forums seething that the route that isn't run by an edgelord is also the best route in terms of outcome
I wanted Claude to just be a vanilla good guy and I got it. Enjoy your melodramatic tragedies you literal fourteen year olds
People are hating on the Deer Route because it's not Morally grey
Why didnt they just put Marianne in blue lions to start they were fucking made for each other
Claude is just Lelouch if he didn't fuck up
Cyril (shota) and Manuela
Fire Emblem: Two edgelords and a kike.
Dear lord...
Deercucks are even more pathetic here than on /vg/. Just jump off your shit train onto better one or go back to you-know-where and worship you shitty meme literal who character known as Claude.
my fucking heart. this is too cute. Dimitri deserves all the happiness he gets
More like Fire Emblem: Two bros and a kike
>the dagger Edelgard has was a gift from Dimitri, in Fearghus a dagger is a symbol of being able to carve out a better future
>she tries to use it to kill Dimitri just to spite him
Fuck Edelgard, I'm siding with the Church.
I just find it funny that Dimitri and Edelgard are going all Shakespearean Tragedy while Claude just NAKAMAS his way to victory.
What is it with IS only making improvements AFTER they fuck up, not before?
it's so damn silly, just make the game right the first time, we don't need to suffer through years of shit like Awakening and Fates because you have no common sense.
It's ok, Manuela. I'll make sure to personally make you my own wife.
The Deerfag cope is great. You’re literally a third wheel in a conflict added because Awakening and Fates fags can’t handle JUGDRAL AMBIGUITY
Enjoy your filler route but also fuck you for stealing Rhea’s spotlight
Three House confirmed for kino?
>Please... I beg of you. Say something!
>If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
>That's not it at all...
>What is this?
>I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
>You beat me to it...
He's literally the type who spills spaghetti in front of the girl he likes
>Edelgard: we really need to murder the church
>Dimitri: we really need to kill Edelgard
>Claude: why not we fight the villains instead?
It's pretty funny how people said Golden Deers would be the most homogay and evil route and then the exact opposite ended up being true
fucking based and redpilled idealistanon
edgefags and intriguefags are the worst
>can't romance rhea
i think the leaks have just made it even harder. I wanted Death knight but Dmitri's route is looking great man.
Hm? Ah... Read that part there.\nHorsebow Moon, Year 1159...
Day 20 of the Horsebow Moon. All is cloudy.\nI can't believe she's dead.
Lady Rhea said she died during childbirth.\nBut is that the truth?
And still, the child she traded her life for doesn't\nmake a sound. Didn't even cry at birth.
Day 25 of the Horsebow Moon. It's raining.\nThe baby doesn't laugh or cry. Not ever.
Lady Rhea says not to worry, but a baby that\ndoesn't cry...isn't natural.
I had a doctor examine the child in secret.\nHe said the pulse is normal, but there's\nno heartbeat. No heartbeat!
Day 2 of the Wyvern Moon. Sunny.\nI feel I must take the child and leave.
But the church is always watching us... I don't\nknow what Lady Rhea has planned.
I used to think the world of Lady Rhea.\nNow I'm terrified of her.
Day 8 of the Wyvern Moon. More rain.\nI used the fire that broke out last night\nto fake the child's death.
Lady Rhea is in a state over the news.\nBut I can't change what I've done.\nI've got to take the child and leave...
>Still angry because can't save Rhea.
Holy shit stay mad nigger.
You can, retard.
What about this?
Bro you literally can romance her. The ending means shit if the support said other wise
This OST doesn't have nearly as many Women singing and stripdancing as I'd like
Because they dumped the team that made the CGI cutscenes in Awakening and Fates to Heroes in favor the same crap team who did Echoes CGI cutscenes.
>Byleth had terminal autism since birth
>be bad teacher
>student turns evil
Woah what a fucking surprise, huh?
Abysmal taste. Irredeemable.
>becomes Jagen
Why did this require an S-rank?
It's really not, it works well
I'm sorry Claude, but the voices in my head say I have to oppose you because you make too much sense. Maybe you should have plotted your best friends death, that would have made you a worthy pick. The demons in my head live on death, betrayal, and suffering Claude.
>Dimitri and Claude both usher ages of peace without indiscriminate murder, especially Claude
Edel is just a bad student.
Newsflash, being a Jagen means having romantic desires for your king and not acting on them
>>She may be a hated enemy now, but the emperor is your old friend and your stepsister. Can you bring yourself to kill her?
>I will kill her...if I must. But if there is any chance that the world she seeks to create could be a just one... Then I... I would love to see a future in which I may reach out my hand for her and have her reach back.
This guy is truly the best boy.
Rhea's dialogue when we get Sothis'd and end up on her lap
In time’s flow...see the glow\nof flames ever burning bright...
On the swift river’s drift,\nbroken memories alight...
Professor. You must remain still.
Where am I?
What happened?
Everything is all right. There is no need to worry.
Those who are trying to harm you are far away.
Mmm... Mmm... Mmm...
How would be for this moment to\nlast forever...
I wish I could hold on to this time we have stolen...\nthat you and I could create a world without end...
I have heard whispers of what happened to you.
Your appearance... You have received power from\nthe goddess.
From the moment you took hold of the Sword of\nthe Creator...
I prayed that one day the radiant power of Sothis,\nwhich bathes Fódlan in its celestial light, might\nreside within you.
But you are so much more than the light.\nYou are my...
Close your eyes, dear one. Sleep, just a while longer.
I will be watching over you, always.
Always and forever...
In time’s flow...see the glow\nof flames ever burning bright...
On the swift river’s drift,\nbroken memories alight...
Professor. You must remain still.
Where am I?
What happened?
Everything is all right. There is no need to worry.
Those who are trying to harm you are far away.
Mmm... Mmm... Mmm...
How would be for this moment to\nlast forever...
I wish I could hold on to this time we have stolen...\nthat you and I could create a world without end...
I have heard whispers of what happened to you.
Your appearance... You have received power from\nthe goddess.
From the moment you took hold of the Sword of\nthe Creator...
I prayed that one day the radiant power of Sothis,\nwhich bathes Fódlan in its celestial light, might\nreside within you.
But you are so much more than the light.\nYou are my...
Close your eyes, dear one. Sleep, just a while longer.
I will be watching over you, always.
Always and forever...
Byleth misses his dad.. So he wants someone to adopt him.
Where can I find the ROM fellas?
he keeps getting more kino with each spoiler I see
feels good to be a lionfag from day 1
That's just sad.
Damn Dedue ending is actually the classical FE gay if you squint. Buried together.
considering the story is out, and the gameplay isn't... hmmmm....
>Edelgard I just crushed your dreams, your hopes and your country, we're still buds,right?
Are you serious,right now?
>Jugdral was ambiguous
Did we play the same fucking game? Like half the continent was conquered by a 10 year old leading his cousin's army after incursion kept happening in their land because most of the army went to fight myrmidons after they supposedly attacked a holy site.
Afterwards the cult just revived their Dragon God by kidnapping the MC's wife, having them marry Arvis, and then having Arvis killed his political rivals/corrupt officials when they gathered into one place alongside the other man who could stand in his way to power. There was no fucking ambiguity.
>your country
Does male Byleth get an A support epilogue with Dimitri?
Yep, but you can't homo it up with him.
Dimitri, despite how he looks and how deranged he can be, is a softie.
>Claude's route is the most retarded and filler that can be. It's just there so Awakening/Fates babies can have a route without having a bitter-sweet endings to them.
You are unironically retarded.