Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking love cunny
>being such a cumbrain you think things are improved by turning them into anime girls
It feels good to know I haven't hit rock bottom yet.
Pathfinder with the turn based mod
I love the crow meme.
This is preposterous. Cunnybros are gentlemen and do not derail threads.
I licked cunny when I was 15. I still remember how smooth and soft it was.
>implying the OP doesn't know exactly what kind of thread they're gonna get when they post a cute and funny op and follow it up with a vague comment like "what's your favorite RPG"
Said user, while posting on Yea Forums.
Mods can't stop me
I'm gonna cummy
rip in peace
I'm so glad dmc5 created the birb meme
This is neither cute nor funny.
This is neither cute nor funny.
Based and redpilled, but I've seen you in every thread for the last two days not shutting up about lewds being the issue. Lewds aren't the issue. The issue is autism.
sparrows = trash tier birds
corvids = high tier birds
Fixed it for you.
Where's the loli bird lewds?
>Filename was supposed to say comics and cartoons
>random splotch of white
state of tripfags
>Yea Forums
It really is.
They're like a abused housewife who just accepts the shit that's flung at them.
big bird boobs
Kemono Friends was a mistake.
If reddit had one true victory it wasnt /mlp/, /r9k/, or even /lgbt/ but Yea Forums. Stockholm syndrome, some of the most hypocritcal literal board rules(I have been banned for discussing Duck Fucking Dodgers because he is an Animal Anthro), and waifuing Tumblr tier characters that are only good in fan art and a genuinely lack of any good western content sans French Cartoons has allowed the shills to gain a massive foothold there. Its damn depressing.
great bait
Tripfags are the embodiment of the reddit mindset, faggot
It's true though, /pol/ites will never argue in good faith so it's easier just to cut the bullshit and call them out on being /pol/ users, don't even give them the time of day since it's not worth it.
Dr Bug is bases
I wondered if that was his...the art style looked a whole lot like those minecraft drawings but a lot more cleaned up
So im a satanic pedo? Never would have thought.
Hey its Yea Forums