The Kill La Kill demo is fucking fun holy shit
I just want the full game so i can play Nui, what are your thoughts on this?
The Kill La Kill demo is fucking fun holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex
It's a game that comes out in 4 days based on one of the most iconic anime ever, fuck off.
>lewd girls
>okay story at best
>oh no muh lesbians.
Have sex.
my favorite character is not only the most dressed, but she makes dresses!
Nvm carry on as you have good taste
I want to have wild, manic sex with Nui and marry Nonon.
is it a fighting game? what makes it different from other fighting games. can you play it if you suck at fighting games?
Thank you.
Though i see these threads tend to kick off if it has Ryuko boobs
It's a 3D Fighter, and yes, it's designed so combos and such are easy to get into for people who never played them before
It even has a story mode based off the anime and a survival mode.
It's going to be on Switch, Ps4, and Steam.
Hows the switch version?
Ok dool, i'll probably pick it up since I've been looking for easy fighting games.
Cool! if you have it on switch maybe we'll come across eachother!
>you will never work for Revocs as a basic office employee
>ywn slowly work your way up the ladder and finally attend one of Ragyo and Nui's fashion shows
>ywn see Nui walk out on the runway in all her beauty
>ywn have her notice you in the crowd and slyly wink at you
>ywn be working in your office the next morning and suddenly be called up to see Nui herself
>ywn nervously make your way into her giant luxurious pink room
>ywn see her come out of nowhere and tackle you onto her comfy fluffy bed
>ywn see her whip out her huge futa dick and slap you accross the face with it
>ywn take all of it in your mouth while she slowly bobs your head up and down on it
>ywn have her finish in your mouth then have her calmy say "good boy"
>ywn notice your next paycheck is 3x more than usual
>ywn be called to her room regularly to be dicked for the rest of your career
>ywn be Nui's personal cock sleeve and get payed for it
It's fun but not worth the 60 burgs famalam. Lets wait for more content and a price cut.
KLK is a shit series and Trigger is a hack studio.
fuck off paid bandai-namco shill
Nui is the worst and most annoying fucking character I've ever witnessed in any media and single-handedly brought KlK down from a 10/10 to an 8/10.
And the worst part is she didn't even get a proper, graphic, spine-tingling death scene.
Kill la kill is great, why do people hate it?
Great place for this question.
Any of you niggas heard about the theory that Mako is replaced/possessed by Nui at the end of the series? I just finished it again for the first time since it aired yesterday with my gf and today she mentioned this shit to me. Her outfit in the final credits matches Nui's, even her backpack looks like her eye patch
Everything Trigger has made since then has been total shit and tainted peoples’ memories of it.
Because its popular.
It's licensed shovelware so I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole, no matter how much you shill it a the best fighting game of 2019
Because it saved anime
stay mad
>Nui literally has no doujins
I've been liking it. Fun gameplay with hopefully a larger roster once some DLC is launched. A crossover character would be pretty nice too
its fun but why are the cutscenes unskippable?
ive already seen the show, i dont need to see a whole scene again, just this time rendered in game.
They're gonna kiss in the new story mode, right?
alternate take on story
I don't have one pic of them kissing. Plenty of other lewd stuff though.
Yeah but can you play as Guts though
Oh there's a demo?
Is it free or a pre order thing
free, but the demo won't be on steam. but the full game will
If you have a PS4 or Switch you can play it right now
I'm not into arena fighters but tried the demo and this one is really fun. can't wait to play with the other characters
Yes, I remember someone bringing it up on Yea Forums when the last episode aired. It's retarded.
>one of the most iconic anime ever
nah, it is popular though
Not even doujin artists want to stick their metaphorical dick in crazy that much.
I wish but it's likely a small nod if anything, same for Satsuki's shorter hair and white outfit
But people love crazy blonde bitches, like Junko and Clementine
People should thank Kamiya on Twitter when it comes out.
Platinum literally never got around to doing that and trigger had to collab with ArcSysWorks, and looking at this game, that was for the better.
Unless you mean solely to annoy him, that could be funny.
>you'll never give Nui all the genuine love and affection that she never got from anyone
Feels bad. I bet she'd be a good girl if she wasn't raised by a sociopath.
Implying Nui didn’t burst out of a life fiber cocoon ready to rape and murder.
I want to rape Ryuko.
i would make her a truly happy daughter
I'm actually surprise the Switch demo is stable. It's alot better than Chamber of Time FOR SURE
i think getting a lot of help from ArcSys makes all the difference here
Dont mind me, just posting the best character from the best scene in the entire show
I wish the game had the Nudist Beach uniforms. That was maybe their best looks, loved Gamagoori's.
I would fucking love Ryuko and Nui in Nudist Beach outfits
Never saw the show. About to play the demo. What am I in for?
I meant the Goku uniforms but yeah, the gun straps too.
Some fanservice, over the top action, fun characters that are all pretty likeable except for the rapist disco clown mom from hell. Also pure sisterly love.
Watch the show. It will probably leave a better first impression on you then some anime arena fighter.
This, the game is an alternate universe take on the series. You should check out the show, it's all online. Also check out the episode 25 OVA for funsies, the climax is my favorite part.
thank you for posting best girl
I came.
Just got done rewatching the show and I still don't understand what was meant by this. Not even shitposting, I just don't get it. I understand every other homoerotic thing in this show but this.
Nui usedJunketsu to rework Ryuko's mind to flip her emotions around, turning her love into hate and hate into love, as foreshadowed by her line in episode 11
Nui is a world treasure.
Junketsu released Ryuuko's inhibitions and she acted on her love/hate relationship with Nui.
Nui is the person who understood Ryuuko's life the most out of anyone on the show. They wanted to fuck like rabbits.
Reporting in.
Can't wait to dab on all the retards with her online.
Right here bro
That's pretty fucking straight.
Then why does she still hate Senketsu and Satsuki? She hadn't accepted Satsuki yet and had just got done tell Senketsu to fuck off. Shouldn't she also love them both if that's how it works?
This makes slightly more sense than just a simple flip. I still don't really see the love and understanding part of the "love/hate" relationship outside of Nui revealing that she's also made of Life Fibers.
I like anime, but anime fans make me cringe like no tomorrow. Then again I could say the same about video games
Why do you need to remind people of the dull lives we live
Have you tried not interacting with the communities and just enjoying the media on your own? I feel that it would solve your cringing problem.
Best post
I hope the pc requirements aren't too bad, I don't want to pay to play online on ps4.
Nui understands Ryuko's troubled emotions due to being the same thing and uses this to manipulate her throughout the show
Nui is a miracle of the universe. Unfortunately the game will probably not be great.
that image is wrong you meant this one
Ryuko was asserting newfound dominance.
God this was satisfying. I never hear anyone discuss the psychological trauma of her molestation.
You know it feels like I should be playing this in an arcade on a proper cabinet and not a console. Same feeling I get with Pokken.
>japanese pc port
>not being absurdly unoptimized
You'll be lucky if it even has mouse support.
why did he even molest her? I cant remember
This applies to after the bath scene and various other molestations early on.
This applies to after she got spanked in the cage. She became super soft in the last couple of episodes.
But I love sisterly love Satsuki.
Akko or Inferno Cop better be unlockable characters.
We're getting two free dlc fighters upon launch, who knows.
I will still enjoy it a lot, no other game let's you play as the epitome of cuteness.
Who did this?
Can't be worse than the LWA game.
>yfw the game dropped the GG sounds from the earlier builds
Why would they take away the SOUL?
The rape scene genuinely creeped me out when I saw it again recently so Satsuki stabbing Ragyo did feel good.
Looney tunes written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Michael Bay.
Strangely appropo.
Gurren Lagann with clothes instead of robots.
because it was really really hot
>Gamagoori having a crush on Mako
Its like a hamster eating a banana.
When they said the obvious and Ryuko and Satsuki duked it out and got closer I was in heaven. I love that kinda stuff.
I know right. Mako's tits are gigantic. I doubt Gamagoori could even fit one in his mouth.
tomboys belong to their onee-chans
They'll be the cutest couple
>Sanageyama: "Hah, so it seems we're all going to be in some kind of beat em' up with each other, I look forward to the challenge!"
>Nonon: "Hmph, stupid Monkey, is fighting the only thing you ever think about?"
>Sanageyama: "Is there anything else that matters?"
>Nonon: "Ugh...idiot."
>Inu: "This will be a fine opportunity to gather even more data, I'm curious to see where my own capabilities lie."
>Satsuki: *Slams the bottom of her Bakuzan on the ground*
>Devas: *silence themselves and stare at Satsuki*
>Satsuki: "This is a grand opportunity for us to show our true strength to the masses, what it is to be at the apex of technique and discipline."
>Satsuki: "...And for me to put that annoying Matoi in her place, along with Nui."
>Sanageyama: "Nui?" *Sanageyama perks up*
>Sanageyama: "Heh, you leave her to me!"
[Electric Shamisen Intensifies]
>Go try and download the Switch demo.
>E-Shop servers are offline due to maintenance.
There is no way we're getting siscon Satsuki. Even if Sushio is heavily involved in development Nakashima is still doing the script for the new story and there's no way they'll work it in.
Yeah, Nui is gonna take you all down
>the Eternal Jobber known as Monkey
>ever being able to defeat Nui
Wait, what are their yuri politics? Which one's the siscon?
You mean there's no alternate skins for any of the characters?
Post yfw you're not Nuifag
Imagine not liking Nui
I despise Nui. Mako is best girl.
Imagine not shutting the fuck up about liking Nui
typical smashfag having shit taste
>go in Kill La Kill thread
>get mad when people talk about Kill La Kill characters
Would you like a horse with that, sir?
Why the FUCK isn't Ragyo wearing her default outfit?
Everyone that you play as seems to be in their battle mode. Normal outfit Ragyo is in the cutscenes though. Maybe we'll get some alt outfits but I'm not sure.
Reminder that Satsuki screaming Ryuko's name in
so happy i could just raise my two arms up in the air!
wrong :)
Ragyo fought with duel blades in her normal outfit on top of the OG Life Fiber, i want that Ragyo
So i just saw the first 3 episodes. Its silly and entertaining.
I only popped one boner the whole time though and it was for mako saying get naked
whats wrong with me?
that means your heart is in the right place, it's a girls words that count!
welp its feelin like sanageyama is still busted, hes kinda ez mode compared to the others in the demo
I feel that they're all balanced except Gamagoori who has a lot of downsides. He's playable but you really have to big brain him to win. Only other problem I've seen so far is that Ryuko sucks at crowd control without any meter. I died in the COVERS challenge with her.
Anyway the only thing that seems even relatively busted about him is that you can sorta get by by button mashing with him. However, it's made up for by him being really easy to counter and the fact that he's almost entirely fucked when it comes to long range.
You're the one who brought up Nui though
>Anyway the only thing that seems even relatively busted about him is that you can sorta get by by button mashing with him. However, it's made up for by him being really easy to counter and the fact that he's almost entirely fucked when it comes to long range.
Doesn't Uzu have a lot of range and speed?
Neck yourself
Well being a big character his walk and dash speed are shit on by most of the other characters. Overall he can reach pretty far but his bamboo sword makes all of his attacks have a very narrow path. I guess if you weren't a scrub like me you could make it work but since most other characters have such small hitboxes, I end up missing things like the charged thrust and the long ranged meter special. His break special also has great range but it's very easy to counter and get away from. The amount of damage he does and his long combos make up for all this and will definitely lead to a lot of button mashing. He's easy mode if you have no problem doing that I guess.
i guess that a better player would be savvy to sanageyama's mashy combos but otherwise if you're not on top of your game then he can easily do long running super high damage combos
i don't think smaller hitboxes make much a difference with him considering he can home in
Is this game gonna allow me to save my boy Senketsu? I've been waiting so long...
I really hope people don't spam the Valor Burst as much as the computer does. I can already see them popping every time they get hit. It does way too much counter damage for what it is.
>trannie who cut off his dick is telling me to have sex
is that the Rock Paper Scissors thing?
>He didn't like Gridman or the LWA OVAs
I wanna protect her smile.
this is b8
There's alternate colors like the OVA episode 25 life fiber clones, with a Ryuko one too. I haven't seen the other colors aside from gyaru Satsuki.
There will also be alternate versions of Ryuko and Satsuki to play as with dual Bakuzan Satsuki and dual scissor swords Ryuko. Aside from that, not sure. There's two models for Ragyou in the game with her normal outfit and weird clown psycho outfit. I've only seen the latter played in-game on youtube though.
We are also getting ultimate Satsuki and possibly Ryuko.
Well that's annoying too but not that big of an issue. You get that when you L1+R1 when you're not being hit.
When you L1+R1 while being hit though, it's basically a get outta jail free card and it just knocks the other guy back. The computer does it literally every time I get it in a combo and if it does it right before you hit, it gets a counter. That free counter does a lot of damage is probably going to save the lives of many button mashers.
Do you you think she nani sores when she sees your dick?
Keep going, episode 11 and 12 are when the series starts getting bonkers and fun. Don't miss Fight Club Mako.
God damn how do I choose? They all look fun to play.
Follow your heart.
Kill la Kill's greatest achievement is being good despite that shit character sucking up as much air as she did.
Same graphics, but 30fps
Best part of the show right here.
Based Satsukiposter.
Your character got cucked by Ryuuko's own sister.
That's got to fucking sting.
Join the crowd. Yea Forums sexual energy could power a jo crystal enough to light up a city for a year.
Yeah Nui just fucking yammers on in the upbeat cutesy tone while saying creepy sadistic things. It's fucking annoying and not funny unlike Mako. The spotlight gag is quite possibly the best gag in any 2010's anime. They had a perfect upbeat spunky character right there, I have no idea why they felt Nui was necessary at all or how they managed to make her so shit.
But user, that's what I wanted.
>the spotlight gag is quite possibly the best gag in any 2010's anime
I think you're supposed to hate Nui. Like, that's the point.
Time for a fiber-filled apocalypse.
As someone who regularly plays fighting games and hates shitty arena fighters this game actually has some depth and is fun, it has a few broken things atm but im sure it’ll be patched post launch.
Id recommend buying it if you’re a kill la kill fan whos willing to put in time to learn the characters and go online.
, I don't know if I really want to buy this game because I know for a fact they don't have the good outfit for the green guy and they do not have Macco in the cool black outfit
Fight Club Mako is day one free dlc.
Have I got great news for you.
>enemies to lovers/friends trope
Be still my beating heart, this is my achilles heel.
I actually liked Eyes of Heaven so i'm willing to put up with shitty gameplay mechanics but this demo is slick. The combat feels good and I love Kill la Kill.
They're sisters you sick fuck.
I like you.
Hngh... Based ok. Maybe I'll buy. But I still wanted final form green guy where vision is all black N white cuz blind
I cannot picture it any other way.
I get you, the Nudist Beach final Goku Uniforms were great.
How're they gonna highlight Satsuki's final form despite her not being a life fibre infused human? Wouldn't she be lacking in all that mad regen that Ryuko had during the final fight? And Junketsu doesn't absorb life fibres either so that kicks out the deus ex machina too.
I dunno, it's conically another universe. Trigger writers are working on it so it's as close to an official alt universe as you can get. Maybe Satsuki has life fibers? Or some other plotpoint. I hope Junketsu becomes sentient.
how big is the demo on PSN? asking cause I only have a limited amount of time to make use of it.
There's an obscene amount of ass in this game
About 7.5GB.
No fight club Mako no buy.
literally day one FREE DLC
See She's in.
I really dig the ArcSys homages.
>it’s a 3D fighter
Lmao, naruto UNS arena-fighter knockoffs are not fighting games
Considering how popular the series is, if there's no mods for that i'm gonna fucking scream
>the blooper reel for that scene
Every time you close your eyes and wake up?
>Yeah Nui just fucking yammers on in the upbeat cutesy tone while saying creepy sadistic things.
What's the negative here?
>degenerated into futashit
fuck you my dick was already out
when you make a new high score the game should go nui record
nui was the worst. representative of your typical garbage anime girls form every other show
I just really don't like those types of characters. They come off as too tryhard.
>I said something sadistic and fucked up but I laughed while doing it
Gets real old real fast. Characters I think of that are similar are like Carnage and most incarnations of the Joker. They're not nearly as annoying and are way more badass than Nui to compensate. There really wasn't a need for a tertiary antagonist in my opinion and she's barely even that. Ragyo would've been way better alone having Nui paired with her lessens her impact.
>All these blantant shills
>Over a shitty license arena fighter
That review is pretty retarded honestly, “game ive been playing for exactly 2 days lacks depth and the storys too short”
Honestly the game is one of the better arena fighters out there, im not trying to shill, it has some good mechanics.
>Honestly the game is one of the better arena fighters out there
No its not. Its way to slow and clunky and the rock paper scissor mechanics are worthless and should have never been in.
Everything he said has been what most people have been saying about the game since the demo came out. Thus far only retarded KLKfags are praising it as the second coming.
I get disliking jungles but i don't understand how can you not like pubes.
Alright well you do you, I genuinely think this game has unique characters with in depth variety like gamagoori pain meter specific combos, inumuta delayed hits to extend shit, break cancel combo extensions etc.
If you don’t wanna buy it thats cool but this is 100% better than garbage like jump force naruto storm and mhoj
>If you don’t wanna buy it thats cool but this is 100% better than garbage like jump force naruto storm and mhoj
>way to slow and clunky
What difficulty are you playing on? If it's anything but
>1 star handicap for yourself
>full star handicap for the com
>3-star difficulty
Then it's your fault that it's too slow and you keep seeing the rock paper scissors thing.
>but this is 100% better than garbage like jump force naruto storm and mhoj
Imagine believing this.
Difficulty has shit to do with how slow the mechanics are.
>one of the most iconic anime ever
>this is 100% better than garbage like jump force naruto storm and mhoj
No its not for one those games are actually fun to play
If you're so sure then answer the question. It gets really fast if you play on those settings and it'll be even faster when you're playing against real people. I have lots of reason to believe you're doing shit wrong and whining about it.
>Its not the game's fault it yours
How much is ArcSys paying you user?
Okay scrub.
I'm surprised at the Switch version. 60FPS, resolution can be blurry but it's workable. It's hard to notice any cuts to the visuals besides the resolution. Plays good and responsive.
PC is the way to go for visual purists because even the PS4 version feels like sub-1080P. But, the performance is as good as Fighterz.
But the site says the Switch version is 30 fps...
Some pc autist will uncap the frame rate hello 144fps/hz
>no omiko hakodate
dropped before i even picked it up
only will wait for model rips of the girls especially nui
can you even see a difference pass 60 fps? this whole 144hz is new to me
Yes jesus christ this myth was supposed to be dead in 2010, the human eye can see far beyond 60fps.
This isn’t Gurren Lagann though
Same set of console tards who need to cope
Ragyo x Satsuki is also canon.
Ragyo brutally molesting her daughter is canon*
Fixed that for ya
it's pretty much a mindless button masher instead of an actual fighting game but it is fun to dick around with, music and voice acting (both languages) are all on point with the show. Not sure if I'd say this is worth whatever the full asking price is though I'd probably wait for a few price drops first.
>Gurren Lagann is about boys who have to drill things.
>Kill la Kill is about girls who bleed into their clothes.
I'm interested in this game and the demo was fun, I just don't think there's going to be enough content to justify the price tag.
Crossover when ?
So was KLK an intentional Homage to Sonic Adventure 2 or is it just pure coincidence
This is the unfunniest meme ever. Of course it comes from Yea Forums, the sneed guys...
>Repeatedly complains that ASW didn't deliver in their usual manner
>When ASW did not make the game at all, only published it
Being poorly informed does not reflect well on a review.
buy used, it's not worth launch price and is incredibly mashy.
And Inferno Cop better be a flat single-frame sprite
I just wish they had the Mk.2 versions of their uniforms (the white and gold ones). Those were my favorites, especially for Sanegayama and Gamagoori. Inumota's first form looks better though.
Why doesnt steam have a store page?
epic exclusive
Who do you expect to get with this bait? It’s not even out yet
Its Mako and Double DTR, I thought? The cast is still pretty shallow either way, though I can't really blame them. Kill la Kill doesn't really have a huge cast of viable characters for a Fighter; nearly everyone relevant is already going to be in the game. Outside of alternate versions like Junketsu Ryuko/Monster Ryuko/Base Tsumugu, who is even left to put in the game outside of the various 2 star club members? The boxing guy and tennis girl (Hatogane?) maybe got enough screen time to make it worth it but not really anyone else.
>music isn't done by the original composer
>sound design is tepid
>cutscene direction is incredibly poor and stilted
Hard pass for me.
>best characters in the demo are the best characters in the show
Satsuki and Gamagori are so good
>Yea Forums doesn’t play video games
>seething this hard
you really should have sex
Game plays fine, but there's more to a satisfactory PRODUCT than just gameplay.
The 25 minutes of cutscenes at the start of the demo was a fucking chore to sit through, but the game's lit as fuck
The game sounds great and all but WHERE ARE THE FUCKING SCREENSHOTS?
don't lie, user.
Kill La Kill IF feels so fucking wack
everything felt like garbage
like a really really low budget NUNS game
Arcsys...bros...what the fuck is your problem?
holy shit I wasn't expecting to see this here.
I'm also working on this but it's probably going to take another three years.
It looks like it actually has a tiny bit of depth in the combat compared to absolute trash like Hero Aca or CC2 Naruto. I like that anti-airs beat homing dashes clean and that each character looks to be completely unique in their game plan.
I really wish I could see some Mako footage before she comes out since that's who I'd like to main but I guess doing ranked with Satsuki wouldn't be so bad
I saved that nonon in march 2014. That was your OC was it?
Launch DLC are Mako and DTR
Possible other characters would be Dotenbori robo and the other forms of the elite 4, but I doubt development will continue past the day 1 DLC
Tron Arms Nui and Actual Ragyo when?
I was about to say that the PS4 version is worth it just because it will actually be populated so you can find a damn match, but I can't find a way to buy it on PC either way
i want to play as ragyo on my pc but i heard that she is hard from people that review'd the game
why every character that i like is hard
Sanageyama is the definition of UNGA and I have no doubt that in the one-star ranks he will absolutely dominate anyone trying to use a more technical character
Yeah. Nonon is my waifu so I've done quite a few of her, but I haven't vectored as a hobby since maybe 2015 (since I got employed as a graphic designer, essentially).
Here's another of her that I was working on. There's also a pic of her in her standard uniform with her baton that I did, but I don't think I have it on this computer.
promare dlc when?
Damn, got any of the other girls?
I got this Ryuuko. I remember seeing a WIP I posted in an Yea Forums waifu video, made me chuckle.
the game is designed to be incredibly easy to get used to so that's not a problem really.
The only character I feel is truly left out is Tsumugu (the Nudist Beach commando guy). He's one of the only recurring characters with a unique fighting style not represented. Technically he'll be in the game via the DTR but that was always more Aikiichi's thing.
her gimmick is that's she's slower than everyone else but has massive health and deals massive damage, you have nothing to worry about.
She's different from the rest of the cast as she's the villain character
Ah, found my other Nonon. That's all from me, I'm going back to lurking.
Sanageyama is ezmodo but his moves aren't really that good and all he can do is rush in. Even on the small demo stage he can be kept out by Satsuki and most of his approaches can be punished hard with an anti-air
People are also sleeping on the wallsplat mechanic and how reliably you can get wallsplats with supers. Ryuko and Satsuki can both do insane damage with a bit of meter.
squarex4 - L1+triangle, run up, circlex2, up+squarex4, air circle
The last square combo can also be another L1+triangle into a homing dash combo (the splat doesn't last long enough for the circle on a second loop)
A successful guard break with Ryuko lets you do the above combo but with "up+square, circlex2" tacked on to the start
up+squarex4, air squarex4, L1+triangle, jump forward circlex2, then any second combo you want. With enough meter you can do another air launch, air combo, into L1+square
If Satsuki's too far away from the wall for L1+triangle to wallsplat or for the jumping circle to reach you can end the air combo one hit early and do L1+circle as soon as you land
Both Ryuko and Satsuki can combo into bloody valor from squarex4. Ryuko can combo into her OHKO from squarex4 and Satsuki can combo into hers with the end of the air square combo
are you the guy who made some of the transparent Nuis as well? if so good job!
I'd love to say yes but no, that was someone else from the vector thread on /w/.
ah, okay, still these are great! hopefully Ragyo can get some love
>want to play as Sanageyama because best theme and TOKU
>he's his giant ugly form
>he's unga bunga I mash button
>want to play as Inumuta because SUPAIDA MAN
>he's zentai gimp form
>his gimmick looks lame
>want to play as Mako
>no footage anywhere, have to pray she's fun
At this rate I'm just gonna be using Satsuki
which Satsuki?
I haven't had a chance to try dual-wield Satsuki, but regular Bakuzan Satsuki is pretty fucking stronk
Charged triangle is easy to spam at long range and fucks up gounded dashes and homing dash fakeouts, her dashing triangle dodges most anti-airs and can easily lead to a wall splat, and she doesn't really need bloody valor for anything but style points.
Which characters would like to be playable as future DLC?
My vote goes to Omiko
We could really use more fighters who specialize in projectile attacks and long ranged combat.
Unfortunately the list of available fighters is pretty low
Mako and Aikuro and Tsumugu are day one DLC so that leaves:
Takarada's custom Dotenbori Robo
Elite 4 Mk. II and III (and IV in Sanageyama's case)
And maaaaaaybe black arms Nui and Shinra Koketsu
>It's not this one
imagine fucking Nui
ping pong circulate
stop giving bandai scamco money for arena bullshit
that's nice
>She's different from the rest of the cast as she's the villain character
i mean i know?
Arc Sys is publishing this, not bandai
I want to tickle Ryuko's uvula.
Only Satsuki mains may reply to this post.
Switch or PC? Want to play on my PS4 less as possible due to SJW infection. I played the Switch demo and it seemed good so far though the loading screen may have taken awhile.
Ryuko undeniably has a fat ass but satsuki's is pretty nice 2
forever and always my queen
I am sure she will vomit from merely seeing you already.
Getting it on PS4 might show sony that games sell more when they aren't censored. the website says the Switch version might dip to 30 FPS so I'd say either PS4 or PC. PC if you don't have PS+
>Handle those balls like you mean it!
not day one, but yes free.
Harimeme didn't do enough wrong.
>MMBN4 Anger Impact
based gamagoori
I sure missed her.
>all characters not in
>Ragyo in the wrong fucking costume
>What if story
>Satsuki protagonist
Someone just tell me what happens at the end
Naruto Storm is literally the pinnacle of this dumb licensed anime arena fighter bullshit. Especially since literally every game this one included is that game without nearly as much content or care put into it. CC2 would have got all the characters in at least
>cringe le cringe
Hardcore nudity!
>character fighting using "special form" are using the special form in the game
so is super ryuko in the game or not
Naruto Storm is shallow trash that was already bad but then got driven into subterranean levels of shit-sucking with the addition of the substitution bar. It's nothing but sub and sub baiting until the enemy is out and then LOL INFINITE COMBO MASH CIRCLE THEN FLICK STICK REPEAT
KLK:If shares a superficial similarity to other arena fighters but plays extremely differently. Homing dashes are Dragonball FighterZ levels of punishable, meter management between bursts and real damage combos is key, and each character actually has different moves and a different game plan.
>Getting a big combo against an enemy feels good, but not rewarding. It is often more a product of convenient wall placement and having a full special meter, not your skill
based and Nuipilled
I don't mind paying full price for this, the problem is that i think the content is lacking.
Kill La Kill had a select few of important characters, after the first free DLC update, i;d expect variants like Berserk Ryuko, we have the whole cast.
We also have a new take on the story, and a survival mode.
Online is also actually solid so far, it's much much more inclusive than anything Bamco pumps out.
Bro calm down it's not even a game that'll last a whole month. You sound like the people who were really into One Piece Burning Blood
>Kill La Kill had a select few of important characters, after the first free DLC update, i;d expect variants like Berserk Ryuko, we have the whole cast.
But that's what you expect. In reality it's just a big IF
Great pun
Tennis girl?
I can't imagine Satsuki being okay with a wrinkled uniform.
What is her eye patch supposed to be anyway?
Satsuki clearly has the bigger ass though but ya know, even though i'm a size king Ryuko's body is delicious.
the two katakana letters of her name
nip letters
>those concepts
So they thought of making her a creepy fivehead at one point. Huh. Feels a bit too on the nose.
1 buy = 1 lick
Oh, now I see it:
a metal gear reference.
and the one above it looks a shitton like Mako, she was probably meant to be an Anti-Mako based on her traits
This pic looks like something straight out of a 1999 angelfire website in terms of bad art.
Other than her, it's not like there's much else to choose. Berserk Ryuko? Takarada? Solo Tsumugu? Barazo Mankanshoku?
Post her feet
poor girl
i agree, she deserved better.
yea like my dick in her ass
It has my fetish so it's pass .
I mean, I feel ya.
What the fuck is that purple thing over her left eye?
>thinks ASW developed the game
>doesn't understand how wall splats are a basic part of any combo
>didn't even bother to see that Fight Club Mako is day 1 DLC
Someone was paid for this.
whip it out big boy
I remember Nui friend in Yea Forums draw thread back in those day .
Is that you ?
You guys are alright, every girl in this show was best girl.
>zone never made a Kiryuin version
Nope but i think i know who you're talking about, trip was DaNuiFagYo! right?
you can probably get his attention with a Nui thread on /c/ or maybe Yea Forums
Based, i'd marry any of the KLK babes, everyone was perfection.
>implying any girl could ever be on the same level as Nonon, who looks out from the highest vantage
Nonon herself see Satsuki above her though
I hope she's fun to play. I have a feeling she'll be low tier.
She'll probably be excellent against less mobile characters like Gamagoori and Sanageyama and Ragyo but weak against fast characters or those that can challenge her projectiles like Satsuki or Inumuta
It'll also probably depend on the stage, I assume she'll do best on a large stage with plenty of room to build space
I want nudist beach Nonon
The games boring as shit, but I found enjoynent out of it by only fighting with the right joycon.
I wouldn't mind watching you fuck her in the pussy while the other guy's fucking her ass
BASED ntr user
t. couldn't figure out any combos
And I want Ryuko in her jammies
Unfortunately it seems as though alt-costumes are limited to palette swaps, new models would mean new work doing all the shading and are essentially entirely new characters
You got a discord? i wouldn't mind talking about you fucking her in front of me, or just Nui stuff in general
Who would be Nero's wife?
y tf can't I preorder it
you can on ps4 and Switch on amazon, gamestop, or for the limited edition, you can also pre-order the digital game on Switch and Ps4 right now, as well as play a demo
if you mean steam though then just wait for download
Any word on the story mode length?
someone said there's a ryuko one after you beat satsuki's
That I know, I wanna know how long it is and how much it covers/changes/adds. Part of the reason I'm getting the game is for more Elite FOur bants.
Not on the steam store for some reason.
that i don't know because every reviewer goes doesn't want to spoil it.
I think you can play as Sangeyama later on in his final version of his outfit
You thinking all the characters get alt movesets?
I hope the game gets dubbed, I hate her voice.
they said from the beginning you can switch between dub and sub in options menu, in fact it's in the demo right now.
>listening to the dub when the JP voices are perfect
There is. Satsuki's VA even did a stream with ArcSys about the game on Twitch.
holy shit I want to try it so bad, but I haven't touched my ps4 since Spiderman (Judgement never arrived to my local store), why didn't Gabe moved his massive ass and got us the demo too?
at least they're letting it go on there
you could pull out the Ps4 again, you don't need to pre-order to play the demo
people say no PC demo because people might use the .exe for piracy purposes later on.
Senketsu synchronizing with Ryuko epic style
5/10 not even out yet.
In all serious I'm surprised just how much skin is shown especially on the box art, and the costumes look great (nonon and so on). Hope it's not too short of a game, also the crowd on arena battles look like a blurry image.
I can't express how disappointed I am that it took 6 years for us to get a Kill la Kill game and it's a fucking arena fighter.
it's actually solid though, Bamco just put a bad taste in everyone's mouth with all of theirs
No it's not anyone can play it and see it's not great
i don't think california cares about good sales, otherwise they'd learn their lesson long ago and stop this woke shit instead of doubling down despite hemorrhaging money. at this point you're just throwing more fuel at them.
I don't speak japanese so all linguistic detail fall on deaf ears. Why would I gimp my enjoyment by turning on dub, no matter how "good" it is?
Because anime dub VAs are fucking dreadful
>I don't speak japanese so all linguistic detail fall on deaf ears
This simply isn't true, you don't need to speak a language to recognize good or bad voice acting.
then you simply have shit taste
Nui was fantastic
I want to be in Ryuko's jammies
That's a cute
Nonon is for anal only.
>PC can't run it
>Switch version is 30 FPS
>PS4 version is 100% certain to be censored
>>PS4 version is 100% certain to be censored
It isn't
check the offcial website
>"As far as we know,..."
hope we get more lesbian incest overtones
Nigger, there's a demo you can play right now on PS4 and nothing is censored. Stop being afraid of your own shadow.
You're the only one who thinks it's good
I can't tell if a japanese voice actor is being good or bad. It all sounds the same to me because I can't interpret what "good" or "bad" actually is from not knowing the linguistics required to make that assessment.
Just downloaded it. Everyone is wearing a burka. Why do you lie to me?
You can tell how engaged and enthusiastic somebody is just by the inflections of their voice, English VAs in anime dubs are just mindlessly reading lines from a script and it shows,
>Sanageyama's theme doesn't play when you play as him
This game is irredeemable garbage
Everyone can tell good or bad acting. It's like that scene on Endgame where we see past Hulk fucking the city's shit up and nu Hulk literally yawns and flips a car over unenthusiastically.
I miss the "Nui/Ragyo beating and raping Ryuko/Satsuki" posting
I have a better time understanding my own language I am familiar with. So I will always chose the english dub over the jap. The english dub may or may not be worse, but I can't appreciate the intricacies of the jap language (and I'd rather not read subs and watch at the same time), as I am lost within it.
Someone should have given her a hand
Nui and shit taste go hand in hand
Your talking about animations and facial expressions. I'm strictly talking about foreign voice acting.
it's just a joke, no need to get up in arms about it
nice twitter-tier jokes there
The original pitch was gonna be based off the bad Yu Yu Hakusho "Fighter" on SNES.
chill faggots
Damn I remember when it was airing everyone was calling nonon an "anal queen" and all this stuff
>PC can't run it
the requirements aren't even out tho.
>>PC can't run it
>switch can
how do pcfags recover?
how the fuck is this thread still up
This thread really turned to shit since last night.
>started with fun and wholesome waifufagging/siscon shit
>also series and game talk
>now it's gross unironic waifuwars and consolewars
>general shitting on the game for (You)s
This is why threads should just be deleted after 12 hours if they haven't neared bump limit. No thread has ever stayed good for over 20 hours.
it's about a game coming out in 3 days, expect them to last for another week
If someone is starting waifuwar shit you should report them.
Nui is actually worst girl, but only because all the other candidates are excellent.
If you can't judge foreign (voice) acting it's because you have deficits in audio processing.
Watch an anime with a famous seiyu and then watch a low budget hentai. If you can't tell the difference you are legit autistic
>Rei of all things
it's on Ps4 as well, so no.
what the hell is wrong with her hand, jesus
It's probably story-related. No artist who draws that well can fuck up a hand.
those are only her fingers.
the palm of her hand is inside the sleeves, and the thumbs are not visible
Still horribly wrong
>Nui thread has been up a whole day
truly best girl