I think I'm the only human being alive that really likes this level

I think I'm the only human being alive that really likes this level.

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The only bad level is Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith.
The fact that the developers made an area that completely removes any sort of natural light source is commendable and makes for a very memorable experience.

Like a lot of gimmick areas in games, it’s a fun idea that makes for a good change of pace. The problem is that it gets boring in subsequent playthroughs

I went in blind and platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related....

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It's definitely the best level of the second half of the game.
The hate just comes from people to retarded to use the lantern.

I always just get the sunlight maggot

i liked it too. didn't even know people hated it.

the more I play the game the more I dislike this area, I enjoyed it my first few times through it

I liked it. Then again I wasn't retarded enough to attempt it without a light source.

Nope I love it too for the same reason I love Capra demon's tiny rape room, it's oppressive and anxiety inducing, which I feel increases the immersion factor because the game is pushing back against you instead of letting you big dick it.
The first time you encounter a mimic too. Sure with all of these things there's possible arguments to be made about trial and error, but I think the emotions and panic you feel are far more important and impactful than something trivial like possible unfairness.

It's a tradeoff. I enjoy a game that has moments of unfairness because it makes you FEEL something. Unlike other video games where you feel nothing.

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Well people generally shit on the 2nd half of the game whenever criticisms of DS1 are being thrown around. I agree with the other user, the only truly bad area is lost izalith.

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Nah I liked the whole game.

Well said. I really like how cautious you have to be in the tomb of giants, every moment is suspenseful especially on the first couple playthroughs

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This is really autistic. I don't like games that introduce shitty and hard to beat levels just for the sake of being cunts. This is why I don't play autismborne and the like.

People thought it was bad?

Everything I don't like is autistic too

Very cute

It's one of my favorites. Most fun place to invade
izalith has decent parts

It gets lumped into the entire post-Lordvessel part of the game.

Anyone else unironically think Dark Souls is in the top 10 games ever made?

normies like you have something missing in their brain where its impossible for them to understand art.

Cringe but redpilled

idk if id say top 10 but for me its definitely up there. at the very least top 20

Do you wear nightvision goggles, by any chance

most faggots hate any of the truly unsettling or oppressive levels in souls games. tomb of giants is good, though there isn't very much to it.

I'm a filthy maggot lover

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It's definitely in my personal top 10 favorite of all time, if nothing else.

Can I say I beat both Ds 1 and 2 if I did everything but never beat the final bosses?

Along with Demon’s Souls, sure

Of course not, retard. Go beat them right now.

>Never beat Gwyn

You should be ashamed for liking it. Cat ATTACK!

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Fool, you cannot penetrate this armour

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Why are you even in this thread?