Most underrated and under appareciated games ITT

Most underrated and under appareciated games ITT

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ok OP, you start

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you don't know what those words mean if you use Portal 2 as an example


>portal 2

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>The single most memed game of all time.
pic related.

Amazing OST but the game aged like milk.

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It's underrated outside of steam scores, it's also forgotten.

>the majority of gameplay is looking for that one spot on the wall you can actually put a portal on

It wasn't hard enough and the mechanics were boring.

Shame it had to be an xbox exclusive.

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Lufia 2

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>Portal 2
Zoom zoom

I'm not too sure what point you're trying to convey.

>It wasn't hard enough
beat it in no-death mode

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The best game in the series. It wasn't a flight simulator though, so the furry fanbase hated it.

The guild 2

Training for no death runs is too autistic for me, too much replaying and I'm not going to act like I'm amazing at video games. I beat it in one sitting and remember not having trouble (more than 10 or so deaths) on any screens. Easier than I personally like.

Yes, it's a puzzle fps where you have to solve the puzzles. What's your point?

That's not the talos principle

it's hardly a fucking puzzle when the game literally tells you to "SHOOT RIGHT HERE BECAUSE ITS THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN"

2 was so fucking on rails compared to based 1

Umihara Kawase is one of the best platformers. It's very difficult while still being fun to play.

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Dilate. Portal 2 > Portal 1

pure kino

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What the hell? Portal 2 is considered one of the best games of all time. Bait.

really solid game from back in the day BZ98

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