How many of the Nine Divines can you name?

How many of the Nine Divines can you name?

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Only 8

None because elder scrolls has and will always be bad.

Its nine,you damn elf.

Talos, Zenithar, Arkay, Julianos, Kynareth, Akatosh, Mara, Stendarr, and Dibella. ezpz

I always thought Azura was one of them. Why do NPCs say "by Azura" if she's a Daedra?

You don't profane the divines, bitch.

My cock, your mom's pussy, my ass, dodoman, rimjob steve, reach around jenna and popo shambowque

Only a filthy elf would worship s Daedra, user.

Although, despite being a Daedra, Azura's pretty chill compared to the other Daedric lords.

now who's behind this post? Hm.

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akatosh or something? That's it. Never gave a fuck

because shes a good daedra. being a daedra doesn't automatically make you evil. it simply means that you didn't give a shit about the creation of mundus by lorkhan and didn't participate in it. the dunmer even used to pray to and worship sheogorath and other daedra.

The best.

Attached: 150px-OB-Window-Stendarr.jpg (150x359, 27K)

The divines are easy baby mode. Check this out;
Hermeas Mora
clavicus vile
Molag Bal
Daniel radcliffe
Megrunes dagon

Aaaand the hunter one. Oh Hircine. Oh and fucking peryite, almost forgot.

I think I got all of them. I realize I cannot prove that I didn't cheat. But it was a fun little test OP. Actually I'll try the divines too
talos, akatosh, kynarith, Mara, stendarr, uhh oh fuck. Shit I can't remember any of them. I'm a fucking fraud

>abloobloo all daedra are bad and all nonhuman/nonelven/nonfurfag sentients are evil
Stendarr is a poor man's Meridia

Only ones I care about are Mara and Dibella.

Attached: Dibella_(statue).jpg (480x800, 317K)

Talos, the only one that matters

Dibella is a whore.

Divine? What are ye milk sobs? The true gods are:
Fuck all the elvish gods.


>Walks like Shor until Shor walks like him.
>Both man and Divine
>The borders that separate Shezarr, Akatosh and Talos are blurred if not downright non-existent.
Is Talos the elder scrolls equivalent of Jesus?

Akatosh, Dibella and Stendarr.
I only remember them because of how often beggars in Oblivion would say "blessings of x upon thee".

0 cause im not a fucking nerd you fucking nerds

I fucking hate Bosmers, I can't be the only one.

uh, beliar, innos and Adanos?

Disliking cannibals is perfectly normal.

Zenithar, Stendarr, Arkay, Mara, Dibella, Akatosh, Talos, Julianos


For some reason I struggled to remember Arkay and Julianos. Probably because they aren't mentioned in the games as often as others.

they both were kings, too