which one did you hate the most? it can be any gta game.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1200x720, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The San Andreas mission where you need to drive Cesar's car across the countryside. Those fucking roads and his gay lowrider = constant fucking flips.

The one where 3-5 waves of bad guys show up and you have to take cover and kill them all. Rockstar gameplay is literally Uncharted-tier trash if you ditch the open world.

>Uncharted has trash gamepla-

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 2 Gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.94M)


this one
For a game with fuckton of content San Andreas has surprisingly few unfun missions. This one is worst, simply because It's Fucking Nothing the Mission

The one in 5 where the crazy guy plans this crazy heist while the other protagonists have almost nothing to say about it and then the heist doesn't produce any reward. I believe it was the one that introduced the underwater vehicle?

Anything involving an RC helicopter in Vice City. I love the game to death but those 2 missions I can think of were absolute trash.


The flight shcool

Attached: Why contain it.jpg (500x308, 59K)

The one in Las Venturas when you have to intercept a plane before it reaches the city, but you have to do it with the shittiest plane.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

The uncharted dude is a psychopath who kills hundreds of innocent people, but he still is the hero of the game somehow.

The one where you have to move those shipping containers is definitely the worst.

This fuck the doo doo plane

The Red Baron.

getting 100% on this

Attached: file.png (800x574, 452K)

Name a more suffering thing than to try getting gold on all the driving schools.
Protip: You probably can, but it's been a while since I player

The GTA3 one where you had to collect drug packages from the plane you shoot down.

Any mission in the original trilogy involving flying vehicles is pure cancer. The normal missions where they throw you in an open area with no cover and janky shooting are bad enough.

>nail the angle of approach the third time
>clear the shootout portion
>sandstorm rolls in, miss the runway by a horse's nut hair

Attached: chadislav.jpg (287x360, 24K)

The final story mission in GTA 3.

casuals desu

Attached: IMG_20190517_201120_903.jpg (900x900, 132K)

the one in gta iv where you die and there isnt any checkpoints so you have to drive all the way back again listening to the same dialogue and doing the same stupid parkour which was fun the first time but not the second

GTA4 is the only game to have alternate dialogues recorded for the even of a mission fail for every mission. You'll only be hearing the same dialogues if you're shit at the game and fail every mission 3 or 4 times so quit you're bitching.

Espresso-2-Go! in 3 and N.O.E. in SA

>original trilogy
got me

Bomb Da Base, Act 2.

For some reason I had a horrible time racing the getaway driver in Vice City.

The RC helicopters in GTA SA