Why did you forget about me Yea Forums?

Why did you forget about me Yea Forums?
I'm still your GOTY, right?

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>I'm still your GOTY, right?
of course

This, REmake 2 or Shadowbringers.
The last one is an expansion so I guess it doesn't qualify.

I don't know. Pathologic 2 was really fucking great.

>Why did you forget about me Yea Forums?
Because you're a small one-note Action game that everyone beat in 20 hours and had no reason to talk about ever again.
>I'm still your GOTY, right?
Almost, very close behind MM2 unless Iceborne knocks it out of the park.

You never were, you're trash. I though there's no possible way to make a more boring combat system than BamHam, but you took it with fucking ease.

Sorry but shadowniggers is my goty

No one forgot about Sekiro, unfortunately for you, butthurt Bloodbrony (read: anglo)

>100% in under 50 hours
>0 replayability

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I sincerely doubt many people have beaten Sekiro. Difficulty aside, it's too solemn.