Play this

>play this
>1 mana mechathun
>has only 1 health
>dies to backstab

gg ez

Attached: anka.png (400x569, 361K)

>shitstone in 2019

combo doesnt work because anka is left on the field after you kill mcdonalds thun

>a stealth ctr thread died for this

Cope, basedboy

Except for the part where You still have to make it to the point where your hand is empty save the Stack and the Thun, not get it pulled, have an empty deck, and an side of the empty board.
As a Rogue.

....but it does if you play it, on turn 5, before you play mcdonalds thun?

combined with the card that draws your entire deck that shit might actually work. But consistency and survialbility mitght be a problem. Rogue has no heals and if one of the three legendaries is at the bottom of the deck you are fucked or have to yolo draw, hoping not to burn a combo piece

you wouldn't play mechathun immediately.

Hearthstone is fucking dead who even cares anymore.

This. Even cancerous twitch kiddies don't care anymore.

Isnt HS dying or something? Last time i heard there was some drama because Toast guy is leaving HS because its bad or such

>still have to draw your deck with myra's or auctioneer
>still have to dump your hand
>absolutely no board clear or healing

it's the same garbage people came up with last patch with oblivotron mecha'thun hunter.

They changed all the card art that was remotely lewd and cranked up the kikery with costs. Everything about the game feels sterile and unfun and designed to pull you to the cash shop

>They changed all the card art that was remotely lewd and cranked up the kikery with costs

The art censorship I know about, but the cost is new to me. Did they hike up the price of cards in term of dust? They were over priced as fuck before especially legendary cards, how much do they cost now? Last time I played it was like 1600 dust

Rogue doesnt need healing. All rogue cards have insane tempo, his ability to draw specific cards are endless, he has 2 mana deal 4 damage, backstab, rogue has all the early game, then he casually draws his whole deck and slap evasion which is even better than mage's ice block.

Tje only matchup rogue struggle with are super controll decks like warrior, warlock or mage. You just make aggro / draw heavy deck and if you cant kill you enemy by turn 7, you kill them on turn 9 with this combo with mechatun.

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>shitposters acting like Rogue can't tempo out everyone else because they don't have aoe.

Meta is pretty bad but there's a larger problem. a lot of HS streamers have been done with HS for a while but had no good game to switch to without losing 90% of their viewers, now they have an out with auto-chess so everyone is switching to that now.

yeah normal rogue deck's don't need it because they don't play combo, Malyrogue and Nomirogue have already shown to be to janky because rogue doesn't have combo tools even if they can draw their entire deck on 5.

You could play a normal rogue with this lego and MT or you can not do any of that and just put nomi in, wins the same matchups, takes up less space and doesn't require you to dump your entire hand for the trade-off that your opponent might asspull a boardclear, nomi even synergises with shadowstep where new card + MT only synergise with even more card draw in the form of auctioneer.

The round of nerfs blizzard put out making everyone angry because it did nothing to fix the three most cancerous decks didn't help.

Well true but your game has to have sunk very deeply if the /vg/ general is rooting for other card games so they can stop playing it.

>playing constructed

>that game that is censoring their cards for china

I was always under impression if you want to play nomi deck you play priest. Rogue was always YOLO deck shadownstep leeroy. Mechatun rogue would be something new.

The game is always what it has been. People simply got bored. They need to release fun new cards faster and people will come back. Simply as that. Also maybe add mode where you have only 30 seconds for turn and all animations are speeded up / instant.

>>that game that is censoring their cards for china
which ones?

>10k viewers on twitch
Kek, dead game. Good fucking riddance.

>play leeroy
>kills you before your shitty combo
gg ez

I haven't really played since they did the boomsday buffs.
back when rogue was #1 and CW was #2 because it could beat rogue, some rogue's slotted a nomi for the CW matchup, since CW had no pressure you just slowly assembled nomi and 2 shadowsteps which they usually couldn't beat.,
Which in turn caused some CW's to run deathwing or a spellzerker just to fuck with rogue's even harder.
have no clue what the current meta is like, quite possible that nomi isn't played at all anymore.

Rogue's have had combo decks before with malyrogue which was always just malydruid but weaker.


They’ve been slowly sneaking it up but like a 12-18 months ago a $50 preorder got you 80 packs, now it’s 50 packs and a free legendary or something and $80 for 80. Took away adventures a long time ago, but we started getting free single player stuff. They’re charging for that now. All you get is like 12 packs or something and given the abysmal pull rates in this game there’s a basically 100% chance that gets you nothing. New single player stuff technically has “more” content but seriously fuck them. It’s been a constant boiling pot of increasing costs and decreasing pull value

Current meta is
>controll controll warrior
28 cards which kills minions and hero card dr. Boom. Gameplan is to bore your opponent to death.

>nomi priest
Draw your whole deck via circle of healing and auctioner, many 0 cost spells, shitton of heal, nomi and that taunt giant which cost less eith each spell casted

>tempo rogue
Simply tempo rogue either with pirate package or the one cost evil minions, win by roleplaying as aggro

>mech hunter
Discover drathrattle card which died this game, trigger its deathratle and add it to your hand. You use all magnetic cards as if they had charge

>cancer mage
Generate infinite cards by that tempest minion and cast 3 mana: kill and summon two minions with same cost on your 13 mana giants combined with one two mana legendary: your summon effects summons double.

>otk paladin
Holy wrath + that 25 mana shivalva legendary

Attached: latest.png (678x874, 361K)

Hearthstone is stale as fuck because blizzards refuses to either rotate cards faster or add new formats. Imagine if every season there was a "wild" format that randomly selected expansions to make a set. New metas and new decks every month instead of once a year.

Wack, i was expecting CW to compltely dissapear with midrange hunter and casino mages about

>gameplan is to bore your opponent to death
And piss him off, that's the best part.

Attached: Hearthstone Screenshot 05-09-19 12.40.54.png (1023x667, 287K)

Attached: knipsel4.png (1051x685, 326K)

what counters control warrior? I'm getting bored to death fighting them

Another control warrior but draw boom earlier

This. That's literally why MTG basically is always in spoiler season

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_D_9pUseW4AAu.png (237x332, 156K)

Nomi priest
Otk paladin
Ultra aggro

Do you watch movies while you play warrior? Or do you play another game on second monitor?

h-hey guys, I lucked out and got some of the good demons from buying packs with my dailies, my zoolock is ready to go

>no cute yrel hero portrait

Attached: cute.jpg (900x900, 560K)

I'm sorry but hearthstone only gets censored.

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playing hearthstone like a 5 year old toddler when magic arena exists. lmao

I'll have a FUN meme deck... In wild where the vanish things are.

Yeah, but does your deck beat rez priest?