>Create an androgynous character in order for both genders to like him
>Causes a shitstorms due to fans arguing about his gender
GG Namco
Create an androgynous character in order for both genders to like him
I love their outfit. Very /fa/
That's just some faggy looking dude, where's the confusion about?
It's a girl in a muscle suit.
>Confirm her as female in the next installment
It really was kind of a waste of time. At least she's the only good post T5 character besides Miguel and Dragunov.
It actually extremely annoying when people look like both genders as I'm not sure if its gay to fap or not. Like say you fap to what you believe is a girl but only find out afterwards that it was a dude then you are gay.
>People still don't think Leo's a girl when she's unable to go topless and has female bathing suit options
Fucking marks.
why are faggots so fucking invasive? stop trying to turn everything into a fucking sausage fest, she is a tomboy girl, even Harada confirmed it