Still pretty big for an Asian bitch
Why does her model look so bad?
It's not even uncanny valley type, it just looks visually unappealing
Have sex
fuck off neckbeard she's still chunky
Her boobs are okay, but why are her legs and thighs so thin
this and remove the black shit on her stomach
>no thicc
>no tits
>barely even /fit/
Tifa is fucking dead
>People complaining about people complaining about the tits
>When in reality the outfit just looks like dogshit
>Underbra bigger than the tank top
>Ugly looking skirt with spats
>Sticc legs
Who's more horny, the people who think nu-Tifa is hot or the people who think she needs bigger tits?
They always were.
You gotta be a real low-T beta bitch to find this nu-"Tifa" appealing. Real men like big tits and thick thigs.
Because it's the ethical thing to do.
They're both equally shit so why bother
shoop da woop
>fat ass head
>no legs
>No tits
>no ass
>Face ugly as shit
She cute
Her nu-design is terrible
But snoydrones will defend it to their dying breath
Look like an Asian woman.
What's the problem?
that looks fuckint shit, no hips no tits and a weird body.
do the thighhighs make her legs look skinny, or are her legs just really skinny?
Tifa is White
Aside from the sports bra it's mostly just Nomura adding pointless shit as he always does.
The fact that there isn't any hint of compression certainly doesn't help.
>suspenders + thighhighs + skirt + spats
how awful
She wishes she is white
free marketing
She was, but they downgraded that too.