Filename thread

filename thread

Attached: Planescape Torment.png (491x565, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Team Order.jpg (640x480, 56K)

Attached: Ardyn Reviews FFXV.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


Attached: Paying Customers.webm (1920x720, 1.83M)

Attached: link the fire chosen undead.webm (600x314, 2.9M)

Attached: Lorian, Elder Prince. Lothric, Younger Prince.jpg (2048x1536, 656K)

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Attached: crazy bones.jpg (500x336, 37K)

Clown was my best Crazy Bone; won so many games with him.

Attached: Clown2.gif (55x76, 3K)


Attached: /v/ checking for downgrades.png (548x453, 299K)

Attached: payday 2 inspire perk.webm (640x360, 1.71M)

Attached: moot creates /mlp/.gif (441x315, 1.38M)

Attached: advance wars.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

Attached: rpgmaker eroge.gif (500x365, 933K)

Attached: Lollipop Chainsaw.webm (608x1080, 2.87M)

I'm surprised I recognized Burn After Reading after watching it only once and quite a long time ago.
Pretty good

What game is that?

Attached: out.webm (254x360, 257K)

Attached: Saints Row history.gif (200x150, 1.49M)

Amid Evil

Attached: traps.jpg (563x467, 124K)

>Bonnie using Inspire on Joy

Nigga finna bout to get smacked by that white girl


that is not how file name threads work

Attached: bad filenames.jpg (516x600, 42K)

Attached: ring of shadows magic is fading.jpg (1200x800, 429K)

Attached: Castlevania Portrait of Ruin.gif (320x240, 263K)

Attached: Sim Theme Park.webm (720x1280, 2.66M)

Attached: not for honor, but.jpg (2048x1536, 196K)

Attached: speech - 100.jpg (640x644, 62K)

okay user we both know you were waiting for this, whats going on in this video?


Attached: when you finally blow up megaton.jpg (1276x1280, 97K)

Attached: jRPG plot.jpg (460x397, 30K)

Attached: antichamber.gif (705x300, 57K)

15 was kino

dead rising online

Attached: using polyclone with the highest PSI on the server.webm (720x404, 955K)

It's recent news. Google "china white shirts".

Triads fucking up protestors in Hong Kong

>Cohort! Form testudo!


Based Stacy taking down instigating nogs.

Attached: 1501507270659.gif (329x232, 794K)

if this is real he must be todd's son

>fire emblem

Not him, but I guess their're hired mobsters. Paid by the chinese government to go against the umbrella protestors.
Same happened in france with macrons sledge hammer guys.

Attached: 1555945173622.png (766x960, 364K)

>if its real
its not

Attached: A weapon to surpass metal gear.gif (250x250, 1012K)

Attached: Unarmed Builds.png (402x705, 750K)

>I'm surprised I recognized Burn After Reading
Is it any good?

>someone says winnie the pooh in china

Attached: Deja vu I've just been in this place before.jpg (2000x2000, 248K)

I wish. The story was too incomplete/disjointed and the character were underdeveloped to be "kino"

Attached: E.Y.E_Divine_Cybermancy.webm (720x405, 2.92M)

>someone says the china pooh meme isnt real on Yea Forums

Attached: goldeneye reboot.gif (300x206, 1.96M)

I enjoyed it. Personally I was expecting something better from the Coen brothers, but apparently most people liked it a lot better than I did.

This is why you bend your legs when you land

>level 1 cyber legs pre fall damage patch

ah so then it's similar to union busters

Filthy ni.. I mean Jian had it coming.

Attached: broken legs.png (910x1144, 285K)

Did he just use his child as a weapon?

Fuck, that bitch got spunk.

Attached: games done quick.png (334x412, 48K)

Attached: Tuesday Night in Korea.png (634x511, 464K)

The cat seems used to this kind of bullahit

Attached: wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.webm (704x394, 2.95M)

>they pull out swords and start hitting people with them

What the fuck, this is fucked up.

Why do the Chinese seem to have absolute contempt for all life that isn't themselves? Their environments, endangered animals, their own countrymen, and apparently their own children. They allow all these things to be destroyed or harmed without batting an eye. Why are they like this?

Attached: 1496691765394.gif (500x365, 197K)

Attached: Entering a battle in FFX.gif (320x570, 2.72M)

Attached: My little abomination can't be this cute.gif (320x320, 1.12M)

Attached: Tusk Act 4.webm (640x480, 2.15M)

Fuck me this fits too well

Terminal stages of socialism tend to be like that.

when i played this on pcsx2 they were invisible and i thought that's how it's supposed to be
i like that better than being able to see them

That's Silent hill 1. It wouldn't be playable on pcsx2

sorry i meant epsxe

those are japs, obsessed, have sex


Hyped for the new album

Attached: no MRE left behind.webm (708x392, 2.95M)

What game?

"River City Girls" I think. Its by Wayforward.


Attached: Member joins your party.webm (1280x720, 743K)

He got really fat.

Attached: whats the headphones say.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

Goddammit I thought I changed the name. It was supposed to read "Any game with shared loot" but fuck it's not funny anyhow I'mma go kill myself.


You've got a good DayZ or similar looter shooter filename in there. Something along the lines of lying to your friend about recovering his gear. Maybe a tarkov filename?


I can watch all sorts of violent shit, car accidents, people getting their heads cut off, explosions, but for the life of me I can’t ever watch sports and workout accidents out of fear it may happen to me. Is something wrong with me?

Attached: Khu'rain.jpg (400x296, 33K)


this is now a sneed thread

Attached: 2464F7DA-A693-4E38-9869-595E0A896EAA.gif (821x190, 89K)

Call of doody gunz

Attached: 1442042826131.jpg (1296x968, 139K)


Where is that from? He just looks like the booty warrior.

>Resonance of Fate.jpg

Is that a fucking bone? I also hurt my foot playing basketball.

This is the danger of being too tall, your bones become like glass.

Please tell me it actually somehow works.

The Boondocks

Attached: Todd Howard.png (502x420, 140K)

>The Boondocks
thanks brah. Have a meme from a dead game.

Attached: My Bögs.jpg (530x528, 74K)

Did this guy ever get arrested?

shieeet i had the mushroom one.
shit was cash.

Attached: Adam Jensen can't tell if he shaved or not because he has robot arms and broke his mirror which (590x332, 31K)

Attached: your humble spymaster.png (714x114, 6K)

Dlcs kinda sorta addressed that.

Attached: fatatily.png (2048x2048, 969K)

There's no reason for it not to work. It would be unwieldy as hell but you could probably fire a few rounds before everything goes flying.

reminds me when I was young and downloaded a demo of thief 1 and our pc didn't have a dedicated gpu so the game could play but the polygon's were untextured, but the lighting system worked, making everything shades of grey. I thought the game was supposed to look like that. It made sense in my child mind that because the game was about sneaking the environment focused on light rather than textures.

Attached: 1507992792441.jpg (2089x2906, 1.19M)

Nice suplex.

They were invisible in the final version version of the game and orange in the beta

>jrpg vs wrpg.rpg

yup nightmares again.


>starting to clap when speaking
so WAHEM need a 4/4 beat to get their message across?

Based i used to have the ones with aliens

Story behind this webm?

>dat reaction behind him.

Playing the demo of Kurushi (I.Q.) was without music and it made the entire game feel a lot more eerie, I was disappointed when I played it later and it had a full soundtrack.


Attached: Starting withExpertMode.png (500x522, 294K)

You salvaged it.

It went viral on twitter some months ago, I only remember the cheerleader was the sister of the original poster.

god I wish that were me

>digimon opening.webm

Attached: Toilet Flushing Demo American Standards Boulevard Right Height Elongated Toilet.jpg (1680x1050, 329K)

>American politics in the eyes of Europeans

>Manlytears prepares to fix his doll house toilet


Im never jumping again.

You all get likes

Attached: exodia the forbidden one.jpg (1000x550, 124K)

Attached: Nailsage Sly.jpg (479x640, 44K)

Attached: Leather Club.jpg (446x651, 68K)

>Bang Bang Bang, Pull My Devil Trigger...

That’s so fucking inefficient. Just like a Metal Gear

Attached: Watch out for that falling shoe!.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

The world and gameplay are ass

Attached: borderlands marketing material.webm (490x266, 2.67M)

I love this stupid fucking movie.
>Fuck you Peck, you're a Mormon! Next to you we all have a drinking problem!
BAR is just one of those films you don't forget, the Coens really tried to out-Coen'd themselves with it if you get what I mean


Attached: Insta-killing a scripted boss.webm (720x405, 2.77M)

>how the UK sees the US

Attached: Darkest Dungeon.jpg (540x498, 60K)

Nigs gonna nog.

Attached: god.png (496x141, 82K)

Attached: and this is our buddy's room.jpg (600x451, 33K)


Attached: DOG STUCK DOG STUCK.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

Attached: bed of chaos.gif (289x163, 1.99M)

this was confirmed fake btw

Attached: Deus Ex HR.gif (235x242, 1022K)

Attached: ea acquires new dev.webm (720x306, 2.93M)

Nani the fuck

Attached: EA looking for new devs.webm (400x320, 2.78M)

Attached: F5F9F5F9.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

>burn japanese flag
>a tentacle monster comes out

Attached: gravity rush.gif (250x173, 1.07M)


Attached: grip level 3.gif (480x270, 186K)

>tfw vorefag
>95% of "vore games" are just RPG Maker garbage

Attached: every goddamn day.jpg (500x703, 29K)

Attached: ideal skyrim character.jpg (2660x1798, 1.26M)

Attached: luke saving paul anka's life.webm (640x480, 996K)

Attached: custom character in a cutscene.png (1204x1806, 2.2M)

There's a cat.

Attached: 99% camo index.jpg (553x767, 184K)

Attached: master we're in a tight spot.webm (512x300, 2.76M)

>Enemy backs away from an easy hit even when the player has their back turned
Please tell me this is just a lower difficulty setting and not how casual the game really is

Damn, I wish I knew how to make active ragdoll shit in Unity like this.

Attached: -.webm (854x480, 1.89M)

Attached: streamers.jpg (857x3000, 310K)

Attached: 1545322975871.jpg (413x395, 67K)

>At the gym earlier in the month
>Girl is on the treadmill running like someone is chasing her
>She looses her footing and slams onto the tread
>Gets shot back into the wall, cracking it hard
>She has a broken arm from the impact and a few cracked ribs
Shit happens.

Attached: waiting for bannerlord.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

New Simpsons is such garbage. Every character flanderized. The old Homer would've punched this Homer for saying that.

Shit I just found him after years of looking. The ears give it away

Attached: sonicunleashed.jpg (640x652, 43K)

Attached: i am a great magician.gif (480x270, 771K)


Attached: prince of persia 2008.webm (368x656, 1.54M)

Attached: vanishing of ethan carter.jpg (646x6135, 1.19M)

it could but i don't think it does. the spring needs to be either very bendy or consist out of a complex set of interconnected springs. both take time and resources that a man strapping a plastic diving tube to a gun is unlikely to posses

forgot my file

Attached: you see ivan; the videogame - concept art.jpg (471x203, 33K)


You know the rules.

And so do I.

That fucking game's ending, man.

Attached: 1553574914217m.jpg (1024x999, 61K)

it's a demo build for games journalists, what did you expect

pic unrelated

Attached: dark souls.gif (187x186, 1.89M)

Attached: ovg.webm (800x450, 1.42M)

Attached: Netflix presents Teaching Feeling - Life With a Slave.gif (320x320, 2.32M)

stealth archer

>100% chance to stun for 2 turns


Attached: ArmA mods.png (461x716, 389K)

Attached: TechGuns mod for minecraft.jpg (1022x718, 196K)


But that is the old Homer??

Attached: fighting Belmont mains.webm (534x268, 2.78M)

Fuck user. I’ve that song in my head again. HIGHER AND HIGHER!

Attached: UNIEL akatsuki mirror match.jpg (299x236, 38K)

Yeah, that was my first though.

Attached: Grinding for exp.webm (360x636, 2.99M)

is this a blomrpf or obsessed meme?

It's great, not something very big but fucking funny

Right in the childhood, holy shit.

what movie is this?


Attached: burgerpunk 1987.jpg (1502x1199, 315K)

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. Great Werner Herzog movie.

Attached: jeffy.jpg (3000x3760, 2.54M)

Attached: beating the game with every character.gif (280x210, 2.71M)

I always wonder what life was like when people weren't constantly bombarded with advertisements.

Attached: d56[1].gif (280x302, 3.63M)

Attached: EvE corp recruitment.jpg (250x273, 67K)

ty user, I'll check it out.

man, finding out that HR is actually a good game was such a great time


Attached: Dmode-YWsAABMMf.jpg (470x470, 34K)

USA would be a better name
>Approximately 32 million adults in the United States can’t read, according to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that 50 percent of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at an eighth-grade level.

Attached: Tomb_Raider_Photo_Mode.webm (690x388, 1.85M)

When you love someone you want to give them things to make them happy, to see them smile makes you smile. A good woman won't ask for things of that price, you'll give them to her happily if you can afford it.

If all you want is a pussy, you can buy a pocket pussy on amazon.

Uhh fucking source please????

Attached: hey hey people.png (950x399, 247K)

You're retarded.

>roughly the amount of immigrants
Tons of people don't even speak english in the USA. Nice facts bro. I'm enjoying ESA. don't @ me.

Attached: attack_its_butthole_for_massive_damage-.png (1586x1098, 3.28M)

Attached: What are you doin' in my swamp.webm (720x480, 1.17M)

that's a strong beetle

Attached: Going back to do sidequests before the end.gif (486x273, 1.83M)

>those are japs
Hello Xiao Ping, hows the family?

Attached: The evolution of TF2.gif (450x294, 1023K)

Attached: Reddit Vs 4chan.png (591x421, 74K)


Attached: I have to go now my planet needs me.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

Attached: playing with ragdolls.webm (480x360, 969K)

Attached: Genocide run.gif (480x270, 1.47M)

Attached: It's time for an all out attack!.gif (500x280, 2M)

Attached: antichamber.png (566x809, 923K)

Good women largely don't exist anymore, and all that's left are prostitutes who are either honest or dishonest about what they are and do. All the effort put into acquiring a wife is better spent building up money for hookers and other forms of entertainment.
>>pocket pussy
Those suck and don't really feel like the real thing.

Why does PS1 games (or other kinds, i don't know) have that effect on 3d models that keeps popping on and off textures? is it the laser on CD?

Attached: Terraria.jpg (666x500, 35K)

sorry, what's that? i can't hear over the sound of you slurping on a jap dick

69 get.
Jessica Joy for Playboy

Attached: doritos_factory.jpg (1600x987, 350K)

Attached: Forgetting which mods you downloaded.jpg (700x525, 54K)

Attached: say: wwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddddssssss.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

What this guy saidProvide sauce, dammit.

who is that?

I tell everyone. Gravity WILL fuck you up. Getting tossed is no fucking joke, it's way more force than just taking a punch.

Gonna whack my pud now thanks dude

he need some milk

Attached: Mario and Luigi Superstar Sluggers.gif (403x227, 773K)

>The old Homer would've punched this Homer for saying that.
That's old Homer saying it, you tard.

Attached: 100% camo index.jpg (960x646, 88K)

From the thumbnail I was freaked out the red was blood, I'm glad it's not.

So those white shirts are pro-China then?
Hong Kong stay strong.

Attached: Screenshot_20190722-225527_Chrome.jpg (1018x615, 452K)

Attached: when I try to parry.gif (528x410, 2.87M)

I want to see these rules.

why the fuck do girls fight like this?

Attached: internet fight.gif (640x360, 889K)

Hey I've been there.

Attached: kung_pow_full_movie.webm (294x125, 2.87M)


Attached: 1550901696739.jpg (411x316, 41K)

These were a game?

Now have it kicked into /pol/

Took me a few minutes to find the kitty.

Attached: Kazuma_Kiryu.jpg (639x1436, 486K)

Attached: Romance_choices_in_RPGs.png (1053x647, 955K)

Attached: Mass_Effect_Romance.jpg (707x540, 192K)

Attached: Bitcoin.jpg (816x1520, 636K)

>kiryu never killed anyone

this triggers a disgust reflex

Attached: A_normal_day_in_Croft_Manor.jpg (500x281, 20K)

I hate when that happens.

>kwiami 1
Stop being a newfag

Attached: grail knight.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Attached: Denuvo.jpg (719x391, 43K)

Attached: day_one_dlc.png (593x951, 599K)

It's called context, and it's not admissible in court.

Attached: it's raining money.webm (608x608, 2.94M)

what sound would this make?

>pro gamor
you're pretty stupid, that girl would totally destroy you

But yeah, hitting with fists is pretty ineffective in most cases.

Many insects are terrifyingly strong for their size.

Attached: bdf.png (578x790, 263K)


Eat your pea, professor.

Attached: ciPBiXu.gif (300x232, 485K)

Attached: 147821491603.jpg (640x480, 39K)

Wreckfest DLC?

Shit, his career is over. He's boned.

alright you invertebrates, let me teach you how to do, the sponge


Shutup you absolute beta

Bet. cytube/r/tinynet

Attached: Well life on the outside ain't what it used to be.webm (492x360, 735K)

was smiling ear to ear the whole time

Attached: Dynamic game difficulty.jpg (900x468, 92K)

>When white people discovered the world, and decided they didnt like it.
Shutup seth, Jews aren't white.

Attached: Paragon Interrupt.png (715x1000, 556K)

>Saved with file name

>I must leave
every time


>tfw something similar happened near my house
I did not picked even a cent because Jesus told me to never steal.

>expert modes available from the start, but balanced for ng+
fuck those devs

What if it was Jesus showering your locale with money because you was such a good boy?


Precursor James, double-donkey Varlet

Attached: Mario Party.jpg (750x734, 50K)

Nigger forgot they can only fight 3-1 or better or they get fucked up. They did get enslaved after all

I didn't come here for this feel you absolute cunt.

Attached: 1544195963513.jpg (474x446, 39K)


my legs aren't OK

Attached: Alan Wake's Indian Nightmare.jpg (400x240, 51K)

I'm honestly glad that the s*mpsons cannot be posted anymore without based af Sneed posters reminding millenials of the true extent of the s*mpson's """"humor""""

Good lad

Attached: con vs dex.webm (360x640, 2.74M)


Attached: 1487416916826.jpg (720x481, 28K)

Attached: when you get access to endgame gear early.webm (422x750, 921K)

Attached: AWeaponToSurpassMetalGear.jpg (540x303, 34K)

Didn't this thing die recently?

Attached: pol walks down a street.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

I can't tell what's going on here.

Attached: hrothgar arrival.gif (300x222, 2.01M)

Man I've never understood why people like erotic games. They suck at being erotica, and they suck at being games.


Attached: French WWII Performance.webm (1080x608, 2.78M)

It was dead from the start


Attached: Swedish plot twist.webm (1280x496, 1.91M)

Why'd he look so mad though

Attached: Alien Girl.webm (598x334, 2.97M)

Attached: Average British Pub Occupants.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

problem is he landed with only one

It can be interpreted as a man being dumbstruck by the "miracle" of childbirth.


>tfw no 6ft+ gf

Amusement park, rollercoaster where your pics are taken, then the pictures are sold for like 5 bucks. Taking pictures of those pictures is not allowed, so the employee tries to stop the customer from doing so.
Don't they have that where you're from? Pretty much all parks I've been to myself have loads of these things

Attached: 1547456353368.jpg (1200x1157, 185K)

d-d-d-d Digimon Digimon

Marfan's Syndrome?

>Dlcs kinda sorta addressed that.

and yet didn't fix the Hold O gameplay and should of been in the game day 1

what game is this cigar smoking sad pussy talking about?

Attached: Amazon Vanessa.webm (710x400, 2.87M)

I haven't been to a park in like 16 years user.

Attached: 3172.png (500x281, 153K)

Due to her tech tree specialization, she didn't have a lot of melee moves except for reusing the windmill punch cheerleader skill.

it's kinda shit m8

>Shoots them in the stomach once
>Not the head
This always frustrated the shit out of me


Imma fuckn reterd ama

Attached: SpeedRunningDarkSouls.gif (350x193, 1.98M)

Attached: AttackCommencesInThirtySeconds.webm (664x268, 1.15M)

Attached: SleepyAnimeGirlTriesToStayAwake.webm (853x480, 2.89M)

He's stealing pee for a drug test, I'm assuming.
It's a gamble that he'll get drug free pee, but I'm guessing it's still a better chance than him using his own pee.

Isn't he drinking it? He takes a cup out of there right after a guy stops pissing and takes a sip

Attached: OrangeSoapstone.jpg (640x640, 49K)

I relate to this on a deep level that fills me with shame.

>a sip
More like several hearty swigs.

why would you break someone's finger like that?

I got the vid for you then

Attached: Doomed Queens.jpg (640x1440, 744K)

Can't believe someone would stoop so low

I consider myself a well behaved, civilized man. I am not beholden to impulse, nor am I quick to anger or violence. My emotions are my own, and I do not let others control them. I am calm, and reserved.
I would be frothing at the mouth grabbing at each and every fucking bill like a goddamn savage

Attached: PICK A GOD AND PRAY.gif (230x237, 754K)

Damn lad, feels bad. Here's to hoping that whatevers stopping you will go away!

Attached: datingSimAchievements.jpg (640x360, 114K)

Amusement parks are heinously expensive and not worth the effort when there are so many other more enjoyable things to do.
Unless you're just a fucking rollercoaster fanatic or teacups get your dick hard I dunno what to tell you.

i hate that i know the story behind this

Attached: kat.jpg (320x320, 15K)


Attached: EDF.jpg (780x751, 156K)

That's a spic you dumb peckerwoods


Attached: 「OASIS」.gif (280x140, 940K)

so that was valentine destiny

Attached: I SUMMON UP THE POWER OF THE GOD HAND.jpg (1440x1429, 133K)

Imagine being so emotionless that you don't find sneed funny

I had these but I never understood how you were suppose to play with them so I just put them in my mouth

Attached: 1545467352553.jpg (359x347, 66K)

no ur nice

Attached: 1545016311423.png (800x450, 155K)

Attached: GDQ Goodie Bag.jpg (777x1000, 480K)

>not reading the book
They don't even have instruction manuals anymore so you royally fucked up

Attached: 13131512312565.gif (450x252, 305K)

tell me

>cuts out the next 30 seconds where debby gets rolled up and pummeled

Attached: the polito form is dead, human.webm (640x359, 2.98M)

god damn it


Attached: a great magician.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

>sorry, what's that? i can't hear over the sound of you slurping on a chink dick

I've never even seen it before and I can tell its a mocap of a dude jacking off.

Lurk more.

>liver failed and the kidneys followed
So give her a fucking transplant, you morons. You're telling me Reed Richards can hold council with alternate versions of himself from other universes, but a little girl can't get some new organs? I bet if it were the Kingpin lying there, they'd have found a donor quick smart. The American healthcare system is garbage.

600+ years of inbreeding and rape

he's actually measuring it to see what kinda ring to give her
that man's got a goal and he'll see it through


Why don't you chill out, friend? You're too tense. Just relax.

Attached: 1555549640409.gif (480x384, 1.05M)

I never actually had one of the toys, but I had a book of these that I read over and over all the time as a kid. I guess I just really loved the designs

No! She's dead and her death could have been easily prevented.

Attached: thursday on vee.png (308x182, 2K)

Probably. She certainly has some of the features.

looks like he skips leg day

Chinese revolution when?

Attached: burgers stonetoss.png (1000x1000, 244K)

Attached: overwatch.gif (500x281, 198K)

Uhh, yea. You have to drink the clean pee to make your pee clean.

good ol' cataclysm

Attached: glorious belka.png (84x92, 220)

holy shit what movie

Attached: the zulu have entered their renaissance.gif (352x152, 2.41M)

Attached: Exdeath.jpg (677x551, 78K)


it sucks

what the fuck are you talking about
that's not how it all works, that's not how any of it works

Attached: DiRT Rally.jpg (700x667, 174K)

Attached: 300 ping.gif (280x170, 1.19M)

Attached: Terraria early-mid game.webm (640x360, 920K)

More people should play Killer 7

Attached: 1558824050502.gif (197x200, 1.01M)

2022 when china airdrops counterfeit bills

Attached: Judgement has been rendered... the verdict of history is....gif (250x188, 2.94M)

Attached: v making a custom character.jpg (500x376, 58K)

This is so perfect

Attached: whales.jpg (1280x1883, 881K)

Attached: teams have been autobalanced.png (915x1372, 613K)

Attached: amazon delivers a new EA game.webm (1280x714, 2.57M)

Attached: Saint's Row co-op.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Attached: (Baby-baby-baby starts playing).jpg (295x397, 25K)

>you taste mushrooms
>your arms are fucking broken
>you wish you were dead

Fire snakes.


I don't get it.

when nature calls.

thanks, it looks awful

Attached: okay guys see this piece of paper Well there's nothing on it yet but there will be.jpg (734x674, 133K)

a lot of build up for 2 or 3 CG's

Ah, it would have a lot more people knocking on random doors asking if its the McDonalds.

Attached: silent assassin.webm (461x259, 2.18M)

>Dragons Dogma character creation.webm

guy deserves it for skipping leg day tbf

Marketing works like that nowadays.
In the case of burgers, everyone knows burgers exist already and there are many chains to pick from so they try to differentiate themselves by supporting some miscellaneous social cause because they can't do that much with the product itself anymore and there are plenty of upper middle class white 20-something year olds retards that actually buy products because they believe they are supporting something.
That's what's happening to pretty much every well established brand nowadays. Some do it and end up causing a real positive change in the world, others just preach some fotm bullshit and get shit on for being greedy fuckers trying to manipulate people. I'm looking at you, Gillette.

That puff before he punches is like some kind of fighting game super move start up or a critical hit tell.

Attached: starting demon negotiations.jpg (1676x942, 138K)

Not how that works. I bet you can't even squat your own body weight.

Attached: GUNSHOT BRIDE, AND HER TRIGGER CRIES.gif (277x676, 3.37M)

man, I would fucking wreck her. Why is she so sexy to me?

Attached: donald.png (497x400, 298K)

Attached: ESTO ES EL FIN GRANDE CANCILLER.jpg (402x677, 73K)

I'm going to be dead honest here. When /pol/ was posting that stonetoss comic depicting a gay makeout for a burger commercial I called them retarded since I thought it was retarded but I guess I'm the dummy now.

I'll have what the Bear has.

Why in the fuck they didn't stick with world of Versus XIII?

I miss old Saints Row. I never played the first game a lot, for me it's a worse and more outdated version of SR2 quite frankly, but the third game dropped and ball and 4 was still kinda shit. 4's mission structure was terrible and full of filler objectives and you got super powers way too early on.
SR2 was the best mix of wacky fun and seriousness. It didn't try to copy GTA too hard and didn't go overboard with the silly shit. I don't even acknowledge any game past 4 desu.

/MLPol/ already happened
It was terrifying how the collective austim combined Hitler posting with ponies

I lost it hard

>Why in the fuck they didn't stick with world of Versus XIII?

because Tabata.
Every bad about 15 can be traced back to that hack. Hell, he even ruined Parasite Eve with Third Birthday



Attached: 1458266513144.jpg (386x520, 34K)

Attached: Oldfags on V.jpg (550x750, 85K)

Attached: v meetup.jpg (800x500, 255K)

Attached: vg meetup.png (1920x1280, 3.67M)

Attached: public matchmaking.jpg (613x392, 42K)

Attached: vp meetup.jpg (1000x668, 91K)

Attached: Men In Black.png (720x967, 684K)

I could only see him mouthing,"Fish pop".

holy sheet

Attached: PERSONA.webm (480x270, 1.16M)


what the fuck is going on in this webm?

Attached: the average anon on vp.png (223x289, 36K)

Attached: Death Stranding.webm (816x720, 787K)

Attached: vr meetup.jpg (1024x682, 156K)

for the 1st 30 rounds, yes, but everything duck taped would fall off
other mags are not linked and if they were it would be retarded, since the spring would have to be way too stiff for any real way to actually load the mag and may cause failures

I think i even see a stang mag in there, which is for 5.56 that ak shoots 5.45

Attached: Purple sharpness.webm (854x470, 2.92M)

He's gay

Why? Context?

Imagine being so braindead you find a post 10th season meme funny.

Attached: 1563678949615.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

I have that exact same lighting issue at Galdin Quay too

Attached: page 0 on pol.jpg (536x540, 173K)

If only.

Attached: Press [UNBOUND].webm (704x480, 1.46M)

Serves Simpsonsfags right, most of the most arrogant post's I've seen here always had a Simpsons reaction image.

Attached: Shoes by Bethesda.jpg (568x540, 43K)

Never saw that coming


Jackass wannabe #12852

>Cutscene Blends into Gameplay

Attached: Casually discussing video games outside v.png (916x647, 485K)

What game

Oh, I though the idiot actually wanted to kill himself and didn't understand how a flaregun works.

damn Humans are squishy as shit

Attached: When they dicover that you play video games.png (418x101, 37K)

Attached: chinese v.jpg (500x374, 18K)

typically people don't get other people to film them committing suicide

Attached: When P1 and P2 chooses the same character.jpg (960x958, 71K)

kind of the opposite actually

Attached: mystery of the numale.png (400x566, 106K)

He's drinking random dudes piss.

Attached: v discussing new game.gif (320x240, 363K)

holy fuck are people still drawing art of that maniac that killed her boyfriend?

skinny sticks actually

Attached: I'm so jacked up.png (640x480, 207K)

Attached: Alien - Lightning Returns.jpg (349x289, 26K)



Attached: Preordering Stadia so you can get your username.webm (636x360, 2.44M)

Attached: Adam Malkovitch encounters a Space Pirate.webm (496x280, 2.86M)

Attached: Left shoulder to zoom in.jpg (497x544, 174K)

Attached: Manlytears first cosplay.jpg (640x480, 64K)



Attached: vg - Video Games General.jpg (500x500, 70K)

Attached: Female twitch streamer fan gathering 2019.jpg (960x640, 198K)

Oh, now I get it.


Attached: pacman defense.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

Attached: anothony burch marriage.jpg (540x720, 62K)

The new Dong Dong Never Die is looking pretty good.

gambeson fags btfo

Hearty kek

he didnt die

Attached: Ubisoft enters the console hardware market.jpg (600x300, 31K)


Attached: 1999 was 50 years ago.jpg (1326x747, 142K)

Before some dumbass makes a stupid comment, This is basically a "Pit Stop Town". America is a HUGE fucking country, and sometimes people need to stop for fuel, food, and rest. Of course since people are picky, you can't just have stops with one or two options, you need a bunch for the sake of competition and buisnesses getting profit off travelers, though this really just applies with gas stations and Fast food mostly, motels and hotels are like 2-3, more if it's on the outskirts of a notable location.

yes she should not have been drinking so much

Aren't there legal repercussions to this?

Attached: Ghachio Rapes a girl.png (1797x977, 1.76M)

Attached: Resetera.jpg (720x695, 69K)


Attached: literally war thunder.webm (640x352, 595K)

and yet despite not living there, it still controls your daily life. must feel cucked, lmao

I'm from nowhere PA and the whole goddamn state looks like this. If you think this is normal or healthy you're clearly not from a place where all you see is this for like a hundred miles in any direction.

I'm so glad people are still making fun of him in 2019

Attached: last night's storm.jpg (277x250, 10K)

Attached: Buckley decides to start a webcomic.png (443x6945, 3.15M)

Verily, 'tis true good sir! I upvote your comment most heartily!

Blue Blazes was too good.

The other one is a male too, right?

What is your point? This is how all the fly over states look

So if China was to disappear in a nuclear fire, would this be an improvement?

gonna need some sauce on that m8

>expected a funny doujin
>she fucks him as he's choking on the rope fighting for his life
It was hot as fuck, not gonna lie.

What movie?

this needs to be a Spurdo comic

>fucking clone keep getting in front of my gun either unscoping me, getting shot, or attracting rockets

Good post faggot user.

Do they fuck

>we can't fight gravity

Only if ~95% of the dumbest, most short-sighted people all over the Earth were to disappear in one cataclysm or another would it be an improvement. But only as far the current few generations are concerned.

Imagine the smell

Hero's can't save everybody, that's kind of the reason these down to earth chapters exist in the first place to keep morons like you from believing everything is a given happy ending. Congratulations, your type is the reason Capeshit movies haven't progressed at all.

Attached: CDI_The_King_by_Mandiny.jpg (640x480, 61K)