How do i make the combat in this game less clunky and slow...

How do i make the combat in this game less clunky and slow? I've tried the fast weapons but they do less damage and they play like shit too.

Attached: MHW.png (963x649, 1.06M)


I'm sorry user but MHW is the most baby tier MH game with the loosest controls in the entire series.
If you can't get into it then don't even bother.

I dont know, I play gunlance so

Maybe the game simply isn´t something for you

I bought it full price, i wanna make my money's worth.

What weapons did you try?

Return it while you still can.
No reason to try and force yourself to like it.

HGB and SA

but i have 100 hours already

i fucking love greatsword so much holy shit