hey alright
Someone shoot this guy
bunch of stoners
....and thanks
make a noise
*bwomp bwomp bwomp pshhh tssss*
What's nopants's problem?
how could he say that about the man that rescued him from a room full of anime players
that's some random LARPing as n0pants since the actual one runs the yt channel, looks like he pinned that guy's comment too the madman
who is nOpants. Im new to his videos and he keeps mentioning him
no pants is the chinese guy who runs puddle's youtube, he used to have his own youtube channel where he would highlight some of his streams then puddle gave him the reigns of his channel and lets him keep the ad revenue, plus some seed on top, as payment
*ignores donation*
Aris is /ourguy/
its the fact that his behavior is so anti twitch that makes him the only watchable twitch streamer
>makes it clear he doesnt want any back and forths with people in the chat
>talks shit about them all the time and calls them subhumans
>talks shit when he gets sad donations
fucking based
>puddle gave him the reigns of his channel and lets him keep the ad revenue, plus some seed on top, as payment
Based Awris
How can one man be so based
The best part is that chat, for the most part, also understand that they're trash
>Aris calls chat subhuman
>chat is like :(
>Aris asks if they disagree
>chat us like "no :)"
He's right about the donations but why the fuck is he comparing AGDQ to fucking EVO? That's got to be the most retarded criticism I've ever heard about AGDQ, it's not a tournament.
Its based that he doesn't know what AGDQ is because AGDQ is trash.
i don't think he's saying that it should be exactly like Evo. He's just saying it needs to evolve.
and there he is, the only good streamer to ever live
i like moon also
Isn't that the pussy that gets triggered by half the emotes on twitch so he bans them?
Fuck off to your containment general, jiver.
love arnis
only thing that pisses me off are the resident weaboo homosexual always spamming the same emotes at each other
I personally can't stand him. What's so great about his stream? All he does is repeat the same jokes over and over again and overreact to stuff. Also his nasally voice gets annoying after a while.