Why are there no survival horror games set on huge oil rigs? It's literally the patrician choice of setting. Something akin to early survival horror games like the early RE titles with a tweaked dynamic fixed camera perspective would be absolute kino.
Why are there no survival horror games set on huge oil rigs? It's literally the patrician choice of setting...
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Make it yourself OP
But i guess you cant right?
They would be a cool place for any video game.
yeah no shit retard.
Theres an oil rig level in Tony Hawks American Wasteland
Cold Fear is set on big whaler ship. As best as you can get probably.
Why not?
Programming isnt hard
Find an artist and get to work
Or better yet make the art yourself
Sunset Overdrive has an oil rig as the setting for it's DLC
>It's literally the patrician choice of setting
It really isn't.
They're boring as fuck, everything looks the same, there's no points of interest, there would be no interesting flow to the level design, it's just catwalks, corridors, quarters and control rooms.
if programming isnt hard then why do good programmers make like the most money out of all commoner jobs?
Sounds good id play it
Somebody hasn’t played Cold Fear
>Why are there no survival horror games set on huge oil rigs?
Oil drilling is degenerate, user.
MGS2 pretty much did this and it was shit
Theres literally a shitty survival horror game for the ps2 called cold fear where you go onto a ship and a oil rig
Wasn't there an oil rig section as well?
The second half you are on an oil rig.
Didn’t the Saturn game deep fear do something similar?
Lmao absolute retard. Posting dumb shit this early. No life loser I can smell you buddy.
The only game that comes to mind is MGS:2, and technically MGS:5 though you don't spend much time actually playing on the oil rig/platforms in 5, mostly just cutscenes
Thanks guys, I'm gonna see if there are any seeders on public trackers for this after I get home.
Not that user but hear me out. If Resident Evil 2 managed to make a police station, the most boring place on earth, into an interesting place to explore, I'm sure there's people talented enough to make an oil rig interesting
Because game programmers are garbage programmers. Most get into it because they love games, not because they love programming. The moral of the story: It's hard to be a GOOD programmer. You don't need to be a good programmer to program a game.
Be sure to watch this video as well
So exactly like a mansion with small corridors and everything looks 90% the same? I'd rather the take the rig.
The Big Shell was shit but it was hardly be called an oil rig in design.
Tomb Raider 2 has 2 levels
isn't the last section on a rig?
>Big scary JOB SITE
commies everyone
Cause its time consuming as fuck
I have and it was pretty shit.
anti-semites every time
Try the surge if your looking for a scary industrial setting with fun combat and high difficulty
This is actually a pretty good recommendation. It's a dark souls clone but it's good for one playthrough, MAYBE two. I liked it enough. It says I only played for 4 hours so I'm thinking I beat it on my pirated copy and tried to replay it but just couldn't.
Tried it and thought it was mediocre.
It's not that good but it's much better than their previous game, so at least devs are capable of learning. Perhaps sequel will be more decent.
the platforms become a big part of the endgame if you want to do nukes/disarms and make a lot of money on stolen supplies. it's the endgame pve/pvp setting, most players just seem burned out by that time and stop playing. there is even gear you can use on fob invasions/defense you can't get otherwise. my last 100 or so hours of my 300 hours in mgsv was all on the platforms invading people or messing around with friends.
I wonder what life as an operator would be like on those things. What would you do in your off hours? It reminds me of the powerplant I work at except without walls.. and being in winter mode all the time... and you can't go home at the end of the day. Would there even be women on that thing.
Wasn't it on an oil rig and then an icebreaker ship?
>They're boring as fuck, everything looks the same,
Applicable to literally everything human made ever being a collection of walking paths and rooms. The game designer finds ways to make them interesting by placing obstacles that make getting from A to B a massive ordeal.
>Why are there no survival horror games set on huge oil rigs?
You could rephrase this question to include any original idea drawn from the real world. Popular media only wants to rehash new versions of previously successful products, not examine novel and interesting corners of life, not explore reality with imagination.
Think of the entertainment industry but imagine the pool of wealth funding popular media is relatively small, and imagine these people have relatively homogenous interests and beliefs. So in this analogy, imagine films getting made today not as completely separate unrelated works but actually sharing some relation, like separate chapters in one book. You approach these producers with your new idea that's inspired by oil platforms (their engineering, the physical elements, the type of people who work on them, plus the physical challenges of survival). Ok, maybe that's interesting by itself... but does it fit with the other chapters in the book? A producer is only looking to buy the sort of stuff they want to sell.
Maybe you get a bite. But they'll have to adjust your idea to make it match the other chapters. People don't want atmosphere they want action and comedy, plus one of several stock moral message. Drop any boring technical stuff, make tech all fantasy, strong woman character is lead engineer, lots of cgi over real locations. You end up with a film that's maybe set on an oil platform, it's not about an oil platform. It's not about anything real or tangible. It's about being a product that appropriately matches the other products.
I'm angry at your post but that doesn't make you post wrong. Fuck you.
Imagine the smell
whether you like big shell or not, it is still an offshore industrial platform.
Sounds awesome desu, I wish a good game will have this setting
I liked and was progressing nicely until I got to the second boss with the spinny arms.
It was tedious as hell and I even almost killed it a couple times. tried looking starts and basically all of them said "this boss is super tedious and will take you a long time" so I dropped the game.
targetting the correct parts of the boss was really clunky, stamina usage is completely busted no matter how you spec or equip. Seemed like it had a lot of potential until I got to that point.
I liked the first boss where you could stand under it when it fires the missiles and make it hurt itself.
Would that game be oily access?
I don't think I've wished death upon someone any harder than I am right now.
Don't get too down though. Art has always been sponsored by a small economic elite or ruling caste, and its function has often (usually) been some form of social control. Today these rulers are corporate and financial power.
The internet has been a mix of good and bad, but one thing it does allow is for art outside of an elite gatekeeper's blessing to exist. This art cannot marshal the million dollar budgets of a corporate production, or get the massive media signal boost that decides trends. But fundamentally art only needs one dedicated madman to get made, and you only need an internet connection to share it with someone. You can't make a major motion picture or triple A game, but you can make a novel, a comic, an indie sized game, a short film, a song or an album, even a meme, whatever. In the end, a simple illustration in a picture book can be more memorable to a viewer than a 100 million dollar movie.
On top of that, the purity spiral happening in Hollywood and corporate media is going to see more talented creators shoved out of the system, and attempting to create something without the system. It's up to audiences to decide if they want to find something real but smaller or if they want to stay submerged in glossy expensive meaninglessness.
The only actual frightening development on the horizon is payment processors enforcing social policy and the destruction of an open internet. They are going to try, under the pretense of either anti-terror or anti-hate.
seems like a great setting for a horror game, being stranded on something like that sounds pretty terrifying when u mix in a good monster/story
Monstrum comes close to it: ur on a cargo ship:
What board are you visiting from? You're definitely not from Yea Forums with these well constructed and thought-out replies.
I'm working on one right now in Unity THANKS FOR RUINING THE SURPRISE. Now someone more productive than me is gonna read the thread and get it out before I finish it and my game will be seen as a copycat.
Deep Fear is set in some underwater facility
MGSV was pretty horrifying.
There is cold fear, RE Dead Aim.
That reminds me of Destiny 2's Titan planet
Isnt that fan game based of RE2make on a rig?
It's tens of thousands of hours of work, you daft retard.
How crude of you.
You have an unrefined sense of humor, user.
Yeah well you're not so slick either.
eh I randomly effortpost Yea Forums and /ic/ when procrastinating work. a small amount of effort posting in obscure or slow thread can still sometimes coax out people with above room temp iqs.
>It's tens of thousands of hours of work, you daft retard.
This user is right. I work deepwater 14 and 14, where you at?
I hate you all so much and I hate that I laughed.
give me a good reason to play cold fear
old game good
Not a horror game, but The Missing Link DLC for Deus Ex: HR took place on an oil rig. It was pretty good, too.
except it's not actually that great