Hunt: Showdown 1.0 releasing August 27

The King is back. PS4 port coming later in the year.

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PS4 port? Wonder if it even loads in heh

literally every thread op for this game is written like an unironic shill who's bad at his job

The game is already on Xbox One and runs fine. They're still tuning it, and the 1.0 release will include an overhauled UI.

Do you like the game though?

Who needs to shill a game with 93% positive reviews on Steam?

Meant for

I'm looking forward to it, I've dished in about 200 hours in early access. 1.0 adds a lot of stuff. I dig the increase from 10 to 12 players in a match and adding a trio mode. Should be great.

Not him but it's one of my favorite shooters, the gunplay is extremely satisfying. If you plan on picking it up, do it now before the price change

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Crytek are a weird company. Super talented game designers, Rockstar-tier management. Apparently if you're Turkish or German, you get favorable treatment, and promotions are all about kissing the right ass and drinking with the right people. Talent plays little role. According to one former dev, they're like a team of 4 people that has literally hundreds of employees and they have no clue how to behave like a major corporation.

Oh yeah, I have the game I just don't play it as much as you, not since my internet fucked up once and made me lose my hunter with a brand new shotgun.
I had always wondered what if they got purchased by Microsoft, guess they'd shoot themselves on the foot.

>I had always wondered what if they got purchased by Microsoft, guess they'd shoot themselves on the foot.
That's another thing. The Yerlis behave like super proud indie devs despite having something like 500 employees. They were too proud to sell Ryse to Microsoft in order to fund Ryse 2. A common complaint from people who've worked at Crytek is "HIRE PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO RUN A GAMES COMPANY". But the Yerlis are wealthy and they've never really appreciated that running a games company means stuff like paying your employees on time. Granted, running a AAA game dev also means horrible shit like crunch, something Crytek are deeply guilty of, but at least if you're crunching under people who understand how to run a company, you have a chance. For example, savvier management would have milked the shit out of IP they owned like TimeSplitters. They would have diversified to soften the blow of flopping games. They would have created a low budget spiritual successor to Crysis. Maybe a Crysis Wars successor with Power Struggle, too, instead of poking Warface with a stick to see if it was still alive on occasion.

The weird thing is that CDPR have followed a similar trajectory to Crytek. Huge management issues, huge burnout issues, blowing HUGE amounts of money on single game titles with fallback. The difference is that CDPR hit gold with the relatively untapped RPG genre wheras Crytek have always been focused on FPS games. They were going to make a cool third person shooter called Redemption, but that got canned to reallocate staff and money to Crysis 2, their hail mary game.

If Cyberpunk 2077 floppped, CDPR would be fucked. But they've taken savvy steps to prevent that. A massively hype marketing campaign. They've even managed to largely distance their original PC fanbase without incurring too much outrage.

The devstreams are hypercringe. Air conditioning whirring in the background and Denglish all over the place.

>They would have diversified to soften the blow of flopping games.
To clarify, they should have diversified into stuff that wasn't VR because as cool as VR is, Crytek were too early to the party. The market for VR is far too niche.

last time I checked 78% isn't 93%. you can't look at the recent reviews because every game got inflated thanks to summer sale

>savvier management would have milked the shit out of IP they owned like TimeSplitter
>They would have created a low budget spiritual successor to Crysis. Maybe a Crysis Wars successor with Power Struggle, too, instead of poking Warface with a stick to see if it was still alive on occasion
This sounds like a perfect crytek, also fuck Crysis 2 it's the worst one in the series

Total reviews are useless for an early access game. It has significantly changed since its early days. Also, the Xbox One Early Access version has managed 4/5 stars despite literally not working when it first released and also lagging behind the PC version by a few months content-wise.

>Game in early access
>noooooo dont look at the recent overwhelmingly positive reviews now that its close to being finished, look at the old bad reviews from when the early access just started!!

>headshots you, killing you instantly
heh... nothing personnel...

Crysis 2 is the best game in the series. Crysis 1 was basically a poorly balanced version of Far Cry 1. Crysis 2 is a refined experience that focuses on what Crysis does well instead of just meandering in circles. It's fundamentally well made as a game. Crysis 1, not so much. I feel like a lot of the Crysis 1 fanbase don't understand game design very well. They just want to dick around in the nanosuit and they never bother finishing Crysis because they get bored, yet they never see that as a problem.

are the servers still rubberbanding pieces of shit?

*unzips cavalry saber*

That explains why they have been close to bankruptcy so many times.

>It has significantly changed since its early days
They also kept downgrading the visuals with every update

Well considerinh games like Siege do
>headshots you with a random 1100 rof smg spray through a wall
Hunt is quite good in that aspect.

>spend an hour getting your resources
>get shot from behind, lose everything 3 min away from exit

Don't play this shit.

does it still run like dogshit?
the post said 93% positive reviews, be more specific next time before sperging out. the total reviews are still lower than 93%

No they didn't.

>it takes him hours to find the boss
Lol wtf

>>spend an hour getting your resources
What did (((You))) mean by this?

Literally nobody would use total reviews to talk about an early access game. They're talking about the perception of the game as it is, not as it was over a year ago.

I don't use reviews at all because it's impossible to trust them. I'm just telling you to make your post more clear

Far Cry > Crysis 2 > Crysis > Crysis 3 > Warhead

Im hoping it gets pushed to 4 but Im hoping with 3 I can get one of my other friends to play too.
We have a weird hole where theres no game where 10 of us can get together and play an fps /build an empire like we used to with arma 2.

Thats not at all how the game works.
>roll a free character
>gank some team
>steal their better weapons
>wipe a few teams
>do a boss
>make like $2,000 in 20-40 minutes

>roll new character for free
>buy like $500 of throwables and medkits
>play again

I mean you MIGHT run out of money if you died like 5 games in a row cause you suck, but even then the character is free and you still can loot weapons off anyone.

Attached: HS_MeatHead.jpg (4400x4625, 1.51M)

Yes they did. And the downgrade from 2017 demo to now is even bigger.
I remember when I played this game on launch and it literally had the best night time visuals I've ever seen. And now the night time is bright as fuck and the lighting is flat.
There's also still a shitton of pop-in.

So whats the point of the non free characters?

>shoots you 12 times with winchester 700m away
>you dont even care that youre taking damage
>walk sadly away into the swamp

Better equipment, traits and darker clothing for camo

The meta has shifted to pretty much kill off and count how many you have until you are up to 8 enemies then do the boss in peace. Alternatively let another party collect clues down boss then you and your buddy go in and clean up.

Doing the legwork is a rookie mistake.

>And now the night time is bright as fuck
To be fair, that's likely more of a gameplay concession than a technical one. Hunt's development has been up and down tech-wise. They degraded the game rather heavily around version 4.0, then largely reversed the degradation around 5.0. They'll likely keep improving the game going forward, and I assume stuff like ray tracing will make an appearance.

specific choice of random item rolls or higher tiers
perks unlocked already
random health bar chunk sizes rolls
camouflage clothing
some of them are just cool looking reskins

Game is alright. Did they ever fix being matched with level 100 shit heads?

Depends, if you can do the boss early and quietly with an exit nearby, you should always go for it. Nothing more boring than pussyfooting around compounds and wasting everybody's time. Just last night I had a match where my mate and me were under siege for 20 minutes because the enemy players were too scared to come in.

The game has hidden MMR. Levels don't matter as much as knowing strategies™.

I haven't played in a couple of months, last i played it was the same get matched with lvl 100+ guys because the playerbase was so small. the update a bit back helped a little with those who zig zag bumrush you but it's still better to just draw your sabre and charge than trying to dance potshot against people.

I've beat it about 3 or 4 times now, it's a lot more replayable than crysis 2, fucking around with the nanosuit is what made crysis great, not linear levels with almost nothing to do with them and the videogame equivalent of a transformers movie, which I give a little bit credit for but not what would I've wanted from crysis

look forward to them adding bullet travel and nerfing rifle rounds in 1.0. Its great looking through the official discord and seeing people who use the sparks and uppercut combo do do animation cancelling and quickscoping seething that the game is going to die cause their bullshit meta is getting patched out.

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Not even if they explicitly list out what they found wrong with the game? You can disagree if you want, but when objective flaws are pointed out you would do well to listen.

its unironically a great fucking game. Criminally underrated.

Like what? Lag spikes and animation cancelling are being worked on.

I was mad about it at first as well but literally git gud.

>no ping system
Really annoying to play with people like this

use your mic to talk or the text chat

This, it's one of those games that's great to get in for a game or two.

Really enjoy it but its unbelievably brutal for new players to get into cause of the lethal game style and how easy it is to locate new players no being stealthy enough. Im sure the small player base doesn't help that. Hopefully the full release gives it a good player boost.

I love the art style and the setting. Gun play is solid and probably one of the few legit stealth pvp games ive seen in a while. Hopefully they make the bosses a bit more challenging as once you get a few hours under your belt the only deadly thing is other players. Defiantly going to sink hours into it after release but feel it could run out of steam if they dont add a couple of new interesting bosses and maps.

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>playing with randos
>in any game ever
what the fuck is wrong with you?

those reviews are extremely welcome, but they're also rare. steam reviews are about some publisher controversy or some dumb meme most of the time
he's talking about reviews in general, calm your kneejerk reaction you fucking sperg

coming in 1.0 finally

>Who needs to shill a game with 93% positive reviews on Steam?
Why do you pretend that steam reviews actually have any worth? No one with a brain cares about those.

Pinging is extremely useful even if you're playing with friends since you can instantly give pinpoint information.
>oh he's over by that cart by th-
>*ping at the press of a button showing the exact position*

the game has no real playerbase so they have to keep matching people up with anything they can

Remove all the battle royale shitshow and I'll buy your game.

I got it not long ago, well last december. played it and got absolutely punished for it. Have no gold, never really understood what the fuck I was doing, and every other player was absolutely phenomenal (So it seemed) so I just uninstalled the game afterwards. Might give it another go but I imagine the players are even better now as it has a loyal and dedicated player base which has played, keeps playing, and know what the fuck they're doing.

That's true but I don't feel like that fits Hunt at all

Shut the FUCK up before you get dabbed on, cvck

you mean free wandering high level loot boxes?

thats a separate game mode from the regular game

Have you guys killed a water devil? I thought they were inmortal, wonder if I should kill one to unlock the page on the monster book

I killed one easily with a shotgun, takes a lot of handgun bullets