Back then
>user only had 2-4 games he played all the time and he was happy
>every single game available in an instant but user is depressed and not happy with his current life
Shoudn't you be happier when you have every game you ever wanted?
Back then
Back then I had everything I could ever want. I believed my family cared for me, had a bright future ahead, a whole life to live and endless possibilities on the horizon. Yeah I was pretty happy playing SNES at grandma's all the time. Now I've pissed my youth away and haven't progressed my life since high school with the crippling feeling of being a failure clamping down harder every day.
Humans are happier with less choices.
NAh man, it’s the same thing as when people get super rich. Now you’re no longer facing the comfortable problem of ‘not having enough’ but instead have to face he uncomfortable problem of actively choosing. I’m here with you user, try playing something that gets you immersed. That usually helps me
>user only had 2-4 games he played all the time and he was happy
Not everyone is from a third world shithole. I had at least 60 PS2 games and many of them were indeed shit. But playing something like Battlefront 2 for the first time is akin to playing Witcher 3 for the first time. Of course you're gonna put hundreds of hours on it.
>limit myself to 2-3 games
>once all are cleared, stop playing them (unless they are too fun to drop after a single clear) and go find another 2-3 games
>still having fun after all these years
am i doing something right?
>Started playing games on Ps2
Kill yourself, you're what's wrong with the industry
>every game you ever wanted?
The games I want aren't being made because the studios that made them are all dead, mostly due to EA.
stop being a failure and see yourself as a massive winner
The happiest time in my life is the time I lived in this super ghetto area with two of my friends. Our house was broken into multiple times. One time at about 3am someone kicked our door down and I went downstairs by myself as my friends were too scared. The guy who kicked the door down said sorry he got the wrong house. Anyways video games. We used to play video games with each other every evening. Fun coop stuff. I miss that. Now I rarely even talk to them
I sure as shit didn't have 60 games on my SNES.
Back then
>not a care in the world
>nothing but free time
>imagination still working properly and in maximum overdrive so games are fun way longer
>not enough time
>either too tired or too hungover to play anything
>games are so dumbed down there is no reason to use imagination
>every game is fun for about 2 hours and then you just wish it would be over so you can uninstall it and try something else
>have more fun replaying games from childhood
Fuck this life.
I'm only SUPER excited for like 3 games a year mostly. I also have to set notifications on my phone reminding me what game to play that day so I don't fuck off and browse this shithole all day.
I find things to be more fun when I have a schedule of what to play, should try it.
Day ones are the only ones worth gayming with
You only learn just how disappointing games are and that every single one wants you to be their time sink instead of being a soulful game that you want to pour your heart into, not forced. Time is valuable and it's a shame that having the availability of all games in the palm of your hand is too much power for one person.
Back then when you purchased a game it felt good. It was like buying a new book. Now I have to question everything. Is the game better with DLC, is the game on a specific launcher, how many people are going to play it, is it going to be dead in a couple of weeks, etc. Being farmed makes you burn out faster.
Adding to this another low is knowing that companies hire behavior psychologists and they design games based on user retention. It's like.. oh wow look another mystery chest with battle pass. Another daily/weekly/monthly with re-used content. It's fucking demoralizing.
ok boomer
This. Games used to be made to be fun for people. Games now are trying so hard to keep you invested in them and trying to constantly suck money out of you that it's just not fun anymore. I don't want to grind for a 100 hours to get something, I don't even want to play most games for a 100 hours at all. I just want fun experiences back and that's it.
I love games, but there's more to life than games, user.
What do you mean by day ones?
But you do have access to pretty much all games in history. Plenty of fun to be had without touching the soul-draining sludge pumped out by modern AAA devs.
You're projecting, I enjoy vidya as much as I used to as a kid. As long as it remains a hobby that you put out maximum 1 to 2 hours a day you'll never get bored or depressed. Make sure to socialize, exercise, study and work user. Then instantly the comfy vidya times will feel much comfier and rewarding.
Delete this
Depression isn't real, but I can see how you'd hate playing videogames if you enjoy garbage like Japshit.
>Depression isn't real
It's a conspiracy pushed by Big Psych to make money.
user, you have to look at it more optimistic. You're not the only one that ended up like this. I don't know how it is in your country but here in germany almost half of all trainees and students fail or just quit their education halfway there.
A lot of jobs are dead end jobs without any hopes of ever going higher and corporations are abusing the shit of their workforce. Not necessarily because they are "evil" but because they all have to compete on a international level.
Its not too uncommon for young people to have 2 sidejobs and barely get by or to live with their parents.
At the moment there is nothing much you can do to improve the situation.
wtf are you on about?
back then i had shelves of games at blockbusters to choose from
i only bought what i loved or had what was gifted
What I'm trying to say here is. Just enjoy life with whatever you like.
Most western countries these days are just huge hives of degeneracy with absolutely no morals or higher purpose.
Loyalty, honor and duty means nothing these days. So you are not obliged to have children any longer, you are not forced to work your ass off, if the country burns you have no reason to stop the fire from destroying the place.
>back then you could beat a game before the due date you got from blockbuster
The times have really changed.
This applies to modern games. Old games were fine being over after their 5-15 hour runtime was done. Blame contentcucks that demanded "better value" for their purchases. This is their fault.
>>every game is fun for about 2 hours and then you just wish it would be over so you can uninstall it and try something else
I just did that
>Shoudn't you be happier when you have every game you ever wanted?
Yeah. And I am. Feels fucking great, man,