Will we ever see another game taking place in the Half-Life universe from Valve?

Will we ever see another game taking place in the Half-Life universe from Valve?

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I hope not.

Why not? Go fuck yourself.

I think so, do you follow VNN? There’s been a steady (microscopic) stream of leaks. Appears they’re working on Half Life VR game where you play as Alyx

Yes. Likely before the end of 2019 since they have a "flagship" title coming this year and HLVR is basically the only candidate.

Gaben was pretty clear that it would happen when GNU/Linux use on Steam hit 3%.
If you want it to happen, why haven't you switched?

Yes, sir. And what the fuck. Playing as Alyx in a VR game? I'm fucking done. Holy shit

Alyx should have been the protagonist of HL2 anyway.

Not before we get Ass Portal

Ah yes, of course. Classic

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>Will we ever see another game ... from Valve?

Okay, thanks

If they hope to survive in this Epic New World...

Sounds awful, VR isn’t and never will be fun

>csfags complaining about valve ignoring their game while tf2 hasn't even seen an actual update in 2 years

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Another game taking place in the Half-Life universe from Valve? Yes.
Half-Life 2 Episode 3, or Half-Life 3. No.

It's obvious they worked on Half Life 3 and perhaps actually completed it, though. I guess they wanted it to be "perfect" and that spelled the doom of the game.

I feel your pain. I want anything. I just want to see that the devs care. That's all. I want the comics to be completed. I want the Heavy update. Sigh...

From what I know, we haven't gotten an operation since 2016 so that's probably what they're complaining about

Yes, that's true. But no, they certainly didn't complete it. Many teams worked on it, but it simply couldn't be done, I guess. Expectations too high, too few people working on it

Yes. All of those Aperture Science VR minigames are set in the Half-Life universe. :^)

You can expect an actual game when Valve figures out how to have a game that can do VR FPS combat as well as it does the normal FPS combat. Unless you guys stop being pussies and begin staging live protests in front of their offices, then we probably could start getting some more communication from Valve. And if you're not in the US you could just do what A Call of Communication did and create a Steam group to get a bunch of people to play Half-Life 2 so it shoots up to the top of the most-played list on Steam.

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>Making games
Come out from under that rock

Is that real?

Hmm, I suppose you're right. Thank you. Also, Half-Life: The VR Card Game


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Yeah, it plays like Poker Night, but every character is a Metrocop and every time you win a hand they beat the shit out of you with stunsticks.

I wonder what exactly people's expectations are of HL3 though. I've played some Valve games recently like HL1 and Portal 1+2 and I dont know if I'd call them perfect, but I loved them as sci-fi games with a ton of polish and interesting worlds. I wonder if most people just have high expectations of HL3 like people did with Shenmue 3, for no other reason but GET HYPED

Half-Life is Strange
a game about a silent protagonist hearing other people. it's not actually a game

I just want to see the Combine's home world, lads. The bit we saw at the end of Half Life has been eating away at me ever since I first played it.


I find that most people are just hanging on to their retarded speculations all the way back from 2008-09. If Valve had released Episode 3 like yet another 5 hour game with maybe two new enemies and a gimmick climax action sequence, it wouldn't have been a proper end of the series. The episodes were great, but you were still just playing through Half-Life 2 with new environments, and it worked because those environments were diverse enough to keep it entertaining and fun, but you really weren't doing anything new.

And don't forget that they TWO episodes planned, the fucking return to Ravenholm. Talk about running out of ideas. It's better that they stuck to their design philosophy and canned Episode 3 back in 2009.

I bet you'd be one of those retards who'd complain about how disappointing it was to see the Combine world once they actually showed it to you.

It probably will be like 300 years into the future.

I'm still waiting for Ricochet 2


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Nah, I don't let hype build up like an idiot, especially not letting it build up over a decade. I'd be pretty happy with whatever Valve would go with since I already liked their building aesthetic.

Boy, I just love all of these stale inside jokes.

random portal tech demos

No. Or I hope not - much as I want to see the story conclude.

Valve making a game would be like one of those movies where the old guys come out of retirement to save the world One Last Time - and it's shit. Like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, the game, except it's HL3.

Except that, obviously. I said games, not tech demos.
What about Project Borealis? It seems really promising

From Valve? No.
But maybe they will have a different studio make a game in the same universe for them.
It's tiring to keep saying shit like this, but Valve doesn't make new games anymore.

>There’s been a steady (microscopic) stream of leaks
They literally turn it into a joke to show up "leaks", some unimportant files are renamed just to bait idiots like VNN.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid you're right

And most likely they are going to be extremely lazy.
I don't want the final story of HL to be some shitty card game or whatever meme flavor of the month they can pull out.

I think even Valve caught on to the redundant nature of HL episodes since at a certain point in time they declared the Episodic model dead. Still it makes me wonder what Valve is even doing outside of Underlords, are they that paranoid about making an HL or even single player game now over fears that it wont be "Raising the bar"?

Not him but all the original HL team people who gave a fuck got frustrated and left because Gabe doesn't give a shit no more.

If we are going to get a HL game it's gonna be made by a bought studio with completely different people. That why L4D3 is the only game I'm looking forward to if it's ever gonna happen.

That might be the reason
I guess... Half-Life is the only game they originally made themselves, the rest: Portal, Team Fortress, Counter Strike, Dota, etc. were by modders, and they simply aquired the whole mod team

wtf gaben is based

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I honestly don't believe Valve has enough talent to create a new Half-Life. New shitty card game, yes. New DOTA minigame rip off, yes. But not a new Half-Life.

I must agree... No more creativity, no more innovation

Sauce on pape?

The most ridiculous thing is that if they just made episode 3 back then like they promised there would probably be no problem whatsoever.

I don't mind the talent & gimmick searching they have going on but for fucks sake, you can't just hype the next sequel to your flagship franchise for like 3-4 years and then completely shut down like you said nothing.

I don't know about talent, but they sure can't work on any sort of large scale project anymore with Valve policies meaning employees don't want to spend more than 15 minutes on something.

I wonder why Valve is trying to push Dota as their new big franchise, when it seems that only Dota fans care about Dota 2 and nothing else. It'd be like Valve releasing a co-op based Counter Strike game after being inspired by Rainbow Six's zombie shooter spinoff.

>HL3 was going to have a climactic ending with some unknown creature at Xen
>HL3 was going to have a final confrontation with an advisor
>HL3 would have Gordon turned cyborg at Aperture
They had a ton of ideas and couldnt settle on what to go forth with so they gave up

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Guess my great great grandchildren will love HL3 then

Confirmed cancelled in 2017 my dude, check the VNN video

this year