Thank you mods for deleting my waifu thread that I made out of my pure depression. All the fucking threads I see on this fucking website with fuckin 500 replies and off topic. My blood is on your fucking hands mods, WIAFU THREAD FOR THR DEPRESSED MEN OF V
Thank you mods for deleting my waifu thread that I made out of my pure depression...
Other urls found in this thread:
Here you go my friend feel better.
Have sex you pathetic incel
It's ok user, seek help, go and take a walk and feel the air.
Heres your waifu, bro
Ya got fucked user, I will see ya corpse soon enough once this gets 404'd too
Fuck off anywhere else, go jack off in the shower you pathetic weeb.
cheer up anono
Cute bunny.
I just am so in a dead end in life. I just am at a loss
Rip me
That's a cute girl is she an oc or something?
Why are you depressed OP? Or rather, why don’t you get help if you’re already aware?
My therapist I went to since I was a sophomore dipped out of my area and I don't want to start over with someone else. Just extremely intimidating to disclose my entire self to someone else
I just feel stupid for trusting a woman but there's so much backstory and shit to the relationship and I just want to off myself for being in this retareded situation and letting myself be so affected 6 months later after the fact of her ruining my life by cheating on me
You’re good user, you’re alright. Don’t forget that shit and keep repeating it if you do
Sounds bad my man, women are really difficult sometimes. I can talk to you if you’d like. All discrete and shit, I know what kinds of paranoia can spark up otherwise.
Could you guys please help me pick which version of this "Charisma 18" Sorceress is best? There's slight variations in the lighting and shading in the face.
Stream it
It was just
Like it's
Indescribable. I just can't even explain myself on a board filed with people just like me. How can I even go on and try to get help from a pro
It’s alright bud, we’ll get through this. Which country do you live in first of all?
And if this thread gets pruned, email me here: pelleblomma @ gmail . com
Have sex
The us, South Florida. I've only dated Hispanic girls (the area pretty much only has these type of women) and I've only recently learned of the Latin hoe Gene. Too little too late.
user, you really missed out. Last night we had 2 legit loli threads both were not deleted.
We are always get depressed when we can't find what to do in our lifes, find what you like, obviously have sex.
Don’t sweat it bro, sounds like there might be more hot latinas nearby then. Best way to get over something like that is to just let time pass. Sounds corny maybe, but it’s the truth. Try getting your head occupied on other things, preferably that you’d benefit from further ahead - do you lift? Or maybe get into learning a new language
Fucking wild bro.
I play basketball with my friends, but sprained my ankle the last time we all played. It's just discouraging. My ex was my high school sweetheart and I'm a very traditional kind of guy, thAt would love to tell his kids he married / fell in love w his hs sweetie. And now I'm living in the timeline where that'll never happen and it just depresses me further
Get your shit together, you bitch.
Fine, roll you pokeWAIFU
What you’re describing sounds pretty normal for a guy your age. I know things might seem nicer if they were more like in the movies (or “traditional”) but that shit just ain’t how life works bro, sorry to be telling you
The second you realize how all of these problems are constructed and contained exclusively in your own head, you’ll also experience a legit sense of freedom. I understand that might not help your current feelings, so just ride those out and try get back on track user. I believe you, and I haven’t even met you