Do you think you'll play less video games after you married?

do you think you'll play less video games after you married?

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I thought I was going to get married once then I got dumped. Love is a meme, focus on yourself and fuck cuties.

On average married couples after first baby have exactly zero sex for 1~2 years. So yes. The modern husband will either use tinder to cheat on his freshly bloated neurotic yelling wife or find himself content with videogames and porn to escape the gruesone reality of raising pissing, screaming and shitting bag of badly digested milk.

So yeah i think i will game a lot once i finally settle down for a woman.

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I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years now so I doubt much would change if we got married, also weddings are a scam I'm spending that money on nice holiday instead of wasting it all on one day.

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I already capped at 5/10 on the looks scale, i'm focusing on myself and playing games.

I'll still have plenty of time to play video games while my BIG TITTY BAT WIFE is out stealing jewels.

She's doing him a favor.

I'm sure of it. Family always comes first.

But the cake design was so creative and funny and unique and not normie tier at all.

>console FPS

This guy isn’t getting married. Lol

I'm gay and lonely so I won't get married no worries pals I can play games forever

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>in this day and age
you have to be fucking retarded

>implying implications

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>tfw no gf

haha, he's so long

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no, nothing would change
same, we'll invite only my best man and her maid of honor for the wedding, have a nice honeymoon and invite family/friends for dinner sometime later.

I also doubt I’ll get married so there’s that.

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No. If I ever do get married I'll be sure to marry one that partakes in my interests or at least respects them enough to not bother me about it.
But marriage is a fucking meme used to evade taxes.

I'm married and I spend monday wednesday and friday with my wife doing what she wants, 3 days a week only I play vidya and sundays are 50/50.
I have more fun doing shit with my wife than playing vidya. The older you become you understand more and more that vidya is a waste of time and moments you've spent with a person you love will be forever with you.

I married a girl who I dated for 6 years. I still played video games a lot and when she told me she wanted a divorce, she told me it was because I didnt give her enough attention, and that she had cheated on me. I blamed myself for a very long time and wanted to kill myself, but it turns out she had been cheating on me for as long as I'd known her and that video games had nothing to do with it.

The experience, however, has affected my life in very obscene ways, and now my nonexistent self esteem and crippling paranoia make it impossible for me to maintain a relationship.

So no, my video game habits will not change in the foreseeable future.

Marriage is a scam.

Blink twice if your wife is behind you.

You never really like vidya, did you? I bet all you played was online garbage too, this thread reeks of failed normalfaggotry.

remember to blogpost here when youre divorced and the bitch took all your money and the kids.

Why do people have giant marriage ceremonies just to announce that two people will be hanging out together at all times from now on? Wasn't that what they were always doing? Why not just love the person like normal but without letting everyone and their mom know?

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Imagine getting married in the current year. Might as well throw half your shit out the window.

That would require a girl to show interest in me first, highly doubt that's going to happen.

Because marriage traditionally was a ceremony and was a big deal.

Just get a vasectomy.
You'll have time for vidya, don't worry.

marriage ceremonies is mostly for the families not the couple's love from my exp with them

I just participated in a wedding the other day and this is what I was thinking the whole time. People act like marriage is the most normal thing in the world, but why not just be together? Why do you need to sign papers and share your shit? Isn't loving eachother enough?

People were holding speeches and everyone was crying, yet they will forget it the next day.

I legit don't understand it.

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Married with a kid. I play games most nights of the week. Still spend time with the wife and child. Time management is key.

>got married, nothing really changed except that we both live in the same house now
>I get home and do whatever I want in the living room
>she gets home and does whatever she wants in her office right next to the living room
>We enjoy our meals together and usually watch a little TV before going back to our usuals
It's been pretty much the same as living with parents, just that I have a personal obligation to do chores and shit rather than a nagging mom. Every coworker of mine who has a significant other bitches about how she never lets them do what they want ever, and I just can't comprehend falling in love with someone who doesn't genuinely love you for who you are.

It's so that you could hook up with some other qt guest you dumb weeb faggot
The only reason you were invited was to have sex, and you failed

And yet here you are.

Cant think of anything more cucked than settling down and starting a family

You seem somewhat obsessed with sex, have it.

Aren't they the cutest

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> Implying I'll ever get married
Remember where you are user.
Jokes aside though, don't get married, EVER.

I hate women

That's a big assumption. And more than likely I would either to dumb luck or dumb luck on top of being in a riot or protest.

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Getting cucked?

I'v tried dropping games for my gf. Now that bitch is gone and I still have my vidya with me making me happy. Never again will I fall for that shit. You fuck with my vidya - you get the fuck out of my life.

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I love them

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My girlfriend and I moved in together about 2 years ago and i probably play the most vidya since I graduated high school.

She's cool and has her own interests that she'll do while I play and sometimes she'll watch and take an interest. I don't know that she actually cares, but she at least makes an effort to pretend.

I'm probably going to ask her to marry me sometime next year.

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Your post seems to imply he never liked vidya if he wasn't an obsessed freak like you

I'm never gonna get married. No woman on this planet deserves a second of my life.


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what about your mom?

Married for four years now, with an 18-month old kid. I still game as much as I ever have. The only limiting factor, really, is work. I probably play around 10 hours a week unless something’s going on. Don’t marry/get with someone who is not okay with video games and you’ll be fine. Also, be willing to get up early/stay up late if you want some uninterrupted game time.

>10 hours a week
>as much as i ever have
so you don't play games?

A normal, functioning person should not spend as much time as a part time job playing video games. Diversify yourself and do other things with your waking hours or you’ll end up depressed with yourself.

I really really like these dogs

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>long dog (468).jpg
are you ok user ?

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For me I almost killed my baby with an infection and my wife had horrible vaginal tears because I gave my son my giant head. He almost died in delivery and had to be vacuumed out. So yes no sex for about a year. Understanding other women, porn, and korean sex trafficers were my go to for a year. The problem is once you ger used to living without your wife its hard to go back.

I won't just wake up married one day.
It's not like in my animes.
Video games take up too much time for me to even engage with women.

T.coping cucked married man who let hid wife dictated while hiring a black bull

You must play at least 30 hours of games per week(single player)

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>have to be a freak loser to enjoy games

Probably more. Gf is a LoLfiend, I'd play more games as to spend lots of time with her.

If you actually spend that much time playing vidya you have a mental disorder and should seek professional help

If you haven't married by the age of 23 you are a failure in life, you know that, right?

It does, if you aren't obsessed with vidya what the fuck are you doing on this board you normalfag shit
Fuck back to /r/eddit

absolute cringe
I would turn around and cancel the wedding immediately. Its obviously this woman will never respect you as a man for the entire (short) marriage

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Yea Forums doesn't even play video games

Im married and have a one-month old daughter. Instead of playing 2 hours every week day, I'm playing 1 hour three or four week days (which is exactly the same as when I was studying in college and when I was doing some independent courses).

The only time I could play all the vidya I wanted was when I was unemployed and single, I played like 120 hours of zelda during that month. But I prefer it the way it is now, too much vidya is boring (had a ps4 + switch during that time and, even if the games were varied, i was still doing the same: looking at a screen with a controller)

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doG I wish I could be as happy as these dogs

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I will likely never marry. I’m long beyond caring.

>Im married and have a one-month old daughter.

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Married for 3 years, My wife is the kind of person who doesnt care if I want to play games all night, she will just sit beside me and do her hobbies (reading and writing). So yeah, as long as you dont marry some psycho attention hogging normie you'll be fine.
Kids though I cant say, were waiting a couple more years on that, we did just get a puppy last month though.

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Jesus, user what a doomer... It's not terrible, just take care of your wife, support her mentally and you'll be fine. The baby phase sucks, we all know that, but what comes after (the first year) is amazing and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

based pipeman

Every day is a new hell when every guy you meet is a turbo aids slut and you just want someone to live a normal life with.

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Hold my beer

You didnt notice she was sleeping behind your back for so long? Like you didnt even ask her where she was? Or did you legitimately not notice that while you were in raid / smoking long she went outside and returned 4 matches after and had to take a shower?

It works the other way around: men pursue and women pick. How many girls have you asked on date this year?

I am not a doomer, i am realist. Thats all. Its you who lives in a fantasy :3
Just read other anons post proving me right.

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>sony nigger coping THIS hard
How’s the welfare, Tyrone? Times must be hard for new vidya with all the child support you owe.

You can like video games without spending every available waking moment playing them, but I don’t expect an underage faggot on summer break to understand.

>Getting him away from Destiny
What a great wife.

The couple is commiting to themselves, and it's a big step. Marriage and family is a big change and a big step in the couple's lives. Of course a virgin animeposter wouldn't know what any of that means.

>I played like 120 hours of zelda during that month
>120 hours in a month

Hell yea brother. Being gay and wanting a normal guy is like hell on earth. It's embarrassing how loose and slutty so many are.

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Do you live in California?

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>For me I almost killed my baby with an infection and my wife had horrible vaginal tears because I gave my son my giant head. He almost died in delivery and had to be vacuumed out. So yes no sex for about a year. Understanding other women, porn, and korean sex trafficers were my go to for a year. The problem is once you ger used to living without your wife its hard to go back.

i hope all of this is fake copy pasta wtf
>So yeah i think i will game a lot once i finally settle down for a woman.

after reading your post i doubt this will ever happen

You have no idea what you’re talking about. The average time after birth that you and your wife must hold off on sex is 6-8 weeks. Past that, you and your wife have issues that need to get worked out.

No, the other coast actually.

>play vidya with my GF after the kids are in bed and we've done some tidying up
>go to bed and cuddle
>do sex
feels good lads.

why the long face

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I never said its purely for medical reasons. Its mix of many problems. The dead bedroom marriage isnt a meme. Its a reality for a lot of couples.

Here an example of the husband being the problem so you cant say i am biased :3

I am married, this is my wife and I play about the same amount.

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Marriage used to actually meant you owned the wife. You put a ring on it and that ring kept her faithful, men didn't always get fucked over by the woman deciding she was done and gets to do whatever she wants with zero consequences. It was a contract, you both had responsibilities/obligations.
It's been meaningless for decades and it's just getting even more ridiculous with how much power women have in all parts of society, and the man has to pay for the privilege.

>only ever liked one real girl
>Known her for 16 years now and still have to fight a boner whenever I see her
>Every time we're around each other, we wind up having some sort of dumb pissing contest with each other (cake fight just a couple days ago at a wedding is the most recent)
>Between that and her wanting me to stay longer once things wind down make me wonder if there is potential I'm missing
>Too apathetic (and too much of a bitch) to try anything
>Know that even if I did, it probably wouldn't last because I'm awkward as fuck
I'm probably the most pathetic person on Yea Forums. Especially for blogging on Yea Forums about it.

Fucking monster dogs to be purged

10 hours a week is a little more than an hour a day. Any normie can do that.

Congratulations, user, on your shadow-spawn gf.
I wish for both your future happiness.
Please don't destroy the world, thanks.

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Naw, Girlfriend/Wife isn't for me, no incel shit, /r9k/ "so ronery" crap, just being in a relationship requires you to be a far more selfless individual in regards to your time and your emotions then I am willing to be. I'll just get a bunch of cats and stave off the loneliness with a close circle of friends.

This is your daughter once she becomes a teenager while you play video games and the wife is on a business trip.Say something nice to her.

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>getting married
16th century tier
>implying the implication

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looks a million times better than the nigger crack house it was before

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Marriage is an efficient institution. If a man doesn't have a family, especially back then, he has no incentive to go beyond what is necessary to provide for himself. Women were also guaranteed a provider for her and more importantly her children, instead of having to compete with other women for the resources of one chad. Children are, assuming the parents are decent, provided for and given an education on how to survive and not be a piece of shit. People really like this set up so they'd swear before God to never bang anyone else and to never part, and those that broke the oath were often killed.

>anyone here getting married
haha user you joker

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take a closer look at that snout

>Its a reality for a lot of couples
I agree, but don’t state it as a fact of marriage when it isn’t.

Commander, I'm going in closer, over.

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Okay, but I fail to see how this means I don’t play video games when I clearly do. In fact, I’m willing to bet I’ve been playing longer than you’ve been alive.

Do marriedfags unironically think that they're going to spend the rest of their days in a loving relationship?

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If she's happy and he's a nice guy I approve it

>Grandparents had a happy 30 some odd years marriage before my grandpa died
>See all those other older couples who talk about their 20-40 year marriages
>Know the odds of that with people today are next to none
I don't even care about the marriage, just a life companion would be nice.

*hits pipe*

>Say something nice to her.

She got a nice ass, but bestiality is a shit fetish.

Most of these people are never going to marry, or get a divorce soon after if they manage to find someone desperate enough. Don't be a dick.

Yes. Finding that special someone is worth it. Idk why promiscuity is popular in America.

>Idk why promiscuity is popular in America.

You mean the world, stop living with America in your mind.

no user stop

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It hurts worse knowing that I'm 30 and the time to even find someone it ticking away fast.
And there's only ever been one girl I've desired to boot.

>having pets with a carpeted apartment floor
>having lamps, pillows and a console with cable connections out in the open with fucking pets in the apartment
>shit tier posters that they probably just found on sale at Michael's

-300/10 see me after class.

Ask her for netflix and chill. Take your fucking phone and literally text her
>hey, wanna netflix and chill?
Thats it. Your 10 seconds ticket for having gf. Do it faggot.

Do it NOW!

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Good luck

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People need to realize that never, NEVER the one who gets cheated on is to blame. If a person is not satisfied anymore with the relationship to the point of no return the only correct way to proceed is breaking up, cheating is never a valid choice.

Lives out of state currently, though she's expressed interest in coming back.

Is that Destiny, wife is based

>bitches about how she never lets them do what they want ever

I don't get it either, why would a grown adult let another person have a say on what they do with their free time!?

that wedding cake shows perfectly how fucking toxic and self centered women are.

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I was lying, why would my wife be a fictional character created by someone on the internet? every day i wake up to her not sleeping by my side and every night i go to sleep hoping not to wake up

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>didn't notice for 6 years
Yeah, you do have a problem with video games
Or you're just retarded

Marrying some Netflix basic bitch is the worst kind of deal a man could do. Just wait until she eventually gets bored because theres nothing going on in her life and she feels like its your obligation to fullfil it, you're in for hell.

Not everyone came from a broken home with an extended family full of broken homes, user.

you gays deserve it for letting faggots do all the disgusting shit during gay prides

Yeah I know, that will be the next generation. I pity the newborns in current generation.

It was with different people throughout the years and I used to be a very trusting person. I loved her and was blind to the red flags because of it.

Threads like these make me thank God I'm not a doomer zoomer. I feel bad for you anons, just remember though, you are part of the problem. It's not just the women of your generation that are shit.

This is more accurate

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I won't get married.

For some people marriage is religious, most the time it's just a concrete promise "eternity" ignoring the insane divorce rates

Also getting married is great for taxes and sharing insurance.

Friendly reminder that it is possible to get married to someone with the same hobbies as you and still have a lot of free time. Just don't have kids.


getting married is the single worst mistake a man can ever make.
you sign away your life to a woman, who if you break up with get half your stuff and you will end up paying for her for the rest of your life.

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Why were you just a boyfriend for 6 years? What was your plan with that?

how's my fault if the majority women are disgusting,unfaithful whores?

But why? Just live together instead.

We can't really do anything to stop them. They have the whole progressive shit behind them. We hate them too.

If nothing else you save money on taxes. You can just do a cheap courthouse marriage if you don't want a wedding

What are you even on about?

I am married to my waifu and I play videogames as much as I did before, I don't know what you're talking about.

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Gee, it sure is MGTOW around here!

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Aren’t you the user who had a GF for 6 years who was cheating on him? I want to know why you were only BF/GF gor that long.

My boy, this seethe is what all true chads strive for.

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If you're implying that six years is already past time for marriage then you're fucking stupid.

Never getting married famalam.

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Do you know what a prenuptial agreement is?This, but also some work benefits only extend in marriage. Plus, depending on how you feel about your family power of attorney would default to spouse in an accident and that may be preferable.
divorce rates are actually super down compared to previous generations. More boomers in their 60s and 70s are getting divorced than millennials. Marriage rates are down too, so it could be argued that younger people are just more sure before they take the plunge.

pretty much this. Marriage isn't that bad as long as she has her own life. Kids though, fuck children; but also, like, fuck children amirite?

Is that you?

my friend has a wife and a kid and he plays video games a lot more than i do

That's bullshit if they actually like each other. After our kid we fucked or did something at every tiny opportunity we could.

No, this is me.

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what a cute hot mess

yeah i have my own family underfoot all the time and i manage to get in a lot more vidya time than my 2 carpenter friends

You're fat and old lol.

6 years with my gf now. I look at her and get a throbbing erection. I hope we never break up

That's a rude thing to say to your elders, user-kun!

>I hope

You can really only hope, but I wish you luck user.

Sorry grandma.

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>what a cute hot mess

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I love borzois

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The only adult in this thread.

It really isn't amazing. That's just a meme to encourage people to have more babies. It's hell, and once you have a kid it's all about your kid and you can no longer grow (either physically or mentally).

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single for 11 years now
feel no need or want to even get a gf anymore
have my own house that i bought
a good, decent paying job
can do what ever the fuck i want
perfectly fine.
just laugh when i see friends or family having love problems

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It's so true it hurts.
I didn't want that fucking cat stinking up the house.

Congrats you got the fucking joke

I'm a 30 year old wizard and already I play few videogames.
Only boomer shooters and survival horror hold my attention now

You're supposed to fuck the shit out of your wife while she's knocked up and after at every opportunity. One of my best experiences is sucking milk out of those titties while getting a wet hand job.

>switch is barely 2 years old
>was single and had one
>already married with kid
damn dude, sounds like you rushed into things a bit.

120 isn't even a lot, btw.

Yeah, seeing as I'm engaged to Death

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Jesus Christ I’ve been in a house that looks just like this. Had a cat and everything

>our children
Imagine your kids seeing you bringing transniggers home with you

>raising pissing, screaming and shitting bag of badly digested milk.
it's funny how we got the short end of the stick. Every other animal has cute puppies/babies/chicks/whatever. We have a yelling demon.

lmao wives still cheated centuries ago, nothing new. Maybe make an argument that it is more common now since divorce is much more accepted than back then, they see themselves as having a way out.

Haha I hate my wife

>dropping your nagging, used up roastie wife for fresh boypussy

I'm not getting married or having children I just wanna keep fucking bitches and getting money. The fact that he let her have that cake design is literally the most beta thing i've ever seen

>Open the relationship expecting to get laid while the husband struggles.
>Turns out he is not only not struggling, but also smashing young trannies on regular basis
>Old roastie wasn't ready for that at all

HAHAHAHAHA women are so pathetic.

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who is this incel

Who gives a fuck what women want.

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The worst part is having to pretend that this newborn doesn't look like a wrinkled knee and call him "cute".

Here's the pic.

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The day my first child is born will be the day I quit video games, I remember being 5 and my friends at school telling me how cool their dads were because they played games and all I could think was how much of a loser their dad must be. I couldn't imagine having a "gamer" father

Nope. My gf really wants me to play games with her, but every time I see her try I am filled with rage. She is so bad. I love her but she is so fucking bad at video games that if I sit next to her for five minutes watching her barely be able to oriante herself I get literal chestpains. Idk what to do. But she likes watching me play so I'm gonna be fine.

I’m just wondering what your long term plan was. Few women are going to be okay with perpetually being a girlfriend.

>vidya is a waste of time and moments you've spent with a person you love will be forever with you.
But everything you do will forever be with you...
Vomiting for hours due to food poisoning will forever be with you. It doesn't make it a good thing.

I just wonder what /r9k/ is up to.

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very good bait

It's a religious binding, without the ceremony it wont be marriage

Lol you have bad management issues and i hate to see how you deal with other parts of your life.
Its all down to managing things.
T. Two kids and can still make my wife horny with a new born baby.
Helps that she goes crazy about breeding and creampies and the mere mention of my cum in her pussy makes her wet.

There is nothing wrong with knowing you don’t want kids. I frankly wish more people realized this before trying to play house and spawning another shithead because they found it easier to not raise their kid.

Bc the wives want the men to “grow up”

It's to make them liable, so they don't divorce each other the next day, it's a way to protect the marriage.

The long term plan is to get married ofc, but marrying with just a few years in is like shooting yourself in the feet. Getting to actually know people takes time, and marriage is a life term deal so you must be cautious, if she is in a hurry to get married then you already have the biggest red flag you could possibly ask for.

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

I have a much younger brother, I basically raised him because father was absent.
The sight of him screaming without teeth in the backseat of the car for some reason, red as a tomato while my mother tried everything to calm him down was some life-changing shit for me. I was always a calm, pudgy, easy bullied child, but I had to fucking go out and take a walk then because I wanted to punch something back then. I promised myself never to have children then, and it was only easier since then because he turned out to be a real prick of a child.

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To pressure the husband into being loyal to her once she grows fat and slutty.
t. Cathocuck

nice dated meme you underaged summer/newfag, haven't heard that since 2013

You shouldn’t need half a decade to figure out if someone is worth the leap of faith. Most people’s real personality flaws manifest inside of a year. If you can’t pick up on it by then, you need coaching on how to read people.


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>Most people’s real personality flaws manifest inside of a year.

lol sure.

Kill yourself zoomer

i wanna see this dumb bitch get roasted by pedants for incidental transphobia

>implying you'll ever father a child
No matter how many times you claim traps aren't gay they still can't produce offspring

>but uses old meme
Orly? And the bigger question is, why are u mad?

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>We can't really do anything to stop them.
If there was a significant amount of gays who are cool like the ones here, there would be a puritan splinter group within the gay movement at this point. "They" are just regular fags, it's just how fags are. You are an extreme outlier.

Fuck Pakistani culture. I had to drop 40k on the wedding and an additional 50k for the dowry and the bitch got bloated not even a year in.

Fuck all of this

Unless you’re dating a sociopath, a person cannot maintain a flawless façade for longer than a few months at the most.

Join Taliban brother, 72 virgins for the low low price of your life


Doesn't your culture allows you to have more than one bitch or did I missed something?

Lot of boomer cucks on v. Go back to work while your wife sleeps with other men you niggers

I'm not talking about a flawless facade, I'm talking about a convincing facade, which can last for a very long while.

why don't you get a large TV?

Half that shit's on a 3 year loop. You think they're great until you realize they can't hold down a job for more than 2 years without being unemployed for 6 months, their relationship with their parents/sibling is poison but only flares up every other year, or they turn into a despondent shithead on the anniversary of their dogs death or whatever. The general rule of thumb is date for at least a year and live together for two. Some of that shit has the orbit of a comet.

>underage zoom zoom thinks he understands relationships
MGTOW has become very good at recruiting new gays to their orgy, I see.

>our children
wait what. i´ve been expecting that those are some of those neverkids onions couples
lmao imagine

I know everyone claims marriage to be happiness but I'm convinced those people just couldn't get sex on the regular. I mean, I understand life will probably be lonelier down the road but every old person who's not rich seems fucking perpetually angry married or not. My married friends are so scared of their wives man, it seems miserable as hell and they force kids on them which are huge money/time killers. I'm depressed all the fucking time if I do nothing or constantly do work, I'd probably blow my brains out if I didn't just have the freedom to leave the house or get lost in a game every other day. I might just need a better example of marriage but all my friends are cucks to their wives.

But, especially if you are around them a lot and have a variety of experiences with that person, you will see the cracks appear if they are hiding some weird shit in their personality.
Most of those things can be sniffed out early on by asking the right questions and being sure to observe how she interacts with family and how she talks to you about them. Most things that could pop red flags are a question and a response away, but most people avoid the hard questions because they fear what the answer might be.

No, I have a weird relationship with my sister and we still play vidya all the time

You meed better examples. Most men are unwilling to confront their wives on bullshit, but you have to be able to do it to keep order and balance. Of course, you also have to be real with yourself and find out if marriage and children are really for you.

Imagine being beyond past the wall, with a good husband that stuck around to raise your kids, and falling for some Netflix propaganda just to have everything ruined by finding out that your hubby likes trannies but never acted on it because of his family. I hope he leaves her for some young trannie and this sad cunt dies alone with cats.

Your grandparents weren't allowed to split out of fear of becoming social outcasts. Your grandpa probably got so much pussy on the side he didn't bother

You will learn the hard way user.

I don’t have to learn the hard way because I learned from watching other people screw up who couldn’t see the signs or thought they could shack up for half a decade without being married before things fell apart.

Tits or GTFO

women watch too much TV and therefore want their lives to be a TV show or movie based upon their own lives but shes the star, and wants everything to be up to expectations by the fantasy she indulges in.
they love drama though so if everything is steady set and theres no issues they will make issues

>boomer faggot thinks he's not a cuck
Fuck off retard

someone post the reddit post of the girl cucking her husband on an overseas trip and him cucking her back with her sister and best friend

nah i'm never getting married. mom threaten divorce on my dad when i was 13 and he ended up shooting himself.
brother got married and last time i was on facebook was about 3 years ago and he put his relationship status to OPEN and that oofed me.
i haven't been laid in 7 years and haven't had a girlfriend in 9.
i'm forever a loser at this rate. at least i have a weekend to play video games+booze to look forward too every few weeks

according to christian canon, all marriages end from the death of a spouse
no marriage in heaven

I will sound like a bitter incel right now, but I don't care. It's just something I noticed, and not only on forums (and Yea Forums), but also in real life.

>reddit spacing

When you are a teenager and you don't have a girlfriend, for god knows what reason, people make fun of you because you are clearly a freak. However, when you grow up and still don't have a girlfriend/wife and kids, but you do have at least a house and a stable job, it's like... People are angry at you. They don't make fun of you, they are either confused as to why you are alone or sound really angry. Why is that? Is it an obligation to get married? Serious question.
Also, I'll never understand people who raise other man's children.

>getting married

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Past a certain age, an unmarried man without a family can be a bad thing.

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isn't it fucked up how that works? it's always one sided like that. the one initiating it usually has some side pieces lined up and WANTS the other to struggle and become a benchwarmer and when that doesn't pan out the way they wanted they throw a fit.

there has to be another dynamic to this. like you must have some huge resentment to act that way.

>Implying any woman likes me.

I don't know what do you mean by "liking vidya"?
I have 150 games on steam, 20 games in psn, just got plat in bloodborne, and I've spent most of my youth in WoW, played since bc till draenor.
Imo you just trying to find reasons why you are alone like it is your choice, but we both know you are alone because you are a looser

I'm married and didnt play less games, once we had our first kid though I never had time to play. I'm 28 now and my kids are both 8 and 6 and we play games together and I have more time to game. For like 5 years I was able to play maybe 5 hours a week tops.

Ah yeah I meant the entirety of life on earth, poor wording on my part. I never even thought about marriage in heaven, that's interesting to know.

I disagree, I'm married with kids and still enjoy videogames quite a lot.

MGTOW, pls go.

>complains about the downfall of western civilization, liberal hedonism, and the death of the white race
>doesn't want to get married and have a family

yes, its almost garenteed.

I used to work 8 hours, then hop on discord, and shoot the shit with my forever alone college friends and play games 10-12 hours, then crash, and go back to work.

Then I got a girlfriend 4 years ago, then I started playing with them a few hours a day, and be texting and spending time with her in the other times.

Then I was spending every day with her, and only spent time with them when we were both playing a game we both enjoyed. maybe a few hours, a few times a week, still some on my own when she was busy.

Now we have a house, and a dog, and dealing with improving, fixing, and cleaning the house, taking care of the puppy, and training him, and spending time with her has me playing maybe 10 hours a week.

We both agree we want a family, so after I get married, I'm having a kid, and dealing with house, job, kid, dog, wife, my time for video games is gonna approach 0.

its one of my major motivators for not wanting to get married im a 31 year old child

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If anything, men without family do better off than women, I have two cat ladies aunts and they are the saddest thing I've seen, constantly bitter and rude and treating other's kids like theirs.

>CTRL + F / white
>only 1 result
It's you. Nobody's talking about the race here, /pol/. Get back.

not even white senpai

>4 years ago
>still not married


you got the joke user.
Now kill yourself for being retarded.

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Whats the big deal!?

She disintegrated.
EDS, she fell apart around me, each connective tissue breaking bit by bit as she fell into greater and greater pain.
What can you do but watch and hold her and her being slowly lets go. She couldn't even stand up, she would just lie there for hours staring at me.
Bit by bit like sand through my fingers she fell away.
She used to dance so beautifully, the disease made her flexible then.
But like a clockwork toy each turn brought her closer to the end. Bit by bit her moves froze up until she was simply no more.
All I could do was watch.

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why can't they play that together?

so you're bad at scheduling your time, got it.

Go to Afghanistan and get some Bachabazi boy pucci

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women don't like video games. if they are playing them its for male attention.
and if you decide to play together expect to carry her and/or her to fucking suck ass.

>korean sex trafficers

Ask most Gen X-ers and Y-ers out there who are divorced if they spent a few years before marriage living together and you might see a pattern.

i know plenty females that game for their own enjoyment you big turd

how do you know they are female?

You should have married her a while ago and started having kids by now.

Prenups get thrown out all the time. They're considered "unfair" to women.

I fuck them

God Johnny bravo would never get past the cutting room floor now. That's depressing

I'm 26 and most of my friends are already divorced, all of them married with 3 year max into the relationship and one retard married only after 1/5 year. So yeah, I've seen the pattern.

How so? I knew a man in his 70s who was unmarried and never had a family. He was extremely kind and generous to his community and he was fun to hang around with even at that age.

My vidya time has dropped significantly around the time that I met my gf. It had to do with a number of factors, and I'm really happy despite the lost vidya time. I plan on proposing on our anniversary. Hopefully that goes well.

I can relate, there's nothing bad about trusting people. It was just bad luck. You just have to try again and odds are you'll be fine

Fuck off Stacey

for this, I have to get married in the first place
and I'm a nintentoddler and only sonybros gets girls
the only thing what I can do is paying hookers

I love all the saltiness of all the 25+ year olds who ruined their life with children and marriage.

>i-if you're not unhappy and stressed out like me you're weird!

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Why do parents refuse to accept if you’ll never get married? Mine know that I’m an eternal KV yet they keep bringing up topics like “When you get married/When you have kids” etc.

they want you to have kids so they can relive the part where they raised you except now they get another extension of it via you because they are older and fucking bored of their life

>If I'm not enjoying life constantly, it is not worth living

>tfw have 31 year old friend with 3 kids
>his daughter walked up to him and said "Daddy, have you ever killed anyone in smash and had all 3 lives left?"
>"I sure have, its called a 3 stock"
>*smirks* "Yeah, I've done that too." and walked off

dude has the kind of kids that gets me amped to have kids.

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I'm married and still play a decent amount of Vidya, I just don't play like I used to when I was single. However, back then I definitely played too much and made time for little else.

I feel like kids would be the major timesink, at least when they're toddlers and trying to get into everything all the time. When they're

you're a weird freak with nothing in his life

Married, no, but once the kids start yes, sort of. You can still play games, just you can't really play online game as much since at any time your kid could cry and need your attention. I used it as an excuse to finally get to work on my backlog of single player games I bought and said "I'll play eventually." By the time the kid turns about three though they constantly sleep through the night though, so you can just play games once they're asleep.

Being gay is secretly the best thing. Just find a bro to bang and you’re set. No dealing with roasties ever


>listening to radio while working
>hosts talk about relationships and people can call in or write to them
>some sperg calls and goes apeshit how video games are the devil's handiwork because her husband is playing them in his free time
>says how men who play video games look pathetic and unnatractive because it's for children
>asks where all the real men are gone who take care of the housework and work enough to save up money for the whole family
>says how she wishes her husband would bring her flowers every other day, pay more attention to her during his free time and do some activity that she likes
The radio show is honestly starting to infuriate me at this point. It's ran by 2 women who constantly talk about sex and relationships. It's nothing but whining and arguing how men are horrible most of the time.

Yeah, my cousin recently got married and it seems like they actually have a decent give take but it's still early. The couple of times she did pull some you can't go anywhere without me and I don't wanna go shit he made it pretty clear that she would expect those freedoms from him. Still, I wouldn't even want to put up with it at all, and the wrong woman would probably start yelling that telling her no is gaslighting abuse. It's probably not for me. I usually just get a girlfriend here and there and don't really ever commit it's probably a psych issue but fuck it.

terminally underrated post

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Normalfags are weird to me desu, just like how I'm weird to them.

I'm sorry, user. Sometimes, even fictional waifus aren't fair.

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>woman is proudly single and swears off men temporarily in order to improve herself
>empowered and woke
>man does the same thing
>bitter misogynist, incel, probably rapes babies

based and redpilled boomer fucking thai ladyboipussy

>tfw don't care about relationships
>tfw no face
Anyone else? If I met the right person (which I doubt that will ever happen) I wouldn't mind getting to know them and stuff but I'm not fretting over it. Seems weird how so many people want a girlfriend and just can't shut up about it. I'm just living my life doing what I enjoy and that's it.


I wrote it.

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