7 days until new season
CTR: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Thread
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Why is this game banned, but Smash Brothers threads get to stay up?
Blame furfags
Nintedo bias
Because mods. I'd avoid putting the name of the game as titles, as it makes their jobs far much easier while keeping the waifu posting under control.
I've been considering getting this game but I don't know if it's good or not
Mario maker threads were being moved to /vg/ as well
And that's 7 days you'll get spend banned
See you later loser
these threads became fur dumping grounds for a long while now
>muh furfags
>it's only 5% content of threads, while blacked and trap shit is on Yea Forums for hours
See you in 5 minutes sweetie
This is a Nintendo board
mods are lazy, instead of purging the furfaggotry they just nuke the threads
Mario maker threads are now removed from Yea Forums starting yesterday, but I guess a drawing general on Yea Forums is fine
>Nintendo board
>except mariomaker you're not supposed to discuss that one
Wait does the new season start right when this one ends?
>Smash threads are fine but Mario Maker, not a-ok
no we get a 2 week break iirc
Thank god
Then make OPs specifically about the Switch version. :^)
No, I don't want to ERP with you. Fuck off.
I want to make a thread when we get 404d but being banned scares me
But then they'd be upset our precious bandicoot is soiling their sistem!
/vg/ is discordtranny trash
When will Smash move to /vg/?
Mfw I was the guy who was spamming Yea Forums a week ago and told them to move to /vg/
They me to "fuck off"
Now I don't have to do a single thing since the jannies are on my side
>can't talk about video games on video games board
what's the point of this board? delete it
if it's a short ban, all you need to do is delete your cookies usually and that'll be that.
long term, you need to get into your router and release you IP address to get a fresh one.
Let the threads alive you faggots
What's wrong with discord, are you a faggot?
there is a smash thread on /vg/
but they understandably hate /vg/ as much as we do
How do you know new season starts in 7 days?
Even regular Chrash threads get deleted
I am retarded, but thank you for trying
No. You get in with the times or get fucked
>blame furfags
>plenty of other threads stay up with furry related media
Impeccable logic.
unironically this, the board is a complete joke
screech louder into the void, autist.
>Bootlicking mods
lmao faggot
B-b-b-b-but yours is more blatant!1
Because the trailer says it ends July 28?
So THAT's why Krystal will never make it into Smash.
Those sneaky japs know if they announce her, people on Yea Forums will have to stop discussing their game.
Yes the current season ends at 28th but it doesn't say when the next one starts?
right? /vg/ for recurrent game threads, /vr/ for old game threads, Yea Forums for ??? what, nothing but fresh new vidya? e-celebs? literally why is this board even here anymore?
Who says the next event starts immediately?
Naughty Dog Purists, wait!
An evil even greater than yours threatens to destroy these threads
seething. also have sex
Timer in the right corner + this
Who says it doesn't?
Furries aren't even against the rules anymore. Only furry porn is.
i finally got the last trophy thot. All i want left is Biker Tiny/Crash
user ive posted plenty of SFW wholesome furry related art and got warned and or banned. And its always CTR threads. Mods dont give a shit.
Depends. Do you like Kart Racers? Do you consistently do better than your piers at video games? If the answer to both of these are yes, you might enjoy this game.
Yet I've gotten warnings for "pornography" when posting safe-for-work pictures like this.
>sewer speedway shortcut still almost impossible to get especially on switch with the 0 fps
Don't even try it, even though she has clothes on it's pretty apparent the picture was made for masturbating and you probably snatched it from a r34 site, it's softcore pornography.
I get it on Switch almost the whole time, the slope physics suck but you can reach a certain amount of consistency when you understand them.
Actually picked it from one of these threads, when it didn't get pruned and actually reached 500 posts.
Great logic, by that mastermind thinking all photos and pic of people in clothes are hardcore porn
>actually using the term Naughty Dog Purists
Hello plebbit!
Probably because Coco is objectively superior and the janny is just trying to weed out bad taste.
Dude, she has skin tight clothes and is making a girl calendar pose, it's softcore porn and you know it. People are jerking off to these pictures, it's not video games anymore at that point, it's off-topic.
So if furry "pornography" isn't allowed, shall we dump Nina lewds?
Case closed. user is a fag.
Deep in your heart you know it to be self-evident that nitro-guzzling, mouth breathing, did-not-finish ing meg*mi shitstains will move over to DDLG Coco in the next grand prix, highlighting their shit taste in both driver categories and flavor-of-the-month waifus
I've been playing it on time trial for almost an hour and I got it 3 times in a row like 3 times now, this is retarded, all they have to do is lower the entrance of the shortcut a bit or make it easier to jump at the sweet spot. Nobody can get it consistently, even the people who rape me online (the kind of people that can maintain USF on all map). All fail it at least once in most laps on sewer speedway.
>skin tight clothes when its a motorsport outfit
>doing a generic human pose
Dude have sex asap.
I'm jerking to tiles and that doesn't make any pictures of bathrooms hardcore porn for me.
Stop being retard
Hello Tumblr!
>Naughty Dog Purists, wait!
Naughty Dog isn't even involved in these remakes. This only applies to the ones who've played the original games. Activision may be scummy, but at least they've bothered giving a crap about the bandicoot, even if for money. Heck, I was surprised they accepted fan complaints into improving loading times.
there is a gacha thread up right bow that has almost naked chicks.
she only looks cute in fanart
>generic human pose
Oh yeah, totally generic, you see people doing that all the time.
>I'm exaggerating because that's what the big boys of Yea Forums do
Your retarded example holds no water, a girl posing in skin tight clothes isn't even remotely same than inanimate bathroom tiles.
i also get banned a lot for posting bidad's sfw crash art
I love Coco
There aren't enough words to express my feelings for Coco
I only exist to love Coco and make her happy
Coco is my whole world
>softcore porn is bad!!1
I'd rather take that than blatant porn to be honest, which I see more of in this place. I'm even afraid of opening spoilers just because I might get something hardcore in my face. It's just a bandicoot that knows she's sexy, big whoop. At least she's got clothes on.
Stop being that retarded, retarded
You are the one who exaggerates here
Are you that autistic nigger that says all shantae art that shows midriff is pornography?
>a girl posing in skin tight clothes isn't even remotely same than inanimate bathroom tiles
True. Just about the only thing they have in common are that neither are pornography.
Ive seen men and women on one side of their shoulder relaxing. I know youre posting this mediocre bait for free (you)s so heres yours.
Well yeah, it's way harder to get in multiplayer than it is in time trial.
>CTR threads are now pointless metaposting while waiting for the inevitable 404
Thank you 4channel.org
What is it about nintendo and mentally ill people
Because these threads are like Sonic degeneracy, that gets contained in /vg/
Die furfags
Why keep making threads when there's nothing new to talk about until the next GP?
Like, the mods didn't delete threads a few weeks ago because the content JUST released and everyone was hyped. But it's been like 3 weeks, there's nothing new, everything's been discussed to death. If you could make MK8-style lobbies it would make having recurrent weekend threads understandable but that isn't the case.
So maybe just cool it on the threads until the next GP starts up, yeah?
At the same time these threads aren't hurting anyone or breaking any rules so who fucking knows what you should do.
More like
>gifting 10$ PSN cards
are you retarted?
It's not skintight though, just covering her whole body. There's no nipples or camel toes, there's no visible pubic area or generally anything that would imply that this outfit is close to being naked. It's a regular goddamn Motorsport outfit that racers commonly wear. Are racers in their work outfits inherently sexual to you?
It's a pinup yes, but it's not porn no more than any model posing fully clothed in a sports magazine.
It's a great remake. I would recommend it if you've never played any crash game before. I think anyone can enjoy it.
Its excellent.
If you need proof, look no further than the fact it makes Yea Forums seethe.
>seething over furry porn means the game is good
We're usually posting loadouts, discussing webms of fast racing or cool moments or discussing what's to come. This meta posting is entirely because of mods interfering where they have no business.
this man is correct, there is no actual reason to have /vg/ becaue you can only talk so much about a single videogame
no, based mods still ban you for furshit.
you furfags deserve to be gassed and burned alive.
Fuck you I got the game last week and want to discuss and ask stuff here
There's always things to discuss and webms to share
If you were gay you couldve just told us from the start instead of taking it out on us or the Bandibabes.
I agree with this. /vg/ is an utter shithole and has no reason to exist as long as tripfags and posting links to discord isn't bannable offenses
Megumi, please go to sleep. please.
I rather be a gay cocksucking niggerfaggot, than an animal yiffing furfag.
>all those triggered furries
You don't have to believe me, just keep posting porn and then scratch your dumb heads when every thread gets deleted, idiots.
Is this furry pornography?
Megumi doesnt go to sleep until you do. And when you both wake up shell be pregnant.
So the thread is just fighting about furries?
>skin-tight suit
>bedroom eyes
>animal ears
yep it's porn rip user
Lets go back on track people. let us post a list of our main and secondary characters.
Try reading the rules.
Hiro has changed Global rule #3.
You will not post any of the following outside of
>Yea Forums:Troll posts
>Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
>("furry") pornography
Furry stuff isn't against the rules anymore. People need to get up to speed with the rules change.
Save and screencap any bans.
Report them to Hiro.
i don't have an image so i'll just type it up
Speed: Tiny main, Ami / Tropy secondary
Accel: Hot-Rod Oxide / Tawna
Balanced: Crash / Fake Crash
lolTurning: Liz / Pura
I'll be glad to finally get that top 5% kart so I can stop doing dailies. I doubt this next grand prix will have anything I really care about getting at least.
Back to the Future kart
>beat all Oxide time trials
>close to getting all platinum relics
>top 5% on both rankings
I can't wait to be pure concentrated cancer and go online using Digital N.Tropy in a platinum Champion kart.
The karts and color schemes are always worth it, even if the characters are shit.
Every grand prix has a reward for top 5%.
Each one awards the champion kart if you don't already have it, but each specific GP will have a decal unique to it.
Either way you could just play the game casually and passively gain enough nitro to get all the free shit.
It's a meme you dip__________
Is that really the case? I hope it is because I don't care about decals and i'm just grinding dailys to get this kart out of the way already.
>joined lobby with 2 guys in it
>played Blizzard Bluff and Twilight Tour twice
>won all 3 of them
>Ami player always 2 seconds behind me
>after 5 more races with me on 1st place, Ami player challenged his character on digital tropy
>I burst into laugh for whole Sewers race, there he failed shortcut 3 time
>rage quit
Best feel ever
Post yfw the thread is still up
I mean this first GP is piss-easy so you should get the champion kart either way. The source on the champion kart being an iterative reward may have been misinterpreting what they were told but it seems trustworthy and realistic enough (1 less thing to make every GP).
We can always just wait until the next GP starts to confirm it.
>"Nothing to talk about"
>Every single thread that isn't deleted by some angry mod reaches bump limit
Really makes you think
Just doing my part, fuck off to /vg/
>announcing your report
>announcing reports
a reportable offense i'll have you know
How do you unlock digital tropy?
Any point in getting all the plat relics?
>10 coins have been deposited into your account with e-mail fa*****@wahoo.com
fuck off back to discord
fuck bandicoots
Relics unlock a paintjob. All gold+ unlocks gold, and all platinum unlocks platinum.
Digital Tropy is for beating all of Oxide's time trial ghosts.
I don't care, as long as your thread gets pruned its all good.
I just think is weird because people said the champion kart would be added to the Pit Stop later, no? I'll wait until the next GP but i hope the reward isn't that great, really don't see myself playing for a whole month with baby characters.
>How do you unlock digital tropy?
beat all the oxide times in time trials.
>Any point in getting all the plat relics?
there's a platinum paint job, so you decide if that's worth it to you.
>post is now blank
champion kart would be way later after every single GP is over if ever. If you want to wait, it'll be a while.
Mods are fags but obsessing over a jailbait furry
Isn't helping
and if it doesn't? Are you sitting there, watching the screen, boiling in rage for every minute that passes by with the thread still up? Are you?
You should check out gameplay footage. It’s got an incredible sense of speed. I know I was on the fence until I saw a time trial of the Clockwork Wumpa stage.
>being this much of a nitwit
The jannies got to him. They can’t delete posts but they can hide them.
A lot of that is attributed to these threads being generals in everything but name. Between the unfunny Ami "screeches to a halt and wiggles ear for 2 seconds then stares at you" pastas to that weird bitch that posts that pic of Tawna farting at the start of each thread to the FIX BALANCED (we've all seen the image at this point) poster it really is getting all the makings of a general
Bce eщё caмaя лyчшaя
I want a detailed tierlist with ALL the skins
For what purpose
>he mentioned me
Oh shit im touched.
I want to make a tierlist that doesn't exclude any skins