Tfw you sit down and enjoy a good single player console game for the first time in almost a decade

>tfw you sit down and enjoy a good single player console game for the first time in almost a decade
>tfw you remember what made video games fun in the first place
>you can hit pause and go for a walk without worrying about missing anything
>your only competition is yourself, you can do things at your own pace
>can go to bed at an appropriate time, pick up the game where you left off tomorrow
>feel like a kid again

I finally found it...

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What gaym?

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I know this feel bro

I've played 3 games in a row recently that have left me hooked and I feel like a young lad again


I rediscovered this feeling after I quit playing MMOs. I didn't realize how much those games changed me. They turned me into a drooling addict.

Dragon Quest 11
Breath of the Wild
Trials of Mana

In that order. DQ11 broke the spell for me, and now I'm just waiting to replay it on Switch.

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Unironically got this feel from replaying Assassins Creed games recently, as shit as most of them are. They do indeed feel like video games, which is all I can ask for nowadays

hideous tranny

Oh, so you're a faggot ?
Got it

Absolutely based lad.
Which games?

Literally same.

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Very rude gamers.

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The Wonderful 101 got me hard for this. It feels like a PS2 game if every generation focused its processing power to increase the scale and scope of the games instead of increasing graphical fidelity.

What games have you been before?

WoW, FFXIV, TF2, CS:GO, multiplayer or MMO games only.
I felt like single player was a waste of time for some reason. Like I had nothing to show for your time spent playing. It was almost as if I had to impress someone...

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Experiences =/= timesinks

You zoomer Yea Forums fucks need to stop playing your shitty little multiplayer skinner boxes and start working through the literally thousands of games you haven't played yet.

I'm happy for you, user.

Same BoTW sparked something in me that I haven't felt in a long time. I'm now going through my massive backlog with muh more enthusiasm without a care in the world.
It's honestly really nice to be able to be frustrated at a game, take a break, and finally figure out how to get past a thing.
I'm playing MGS for the first time and I'm having a tough time on MG Rex because I'm a shittier, but I feel no pressure to complete it. My heart is legitimately pounding because of the tension.
Fuck. Games are fun.

Katamari Damacy Reroll was such a blast, crazy that I haven’t played it before

I picked up Titanfall 2 yesterday for 4$ on origin, this was the game for me.

Sekiro. I was really not expecting to even enjoy it to begin with. I think it’s actually my goty, I just really love so much about it.

Wholesome thread :)

It's a great feeling. I hardly play games anymore and never get excited for new games, but Bloodstained has really filled that itch for me. SotN is one of my favorite games and other newer Metroidvania games like Hollow Knight never really did it for me. Feels good to actually have fun with a game again.

I found this feeling in computer games I missed out on. Now I can't go back and am pained I grew up in a weird time, where I can't enjoy the 80's and 90's the right way, but have the technology to enjoy the games better.

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Holy fuck user. DQ 11 did this for me too, absolutely incredible game. In bed right now but only thing keeping me from jumping up and playing it is that I’m still a little tired.

Now I'm mad. Beat Rex and then the disc stopped loading and I ended up perma zooming in on Meryl's thighs.
Guess I gotta play it again. Haha twice the f-fun!

This. Dont get me wrong, when me and my friends first got into mmos, it was great. But then we grew up and didnt have as much time to all play together. Then it became more of a chore/ addiction than pure hype and fun.

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And thats why all my games are single player and console.

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Nah, it's better to experience old games now when all the patches and fixes are already out, than to deal with playing them in 1998 when stuff like vsync sucked, framerates were inconsistent and mouse acceleration was often forced with no way to remove it.

felt that feel 2 months ago, it was glorious

It feels like such a relief not playing MMO's anymore. Fucking hell. You have to plan your whole weekend for that garbage. Be on time, and you can NEVER leave or they will punish, berate or kick you for doing anything you're not told. It's fucking WORK. It sucks ass.
>but muh community
Fuck your shitty community. They're all toxic elitist niggers who I would not want to be around.

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Glad that works for you, user. For me, single player games have put me to sleep for over a decade.

You can play MMOs at your own pace, you know. You don't have to join a guild.

yeah, good luck getting anything done outside of 5mans

No wonder nobody wants you in their guild. Start your own if you're so much of a diva, god damn.

EDF 4.1. arguably the only game that makes me smile and laugh as I play it(5 as well).


>Celeste makes people this mad
Sorry you can't into precision platforming, virgins

the fuck you on about
i'm not talking about your shitty current wow btw