More like iNacoffiN

more like iNacoffiN

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Only 33
What took him lads?

based on this picture alone something related to his obesity

some kind of infection. He probably didn't take it seriously

the sips

NA healthcare

roid needle infection

Apparently he had bloodclots

Two people in the Dark Heresy game have died.

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InControl is dead? Whaaaat

TB died at 33 years and 10 months old
InCholesterol died at 33 years and 10 months old

Day9 is 33 years old and will be 33 years and 10 months old in April next year.
He's next.

This digits

The StarCraft 2 curse

>TB died at 33 years and 10 months old
>InCholesterol died at 33 years and 10 months old
what the fuck man

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Well, they don't call him InCholesterol for nothing


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the 33 club for video games is like the 27 club for music

i wish i died at 33 years and 10 months

That’s what happens when you waste your magical energies on sex, the body cannot withstand the transformation your spirit goes through at 30.

RIP big guy


God I wanna go back to 2011 so much

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RIP incholesterol. He was always funny in that one podcast with day9, nony and that host guy with no personality.

His DnD games were amazing, he’s charismatic as fuck. Which is why people like him, not because he’s autistically good at a dead game

DSP is still alive thank God

>that fat guy *this is where my chin is, guys" facial hair

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Summer 2010
SC2 comes out
We're still in Wrath of the Lich King

It feels like a different lifetime ago

>he’s autistically good
geoff stop posting

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Jesus confirmed to be a progamer. Damn I wonder what the dude was playing. Bet he was playing Doom deathmatch on lan

no shut up! Why does the one time someone talks about the one eceleb I like have to be prophesysing his death?


JP next hopefully.

Early SC2 was peak esports

>reading comprehension
I literally said no one liked him for being very good, retard.

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I remember Yea Forums making iNcholesteroL jokes about him ;_;

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Koibu's campaigns are better without moronic SC players.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I am the host of the biggest starcraft show on earth, and I’ve been involved in numerous MLGs, and I have over 300 confirmed casts. I was trained in casting BW and I’m the top caster in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Mr. Chae and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Nerdballer Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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Jesus died at 33 years and 10 months

he died of sepsis
that can happen to everyone
even you

something akin to ligma?

that and late cs 1.5 early 1.6


Wow what a good news to start a day, fuck this passive aggressive entitled fatass.

What does akin mean?

>I sure am glad I spent my life playing video games

Also noted earlier, Geoff's 16 birthday was on 9/11.

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akin to my balls! Gottem!

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Who cares.

It used to be a dumb meme that Day9 had died. People would spam it in chat channels and forums, etc.
When I saw someone say iNcontroL died, my first thought was "I guess this is a new meme." The Day9 meme may in fact come true.
We shall see.

>Americans still die of infections in 2019

Sepsis kills europeans as often as it kills americans.

So how did he get it

Bregor's boys were absolutely god-tier
Why couldn't it be JP instead of Geoff

Drug use (needles) or prolonged sitting. Judging by the look of the beast I'm going to go with the latter.

He got a leg wound just by sitting? fug

Good thing I made it to 35.... so far.

Shit tier taste
Steven >>>> shit >>>> faglord>baldfag

>people care about nobodies in a dead community of gookclickers

Probably from testosterone injections. I remember hearing somewhere he could bench like 400lbs.

You don’t need test injections to bench press your bodyweight, m8

He was a powerlifter

>get fat
>get fit

what's the point of staying fit if you gonna die anyways?

free healthcare my man, hospitals are too busy with thousands of illegals they can't even attend a single infection properly

This makes a lot of sense, injection by needle is listed as the #1 reason for abcesses and infections in the major artery of the leg. Dude was doping and died from it, what a loser.

Hey no accounting for shit taste.
That said.
>even he got tired of JP's bullshit
Kind of hilarious.

>free healthcare
You’re only entitled to free healthcare in another country if it signed an agreement with your country to cover each other’s citizens’ medical cost. Why do Americans fail to understand basic shit like how mandatory medical insurance works?

Did he ever state that? Doesn't seem like him. I thought JP did the usual shit he does where he just ditches a guy for another. Steven actually talked about it happening to him.

incholesterol you never were good at the game, stop being delusional and go back to the shadow realm

>unironically making fun of someone who just passed away
underage b&

I don't really dig too deep into the drama but I imagine that's what happened.

>OP's pic
>not fat
Burgerclaps everyone.

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i'm not making fun of him you stupid normalfag

Damn that sucks. I used to rag on him in our 2012 generals but I actually liked him.
Also, I’m such a boomer.

It feels wierd man. Started playing in 2010 when the game came out, started watching in 2011. These days I don't follow starcraft anymore, so checking on twitter to see what everyone is doing, seeing how many is still sticking around, it almost feels like a virtual highschool reunion of sorts.

I can't imagine not biting the bullet after years of 200-500 viewers on twitch and still not making a career move well into your 30s. I'm not just talking about Geoff, I'm talking about the whole SC2 scene.

I see these top korean players grinding it out on twitch infront of 150 viewers.

But fuck me it's scary that you can just die randomly like that. We made a lot of fun of you Geoff, and a lot of the people on the NA ladder did too, but rest well.

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>calling someone names isn't making fun of someone
fucking yikes

>people still died of infection
I thought this medieval nightmare was gone for good

what's the point of hitting the gym if you gonna die of a heart attack? just laugh and get fat

that's not 'calling him names', it was basically his nickname everywhere except on TL because everyone was used to calling him that. there are no ill intentions attached to it
it's sorta like when people call you faggot or bitch

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It's only going to get worse.
Decades of antibiotic abuse is creating super bugs that are resistant to everything.
A lot of people will start dying from small wounds and cuts outta the blue.

Thats what he gets for cannon rushing me every game. Karma is a bitch you fat motherfucker

fuck off bitch

WoL era sc2 was the last time this board was really good

can't tell if serious.
incontrol was his nickname, incholesterol was wordplay to make fun of his appearance.

>A lot of people will start dying from small wounds and cuts outta the blue.
Not really due to anti biotics but from weakened immune systems that haven't faced anything to get stronger and the result is being weak as fuck

looks like he couldn’t get iNcontroL of his life

fucking based
also if you wanna see twitch niggers get shat on, tonight known pedo grossgore will be live on rajjpatel's stream at 4pm EST, he's gonna get destroyed bros

how do you just get a wound in your leg that grows bigger and bigger?

I'm pretty sure all his birthdays were on 9/11

I just wanna live to see classic wow bros

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Mad cringe

>he died so early! this was a total shock!
>btw he was obese, inactive, ate like shit, drank heavily, rode a motorcycle, and did recreational drugs.. but this is a total shock!
every fuckin time.

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Because it's a business!

Just cracked open a monster energy out of respect

I’m always so happy when an e celeb dies. Thanks for the info op.

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yet died by a totally unrelated cause

Rest in peace big guy
so obese

>did recreational drug
>totally unrelated

>literally morbidly obese

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>those manboobs folds around his torso

Another roidcel gone

>which I totally have evidence of the claim

im literally fatter than that

because you are a burger
in Europe this is pretty fat

>tweets detailing all his issues
>which are related symptoms to roids
>"nope, i need hard proof evidence, right here in my hand right now!"

post your body if you're in so much better shape
>you won't because 99% of Yea Forums are either hungry anemic skeletons or fat neckbeards

Ok? And you are morbidly obese too dumbfuck.

His missus is cute.

You're purely guessing

He most likely wasn't taking proper care of it thinking it wasn't a big deal or that the doctors magically fixed the problem.

>you have to somehow question the work of professionals
im not saying to blindly believe everything, but if a team of doctors and nurses says you're good after treatement, why would you not believe them?

He was that big and could only rep 225? Wut


Because that's how you stay alive.

using my powers of read, i assume his weight was 225 and his lift was 435

225 for 10 reps with a max of 435
I'd say that sounds pretty good for his size

That's most likely NOT what happened. I guarantee the doctors told him what HE needed to do at home to make sure the infection would heal properly.
It seems he did not follow this advice.

if i want to stay alive, i would ask them everything in order to live more years

your powers suck ass

>max 435, reps 225
Lol wut. Must be heavily assisted by spotter with poor form and a bench shirt

>alright user, wound's just gotta heal now, you're good to go
>im i ok doc?
>.... yea i just told you

what now

>"what should i do from now on or what should i avoid doing so i don't fall back on this again?"
wow that was hard.

Eat your veggies sonny, now off you go before I add another 500 on the bill.

>a month gap between him being released from the hospital and the death tweet
I guarantee he didn't appropriately follow up and monitor his condition.

this sounds like a cope. we all want to believe that everyone's hardship was somehow deserved and justified, because that way it's easier for us to push on forward without the fear of something like that happening to us. i'll never make a mistake like that, so i'll never die! but truth is, trouble befalls on everyone, and it does so largely randomly, and it's just something we have to live with

Have you ever been released from a hospital? This is not how it goes down. The doctors always say the steps you need to take to get well at home, unless you want to be back


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Is it really so hard for you to believe that doctors aren't fucking miracle workers?
People die user, it's part of life. All you can do is to try and live each day with purpose, so that one day when god decides you've gon' done' it now that you don't feel too cheated.

Most medical knowledge is just knowledge, so you can actually google shit related to your condition.
Yes most patients know more about their condition than doctors and it's not unusual. As long as you're not a hypochondriac you can find out a lot.
I'm not saying that doctors saying stupid shit or giving bad care is justified, just that being careful is an option.
Not that it's related to this case in particular.

>he's charismatic
I've listened to him, and he's not.

Your reality:
>user, your surgery went great!
>Now go home, you'll be fine!

>oaying a octor by the hour
>not for appointment
wew no wonder you americans are so fucked

The US healthcare system is fucked because doctors are overworked to the point of exhaustion, and shamed if they try to say "this isn't right, people shouldn't be doing surgery 13 hours into their shift without a break"

can't even say my rip in the TL thread because of Kennigger

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>Is it really so hard for you to believe that doctors aren't fucking miracle workers?
That's exactly what I'm saying.

No, peak e-sport was watch moletrap and cholera cast broodwar on youtube. Maximum comfy.

We will never forget that MLG

It's fucked in a lot of places.
Here in Denmark for instance our healthcare is so overworked that the current meta is to get educated in Denmark and then go to Norway for work.

Doctors aren't paid by the hour you fucking God damn retard

>Getting sepsa in 2019AD
The state of the NA "healthcare" everyone.

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Im kinda surprised anyone would dope to look that shitty. Sure strongmen pack some pudge he looked doughier than them

>free healthcare
Socialism is paid with taxes, by white middle class men. The only demographic that pays more in taxes than they get back from the state are white men, so we get to pay for everything. If you support anything that politicans call "free" as a white man, you're a chump.

shit, dude, what a waste

i thought the rich pay the taxes, ie. the jews

No, there's not enough there. In every country and always, it's mostly middle class white dudes.

>watched his stream a few times
>every few games he'd get up and stretch his legs, walk around for a little bit
>meanwhile I routinely sit for 10+ hours with no breaks in my vidya

>Why do Americans fail to understand basic shit like how mandatory medical insurance works?
>mandatory medical insurance
I hate mutts

>middle class
ha, not for long

nah. sc2 was probably the first forced e-sports. all other games before that grew organically

same, we are all going to fucking die

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If he got the abscess from an injection, what was his mistake? He didn't sterilize it properly? t. don't like needles

that's probably true. they should probably start paying the working class more wages then, to increase their capability to pay taxes and contribute to the economy. as we all know, USA has a very good employment rate and a strong economy, so it would be easily doable

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You sure choose the right place to complain about being banned for using trips and avatars, subhuman.

Infection is caused by bacteria getting into where they're not supposed to.

nothing to do with blood clot. his absess in the artery didnt heal propely and got infected again, im guessing. my ex gf had an absess too in the back and had to get it removed like 2 or 3 times because it grew back before it stopped growing for good.

Koibu is a far better DM because in his games actions have consequences and if you fuck up you die. When it comes to Steven or faglord it is all about MUH EPIC MOMENTS or MUH NARRATIVE disregarding if it actually makes sense and that destroys the tension completely.

Yeah, but maybe he didn't clean a needle properly, or maybe it was an issue with antigens in the skin getting in to the body with the needle.

West Marches was a meatgrinder


It's not even about that, he's just amazing at world building and has better players in general.
I wanna go back bros

225 for 10 is insanely weak if you bench over 400lbs. anybody benching 315 can do 225 for 10 easy.

Steven kills off characters without batting an eye, what are you talking about?
Neal is a classic tryhard faggot who only sees numbers.

She left him last october

>tfw started watching and playing sc2 in 2018
It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that and I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over

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I actually like his tattoos they look pretty good.

>Ywn work a summer job to build a new pc to play early cata and WoL in 2010
I wantto go back

That D&D show curse. Every cast member separated form their spouse or whatever within a yes of each other.

I saw this guy as a guest on the D&D show his wife was on (same one as ProJared and Holly lol.) and he seemed like he was bored out of his mind on there. His ex looked pretty embarrassed to have him on.

Weren't Geoff and Anna together since high school? It's pretty long for a childless couple

Let this be reminder if you game all day or spend to much time sitting remember to walk 5 min for every 1 hour you spend sitting. That shit will fuck up your blood system.

Also drink plenty of water and dont eat to mucho shit food.

I guess he died a virgin.

Honestly never in my life heard about someone under the age of 90 dying from a bloodclot.
Never fucking ever. I think it's something in the food or water supply wherever that happens.

Not too sure. Seems like they were together for a while. When they separated they kept pretty quiet about it. I suspected it was because of his GAMER habits and not taking care of himself. Maybe she got tired of being his mom?

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I seem to remember in her part during Wheat's roast she did say something about them starting dating during high school. The only reason I remember that was because she said back then he used a rubber sheet instead of proper bedsheets because he was too lazy to wash it. Or something to that effect

What's this beard called?

chin strap + goatee

it realy is a fucking shame man, I liked him a lot. Havent watched his stuff in a while now but he was always a good and funny dude. He had his flaws but who doesnt ? RIP Geoff and thanks for many many hours of entertainment.

That's fucking gross, doesn't surprise me now that he died from an infection

If you get it from injecting steroids (which isn't entirely legal and is shameful), you might not want to go get checked.
Especially if the wound is somewhere on your ass (where steroids go), and you live alone (his wife left him), he might not be able to give it a good look and properly appreciate how bad it is.

so he was completely in control of that infection

It's rubber, retard. The infection just slides off. He only died once he switched to using sheets that let infections latch on with their bacterial hooks.

tl is more cucked and left leaning than reddit


some anons made a refugee discord for us, already a bunch of people in:

get in here brothers

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>rubber sheet instead of proper bedsheets because he was too lazy wash it

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People use caskets these days. Not coffins.

fuck you i wanna be a skellyton in an open crypt


Guess I'm done with energy drinks

Why would he put the needle in his thigh tho?

Really fucking bleak, I loved those videos.

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Sepsis is incredibly dangerous and people underestimate it all the time. You can go from fine to dead in less than an hour if you have sepsis. Pathogenic bacteria dont fuck around.

>no artery danger though
we'll see about that, lad

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It's the same here in the Netherlands. People are overworked, doctors are being exploited. My mom recently had a stomach perforation and the communication was garbage. If the nurse hadn't made an off-hand remark to my mom, then the microbiologist would never have done a check for sepsis. And whadya know, turns out my mom had helicobacter sepsis, which would've killed her had she left the hospital.

>inControl wasnt obese
>he was big boned
>he just had muscle
nah he was obese senpai

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Lots of muscle tissue there. You dont want to inject roids directly into your blood stream, you want it in the muscle so it gets released more slowly and evenly.

he was together with some voice actor

Infection isn't a killer in the year of our lord 2019.

1. You want it in a muscle, and the tight is the biggest muscle thats easy to reach (not the back).
2. You want the arms free to use the injection, so they are out too.
3. You can easily reach and look at the tight from a comfortable sitting position.
4. Its hidden from view while wearing normal clothes, even in summer, so your dug use isn't seen.

What if Anna was the only one cleaning stuff around the house so the moment she left him he started living in a pile of dog feces? That would explain it.

People who underestimate infections because "hurr we got antibiotics, just take a pill and you'll be alright" are a danger to society. Abscesses are always extremely dangerous. Tooth, gum and throat infections are always extremely dangerous. You can go from alright to dead in a matter of hours or even days.

>400+lbs bench
>Can only 10 rep 225lbs

What kind of fucked up numbers are these?

It's old but here you go fat fuck.

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RiP, I've watched him and Destiny start a DnD campaign like 3 days ago, it all seems so unreal now...

damn you look like a little faggot bro, not even the guy you replied too. you look like you suck some good dick

I believe it. Surprised she put up with it that long now that I’m hearing how dirty he is.

I dont fuck fatties.

yeah give me that defiant look and rub my hairy belly while you bob that little twink head up and down on my unwashed 20cm cake boi

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I swear gays are the most disgusting creatures on earth.

I agree, faggots disgust me.

i aint even gay though
two words dog

I fucking love that line in "to catch a predator", works every time.

I came in late 2015, so for me everything after the proleague death has been one long upswing, it’s not as bad as it seems especially compared to then. I mean, Chinese league teams are apparently paying well and so long as Blizzard doesn’t HotS us I’m feeling reasonably good.

what are you talking about? lots of SC2 viewers have 1K+ viewers on twitch like rotti, demu, stephano, snute and any top korean like stats or TY when they stream.