Why is Innocence EX so easy?
Why is Innocence EX so easy?
I don't know never played a game fuck off with your shitty game
why do people still fail it
It's not extremely easy for your average shitter.
Why haven't you named your bunny BJONSE yet?
As an average shitter for whom Titania and Innocence EX are the first proper endgame content I've done due to joining in late Stormblood, I have to agree. Innocence EX was much harder for me to clear than Titania because of all the dodging. I still can't always perfectly execute pulling the sword tether away when he's using another AOE mechanic.
Obviously people who are good at the game have no trouble with it but I imagine most players are shit, like myself.
we've all seen "what are the best looking gear sets" but lets shake it up, post what you think are the absolute worst looking gear sets!
pic unrelated
Is it ? I'll have to do it soonish, nice to know I won't die for hours
The face bowling ball is retarded but the rest of the set is good.
Retardation. The number of people who still don't understand the swords green aoes WILL COME BACK THE OTHER WAY is impressive and exasperating.
>Viera naming conventions are basically "Fuck it, they pick their own when they start adventuring"
>This means that my old character name is still technically within the naming conventions because it's a "City Name"
Square you fucking fools you just fumbled your way out of getting my money for a name change.
The early tomestone gear in SB was pretty shit.
Are you colourblind? Those AOEs are blue.
Whichever, fag.
>lore friendly Viera names aren't actually lore friendly because an adventurer wouldn't have a forest name anymore
I would rather do innocence than titania even if it's easier.
How do even I name my character in case I want to change my appearance and race later down the road?
Don't want to end up with a chick named Jonathan or some shit like that.
Any obvious non lore name. So people realize it's just the player's pseudonym rather than the character's name.
Reminder that Emet-Selch killed billions and sympathizing with him is a sign of a sick mind
How many lives has WoL taken?
Shit questline.
>first week
Try a learning party, first time trying, and we kill it with a couple of tries, farm a bit later without a problem.
Do a farm party, people die to simple things and we wipe due to enrage
Based contrarian bro
>still grinding ex primals a month later
Based. Way overhyped, but since 3/4 of the playerbase seems to like those tacky spiky armors painted in metallic red, not surprised.
Why is titania so fucking hot bros?
Honestly perfect
It's cause everybody who was competent/active enough to clear first week has already grinded out everything they needed. I have all my tanks weapons and accessories, heck I even got the Innocence mount on it's first drop. "Farm parties" are all formed of people who just cleared the fight and think one clear is enough to start "farming". You see titles like this all the time: "Kill for a friend then farm after", "Helping friend clear, maybe farm if you want" and so on.
Early ARR tomestone stuff is also a solid contender
im shit and i think titania is harder but i've generally heard that innocence is hell if you're a caster and i play melee
Go back to /pol/
Where can I find a soulless, chink XIV gf?
only if you dilate back to /lgbt/
everything in malikah's well which is kind of unfair to pick but still who thought making crafting shit be actual gear was a good idea
Can I just join this eden stuff without knowing anything except how my class works? Are people going to "mechanics are for cars, kupo" me?
I do NOT play THIS game BUT it DOES have MANY wifes! Feo Ul IS a GOOD wife! You SHOULD romance Feo Ul user! She IS my [beautiful branch]! (She is! She is!)
Maybe, but it's normal mode so whatever. It's just a bit harder than a regular, storymode trial.
billions of subhumans*
How did you get this way? What's wrong with you?
the 2nd,3rd and 4th fights aren't that bad but you'll probably want to learn how to do them to avoid people getting upset with you even more so with the second one
Trannies don't say trap, retard
>Can I just join this eden stuff without knowing anything except how my class works?
Yes, unless you're a braindead moron that can't identify mechanics just by seeing them.
I did the 4 eden floors with a group comprised of whoever was on at the time in my FC, and we only had 1 wipe for all 4 fights. They're pretty easy, though I would bet that e2 is a pugkiller.
>two lockouts later the clear party clears a millisecond off enrage with tons of deaths
>party leader initiates a ready check
All non cat players fanta into a cat at least once in their lives.
I want to hug the Weeping Warbler and turn her into my bound sex pet!
I don't fucking care, a trap is a faggot and everything pertaining belongs in concentration camps
all the faeries have dicks
>2nd Eden fight
>people don't understand the countdown mechanic after the 6th fucking time
It truly baffles my mind how braindead people can be.
Every Genji set except Maiming and Scouting.
fluffy sex with left lala
I bet she tasted good.
Is unending coil still difficult with a party of full 80's?
Alright. I'll go stand where the healer that seems to know the mechanics goes and spam fire iv
Unending coil can't be done unsynced.
>only catgirls get the armpit pose
Well shit nigga guess I'm not doing that
hol up, is it level synced?
because that would be cancerous and make it super fucking shit to do it now
I hate fantasia. I can't stand the idea of changing my character who has a story and did live through all of the MSQ.
I'm considering redoing the entire MSQ with a bunny and a male Roe to have 3 different characters specialized in different jobs.
more khloe
Yes that is what "can't be done unsynced" means. Though the class changes may make it slightly easier.
Pretty sure I've seen that cat around.
They said they tweaked it to ensure it's still doable
No idea what was changed
they imposed a strict level sync to retain the challenge players so desperately craved
you weren't thinking of unsyncing it as a lvl 80 were you? because that would make you a giga shitter
>no 32 man raids so we could have D-BOIS crossover memes
It's easier now, but only for dps checks and maybe some tank stuff.
I'm about to download ACT. Is there any addons I need to get for it?
All cats look the same
Cute nose
Besides the main FFXIV plugin, get Triggernometry and the parse overlay plugin.
Also join the triggernometry discord if you wanna download a ton of premade scripts for it.
Well you kill her as the last boss in the 79 dungeon so take comfort in that.
>tfw feo ul will never tell you what a good little sapling you are while you slobber all over "her" thick throbbing branch
Why live?
Not him but Triggernometry what is that?
>All cats look the same
I missed this note what boss was she and the dude
>using triggers
Stop being a shitter and learn to play the fucking game.
Is that something that even a computer brainlet can do? I mean putting those scripts.
There's nothing about this picture my dick doesn't like.
basicaly dbm
Probably just some health/dmg values to account for the changes in player hps/dps.
No you don't you fucking idiot. Forgiven Obscenity was in Vauthry's room before the Warbler bitch was taken to ascend.
people speculate she's the last boss because she uses musical based names for her attacks and her supermove is Feather Marionette (her nickname in life was "little birdy/canary")
if you can install a game you can install ACT shit
Okay Yea Forums, let's talk about those things that makes you judge people in this game. Like;
>heterochromia on anything
>black hair with red highlights
>slutmog in general
>people who HAVE to use the biggest and shiniest weapon there is
>almost all cosplay
List goes on, but midlander paladins playing extremely hard into the holy knight look sans helmet is some next level vanilla shit
Full face helmets/masks are based becase everyone looks the same anyway.
Oh, well fuck that.
Is having to memorize things these days too hard?
It's a plugin that uses ACTs built in trigger functions to extend it and create much more complex triggers, including ones that can fire off macros for you or place all waymarkers at the start of a duty.
I mean, you say that now but by the time the next expansion comes out and your job is lvl 90 and they moved more of your pre-70 stuff above 70, it's just going to get worse.
The only thing I care to judge are people's glamours and that's only to steal them.
WoWshitters literally can't play the game without having their hand held through everything. Every single static I've been in the guy who brags about being a WoW raider can't fucking function without triggers.
>never played a game
You and half of Yea Forums apparently
Innocence and Titty ex are harder than Susan and Lakshmeme ex and if you disagree you either didn't play SB at launch, aren't playing now, or are retarded.
discuss this
what's wrong with using shiny weapons
they take effort to get so it's nice to show off
and samurai weapons all the look the same so using the eureka one feels nicer
Guess again, nerd
Feo ul is a girl
innocence is pretty easy, it just takes some getting used to because of all the aoe. Titania is only hard because of retards.
>Any lalas
It's not "ironic" or "funny" to deliberately choose the shitty looking race that doesn't fit with anything.
I bet she has rubbed her coochie all over that staff
Generic midlander males
>black hair with red highlights
Fuck, I don't have any others though, I think I'm the clear.
Bros I don't know which one to Fantasia into
Implying I'll ever glamour any other AST weapon now I have the UwU globe.
>theyre genderless except they all call each other she hehhe
Inno is easy, there's like 1 mechanic to learn (stars), the rest is just "dodge the bad floor".
Tit is also fairly easy but 1 person fucking up can ruin the whole run so it's more punishing for baddies.
>Half of them have the same hair style
>can't upgrade Titania weapons into Feo Ul weapons
I started as a cat and and fanta'd off of it because the race is so diluted and everyone always assumes you're a homosexual, that and every male cat looks exactly the same.
Nothing, really. I just like some of the semi-realistic weapons, minimalism and all that.
Lakshit was just a huge boring slog of a fight.
switch to face 2 instead of 4
it can be alright if its a mild example, I have it irl, one eye is pale blue and the other is green, and that can look nice on a char, but shit like purple/red eyes just looks shit
>UwU globe
I'm not in the shed, the hell is that?
Isn't that cheating? I mean it's one thing to get notifications when someone does trick attack, but to have call outs seems kind of cheating or at the very lest very lazy.
They're of relatively equal difficulty
Lakshmi EX was indeed very easy and not very fun as I recall. But everytime she pushed me into her bosom, I felt loved and got a chubby.
If your only choices are those two, definitely right. Left is ugly as sin.
Which half the population in this game pretend doesnt exist apparently.
>Ala Mhigan and Lost Allagan
>feel genuine joy playing blamalam
>love the wizard look
>get complimented, when I never did as tank because people don't give a shit what the tank does as long as he's alive, has aggro, and doesn't cleave the group
Yeah, I feel the same for jobs that actually have different styles of weapons.
Shedposters everyone
4/12 isn't half, you dummy.
snu snu
Lost Allagan is literal garbage
Fending set is great, looks especially good with GNB.
>fucktons of hrothgars in the game
>barely anyone plays with them here or in /vg/
whats happening here
If you play a catgirl or an au ra female, you're a fucking serf
Both look same face as fuck and bunfags are a dime a dozen so do whatever
>join titania ex farm party
>most of the party is made up of a fc of cringy memelords who think theyre hot shit and kicking other players as they see fit for a single fuck up
>carry their sorry asses for 10 kills doing 12k mch dps consistently despite having unmelded 430 crap gear while their players are only your average shitters
>when it's done get an instant kick, not even a "thank you" or "bye"
i unironically hope they get cancer and die
All AST globes just look like a glowing sphere, I cannot tell them apart.
Why would you pick catboi if you aren't gay or fujo?
Won that contest a long time ago for a reason.
You're only a tool if you make your choices based on what some random retard on Yea Forums thinks about your character.
The quiet PFs are the best ones imo.
do you have pics of it? im at work and dont recall how it looks
I play with minimum 200 ms latency and outside of a with bullshit hits when you have the swords marker, you have no reason to die to any of the mechanics.
Why do lala players always spend so much time and effort in their glamours and screenshots when their character looks like shit no matter what? All the filters and expensive glamours in the world wont make your dumb race look like a malformed cheap doll.
because I like cats and only realised how shitty they are later on
>most hairs look bad cause of the ears
>always hunched over
>dumb face markings
>only 1 good face that everyone uses
>can't use hats without stupid ass cat ear holes
Not a single contest winner was actually good. Every single one of those winning sets is trash.
Don't talk to me, peasant.
cute pits
how do you even go that high as MCH on that fight, teach me your ways
You might be a tryhard but you have to admit with that latency you are playing a more difficult game than everyone else in the server.
Post em
why do they LOVE to make the feet have that stupid clown twist at the end? it ruins everything to me
black hayate
literal reddit
Got my 99 tomes on it yesterday. Fuck that fight I'm not touching it ever again. It also burned me out so much I can't even play the game for a week.
He's not doing 12k without a dancer in a pug, that's just bullshit. Also final dps numbers depend on when did the fight end, if it ended right after a burst window, you get bigger numbers of course.
rent free
in some instances yes. ususaly it just calls out shit as it comes out but in for example uwu it can call out titan gaols (hardest mechanic in the fight) before the visual tells appear for the players
How is a sheep dog reddit? Are you pretending or just a retard?
>reeeee why won't it drop for meeeee
post more cute lalas I'm paying in headpats
They weren't quiet at all, they were constantly spamming their meme macros, and "OMG I'M SO DRUNK XD", "MY DOG JUST FARTED", they even went as far as insulting me for being German and a Lalafell, while I just stood by silently.
They were only quiet when it came to saying nice things.
also reddit
>leading a promising titty ex pf
>suddenly have to do things in real life urgently
>disband the party
i'm sorry
if you're on crystal and were in that party, I'M SORRY
They were both easier than their respective Hard mode encounters once you got any ilvl on them.
The early days of Susano were okay though. The punishment worked when the ilvl wasn't too high. Just any ilvl increase and you could straight up ignore all of the lightning markers since the damage didn't matter.
Anyone got good art or filter of Minifillia/Ryne yet?
Stop acting like a faggot, user.
holy shit i wasnt wrong, literally rent free
Didn't you learn anything from your relatives on The First?
>liking dogs is reddit
i think being on Yea Forums for so long has corrupted your brain, sorry man, good luck in your next life.
>qeue in janny ex
>tank places 6 waymarks around the arena
>doing 12k mch dps consistently despite having unmelded 430 crap gear
I'd use this for bragging rights for like 2 days but holy shit eden is so fucking ugly.
>innocence 2 star phase
>person with stack marker aims it at a star
It's great how the playerbase still manages to surprise me with how fucking stupid they can be.
It’s alright looking, but yea out of the minions is not cute.
lol no
Why does the good shit always end up as runners-up in the art contests?
in my experience this is the singular mechanic that ""experienced"" """"""""""farm"""""""""" parties fuck up, 2 star
i don't fucking know why, given how its one of the easier mechanics in the fight (literally just run to the edge of the fucking arena), but there is CONSTANT star clipping leading to half the party being blown up
>Stands on your shoulder as one of the idles
It's great.
All lalafell are ugly and should get mashed with a hammer
mmo players in general have shit taste.
cool story greylet
>stack mid for shiva phase!
what are your thoughts on this strategy, reddit?
Looks like generic shit that we already have.
>heavy metal
Fuck off.
I'm not subbed so I don't have a screenie but I got the Dwarf Rabbit during an Aquapolis run that was so blessed it's unbelievable. The guy picking which door to take guessed wrong 4 times but the rainbow saved us every time and we beat all the floors.
Probably the orange markers
Typical WoWfugees who can't do mechanics so they just need to convince everyone else that not doing it is """"optimal""""
Use tactician and who gives a shit. It's an easily heal through damage anyway. Vuln stack doesn't mean jack shit unless your party is full of shitters.
>black hair with red highlights
Seriously, why do so many people use this? Someone once told we it's because of rwby but that can't be the single cause of all the shitters I see with this kind of hair.
>innocence 4 star phase
>stack marker is aimed at a close star instead of the far star
better than having everyone run around like retards eating multiple circles, tranny.
Maybe you should just learn to do the fucking mechanic shitter
Black and red is the classic edgy look.
it looks like too much but i appreciate the fact that they changed the color of the cards
How is it not optimal?
>why do so many people use this?
Black and red looks good.
Its always parse autist.
>SAM has marker
>Watching him closesly I see he is clearly parsing his faggotry and promptly move away from the group before I get nuked
>Dude doesnt budge at all and just complains he lost his orange parse
Holy shit the west is fucking retarded the japanese are 100% right about us being autist about meaningless numbers. Just do the mechanics and clear the damn fight.
>shoulder freckles
You forgot the part where everybody clapped.
>its not aimed at any star
why does it always pick the one retard who didn't watch a guide
respecting content is for shitters
>4 star phase
>Stack marker gets aimed down the middle and hits nothing
Because they look better than the midlander if you can stomach the cat manneurism
They are chad tier
Too bad it's the go to race for the faggots so it have bad reputation
The pompadour look fine that's all it matter
And there is more than 1 face but you need to be a man not a sheep to get that
Also fuck hat, useless shit hiding my pompadour
>dps north
>dps south
pick one and only one
Everyone knows that shiva circles is the hardest mechanic in the game, user.
It's actually landsblood.
I can do it just fine. Other people can't, gaylord.
dps north
healers and tanks adjust, i need my uptime
It's not like people didn't just eat the very first ice in Shiva anyway.
Unfortunately you'll end up there if you want a race with decent looking animations. I've started as an Au Ra and tried some other races but ended up with a cat since while Au Ras were cool, the white ones only had derpy faces and the blue ones' scales clashed with too many equipment sets.
I liked the aesthetics of female Roegadyn and Elezen, but their animations were just too stiff. Female humans were OK, except for their super girly run cycle. Which would be OK for some classes, but just looks silly on anything heavier than cloth.
Like most of the ucob/uwu weapons it's a lot nicer in use that any PV makes it out to be.
Of course north, but it really doesn't matter in the slightest.
For the remainder of 2019.
>implying i will move her and lose my uptime after growth rune
dps south
fuck your uptime you've wiped us 15 times because you weren't doing the mechanics because muh uptime
i've resigned myself to always doing dps south, even though i'm a melee dps
i just don't trust the quality of human that inhabits the PF to swap from a strategy theyve been doing the past few weeks without wiping a bunch of times, and its not like titania has a particularly strenuous enrage timer so the extra dps isn't a huge deal
I almost outright banned melees from my parties in innocence ex because they were dying en masse on beatific vision trying to get that extra fucking gcd off. But the worse part is, many healers died that way too. There were instances where both healers died to it and caused wipes. I parse, but ffs people be reasonable, we're farming fucking totems.
>brings trannies into it for no reason
found the tranny
>chad tier
>using meme hairs
may as well just play lala at that point
Femroe look best in plate. Really the taller you go, the more awkward the animations look, probably cuz you look too slow. Meanwhile lalafell look like they just glide around the ground at 60 mph.
>do the fucking mechanic
dps west/ht east
>respect the content!!!!
This is the best one, nothing even comes close. Or maybe that goobbue.
At this point I'll probably have better luck eventually getting the EX's down with my casual ass friends instead of wasting more time with PF shitters, jesus I do not remember it being this bad last time I was playing.
>Femroe look best in plate.
Agree, I liked mine during the short time I've tried them out, they looked great as any tank. Unfortunately at that time I mostly had to play ninja and sometimes astrologian for my static, and that just looked silly.
Dude just promote someone else, preferably a buddy/fc member that's currently in party as well.
>Sorry guys gtg, thanks for the runs
>/leave party
It's better to leave and have common decency to let people know you are leaving than to just disband without a word, you absolute fucking faggot.
What's the larboard canon of the new raid?
>At this point I'll probably have better luck eventually getting the EX's down with my casual ass friends instead of wasting more time with PF shitters, jesus I do not remember it being this bad last time I was playing.
It was always this bad, at least on my server pool back in the day. Unless you knew like half of your group, it was guaranteed to fail.
>mfw trying to farm Niddhog EX with randoms
The fight is so fucking easy but they still fuck it up all the time.
>Meme hairs
Get the fuck out you stupid tranny
There is only 3 type of hair in ff14
The emotranny haircuts
The sluttranny haircuts
And the fucking pompadour, the best haircut, nothing else matter or you're a faggot
I have so much stuff to do but instead I'm on my knees getting femdommed by a Viera why am I like this bros
So you were a Yea Forumsirgin, goddamit.
Gear? Yes.
Hair? No.
It depends how they use the swimsuits/slutglams. If its built around the shisui set, it's fine, but if it's the shitty moonfire faire version that last the extra touches all shisui tropes have, then its trash. I roll my eyes at every "modern" glamour like shorts and a shirt, though
DPS should be going south since N add should be dead by then.
Pompadour is literally faggot hair though
What the fuck did they do to AST
whoops, didn't mean to quote.
Eden Garuda is literally going to turn into a fighter jet isnt she?
>the taller you go, the more awkward the animations look
this is why male Au Ra really annoy me, they look like they are running much faster than they are moving, especially when sprinting, catboys have the same looking sprint but they are short so it looks less bad
then we have lalas who are just fast as fuck and it looks hilarious
as for malezen, their sprint looks pretty bad, but when I was doing the GNB questline, I remember myself running in a completely different way for a cutscene that looked way better, I wish that was my default sprint
Fault Zone
>tranny tranny tranny
holy shit stop acting like a fucking faggot. why is everyone who plays this game so insufferable?
Dilate and tear your filthy plastic pussy you disguting hambeast
Thats one thing most people never understand. I see all sorts of slut glams on elezen and femroes and it just looks uncanny. They look much better in full armor or gear.
it's literally a meme hair, only people playing meme races like roes and lalas use it to double down on their meme decisions
This, desu. Its 50/50 where the vines will place you but you're still going to lose uptime on peaseblossom if they put you on the east corners regardless if you go N or S
>catboy calling everyone tranny is back
being this mad because nobody likes your shitty hair
This is why you need to rush any new raid content or be bottle necked with retards. I dont mean skip cutscnes i mean just doing it the moment you can.
There's a gif floating around of 7/8 of a party running into the spot leviathan is about to blast and falling to their death.
I've always hated the male au ra walk. It's so goofy and you could make them cat sized and it would still look dumb
I hate this retarded way of speaking.
The true chad answer is DPS E, T/H W.
Just did pic related for the first time. First boss was too hard