Post games that are a e s t h e t i c

post games that are a e s t h e t i c

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I have never played it, but i remember staring at magazine captures for hours as a kid. Is it worth me playing Yea Forums

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This is the very first game I ever played. The look and feel caused such an impact on me that even from a young age I would seek older retro games to find something that could make me feel those feelings again

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I played this again after so many years only a few months ago, I was really looking forward to it but it just felt empty

The fucking evening lobby music bro

Did anybody else fantasise over playing the games featured on the promotional leaflets that came with other gameboy games?

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the emptiness is part of the charm for me

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Brick by brick
Tock by tick
No matter how thin
No matter how thick
Papa told mama
And Laura told Nick
You can move a mountain
If you do it brick by brick


Its like going back to an older save file

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This. And the music really adds to the atmosphere.

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Super Mario Land is underrated, people don't mention it that often compared to the NES Mario games. Only downside is that you can finish it in like 40 minutes.

SML2 is cool too but I don't like it as much. Worse proportions (objects on screen are bigger so you see less) and worse music.

I think the ps1 is the king of AE S T H E T I C S
and before you call me a fanboy, I much prefer the n64 library, but there is no denying that there's something to the way ps1 handled 3D

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Yes, I did that too.

I love mario land 2, its one of the first games I ever owned, but that feeling that I associate with mario land 1 was nowhere to be found. I still play through mario land 1 at least once every year or two


One of the most aesthetically unique games ever made

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This. It really evoked the feeling of playing with Lego. Not only because there were vehicle building sections and you could change elements of the world/characters. It was isolated just like focusing on building a set or something unique. The soundtrack was very calm and soothing too.

tacky cringe aesthetic
ah, there it is.... based.

Sure. I also would bring the instruction manual of a game I owned to school so I could read it during recess and fantasize about playing the game when I got home.

Its a damn shame the 3DS remake wasn't so great

N64 had that awful smudgy look because Nintendo in their wisdom thought it was a good idea to blur every fucking game with a hardware level blur filter to "smooth out the pixels". I much prefer the sharp and pixelated look for retro 3D over smoothed "so you can't see the jaggies".


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Nobody worth their salt would pay attention to someone that can't express an opinion with full sentences. Your brains turned to mush the second you started accepting these memes as substitute for actual descriptions.

psued cringe not based not based

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post that evening lobby music

The only thing that annoyed me was the inability to walk on the grass or even the beach sand.

The screenshot you replied to has the blurriest textures I've ever seen. Most PlayStation games looked like hot ass, but they were awesome all the same. That's not in defense of the N64 either, it's simply a fact that PlayStation games looked like cat vomit with their appalling attempts at realistic graphics.

Did somebody say A E S T H E T I C?!

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Its 100% true, and yet...

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Yea Forums can't into aesthetics

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you misheard
NOT ASSthetic

Peak PS1 a e s t h e t i c right here.

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Kill yourself.

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Love watching through these just to enjoy the old feel all over again.

Is this a Lego themed point-n-click?

How does this stuff manage to have so much more S O U L than modern games?

This game is the most SOULFULL game ever made prouve me wrong

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