Hey Yea Forums what did you think of the XIII series? I just finished Lightning Returns and it was pretty fun...

Hey Yea Forums what did you think of the XIII series? I just finished Lightning Returns and it was pretty fun. I feel like the first game was kind of janky ass, but XIII-2 and LR were both really solid.

Attached: Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII.jpg (600x838, 186K)

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lightning is my wife

the three of them are great

i loved it, 13-2 was my least fav, the whole monster raising mechanic was pretty shit

i liked the core of 13's battle system and all the subtle mechanics you could figure out as you went along.

Lightning Returns still has the best combat system in any FF, the skill improvement system was pure aids but it wasnt important for your first playthrough, but if you wanted to full autism a perfect setup then fuck me you'd be grinding for hours to come, the time mangement wasnt really that because it was so easy to avoid with Chronostasis even on hardmode where they limit your EP gains so it felt more like a chore than anything else, but it did atleast incentivize the player to be efficient with their time.

>I feel like the first game was kind of janky ass, but XIII-2 and LR were both really solid.
i only played 13 and thought it was hot ass. keep hearing 13-3 and LR are improvements if not actually good games but the back log is eternal so maybe i'll play them in 2040.

you can have her everyone with taste knows Fang is best girl.

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13-2 was utter fucking shit stop pushing this meme.

yo senpai

I want to FUCK Lightning and take responsibility

post her armpits

13-2 was good, everything else was shit.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me how to get these games to run on pc with a stable framerate?

All of the games are absolute bullshit in terms of writing and cast. FFXIII was the best visually but an absolute linear slog with a hands off battle-system. XIII-2 had the dumbass timetravel plot but it did at least fix the issues with FFXIII's gameplay. LR was just an ugly cashgrab. It looks the worse, the sidequests suck, and Lightning playing dressup goes against her whole image as this stoic, hardboiled soldier. Her default outfit is fucking lit tho.

if 13s ports are similar to Type-0 then its probably the anti-aliasing method they are using. In Type-0 (from what i understand) the game will render everything in a crazy hi resolution and then down scale it to your displays resolution. Turn off the anti aliasing, and force it via your graphics card control panel. NVIDIA Control Panel for Nvidia cards and AMD Catalyst for AMD cards. Hope this helps. if not try looking here: pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XIII

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13 sucked ass, but I liked the story and characters.
13-2 sucked even more ass, and sacrificed all the good characters for an anorexic trashcan with a pink wig and some animu faggot boi. The pokemon system sucked, but damn the music was good.
13-3 haven't played it because the other 2 felt like work.

It's literally impossible unless you can bruteforce your way through high fps by using high end graphics cards.

got LR on steam sale cause sale, pit memes, and a friend said he found it fun. haven't played the other two.

combat is pretty fun. there's a bit too many one-shot or close-to-one-shot enemies, and currently i'm overpowered so there's no real interesting boss-type battles, but it's enjoyable. and i'm not a gameplayfag.

lightning is hot. all the showing off after each battle is great. i thought it was always silly from screenshots of her overly large head on a body flatter than a plank, but the animations really do sell it.

the writing is ass. story doesn't make sense, and not in such a way that i feel like i'm missing something because i started at the end of a trilogy and it's my fault, it just sounds really fucking stupid. people in general act stupid, and only some of it sounds like it's due to english translation. hope needs to shut his fucking face. i enjoyed the side quests at first but now i mostly skip through them because 1) the requests are stupid, meaning 2) the people are stupid, and 3) i don't want to see that goddamn hands-up head-shake animation anymore by sidequest NPCs.

in general i feel like i'm reading some fanfiction. the premises for a lot of things feel like they might've been thought up by a master, but then they're executed by someone with a really naive view of what constitutes good drama. snow arc seemed a little dumb, but i could entertain the idea it'd have more impact if i played the other two. noel on the other hand was retard shonen mode and i don't care in the slightest.

graphics are alright. music is probably the best and most consistent part.

all in all worth my 10 dollarydoos i suppose.
i might not actually complete it though. i feel stupider when playing it.

providence is best looking schema and lightning belongs in suits. the dress is ok too.
the correct adornment is always glasses.

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>lightning is hot
Someone please post that image from LR to prove him wrong

kill yourself 13 fag you game is hated and despised beside you 3 fucks spamming

You aren't missing much. If you are a new fag to FF look into 12 since it's the only one that is both not turnbased (if you don't like turnbased that is) and is also good.


LR is probably my favorite FF game gameplay and music-wise. I didn't like 13 much, and I'm not a fan of monster RPGs so I got sick of 13-2 quickly.

XIII-2 having a better battle system than XIII is complete bullshit. The balance is fucked, SABs and SENs are useless, Serah and Noel are gimped compared to your regular party members in XIII and exist only to support your stronger monsters, wound mechanic is irrelevant, and TP abilities were replaced with shitty QTE limit breaks.

I started Lightning Returns and while the battle system is great fun, the game structure is basically doing fetch quests on a time limit... what a disappointment, it's just not fun, specially when the story is complete bonkers.

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story: XIII > XIII-2 > LR
soundtrack: XIII = XIII-2 = LR
fun factor: XIII-2 > LR > XIII
challenge: LR > XIII >>>>>> XIII-2
overall: XIII-2 > XIII > LR

Fun trilogy.

13 was okay. 13-2 had some QoL combat improvements, but felt pretty jank overall. Never even played LR because I despise games with time limits.

Lightning is actually my wife, everyone else can fuck off

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fucking same

Leave it to Square Enix to make a female game character that truly has a perfect body. Goddamn, Lightning has a body built for SEX.

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>Yea Forums like FF XIII now

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LR is the only good one.

I hope you truly finished it instead of claiming you did. You did defeat Aeronite, Ereshkigal and Bhunivelze+?

Absolutely disgusting, I'm sorry but it's just pretty sad, she has great potential yet she looks like a literal plank.

I want to play Lightning's games.