Any oldfags here who try to pull all nighters once in a while? I typically go to bed around 5-6am anyways, but sometimes on my days off I like to push it and see if I can keep going until 10 or 11am. Drinking a Mt. Dew right now and seeing how long I can keep gaming.
Any oldfags here who try to pull all nighters once in a while? I typically go to bed around 5-6am anyways...
i don't try to pull all nighters but sometimes if i don't fall asleep in the early morning, i'll pull an all nighter. once to a few times a month
Go to sleep, user.
Sounds pretty dangerous. Whenever I stay up more than like 14 hours I get really anxious and paranoid so it's hard to pull all-nighters
What's even the point? You're dead tired and the game isn't fun when you're tired.
I'm trying to unfuck my sleep schedule so I plan on staying up till 8PM tonight after waking up at 9PM yesterday.
I've done full 24hrs before it's nothing
Where do you think the boomer with a white monster meme came from?
I don't pull all nighters exactly. My sleep schedule is just fucked up so I'm awake at these hours.
I did for destiny 1, tried doing it for destiny 2 but the game was just too shitty and not worth it. I would frequently stay up all night, or run on 3 hours of sleep all throughout high school playing FFXI. it’s a lot harder now that I’m 29, I’ll definitely cave in around the afternoon and take a 4 hour nap and reset my sleep schedule. The days of grabbing a little Caesars and gaming all night is definitely over, especially with my reflux disease. Rip oldfags
>sleeping at night
I'm almost 50 and I haven't slept at night since I was in my early 20s.
More often than I need to be doing. When I was in my teenager years it was not uncommon to go a weekend without sleep playing some new game but I can't keep that pace anymore. Sometimes when I'm reading/watching/playing something I'll do it if i'm really into it.
29yo, will turn 30 in 2 days.
Last time I pulled an all-nighter was during my university days 6+ years ago. Been working full-time since then, and I'm a complete mess at work if I stay up longer than 1am.
Played Gothic 2 yesterday until 2:30am though, worth it. Such a great fucking game.
I really don't want to. I have Saturday - Monday off, and my Saturday/Sunday was taken up with running errands, cleaning house, and seeing family. I didn't get any me time until around 11pm and now I just want to game all night and as long as I can into Monday since it's my last day off and I have nothing I need to do now.
I'm not talking 30+ hours or anything, but I can do more than 14 easily enough. I woke up at 2pm after getting about 9 hours of sleep and it's 5am now, I still feel pretty good but I will probably hit a wall at about 8am. I also always get a weird guilty feeling once the sun starts coming up and I can see it shining through my blinds, even though I shouldn't since I don't have shit to do anyways.
>people over the age of 35 still play video games
thank you for giving me nice feelings and newfound hope. People on Yea Forums keep trying to scare me by saying that i won't enjoy vidya as soon as i even hit 30yo
>stay up all night to get game time in
>fuck up and pass out accidentally, wasting the whole day entirely
Dont do it
OP here, I'm 33 and don't feel like I'm slowing down. Actually it feels the opposite, I feel like I need less sleep than I did in my teens to mid 20s. Once I hit my late 20s to now I get anywhere from 6 - 8 hours of sleep and feel fine, where I used to sleep like 8 - 11 hours before that.
Makes me feel like garbage both physically and mentally.
I definitely don’t enjoy video games as much as I used to. I definitely think new games are much shittier, but the two genres I really like (turn based rpg and racing games) are fucking dead. No one that actually likes cars likes forza horizon. The customization and car selection are garbage, also the physics are fake arcade shit
You've just seen it all by 30 and aren't as impressed anymore
Go to fucking sleep, user.
If theres a new horror game out, I usually reserve the entire weekend just for that and only play during evenings and late nights.
I wouldn't say that. I'm definitely impressed less often, but RDR2 floored me and got me totally immersed, and I'm getting into Gothic 2 for the first time now and I'm in love with the sense of adventure. So there is still something to feel, even after 25+ years of actively playing vidya.
What do you do for a living? I’m book smart and had an easy time with high school, but now that I work a technical, labor-intensive job it exhausts me mentally and physically. I can run on 6-7 hours all week if I have to but i go into a coma for 10-12 hours on Saturday and Sunday
staying up too long causes brain damage
go to sleep
>pull all nighters
Yeah, but not to play video games. I just have too many adult responsibilities to go to sleep sometimes.
I havent played a video game in a month.
What are you doing that keeps you so occupied? Are you a super booked out freelancer in IT or engineering?
29 here playing some Ace Combat and MHW while sipping on coffee. I'll probably go to bed around 11am.
I can do 7-8 hours at most, and even then that's very infrequent, like once every month.
Is this a real thread? This sounds like something a 15 year old would write.
I go to bed early and wake up at the crack of ass before anyone else wakes up and starts bothering me
That's bullshit. There's a lot I don't like about gaming right now, but that has more to do with predatory publishers with loot boxes and season passes, but as someone in their 30s I am still amazed by what games look and feel like these days. Seeing games go from the NES days to what they are now is still mind blowing to me, and it's hard for me to wrap my head around how kids can't fully understand that transition. I thought being able to play on my Gameboy in a car using street lights as a source of light was fucking incredible, and look where we are now.
Zoomers are afraid of work and commitment. They are the opposite of (stupidly) devoting themselves to a hobby
Nothing exciting. I've been a bartender for like 12 years. I was managing bars for a while but honestly I make more money behind the bar, so I went back to that. It's physically tiring sometimes and has become rather dull for me because of how long I've done it, but I only work 4 days a week and make decent enough money and I can do it on autopilot, so I've gotten too comfortable to move on. Until my knees or back finally fuck off and make me move on.
I go to sleep at 8 am. I've tried multiple times to fix it and never really can
>normie wagecuck thread
two jobs and school, gym after
>Any oldfags here who try to pull all nighters once in a while?
>Once in a while
It must be exciting to be sustained by a system that could collapse entirely at any given moment
What's wrong with that phrase? Sorry I'm midwestern so I say many retarded phrases that I'm not aware are incorrect or stupid sounding.
>Not being a slave to your boss = NEET
Good slave.
Lets be honest, that could be said for most normies living paycheck to paycheck with a 50 hour job.
Based on the sleepy loli, I'm guessing user does it more than what could be called "once in a while"
>Any oldfags here
... You are sustained by the very same system.
34 here, I'm currently playing FFXIV, had a blast with Sekiro and Nier Automata blew my mind, put more than 300h on MHW last summer.
Really looking forward to Star Citizen, Death Stranding, IceBorne, FFVII:Remake and Cyberpunk.
I have a full fledged job and a wife and kid, if you want to play you will play user.
Bad wagie.
My every work day is an allnighter so yes
I'm a private security contractor, the more fucked the world is, the more job opportunities.
>all nighters for gaming
That's mega gay, you do all nighters to shitpost on Yea Forums.
I don't think I ever did an all nighter in my life
I already play more than enough
How the fuck do I fix my sleeping schedule? I work 9 to 5, but I only wake up around lunch, every time I want to go to sleep i end up playing shit until around 3 or 4 am then I keep hitting snooze until it's too late and do the same thing on weekends.
Do I need sleeping pills?
Usually asleep by 10-11 every night.
I have to get up early to work.
i'm 29 but still feel like a 17 y/o god of a man
saving my eye drop, pepsi max, white monster, prep-meals, and home made ice-coffee with 3 minute cold daily shower ultra-marathons for the end of august; and the end of the first quarter of next year
I just pulled one. Start a new job in 20 minutes and had to stay awake
>cold shower
Fuck off
Not anymore. I tried to do it a few days ago, though it is more a problem with the games than my fortitude. Had just returned to WoW yet again and was feeling good about it, then I wasted an hour and a half in a mythic+ and an hour in the mechagon dungeon and got nothing out of it. All while dealing with the zoomer community which is somehow a perfect mixture of brainless retard and tryhard faggot cancer (example: kids who can recite the current meta like it's the holy bible, but can't perform to save their life). I remembered that even if I did get the things I desired it would just be worthless in a few months anyway, which led me to get off. Shit's irritating. I have reached my limit of putting up with the trash communities, enough for one lifetime!
There isnt a single game these days that makes me want to do an all nighter anyways.
Xiv is better then WoW try it out.
They're both shit.
cold showers make my skin so tight and slippery with soaps
i feel like an athletic dolphin beast for a good hour afterwards
Last time I pulled an all nighter was for Resident Evil 2. Couldn't put it down until I finished it. It was a great feeling, hadn't done an all nighter in years either.
I really hate having a routine so I usually just go to bed whenever I want. Sometimes I get a bit too extreme and end up staying awake for 48 hours.
Bad sleep and lack of sleep are big contributers to dementia and alzheimers, you need to rest your brain
oh man I remember this
That's kinda hot.
Absolute state of jannies
How do you all function on so little sleep? The last time I went to sleep after midnight I passed out at work and almost hit some pedestrians with my car.
Barely ever possible for me without enhancing substances
When I have a few days of I sometimes get myself some speed and game for like 2-3 days straight