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Other urls found in this thread:


Neo aquarium- king of crustaceans

whatch_dogs. never going to pre order again

MonHun World Deluxe preorder

borderlands 2
my friends insisted i bought it, because apparently the coop is fun, but holy shit. that game is absolute garbage and like fuck will i be touching borderlands 3

Pokken for WiiU, the fuck was I thinking.

>The Godfather II
>Lost Planet 2
Luckily I returned them both

Pokemon X

It will always be Brink for me.

Fallout New Vegas

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I also remembered I bought The Other M blindly 4 years after launch

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Dishonored 2


Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition.

Star Fox Zero

Came here to post this. The anal burn that never stops.


Watch dogs 1

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Diablo 3, OW, WoD-Legion-BFA

Yakuza 6

stand aside

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The Division. Man what a fucking let down that dumpster fire was. Same 2 enemies the whole fucking game and one guy who used a flamethrower. Wow.

Mass Effect 3

Easily Other M

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Tossup between E.T. and Pac-Man. Yes, I'm that old.

Legend of Legacy, launch edition.
Sold it for 50% off again after a few months.

This was first to mind for me too, but I think I might’ve only paid $30 or $40 for it.
Racking my brain a bit, I’m actually pretty good about this. I only plop down a full $60 for shit I’m 99% sure I’m gonna like enough not to get totally burned.

The Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Metal Gear Solid 5

New Gundam Breaker.
GB3 is one of my most favorite games and to go from that to THAT was just crushing.

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Grand Theft Auto V. It just didn't do it for me, objectively good tho

Company of Heroes 2

Overwatch no contest

mass effect 3.

Witcher 3
Fallout 4.


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I am almost never disappointed when i buy games full price because it's usually a pretty calculated decision. Closest I've come to regretting my purchase on a full price game would be RE5, but I still had a great time cooping with my friend the weekend I bought it.

Kingdom Hearts 3

Final Fantasy XV
couldn't get past the 3rd chapter without dying of boredom.

Dynasty Warriors 9
I thought “oh it’s just the usual crowd shitting on Musous so I don’t need to worry.”

I should have listened.
Why didn’t I listen.
All is lost.

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Call of Ctulhu 2018
Its a fucking scam. Im not even kidding.

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I can't remember the last game I paid for at all, let alone full price.

Either Arms or 1-2 Switch.

Both seemed at first like they'd be great for a bit of quick fun, and I have broken 1-2 Switch out at parties before and it's been fun, but the opportunities to play them like that are just too few and far between.

That's for 3DS, right? Why, it doesn't seem bad at all.

recently? MK11


is that the one with the huge ass maps filled with nothing

> coping

I’m embarrassed to say Fallout 76. Destiny 2 a close second. I have disposable income tho

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Black Desert Online
I asked for a refund like five times but no luck. My friends adored the game but I never found the fun

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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

I have no one to play it with and single player sucks.

The Evil Within 2, by far.

do you literally buy anything that's put besides you with no quality control whatsoever?

Prey 2017, it's so fucking boring.

It was fucking horrendous. Not to mention the grappling hook utterly trivialized the only good addition in sieges.

you literally only had to join the Yea Forumseekcord

t. normie

Destiny 2

We wanted to play it together as a group, we all love shooter and why not a little bit of grinding to kill the time. It took us 3 days (~8h/day) till we reached absolute end game with nothing else to do besides boring repitive "random" events. Splitting the main story fighting scenarios into 20 "random" events is not fun.
Stopped playing immediately and uninstalled after they announced a DLC that will be released like 3 months after the main game came out.

The average normie german gamer praises it, but its just a bland piece of shit.

Dark Souls 3

total war rome 2

Dishonored 2, boring garbage.

Fire Emblem Conquest
Unhonourable mentions: Zero Time Dilemma, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Golden Sun Dark Dawn

>Adored Red Dead Redemption
>Rockstar proceeds to ruin the sequel with overboard MUH REALISM garbage
Didn't enjoy a second of it. I forced myself through the fucking snow intro that felt like it lasted for 2-3 hours and hoped it would get better. It didn't.

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Same. Game softlocked for me on PS4 after a couple hours, and I never went back to it.

Sekiro. Its combat wasn't interesting enough to hold up an entire game without weapon choice, magic and general rpg elements from the Souls series.

bought day one

second one i bought for 15$ couple months later(for the loot in it, statue and bag tho its still sealed)

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>Fallout 76.
what are you stupid? it was so fucking obvious it was gonna be shit.

Well, time to make a burger.
Should I also make fries and cheese sticks bros?


First 4 Paper Mario games

If I knew they were gonna drive the series this far into the gutter I wouldve never even bothered

Yeah. D2 too. I’ve played 1.3k hours in first Destiny, had a lot of fun with friend, but D2 was such a bait..

monster hunter world
deeply regret buying that pile of garbage

Why not?

Watch out for am I am the dumbest person alive:

Duke Nukem Forever
Fallout 76

none :)

Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild
Fucking hype culture and Skinner's Box games

Cities Skylines, I bought the game at full price because I am into sim games. I purchased the first two dlc too. Now I am no longer able to keep up with the new DLCs that paradox has been churning out.
I ends up pirating the game I already own. Fuck those greedy jew seriously

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this. I bought it for $40 blindly, I thought it was going to be as good as DBZ Budokai and I was so wrong.

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Mass Effect Andromeda. The open areas were boring and filled with the same enemies and busywork over and over, and the story didn't hook me. Dropped it after the second planet or so.

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Fallout 4
No Man's Sky

the fuck is Brink

My friends wanted to play both. I kind of enjoyed destiny 1 though but I quit d2 very early on

I preordered Spore, Collector's Edition

none. I always do enough research to make sure what I'm getting myself into.

t. friends with normies

Dark Souls 2, the only game i never finished

This, can't believe I fucking fell for it. Thought a fresh start away from the original story could be good. Fuck me, literally one of the worst high budget games ever made.

spore was cool tho, until u get into space

grow a spine and don't let your friends influence you


>pre-order fellout 76
>see the beta
>naah and yeet to Gaystop to get my pre-order cash back
not today TODD HOWARD, i wont buy your gayme

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>DMC2 and FFX-2
pre-ordered because the first ones were such great games that made me feel something
surely the developers of genius who could do no wrong; we can only go up from here
2 hours after bring them home and playing either of them, as far as i was concerned, these games did not exist and I never spoke of them
>DC Universe Online
I saw a video of two people having a blast and praising with the game
and I remember how great everyone said City of Heroes was
so I didn't want to miss out this time
full price for the game and it came with no game time. I had to also pay for a monthly sub on top of it
all of my extra money was gone $80+ at least
the game was shit so i rage-canceled my sub that very night
i wanted to give it another shot a week later after calming down
it said i needed a sub to play even though i paid for a full month's price already

I have no more faith in video games and I don't buy games anymore.
so in a way, the money I lost ended up saving me tons later on.

Dead Space 3. Never did a pre order again after that.

Battlefield 3, broken launch, Bethesda tier bugs in the netcode, failed to capture the magic of old battlefield and failed to utilize the destruction system from bc2. First dlc was cod close combat maps. Metro 24/7. Maybe the beginning of the end was really when bc2 didn't allow modding but bf3 launch confirmed dice was sliding and they didn't even see it as a problem.

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Fallout 4 definitely
I even bought the season pass because I expected the DLCs to at least be New Vegas tier because they had more time to work on them
I was completely wrong

Metal Gear Solid 5

agreed. bought into the hype and it felt like some shit chinese RPG made by someone who doesn't understand why games are fun

andromeda, i will truly never pre order again and havent since

Hollow Knight.
Store page claims you can "forge your own path".
Absolute bullshit. You are railroaded for about 2 or 3 hours before you can even begin exploring the world (which was by the way was hardly interesting).
Oh and also the enemy design was awful. For a game that seemed like it's enemies might be somewhat varied and interesting, they were total crap. I've played games where the enemies have the sole purpose of knocking you off platforms, and even they have more fucking personality.
I would like to mention that while most bosses were okay, there were some amusing ones such as when one began to stab itself and let me kill it faster, which was good because it was actually a joke boss.
Story was pretty ho-hum. Didn't even feel the need to discuss it with others after attaining all the endings as there was just no mystery to it.

Not really

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The first Destiny

Need for speed hot pursuit (the new one)

Just Cause 4
I'm still mad.

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Diablo 3

If you played it on release, you might want to give it another try. Royal edition fixed a good deal, and the dlc is pretty good. Its far from great or the best final fantasy game, but its not the 4/10 shitpile of release.

Can't remember but it was probably when I was a console cuck.

came here to post this

I regretted pirating it

Assassin's Creed III preorder.

Wait, it's out?

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I have a ~$60 pre-order on star citizen so yeah

Telltale's Jurassic Park. I even bought the physical edition(came with some neat stuff), but the game itself was pretty boring.

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Still mad.

Battlefield 3 was the one with the invincible boats right? That shit was garbage. Will never touch another battlefield game after that

Kys you subhuman faggot

Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Pokemon Black were all pretty heinous. I didn't pay full price for Fallout 76 (who did?) but however much I paid was too much. I haven't pre-ordered a game in years, and I never buy in the first month of release anymore, as every single fucking game coming out is incomplete.

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Black and White, fuck post Bullfrog Molyneux.

no, just forget it ever existed. there is no Just cause 4

>He fell for 4 after 3 was literally the same shit as 2 with a graphics update
What did you expect? Never bet on that copy-paste shit studio.

It came out in December

Metal Gear Survive
I didn't mind the gameplay.
I didn't mind that online was dead.
Fucking Konami with their greed killed the game for me by monetising things like save slots. Bastards even gave you free premium currency for logging in everyday then cut of the free currency just as you'd be able to afford a new slot.

Fuck Konami.

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Guild Wars 2. Wish i got a refund when I still had a chance.

>Black and White
Holy fuck user maybe I could understand not being a fan of 2 with its dumbed down creatures but get fucked is Black and White 1 not kino.

This piece of shit

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3 was good even tho it was more of the same
4 on the other hand was complete shit, they threw out everything that made the previous games fun

I paid 70 dollars for it thinking it vastly improved on the previous game. It was alright but no way near full price.

I've never played a more disappointing game in my life. Even if I'd been paid to play I'd still be mad.

Toss up between Dark Souls Remastered, KH3 & No Man's Sky.

I refuse, even if I played it again my opinion will forever be tainted.

The guy promised the world and delivered practically nothing.

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3 was different to 2, but still fun to some extent. Only has like 20h to 100%
2 is still the best one. over 180h in sp and at like 90% but roaming and searching is fun, because you just stumble over stupid scenarios.
in 3 the game tells you almost everything, except for some cars/boats and there's barely anything outside of brightly marked cities.
and 4 is 3 with less good stuff

> physical edition of Brink
> CS:GO back in 2012 or so, lost account
> Imperator: Rome

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I paid nothing for No Man's Sky on release, and yet I was robbed of my time. I paid the ultimate price and I regret it.

Not sure I remember the boats being invincible was it a bug? But I do recall everything had bullet proof glass you could not shoot the drivers and take over the ships/humvees.

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I preordered collector's edition of Mass Effect 3. Let's just say I never preordered anything again.


On this note, mine is Jurassic World Evolution. That's the last time I let hype threads get to me.

>Imperator: Rome
shit man I'm sorry.

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I was about to pick it up when the Shai class released because I knew they'd do a sale for it, but then they censored it so I saved my money.

Imperator rome

Baba is you. I thought it'd be a cute puzzle game, instead I got 'stare at a screen confusedly for 20 minutes'

Either DMC5 or Dynasty Warriors 9.

Fallout 4. I made it to that factory near the first town and just lost all interest. Legitimately one of the most disappointing purchases I've ever made.

Rome 2.
With the years of support and mods it got its actually good now, but I was salty as fuck at release.
The last game I ever paid full price for or bought on release

Kingdom Hearts 3

fucking kill me

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Monster Hunter World

TY steam refunds. Shittiest port ever

borderlands 2 was okay
but borderlands presqueal was my regret

The funny thing is that the "LMAO the animations are all stupid looking and the faces r UGLY" thing everybody was harping on about before release was the least of its problems.


Sea of Thieves on day 1.
I win, thread's over.

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Came to type this exact text to the letter

lmao you fucking brainlet.

Hotline Miami 2

Hunted: The Demon's Forge

did they ever end up putting content in that game?

You cannot beat this: Star Citizen.

non full price:
Dawn of War 2
Rainbow Siege

t. toasterpc

TF2 and CSGO. Why? They went free later on.

Far Cry 3

Dragon Ball Fighterz.
>every character feels the goddamn same
>no impact or weight on any of the attacks, doesn’t feel good to hit people
>autocombos worse & more necessary in this game than any other ArcSys fighter
>no pushblock, rushdown blockstrings can go on forever & completely tank a match’s enjoyability to watch
>DLC practices were completely nonsense compared to other fighters
>lootbox color unlocks
>piss-poor netcode
>godawful story mode that does just the bare minimum on fanservice
>arcade mode is the same teams every time & nerfs your attack & defense the better you do
>single player AI completely shits itself and has no idea what to do if you keep mashing autos
>mission mode is completely pathetic and teaches you nothing about the character you want to play
I still hate myself for blowing $65 on that piece of shit to this day, and still resent Gamestop policy not giving me back a full refund within 24 hours. In hindsight, I probably should’ve just thrown the game through my disc shredder to feel better, but I gave it to my buddy for their birthday, and now it just kinda sits on their shelf, totally unplayed, which I guess was a good fate for it too.
Can’t wait for the community to drop dead after EVO so I can stop hearing about it & continue the healing process.

I paid $30 for TF2 in 2008 and it was worth every penny


Red Steel

Dragonball fighterz
The last of us

Mw3 is the only full priced game that gave me what i payed for

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Yeah but you got to enjoy the games before cheaters ruined them with f2p accounts.

FF15, that game was fucking awful

Nier Automata

I honestly don't understand why people if they aren't shills are hyped about the new Borderlands. I had my fill after 2. 3 is looking like more of the same.

5th Element game

Kingdom Hearts 3
Nothing else even comes close

Devils Third

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I want to hear from the people who bought the collectors editions of games like bfV and FO76.

Tell us how you feel. How long did you defend your purchase on Yea Forums for?

Fallout 4. Even got the Season Pass day 1 because it was cheaper so I payed €85 for it...
Most expensive game I've ever bought and one I really regret. I like Fallout 4 because of all the mods now but the first 2 years I really regret it.

Dead Rising 4...

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I don't think it was full price, but Overwatch turned out to be ultra ass.

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south park stick of truth or rime
neither of them were worth 40 bucks
the south park game was at least somewhat fun, but rime was the most boring slow dumb piece of shit i've ever played at least it looked pretty

Real friends don't let friends buy Fallout 76. Ditch em.


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There's only 4 games I regret buying.
Fallout 4, which I not only bought for PS4 instead of PC, but also bought for 70 bucks instead of 60, because it meant I could get it a week earlier. What a retarded decision.
Next is FF13. I was young, thought it would be like the trailers, it wasn't.
DBZ Ultimate Budokai was another one. Thought it'd be like Budokai Tenkaichi, but with a custom character, but it was nothing like those games, it was fucking garbage.
And the last one is Nether, a online survival game. It wasn't bad, but I bought it when it was pretty much already dead.

fucking this
i didn't buy it myself, hurt double because it was a present my gf bought with her really small income

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Fallout 3 Lunchbox CE, played about an hour if it and never went back.
Mass Effect 3 CE, bought but ended up never playing it before selling.
Same here. Paid £90 for the Ultimate Edition at launch and it took me 6 months to finish it. The game was so slow I was never in the mood to play it. By then, the price had dropped to £20 which I think is worth that at least. I should have waited.

The culling

I think I've only ever bought 2 or 3 games at full price and this was one of them.
It's not trash per se but definitely not the best game I've played in my life.

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MGSV complete with the digital pre-order bonuses.

I've never felt so used and abused by a video game after years of getting hyped for it.

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Xenoblade chronicles 2

most overrated visual novel for sure


Also the last time I ever paid full price for a game.

Sims 4.
Gave it the benefit of the doubt. Gave me shit in return.

I bought the Skyrim collector's edition.

No way this shit is not bait.

Fable III easily.

It's not utterly horrible in every conceivable aspect. But with what I experienced from Fable 2 and what I was expecting from 3, the entire thing was just a major letdown.

That thing that they called a menu system was perhaps also just a bit too ambitious.

Smash Ultimate
Street Fighter 5
R6 Siege

There's probably others

ELEX sucks so much, the game got potential but its ruined by its unfinished graphics and poorly designed playability.

i tried i really did but i think i ended every session with alt + F4, got 5 hours on it i think another hour on it will make me blow me head off.

but strangely I had fun during that one f2p week.

90 leaf bucks for dark souls 3 + DLC a couple of years ago

Brother, i came in here to look for this and post it myself.

>muh satisfaction from beating a hard enemy
>the frustration only adds to the fun xD
get out of my sight nerds

Fallout 76. I fell for Todd's lies. Feel free to crucify me

Pokémon Sun
Genuinely one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever played

shit taste my dude

Absolute shit at launch.

Overwatch. Probably played it like twice. What a shitty game.

Aion ( Collector's Edition BOX ) but atleast I got a great figurine.
Destiny 2 by far the worst purchase a gamer can make.

Spore as number 1, no contest. Also, Pokemon X was a fucking snoozefest after BW2.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Vanilla.

No, I did not have online access. Yes, I was a dumbass.

CoD Ghosts. The last CoD I played was MW2 and I really liked the multiplayer given it's shortcommings, but holy fuck was this a steaming pile of shit.


I knew it was going to be trash but I bought it on the premise that the sale would help the next mainline game would release sooner. had I known it was going to be all the way in 2020 I never would've purchased it.

The fall outfit Isabelle amiibo is nice, I like her on my work desk. Digby and Lottie are together on my dresser.

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i unironically bought WarZ so probably that

The Last of Us. I bought a PS3 for that game and hyped myself up for years over it.

Paper Mario Sticker Star, because I was hardly familiar with what the game became after the initial reveal (which showed a much more 64 styled game, at least in terms of world design and characters). On the upside, it was also the game that finally made it click for me, that something had been seriously wrong with Nintendo since the late Wii era.

space engineers


You're probably talking about the first one. I'm not sure anyone liked 0 enough for it to be overrated

>Mw3 is the only full priced game that gave me what i payed for
I have the exact opposite experience.
MW2 was so fucking good I really expected it to be fantastic but it was such a disappointment.
Bought it day one with my friends, stopped playing it after about a week of years and regrets.

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Fuck me, Starbound was a scam.
>Lets make a worst Terraria with more """content""" and make building pointless as every planet is coated in pre builts and you have a fucking spaceship
>Lets not make the combat or rpg elements better to make up for it
>Lets charge more than Terraria and have fewer updates

BB fanboy detected

Starfox Zero, easily.
I play on all supports and know when a game isn't worth buying full price, but for some reason I didn't see that game being bad. Oh how I was mistaken.

It’s hard to top the utter, unrelenting, bottomless pit of disappointment this game turned out to be.

It could have been so much more.

But on a disappointment per dollar paid basis Octopath traveler since I was dumb enough to buy the collectors edition.

Destiny 2. Didn't even bother to finish the main story.

I too bought it due to Operation Genesis nostalgia. Never again will I let that happen.

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after bioshock infinite my spidy-sense of detecting shitty games pre-release refined itself tenfold

I don't know why I even bought it

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What I gathered from your post is that Nioh and DBZ are both excellent games. Can't fucking believe anyone would like MW3, the SP was an embarrassment and multi got stale incredibly quickly.

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Kingdom Hearts 3
As someone who followed the series since the beginning and played all the handheld games, this game is a fucking mess. It has the worst pacing I've ever experienced in a game and the worst fan service for a game that's spposed to tie everything up.

>disappointing based on my friends hyping things up unnecessarily
The Division

>disappointing based on how poorly the studio handled a good game by implementing cosmetic micro transaction DLC

>disappointing based on how a studio released a hollow game in order to turn a $60 game in to a $200 one spread out over 3 years

>disappointing based on how high of a bar Halo:Combat Evolved set for having a good story
Every Halo since CE

>disappointing based on having the worst fucking boss fight ending
Fable 2

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Either Fable 2 or Dead Rising 2

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I have only paid full price for Pokemon Gold and Dragon Quest Monsters. Both good games.

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I had such high hopes.

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Sekiro. CLANG simulator is one of the most boring and uninspired game I've played.

Guild Wars 2 no doubt
what a piece of garbage

Hotline Miami 2

Monster Hunter World

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You're not alone, user.

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Destiny 2. Then Overwatch.

GTA V by a mile

Skyward Sword

Wolfenstein 2: TNC
Not buying any ID game any time soon, hope you people have fun with doom eternal


Overwatch and The Witcher 3. Played for a few weeks then realized this "next gen" was garbage and sold my ps4. I haven't touched another game made in the past 4 years. Are there any good ones that are on PC?


Dragon Age Origins on PS3

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Bioshock infinite. I was so hyped and then it became abundantly clear that I did not enjoy it.

Yeah, Overwatch and The Witcher 3, since the only garbage here is your taste
>muh good ones on PC
You have 40 years of emulation available boomer, ask google

avp 3 (2006). it was the first and the last game i ever pre-ordered. i fucking loved avp 2 and assumed this was just gonna be like it and the free multiplayer demo was fantastic even if it was just wan one map.
then the game released and the campaigns were decent but the multiplayer had only 7 maps and 2 of those were survival only. it also had on disc dlc. and the developers never delivered on the promised modding support. the multiplayer was fun though for what it was. but it died like 3 weeks after release.
i was so mad that since then i never ever preordered a game anymore and never bought a game at full price. its what turned me into a permanent pirate.

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Fallout 4

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that's peak "reasons to hate EA".

sekiro shadows die twice

Dark Souls 2
It's the game that taught me to not get hyped for things



Risen 3
I am one of the 2 people who actually liked 2 because there was still a shred of Gothic atmosphere in there
3 is so generic and boring. I will also never understand the change of the main character. His german VA was atrocious.


Even worse I bought it on PS4 and PC when it came out.

>Day 1 Witcher 3
I forced myself to play it for 10 hours and convinced myself that it was going to get good anytime now.

Bioshock Infinite
Yoshi's New Island
Sonic '06

>be kid
>can buy like one game every 3 months
>somehow always pick the shittiest shovelware movie tie in garbage

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It wasn't so bad

>still no Spore 2 and never will

S:G Elite
0 is good. Elite is trash

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>Always ended up picking well regarded classics despite never reading magazines or anything
Feels good, man.

i did every quest in the game desperately searching for the fun

i spent 90% of the game in silver shroud outfit because every other outfit in the game looked like dogshit

i feel like your mileage will vary on this game depending on how familiar you are with valkyrie profile

it feels like they wanted to make a VP game but needed to put FF on the box

One More Dungeon. Just a dog shit game.

Darkest Dungeon cus I had pirated that game before and found it subpar but thought it might have something to do with pirate's fatigue or whatnot. Bought the game on console thinking I'd give it a shot or at least archive it for someone else to play and ended up feeling underwhelmed once again.

>the multiplayer was fun though for what it was. but it died like 3 weeks after release.

Because of awful netcode (or lag in general), cause it was an age of p2p hosting and lack of support for dedicated servers thanks to multiplatforming. I also bought it after playing the demo.

what were you expecting that the game did not deliver on? it was a 10/10 for me after ending E


I've never even heard of that series

My dumb ass bought this too.

Mass Effect Andromeda.
Fable 2

hadn't you played the demo?

yeah exactly.


Lightning is basically standing in for a VP protagonist in FF13-3

It's been a while since i paid full price, but I'd say either Kirby Triple Deluxe or Ys: Memories of Celceta.

GTA 5 on Playstation 3.

Turns out DnD is a real waste of money if you don't have any friends to play with. I thought i could just find someone on fb or whatever, but i couldn't.

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shit taste, Lightning Returns is the best FF since XII

final fantasy 13

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Halo 4 and 5
4 really hurt bought it at launch and had to wait weeks before I could play it. it sat there for a month and when I beat the campaign I just felt entirely dejected. Idk why I got 5

Hearts of Iron IV
I thought it was going to be a complex simulation of WWII but it's just
>lmao draw a line on the map and win xd

What have you played and what's preferred?

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Bioshock Infinite


black ops 4

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Wanted to play something, anything on my Wii, it was a time before the console blew up in games and I hadn't done the jailbreak.

Or this one too, bought the LE even. At least I finished it.

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Hmm probably One Piece Unlimited World R deluxe edition the most fun you'll get out of it is looking at the cover and the fancy shading in cutscenes the gameplay is shit and the game is ugly as fuck during gameplay.

>I also remembered I bought The Other M blindly 4 years after launch
Same here, but certainly not at full price.
Was reduced to 10 bucks. Still way too much for that garbage.

Scratch that, nothing tops the unrelenting pain and sorrow I felt when I realized what Diablo 3 actually was. That feeling of utter disgust when I realized the drops were rigged to force you to go to the auction house and spend more money made me hate Blizzard forever

I am still mad. That was my last preorder.

One of the best games on PC, you just uninstalled

It's a big tie between Diablo 3 a Sim City 2014? was it I can't remember when it came out.

For Honor. Friends managed to convince me to buy it. It was a fucking disaster at launch, the netcode/infrastructure was so shit that like a quarter or more of all matches failed with some error, either before even starting or in the middle of the game. Beyond that it was so shit that it didn't like the network some friends had or something so we weren't even able to all play together most of the time and we had to fuck around with who was hosting the 'party' all the time.

To top it all off, despite being a fucking full-priced retail game, it had microtransactions which allowed you to progress quicker and were essentially P2W. Never fucking spending full price on anything Ubishit ever again. Fuck them.

Anthem. I got what I deserved for thinking it would be okay at best...

>drops were rigged

Better back your claims up, I had 3 lvl 90+ characters in D2 and none of them managed to get more than 1-2 good/great items throughout months of playing.

>Halo 4
my bro got the collectors edition with the white metal case, what a let down and waste of money. I have played all the other campaigns several times but only touched 4 once and didn't even bother with 5
fingers crossed infinite will be good

These are some games off the top of my head.

The Witcher 3
Was hyped because of here, and I got bored of the main story.

Monster Hunter 3
Just didn't click with me.

Pokemon UltraSun
This one feels exciting at the start, then you realize how shallow the game is and stop 7 hours in.

The Division
The Hud turned me off.

Watch Dogs
Looked like shit compared to the Initial trailer.

BOTW (sort of)
Hated it at first, then replayed it months later and loved it, but never finished it. Tried to come back to it, and it doesn't feel fun anymore. I would start a new file, but I dont want to repeat the intro yet again.

And World Seeker manages to be even worse in general apart from maybe character models. How do these fuckers still ruin OP games I'll never understand.


Tie between Oblivion and Fallout 3. Looking back at it, I can't believe I trusted Bethesda twice.

Mass effect andromeda

God, this predicament is what kills me every time
>purchase the shit game to support the series
"Oh, players want more of this type of game, we better shift the series towards it"
>don't purchase the game because it's shit
"Oh, players don't like this series any more, let's drop it entirely."

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but it's also the one I'm least happy with out of the 3 games I bought for $60

It's because the other two were DMC 5 and REmake 2

Final Fantasy 15
Fuck that game

fucking BRINK. I even pre-ordered, last time I did that though.

Infinite won't be good man 5s campaign was awful and the multiplayer was decent for a call of duty or Titanfall game but it wasn't Halo. Halo is fucking dead

None really, always buy on sale, or if full price I make sure its good, maybe some bad games I've bought that were coop/multi so still had a good time though.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

I don't know why but it's boring.
Maybe someone can telle if it gets better.

Star Ocean 5.

What's worse is that I pre-ordered it and was genuinely hyping it up in threads before release saying it was going to be the best great RPG and make up for the disappointment shit like the Tales series has been for the last few entries. I'm sorry if I actually convinced anyone to waste money on it like I did.

diablo 3

I played Overwatch on my friend's PS4 and enjoyed it, so I picked it up for PC. I hadn't realized how slow Blizzard was to roll out new content.

MGS V. Second (after The Orange Box) and last game I ever pre-ordered.

>But user, you never pre-order games
>No, this is different. This is a kind of game that comes out once a decade and you KNOW it will be amazing

Valuable life lesson.

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This but the PC version.


I beat it in two hours.

Never been so disappointed in my life. At least I had the excuse of being 11 and it was 2002.

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I knew it was going to be bad but I just had some hope, didn’t get past 5 hours

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Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

this game got Bethesda into my ''aint giving them a dime'' list

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X Rebirth

I haven't bought too many games full price.
If we count early access alpha games, then it's a tie between H1Z1 and DayZ. Yes, I know, I got burnt twice and I've never done it again.
If those don't count because early access, then Homefront. I'd argue that Homefront wasn't completely awful, sure, the single player sucked in terms of its sp component, but the mp had some interesting elements that were kind of fun. Still an incredible disappointment, considering what it was.

Its combat just feels so sloppy and unsatisfying in the long run. Got back to DMC4/3 pretty quickly after beating it on all difficulties

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My Hero: One's Justice.

Same, except I got both 3 and NV GOTY editions as a gift. Wish I could return them back and get another game.

the witcher 2

This was the first game I got with the PS3. I didn't know much about the series other than I really liked FFX.

I know opinions of this game can be quite polarizing but I thought the game had beautiful graphics and an amazing sound track but couldn't get over all the linear hallways and a battle system that plays itself.

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Fable 3 collectors edition. Though to be fair, the coin is still cool.

>No Man's Sky
same, it still hurts, haven't even checked out the new stuff because i refuse to change my mind about it. i blame Yea Forums for shilling the shit out of it in the weeks before launch.

Bless Online. Collector's Edition.

Only if you weren’t anticipating the masterpiece of a game it was supposed to be, and unlike Peter molyneux games, the stuff Will Wright promised was in the game but EA made an executive decision to cut most content and dumb it down to make it more child friendly.

The Last of Us. I haven’t preordered a game since.

A part of me didn't even want to play it but felt like I was kinda obligated for the sake of getting some "closure" after waiting several year after kh2.

What I got was a mindless hackslash(even on harder modes) and a dumb story full of filler with an even dumber conclusion that was just another cliffhanger for the sequel that'll come out in another 13 years.

To rub salt in the wound. The game flopped so hard that it's selling for $20 only a few months after launch. Never again SE.

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controls are shit and you have to spam hops just to go round corners

>tfw Ratchet and Clank is dead

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Guild Wars 2

beta was the only fun part

Yoshi's New Island

Played DS1, had a blast, bought the DLC, instant regret

>thinking you're above "normies"

Both of these games for me.

>Zero Time Dilemma

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Every Smash game i've ever bought, yet i still buy it
isn't GW2 free?

Jump Force

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>nobody mentions Colonial Marines
>wife got pizza and beer on the way home from work
>watched me play it
>after 15 minutes I said "there's something really wrong with this..."
Fuck Randy. He needs a thousand paper cuts and to be tossed into a barrel of salt.
And for that barrel to be raped by an elephant. Real hate fuck. Like it had real martial problems.


Star Fox Zero

> E.T.
> I'm that old.
sure, but you are also the one of the only fuckers here who bought an actually bad game worth complaining about.
respect, man, that sucks.
the game part, not your age.

I even got one of the special editions. I know your pain.


I worked my ass off as a kid to help my mom with bills and barely had any money leftover for personal enjoyment, so this particular piece of shit withstood the test of time in all my vidya regrets. Aside from character design that pulled me in this game had fucking ZERO redeeming qualities. "Square-Enix? BOY HOWDY those are the guys that did Chrono and Final Fantasy! They can do no wrong!" God dammit I'm still mad over 15 years later.

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>It's the same but better

Your favorite game.

I don't like FighterZ either and even sold my copy of the game for another but no pushblock, and autocombos being more necessary than any other ArcSys game just isn't true

I was going to say Brink but holy shit this
I was convincing myself that Watch_Dogs was good and enjoyable and then it deleted my save file.

>direct upgrade to the original gc versions

>It's the same but better
Whatever you tell yourself, m8.

Limiting myself to recent games, Monster Hunter World. Faggots hyped this turd of a series up for years only for it to turn out to be shitty clunky combat straight out of 2002 and basically just a budget-bin version of Dragon's Dogma with added grind for Asian insect people.

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Splatoon 2
D44M (Nintendo Switch Edition)
Halo 4
Octopath Traveler
SNK Heroines (Nintendo Switch)


I bought an Xbone for Master Chief Collection

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Bought this day one

BFA+two character transfers to play with friends. It was probably the first time I legitimately felt as if I was scammed.

I bought the fallout 4 pipboy edition, it's still in my shed

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Octopath Traveler
>never pay more than $20 for a computer game

the game plays literally nothing like Dragon's Dogma at all. The combat system is uniquely its own its not dark souls or devil may cry or bayonetta. Not saying you need to like it but if you bought a MH game thinking it plays a bog standard 3rd person button masher you have been completely misled.

>Bought an Xbox for halo MCC too
> Come to find out everything in the game is broken except for Halo CE's singleplayer.
My close second would have to be Cod WW2.

Devil May Cry 5.

>no puzzles
>level '''design''' is literally walk to a room to fight
Never been more disappointed in my life, especially coming from 3 and 4.

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The problem isn't that it plays differently, the problem is that the way it plays is complete trash. Clunky slow combat that feels like shit, at least if you're going to have my swing take 1-3 second of telegraphing, I better not need to hit a monster more than twice or thrice with it in its weakspot.
>m-muh git gud
No, it FEELS like shit, I'm not talking difficulty. Just swinging the weapons around in thin air with no enemies around feels like shit.

>be me
>see game cover with dude in armor walling towards a wall of blue bros
>see name "dark souls"
>"this game looks like i could enjoy it"
>buy game for xbox360
>it's everything i though it was
>spend hundreds of hours playing, get every achievement and multiple characters for pvp and roleplay
>tell friends about it, they don't comply
>"i wish they saw how awesome this game is"
>few years later it has become the most mainstream shit in the entire gaming indistry that journalist use it as an example for dificult game.

Is this hell?

Colonial Marines

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Because I like 2, and I haven't had my fill also pic

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I had my fill with the first one.

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god of war 2018



>Imperator: Rome
>buying paradox games
>buying paradox games at launch
>buying paradox games full price without any dlcs
Nigga just how can you fuck up so much?

I pre-ordered Destiny 1's deluxe edition under the assumption that the child of Halo and COD was going to be the next best thing

What a mistake that turned out to be.

Mass Effect 2

Paid far more than full price too

Guild Wars 2 for me as well, I dont even think I played 2 weeks of that thrash. Worst MMO I ever played and I played them all (yes it was even worst than SWOTOR).

Pokemon Moon

that was the best one though


Fucking regret, I played it for about a week on release before completely hating how braindead it is.

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Dragon Quest XI, fuck that boring generic snoozefest of a 'game'

Mgs v


Never buying anything on launch ever again.

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Recent games:
>Mafia 3
Never finished that piece of shit
Shitty online and a shitty story
>Ghost Recon Wildlands
Repetitive trash
>REmake 2
Lost all of it's original's soul.
>Metro Exodus
Bought it on Xbox One, not good, not bad, just extremely boring
>Dishonored 2
>Destiny 2 Pre-order Digital Deluxe
Made me realize to never EVER pre-order games anymore no matter the developer, I also blame the autist that made me buy it, I forgot his name.
>Dark Souls 3
>Ark Survival Evolved

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I bought the division 1 at 90% off and I STILL feel ripped off

That's all musous ever

>even pre ordered it digitally so i could hop right into the MP as soon as the game launched

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>Lost all of it's original's soul

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I pre-ordered MGSV and was so mad at how fucking awful it was, even the parts kojimafags swear were well done, that I have never in my life pre-ordered a game again. That was the one singular game I've ever pre-ordered and I refuse to ever do it again for that reason. I literally could not have pre-ordered a worse game.


Second this. I remember hyping up so much by watching or reading anything I could. Only to be crushed, by a lazy excuse for a video game. Literally the only thing I remember from the game was the reference to the infamous 4D Space twist from SO3.

This is one the worst aspects of the last generation. There's an ocean of dead multiplayer and online modes. It's pretty daunting.

Its true though, they even fucking had to add a Nemesis that have nothing to do in the game for no other reason than to give ADHD Zoomer kids like you more actions.

>liking DEmake 2

This guy gets it.

I only bought artifact and gw2 at full price, I'd say artifact was a worse buy but gw2 was disappointing as well.

Probably Sonic 06.

a friend convinced me to buy this shit, I like 90s JRPG so I thought it would be cool ... it's shit, it's worse than I've ever played, the only good thing is the art

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Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi
what a shitty game.

Warriors Orochi 4.
Before that was Ninja Gaiden 3. Fuck Koei.

Bayonetta 2
The game is trash, the series is trash.

Dark Souls 2
that was one hell of a hype boner killer

Rollercoaster Tycoon World


Bioshock Infinite. Even when to midnight release.

I got fallout 4 with like 20% off, but it was still the greatest disappointment of my gaming life and I've been pirating ever since.

>dislikes NV
>posts some western porn shit
Checks out. Stay in /aco/ next time, faggot.

super mario odyssey


gtav or skyrim

That's what you deserve for putting your faith in bethesda.

Kingdom Hearts 3, waste of money unfinished mess of a game

Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Never falling for this shit again.

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Either Dark Souls 2 or MGR:R

Watchdogs... it was unplayable. The driving was rad racer tier, completely unfinished. I got it for my 16th birthday I snapped the disc in half after 4 hours. Just fucking awful

Risk of Rain 2

Probably RDR2. I even preordered it, the first time in a whole decade.

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I pirated this shiiiiit

fallout4, skyrim, battlefield 3, mordhau.

oh yeah and Darksouls 3

Kingdom Hearts 3

A few good parts but a wholly unfinished game, and it shows.

The lightgun Judge Dredd game during the PS1 era. It was about £40 on release and it only featured a shit short campaign. I beat it in one sitting, found there was no more content and felt ripped off.

Mr. X was shit in the original and I'm older than most the fags in this thread

Seeing a lot of sequels be mentioned. Proof that sequels are always the most cursed entries in many series.

Both Dark Souls 2 and MGSV disappointed me but Dark Souls didn't really mean much to me so V was the bigger disappointment and certainly the last 60 dollar game I bought on release without pirating first

What up normie normalton. I bet you don't even season your food.

every non japanese game

Medal of Honor Warfighter

Rome 2: total war
Never pre ordered anything again

Hi Konami.

Kingdom Hearts 3. It's so shallow, I don't wanna play it. I got bored in the Toy Story world.

Fallout 4 was the biggest disappointment of this decade for me. I swallowed the hype and preordered it too.

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Why? Its legitimately my own personal game of the year, and will only get better as they balance and add new things.
Plus its still early access.

Blow me retard; MGSV was retarded garbage that felt completely out of place in the timeline and you know it.

Tie between Mercenaries 2 and BRINK

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Probably PUBG.
Just randomly got game banned without any reason or explanation.
Also the game wasn't even that good, just fucked around on it with friends.

How can you feel bad about Mercenaries 2? The environment was totally destructible.

Scooby-Doo, for N64

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Most people probably hate it because you start off stuck with the commando and he fucking sucks. Being forced to play a boring class with no iframes or AoE in a game like Risk of Rain is just asking to piss some people off. All the other classes are leagues better and more fun, but take work to unlock.

here, originally I bought it to play with some friends; before that, the closest I got to playing a rogue-like was Castle Crashers, which probably doesn't even count as one to most people. All I learned from RoR2 was that I don't like the genre at all, and for what it's worth, I've never played the original yet it looks equally boring to me

when this thread hits limit will someone make another one for "Videogames that were terrible but you played it all the time because it was all you had"
mine would have to be re5 and turok evolution.

Tfw all Sony platformers are dead and replaced with soulless open world third person action adventure games with stealth elements

>File Deleted

File Deleted

>Castle Crashers
I don't think you know what a rogue-like is, literally. Castle Crashers is a beat 'em up.