Tell me what you think about my FPS tier list
Tell me what you think about my FPS tier list
Deus Ex, Dishonored, Fallout, and Portal are not FPS.
I know but they are still in First person.
I didn't choose the games, i was just told to put them in tiers
>BFBC2 in S
>3 in A
>no sign of BF2 or 2142
>same shit for Far Cry
>Fallout 3 in S
seriously your tier list is so bad, so many games missing too
Where's MW2 you fucking ape
>Battlefront 2 over Battlefront 1
>Fallout anything higher than C when being rated as an FPS
>Black worth mentioning at all because babby's first console shooter had shitty bullet decals and exploding barrels
>Quake 3 but no 1
>BC2 in S
>no BF2 or 2142
>Overshit isn't in D
>Halo above B
>Memelands 2 above C
>Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon are in there while 1 and 2 aren't
>Fucking Portal is on here
It's shit, and I haven't even played all of the games that are on there, so there are probably one or two more fuckups.
Battlefield 3 is in A since i only played half of the single player
never touched the multiplayer cause i didn't have internet back in 2011
BFBC2 is in S cause the bad company games are fucking god tier (to me atelast)
never played battlefield 2 or 2142
Far Cry 3 is in A cause i don't consider it that bad to be in B, but also not that good to be in S
Fallout 3 is in S cause i enjoyed it equally as much as New Vegas
List is missing games cause i had to work with what my friend gave me
made me hide your thread
Overlooked BF3
>BF3 in A
Never mind, this list is fucking horrible
>Portal 1 and 2
>Mirror's Edge
>Deus Ex in S tier when the shooting mechanics are godfucking awful
>New Vegas and 3 as S tier shooters
>Bioshock 1 > 2
That's gonna be a yikes from me
Boring linear pile of shit
>desu eckz
Not a real FPS
Not an FPS
>Fallout NV/3
Fuck kerfuffle shitgames
Your tier list needs major work if you can't even get S tier right.
Real FPS S tier:
>Doom 1
>Final Doom
>Quake 1
I don't understand what you are trying to do.
Deus Ex is great, but it's not very good when it comes to shooting, neither is Bioshock. Also Portal? That's a first person puzzle game.
You are putting too many eggs in one basket, it's unclear what the tier list is even about.
Serious Sam is garbage and so is you list.
Where the fuck is Blood and Shadow Warrior?
>muh first fps games
unironically blow your brains out you fat old piece of shit, you didn't even include doom 2
>spending this much time on bait
wew lad
Painfully entrylevel.
>old good
>new bad
I don't really have to see the list to know this.
What did you guys like about Doom 3? I personally never enjoyed it, even when it first released. It always felt like a glorified tech demo with shitty guns and shittier enemy placement.
Here's another for you