Yea Forums has a fetish for vidya water now

>Yea Forums has a fetish for vidya water now
Good. That means we can have a thread. Post favorite H2O.

Attached: gelato.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

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Somebody post Miiverse water guy.

Crash 3 has nice water.

sea of thieves

Attached: glover pier.webm (860x624, 2.52M)

I miss this kind of water

FFX is water-kino. Appreciate what we have been given fellas.

Morrowind with the default pixel shading still looks amazing. No mod has been able to surpass it

Attached: CD42B8B7-3D1B-418F-BA0F-BFEE3583D397.jpg (1024x768, 133K)

Maybe the only thing starfox adventures got right was the water

Attached: water.jpg (600x600, 67K)

Adventures was a fine game.

Wish I had a good pic, but Galaxy 1. Something about the water just looks so new and shiny, even still. Blew my mind when I first played it

Order of Ecclesia had some lovely sea levels.

Yea Forums used to be terrified of water

Damn good music too.

Attached: gamer-girl-bathwater-belle-delfluid-h2-hoe-brand-names-for-60407670.png (500x619, 97K)

Attached: bdd.jpg (720x697, 38K)

Glover felt so uncanny and isolating. Great game honestly.

What's your favourite type of water bros? I love the bright clear water you see by the coast and islands, atolls are kino. Vibrant light blues are nice too. Deep blue oceans are spooky imo

is morrowind water broken on modern GPU/OS or something, it looked really weird when I fired up the game to see if it worked, but I didn't get further than walking off the boat

for me, it's sprite cherry

Dont Say Holy kkdjddu soo ofensive e Holy Spirit of God ,soo absurd to Say

7.8/10 thread

I like the water in Violet Evergarden

Attached: original.gif (540x300, 2.97M)

3rd game in upper row?

Nvm I am retarded, seeing it's a LEGO hobbit.

Attached: 21345356567.gif (240x180, 2M)

Bright blue water like in the tropics. Videos don't do it justice.
I also like well-kept tiled pools.


Probably the ones you see in forests and running down rivers and into a lake. Seeing all the rocks and stuff at the bottom is really neat. It's more of an earthly clear kind of water.

I like this video game