>Geralt obviously wearing a terrible wig to hide the actor's receding hairline
>Triss is black for some reason
>elves going full WE WUZ
>since Triss is black they probably won't have her take advantage of Geralt's amnesia, he'll just want her in general
>Yennefer is younger than Geralt for some reason
>probably won't be the gigantic cunt she actually is
Why can't Hollywood get vidya right?inb4 muh books. the series is being made due to the popularity of the vidya
Geralt obviously wearing a terrible wig to hide the actor's receding hairline
geralt isnt supposed to be that handsome. women screwed this up
>Why can't Hollywood get vidya right?
Because all the writes are dumb liberal women.
>dumb liberal women
you just said the same thing three times
>inb4 muh books. the series is being made due to the popularity of the vidya
why do people keep saying this as if the series is actually reflecting the books accurately?
His body is close to the vidya Geralt, though different from book Geralt.
He should be a lot more scarred up though. I'm guessing this is their younger days?
he is absolutely jacked compared to video geralt. geralt is defined but his muscles arent bulging out of every seam. in a shirt he would have a moderately athletic build. henry is slightly below bodybuilder level.
I don't like most of the casting picks but Henry Cavill is a gigantic Witcher nerd.
Not just TW3, he played all of them.
He was into TW1 when it was still obscure.
He read all the books.
He was specifically nagging the director to be picked as Geralt.
He already changed the script in part by making Geralt less talkative and closer to his personality in the books where he talks less, the original script had him talking more.
Shouldn't such a huge fan of both the games and the books be rewarded for his dedication?
Not video games, take this to Yea Forums
>white male feels entitled to a role
colour me surprised
who is this cumslut
geralt should be a person starving to death, with less muscle than this
>I'm guessing this is their younger days?
you are not adapting the books either
Yea Forums doesn't talk about movies and tv series, Yea Forums is Yea Forums's white supremacist board under the direct control of /pol/.
They're /pol/'s media branch.
nonwhites shouldn't even exist
silence, liberal
>american use american imperialism to drastically change a slavic story
it's amazing they see nothing racist with that
i just wonder why they didnt change geraldt but they did the women
like theres the obvious outrage that would occur but honestly, idras elba would have been fine as a witcher in this universe certainly, just not geraldt
why didnt they just go original but in the witching world.
why is changing the chicks ok but ooohooo dont wanna stray TOO far from the source material, but we sure as fuck gonna make the nilfgaards wear fucking igneus rock armor and not balling as fuck black platemail
fuck this
what the fuck
superman looks good for the role, but the quote in the trailer isnt at all promising
some shit about chaos is powerful but it can destroy you
wowee so revolutionary i cant wait to see what happens
especially with yennifer woweeeee im so INTRIGUED to learn about all the shit we already know
i mean fuck shes going from hag to woman in the trailer we're just getting a bullshit redo
wtf geralt is not that big in the games
>we're not adapting the fucking movies
>we're also not adapting the books clearly
>just fit in anything you want and put in your personal politics when you want to
literally a fan fiction and nothing else, garbage, i feel sorry for Cavill
>A Witcher! Hide your women!- The Witcher 1 NPCs
They're not adapting the books either though.
t. never goes to Yea Forums
Yea Forums generates more content and maymays than any other board, by far. if anything, /pol/ is the butthurt faggots like who can't handle banter (Americans)
I thought Yea Forums is just the cunny dogwhistling board, with sneedposting as a deterrent for anyone snooping around.
>>elves going full WE WUZ
those were dryads, not elves
it's just a case of bad editing to put the line about elves in while the dryad footage is being played
because they have a high libido and can use persuasion magic, not because they are sexy to women
>Yea Forums generates more content and maymays than any other board, by far. if anything, /pol/ is the butthurt faggots like who can't handle banter (Americans)
kek imagine being enough of a faggot to actually believe this shit, Yea Forums is reddit incarnate and hasn't produced a meme in years
>seethes over /pol/ uncontrollably
good job showing your true colors right out the gay estrodome
So what are those bumps on the leg?
pressure sores?
The face/hair is fine but holy fuck he's too ripped.
gate, fuck
I still got excited when I saw the final shot
I wish they'd treat Witchers more like freaks and less like handsome muscular daddies with big dicks who can't get STDs and can't get women pregnant.
There will not be geratls amnesia, this is not an adaptation of the games
neither the books
it's a glorified fanfiction
>*whistles for low budget horse*
>cuts to quest marker
>*special netflix diversity vision activates*
>"Mhhhmmm... small stabs wounds all over the victim... a Shitskin™ gotta be"
>"Come one, Roach"
>follows camera
>nigger elves appear
>"shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALALALALALAL *sets shitskin on fire and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and guys guys in half"
>"MMhhhmm.... Niggers™ pretending to be Shitskins™... better tell the women about this"
>"come on roach"
>cuts to village council made out of women
>"Just some Niggers™ posing as Shitskins™, here's proof *shows torn up job application*
>to be continued
You are canonically wrong bro, it is common knowledge in universe that Witchers are infertile, and since this is the fabled times before condoms, roasties beeline for Witchers since they notoriously 1. are always on the move and would thus lead to no emotional baggage, and 2. No pregnancy risk.
>the series is being made due to the popularity of the vidya
No, that's where you are wrong, it's being made due to the popularity of Game of Thrones and made for Netflix, a platform that is primarily for women.
Take that into account and now almost everything makes sense.
sure, but i still didnt see anything about it being because geralt is handsome. sounds like sluts are just using witchers in general.
who cares what some hollywood pedo faggot is into. The show is going to be trash like everything netflix touches.
kek fuck niggers
>Expecting Hollywood not to be shit
>elves going full WE WUZ
those are dryads
Everything else pretty accurate
So this is how a brain on retardera looks like.
They literally have a rape-spell, user.
>the wig looks fine in most scenes
>she's white with dark skin, you just want her to be because now having a tan = black for some resaon
>the entire series has to do with racial tensions between humans and non-humans that's kind of the point
>the games take place nowhere near the beginning of the books, this is based on the books, and again, not black
>this is literally just you WANTING it to be bad
This is based on the books. The director has said so. You can tell, because literally none of the scenes shown so far are from the games. Andrzej Sapkowski is one of Polands most decorated and recognized authors. He's won a fuckton of awards, had a fuckton of best-selling novels BESIDES the Witcher series and has been recognized the world over for his talents. Just because your plebian ass has never heard of something before it got made into a video game doesn't mean it's not popular outside of that video game. It looks good, stop being a faggot and enjoy good fantasy.
>stop being a faggot and enjoy good fantasy.
The books didn't come until later. The series started as a series of short stories that were later adapted into books.
>literally nobody played
>not even the main actor, oh wait
you are cringy
Name a good fantasy book series. Go on.
>Andrzej Sapkowski is one of Polands most decorated and recognized authors
>one multinational award
>after the games made him famous
>the rest is just meaningless polish shit nobody cares about outside of fantastyka
I do find it funny that "people" somehow think that we care about him in any meaningful way.
not the books either what are they adapting then retard?
Sounds like Yea Forums.
switch middle with right and i'd say it's passing
t. literal racist
I unironically liked that other Wiedzmin TV series. Sure first 2 series were a fanfic (good in itself though), and the last two series were "seems like we are being discontinued, gonna wrap this up QUICK". But the bulk was pretty fucking dope, cheap CG or not.
what was the difference between the lame corpus and the ascended sleeper guys willpower?
Memorable music too.
There has been only one good Witcher series so far.
>Shouldn't such a huge fan of both the games and the books be rewarded for his dedication?
Yeah, by not having the show turned into Netflix adapted trashfire. Though to be fair he new that's what it would be, it's his fault for not realizing it would suck.
True, but it's weird that fans go ga-ga over Triss and Yennefer when sorceresses play even dirtier tricks in the setting/plot. Hell, a lot of them actually used to be incredibly ugly even by Medieval standards, which is why they were handed off to learn magic to begin with; Yen used to be a hunchback.
I just find it odd that a chad like Cavil is a fanboy of the witcher games. I wonder what other games he's a fan of. Soulsborne maybe?
Didn't you watch that Thor movie? Every time the original material says a character is the whitest white to ever have whited, the adaptation will make it black just because.
But Geralt would still look like Geralt regardless of date-rape magic; a rough-looking man with white hair who's not uglier than the average mercenary at the very least. Yennefer... not so much.
I don't think it says anywhere in the books that Geralt's hairline is not receding
It's the other way around though, nobody read the books. Which would make it an actually good idea to make it a series about them if it wasn't by Netflix
Good thing the Marvel Norse pantheon isn't an accurate representation of the real myths anyway.
Can someone give me a legitimate answer as to why Jews are like this?
Because you're a deranged incel who will never have sex
That's not a legitimate answer though. She said she wouldn't change people's ethnic makeup then went ahead and did it anyway.
He being into games is publicity stunt.
1- He only mentions famous an popular games like Skyrim and Witcher.
2- He asked about games he never goes into details and seems to not know much about them.
When asked about WOW (in which part of the game was he when he got the call for superman) He only says, "It was an important part of the game"
Cope, incel.
He likes DaS2 the best and doesn't play BB because of frame rate issues. He's a real Chad.
Yeah, faggot "muh books".
The series might have gotten the okay due to the popularity of the games, but they chose to ADAPT (learn what the word means) the books and not the games.
It most certainly will be a trainwreck of a series, but you could at least try to complain about it for what it is instead of crying how it looks nothing like your playstation game. Do that when they reveal the trailer for Bloodborne instead.
If he's played all the games AND read the original novels, even just for the sake of playing Geralt for his career, he's more dedicated than you are at the very least. I couldn't care less about what other games he plays.
The man is off his tits and I love him for it
"Cavill went on, saying, “It’s very difficult to do that if there are certain rules in place. Because then it’s like: ‘Well, I don’t want to go up and talk to her, because I’m going to be called a rapist or something.’ So you’re like, ‘Forget it, I’m going to call an ex-girlfriend instead, and then just go back to a relationship, which never really worked,’” he said. “But it’s way safer than casting myself into the fires of hell, because I’m someone in the public eye, and if I go and flirt with someone, then who knows what’s going to happen? Now? Now you really can’t pursue someone further than, ‘No.’ It’s like, ‘O.K., cool.’ But then there’s the, ‘Oh why’d you give up?’ And it’s like, ‘Well, because I didn’t want to go to jail?’”"
>say you won't do thing
>do it anyway
>uhh, why are incels so mad ?
>Do that when they reveal the trailer for Bloodborne instead.
what trailer?
bloodboyega is a meme, you nufag
Who gives a shit, cancel your netflix sub if it's not done already, you'll have more time to play VIDEOGAMES.
those werent elfs, but dryads
What bothers me the most isn't brown actors or bad hairlines. Its Geralt being built like a fucking tank. Its supposed to be CAT, not BEAR. Fuck.
>colour me surprised
Whitewash me surprised*
You were warned. They're keeping the plot safe, but everything else is fair game.
That's the point, you fucking retard.
>geralt isnt supposed to be that handsome
says who? he pulls bitches left and right in the books
Are you talking about Witcher schools? Geralt is canonically a student of the Wolf School.
as if you don't like it, faggot.
yeah, people go on and on about how shit the rest of the cast is but the biggest offender is geralt with cavil, completely unfitting
looks like the women in charge of writing this shit decided to turn it into fanfiction
No, I'm talking about body types. Geralt is supposed to be corpse like, very lean, very agile, not The Hulk.
You don't understand, in today's media men must be handsome.
Women don't have to be beautiful though, stop shaming.
Corpses aren't agile they get all stiff
This. And he doesn't resort to magical trickery either, not that I know of. Even if he looked like Vesemir, plenty of women would find a man who fights monsters for a living manly and attractive.
It's also realistically literally impossible to be that /fit/ in a fantasy/medieval setting because they don't have gyms or even the right diet. Why do they keep doing this shit?
Its also unrealistic to be a mutant that drinks magical metals distilled in alcohol to see in the dark.
The point isn't realism, it is that Geralt is ghoulish looking and light on his feat, a dancer, not a power lifter.
Or, as someone with a career and social acumen, he just doesn't have the motivation to be as obsessive over fiction details as someone with autism would be.
>very lean and agile
The source material doesn't go into that much detail. Also, people who do a lot of cardio like sprinters, gymnasts and ballet dancers can easily give Cavill a run for his money.
Compare this guy, who makes a better Geralt, to the OP image. If you think they are close, you must've never seen the inside of a gym.
As if Netflix has ever made anything that wasn't pozzed garbage. Everyone with a working brain cell knew this was going to be a disaster from the moment it was announced.
Gyms are as old as the Greeks and Romans; where do you think the term came from? Also, a life of hard labor will make you pretty muscular, though not as defined as an actual bodybuilder.
and sterile, no chance for some bastard fucking things up.
>tfw we'll play classic with cavill
A demigod is a poor example to use
You don't need neither you literal retard, there were plenty of fit people, actually probably all nobility was fit as they trained for fightning since they were kids.
This is the textbook example of an idealised body. There were undoubtedly genetically gifted and massive men back then, but they certainly weren't this cut.
Jesus man put your cock away
When you're this hench, you can get away with wearing whatever you damn well please, including nothing at all.
No one was cut but idealised statues. The Greeks did some herculean shit on a daily basis in the Aegean sea but they did not have the cut bodies we see today
The Greek Olympics thought the only way to play fair was to be completely nude
That's what I meant by 'defined'. Huge, defined muscles are a product of modern workout regimens and steroids. As the old fitness saying goes, you can only pick two of the following; ripped, big, and natural. The body simply does not want to build more muscle than it can feed with fat.
There were fit people but definitely not Bicep McTricep fit like Cavil. Geralt is also definitely not known for being that big
Okay, thanks for clarifying. There were definitely big mode niggas in the ancient world but nothing NEAR the definition we have and I wish anons realized that. Most of the stronk looked like Chloe Grace Moretz
Apparently, small cocks were a mark of intelligence.
The Spartans took that a step further by having men AND women exercise completely naked. Other Greeks made fun of them for being this 'liberal', but you could argue they were probably just jealous they didn't have an excuse to see so many naked sport-waifus.
muscle was perfectly defined in the past, literally all it takes is low bodyfat, which the vast majority of people had.
Not just that, but civilisation and self-discipline, as opposed to massive dongers on monsters (e.g. satyrs) and barbarians metaphorically showing their bestiality and unrestrained lust. This is a fascinating article on the subject.
There's no way any greek or roman was this ripped.
Filename user
good lad
>inb4 muh books. the series is being made due to the popularity of the vidya[/spoiler]
sure, but it still isn't based on the games you dumb nigger
Oh, sorry just realized I'm a brainlet.
I just played witcher 1. It's okay.
Russians certainly did
Your mother sucks dwarf cock.
He basically stopped aging when he hit thirty. I think he and Yennefer are about 90 in the games, the part in the books has Gerault encountering his sorceress mum who looks younger than him.
This is the equivalent of showing a The Hulk action figure and using it to claim all 21st century men are like that.
Did you appreciate how much walking from A to B to C to D there is, with 3 lines of text on each checkpoint, and zero to do?
you're a joke
>if the series is actually reflecting the books accurately
Yeah looks good so far. All the poos and niggers and penishead helmets that the books had are all there
>since Triss is black they probably won't have her take advantage of Geralt's amnesia, he'll just want her in general
This adaptations looks terrible but you are idiot anyway
I can't imagine how stupid you guys are going to feel when this becomes the next GoT
Poorly written tripe scooped up by normies for it's visual spectacles rather than any real story or dialogue?
No, I won't be surprised
enjoy mcdonalds peasant.
>elves going full WE WUZ
They're dryads you stupid fucking nigger.
Won´t happen. Too "freaky" to be accepted by many of´em.
That's not common knowledge though. The plebs have no idea and even some of the learned folk don't know about it.
good to see that Christopher Lambert's hair is still getting work
People thought the same trying to chase the popularity of LotR, and it never happened. Medieval fantasy doesn't generally do well.
a noonwraith gotta be
stop doing this shit ironically, it's fucking tiresome
You faggots are literal retards. Who gives a shit. Just don't watch the shit if you don't like it.
The trailer screams cringe, it's like all those bad medieval fantasies TV shows from 20 years ago. The GoT show was a landmark turning point because the writing was good (for four seasons). This doesn't have that same conveyance.
No one has time in a 3 min interview to go into "muh lore" when they are supposed to be promoting a new product
I know right? Caring about a character's skin color is ridiculous.
Achievable natty?
the wig is terrible, looks like something out of a tv series in the 80s
what were they thinkgin
Nonono user, this example you gave is cultural appropiation and white washing, you need catch up with the current times and be more hyp... I-I mean... progressive.
oh, well that's ok then
Good shit. Cavill is based
>I know right? Caring about a character's skin color is ridiculous.
Yes. It's pretty fucking autistic to obsessive about it. And yes i know that image triggered a couple of SJWs but not even to the extent of how triggered you fags get when someone gets blacked on Yea Forums.
What the fuck is this about. Is any of those people Geralt?
>Shouldn't such a huge fan of both the games and the books be rewarded for his dedication?
no you weird fag that's not how art works
People were outraging and calling him a incel because of this.
Can you imagine being so delusional to the point of thinking that this man is a incel!?
>Serie will flop just like 90% of movies and series based onf vidyas
>Yea Forumsncel will chant about "woke broke nigger hurr durr fuck women"
I hate incels so damn much
So it's more sequel fanfiction built on top of existing fanfiction, with a time skip. Which they used as an excuse to make Geralt look how they just felt like.
Just because Netflix is shite doesn't mean this is going to be any good.
Just goes to show that everyone's new favourite word has already lost what little meaning it had.
>Elves going full WE WUZ
Elves in the Witcher have always been a bunch of Kangz, it's like their defining societal trait.
Based and redpilled.
Unironically the plot of Iron Fist.
If this is even Geralt, which it actually seems to be Lambert, meaning that Gandalf is Geralt? I don't know what the fuck they're even trying to do there, but I can tell it won't work.
He looks like Conan with a white wig
Hello user, this is Tyrone, the man your wife has speng her sunday night in bed. Could you knock it off? Your loud angry keyboard typing is making us both uncomfortable and you dont want me to go down.
So stay there. You'll be happy and so will everyone on Yea Forums.
You stay on /pol/ first
would watch
Why is Yea Forums in particular so obsessed with hairlines?
Yea Forums is /pol/
Why didn't they ask him?
I know Yea Forums and Yea Forums are /pol/'s loyal imouto and Yea Forums is the tsundere imouto
You're legittimately a fucking idiot.
How can you fuck up the medallion design so badly... all they literally had to do was to look how it is and replicate it, or buy the freaking merch of it already made...
lazyness overload i yell ya
Okay user, let's see you get as big as Cavill eating nothing but fish, bread, cheese, and roots. Don't forget to spend literally day doing cardio, too, and don't ever touch a barbell because those don't exist yet.
Never forget
Good thing I'm retarded so I believe everything I read on the internet.
Friendly reminder that if you wear anything other than Bear, Wolf or Undvik, you are a massive fucking faggot.
Personally I don't trust anything unless it's on CNN first
i think the price to pay for your books to be adapted to an american audience is paying the toll
I hate women so fucking much. You just know every single one of them is only there because they sucked the right jewish dick.
she wasn't going to but your incel whines made her change their ethnicities as revenge
it's what one would call a "self-fulfilling prophecy"
>probably won't have her take advantage of Geralt's amnesia
Are you retarded?
>posting the edited version without moustaches
the amerifat mind is an insidious thing
You're retarded, have sex.
>This is the textbook example of an idealised body. There were undoubtedly genetically gifted and massive men back then, but they certainly weren't this cut.
Your obsession doesn't make a good argument.
If this (the story) is based on books (which i believe to be the case, considering there's no point in retelling the games, and telling a new "prequel" story differing from the books could get problematic) there will not be a Geral amnesia plot, so no reason for Triss to take an advantage of that.
Also, black characters aside, Geralt was seriously miscast.
Because he is a normal guy who just wants to have fun creating cosplays and wearing them.
nice larp pedro
I'm pretty sure the musculature of these statues are blown out of proportion. This is steroid tier ripped, looks very unnatural.
>not wearing a white shirt the entire game
He's right though. The knowledge, diet, routines, the time required to get that level, it just wasn't a thing back then. Anyone who had all day to train their body was a performer or fighter of some sort, and they still spent more time trying to be effective than look good.
Henry Cavill is a fucking handsome dude but what the fuck were they thinking, making Geralt look like fucking Fabio?
>I'm pretty sure the musculature of these statues are blown out of proportion. This is steroid tier ripped, looks very unnatural.
I'm not even american, you larper.
100 years from now people will see pictures of americans and they will believe it is CGI
He's been rewarded for his service to papa Nurgle
it's not netflix's fault that his character design is so awful
I never really got why you'd complain about the Thor movies. He's not the literal god, he's just an ayy lmao along with all the others. You could also at least argue with multiverse shit.
>100 years from now
I like your optimism
Pfft next you're gonna tell me that GRRM isn't one of the most decorated and recognized authors in the English language, recognized the world over for his revolutionary contributions to the canon of western literature.
this pictures triggers the fatties, manlets and spoopy skeletons
Alright, so is superman, that doesn't mean anything.
if he lands the ending he will be more famous than JKRowling at the very least
Weren't the niggers in the trailer the dryads and not the elves? Not that I'd be surprised about america making elves niggers though.
Is that supposed to be so huge? Looks like a cancerous growth.
He's arguably more chad and better looking than Henry
>Yea Forums generates more content and maymays than any other board, by far
It just happens to be that 90% of those are Sneedposting or baneposting.
I mean as long as the shit is good, eh who cares, it doesn't seem to be cap.marvel lvl is shit and political bs
>The show is going to be trash like everything netflix touches.
You talking shit about Rilakkuma and Kaoru?
no, and like I said not everything painted or sculpted reflect reality
and that is the statue of a god, so obviously it looks inhuman
You're not a woman, how could you tell ?
All you fucking idiots here. You've always said Witcher sucked and is overrated.
But here you are, whining and bitching about the Netflix adaptation as though you care for the series.
Retards think this means that Geralt is supposed to be some revolting bastard that nobody can stand to look it.
The point is that he's meant to look weird, but also sexually attractive to women of the time due to how rugged and fucked he clearly is. Simple shit
He said the same about Superman...
You forgot the most important part, the fucker is sterile while not looking like the next best peasant.
Also 100% STD free.
Explains the pedophilia.
what a guy
Why do so many Netflix shows look so low budget? It's not all of them but a lot of them almost look like youtube fan videos.
Yea Forums was a pefo board long before /pol/bwas even a thing summerfag.
utterly based
NO, you pick the best for the role...not the biggest fanboy.
Thats not even the most important part, Witchers have alien stamina, he would put any porn actor to shame and leave the average cunt in a wheelchair. They were built to be the perfect hook up machine.
I'm starting to think you guys want to get fucked by geralt
That's a videogame plotline. The show takes place quite a bit before that.
Why are you posting about this here? it's not even based on the game its based on the book.
So you're posting a thread about a TV series based on a book.
So? That doesn't mean he'll be a good Geralt
I just want to see Geralt butcher some peasants in Blaviken. Don't care about anything else.
No wait not Blaviken. Wherever it is that he get attacked by a peasant mob.
Incel spotted
Why are people on Yea Forums so obsessed with nonwhites?
you got it backwards, most Yea Forums became racist after gamergate and then they brigade other boards to redpill us about how jews are the reason their "boomer" parents are disappointed with them
For the same reason Yea Forums is also obsessed with whites. We're not one person, retard.
>there are "people" out there who really believe this
Next you'll tell me that he is the modern equivalent of Tolkien, destined to even surpass him should he ever finish his books.
Meanwhile Sapkowski would've remained a literal who outside of Polans fantasy circle without CDP.
because we're like you but better
Yennefer isn't a cunt, she's fiercely loyal, deeply affectionate, motherly and protective to those she cares about and is easily the best witcher girl
if anything geralt was the whiny cunt in their relationship
Yea Forums is one person in this case. Just look at Yea Forums and Yea Forums. A black person in a role makes them froth at the mouth.
>Andrzej Sapkowski is one of Polands most decorated and recognized authors.
Who are you expecting to fool here
Not even deluded poles believe this
>"Mhmm....bloody mucous slime and a dilating wand...a Tranny™, gotta be"
>*Tranny™ emerges from a women's bathroom*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALA!!!
>*Tranny™ kills itself*
>"Just a man posing as a woman, here's proof *shows wig*
>"The Trouble with Trannies" Complete AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>$10 in SGDQ donations received
>A black person in a role makes them froth at the mouth.
It obviously has nothing to do with the fact that blacks and women are being forced on us literally everywhere.
"if you don't like don't watch it" is the biggest fucking cope there is.
Yennefer could always expend some magical energy on beautifying herself to appear younger as most sorceresses do since they're all exceptionally vain and obsessed with beautifying themselves (except Triss who was ironically probably the most attractive sorceress alive considering she couldn't modify her physique with magic due to "magical allergy")
Apparently the drawback of de-aging herself is making herself pakistani though.
>retarded skinnyfat faggot appears
That's your oblique muscle. Not that you've ever seen yours, you fat piece of shit.
>trying to prove that Yennefer's hair and eye colors are wrong
>uses a black-and-white photo of the actress
Will he have a mustache in this one or are they gonna edit it out again?
'cultural appropriation' of a character created by whites, lmao black panther is fucking great.
>horse named roach
This one is skinny but toned. Compare it to the OP pic, where Cavill is a fucking brick shithouse.
And you also have the people who doesn't give a fuck, you just don't read people bitching about them.
This was one of 9 similar looking statues in the Baths of Caracalla during the Roman Empire. Almost all Roman baths of any noteworthiness had statues like these, for patrons to look at and admire whilst bathing, but the Baths of Caracalla was known (among other things) for having a shitload of them.
women somehow called attractive men a power fantasy and got away with it, despite them showing up on all their romance novels and the women of the world all pretty much only caring about the top 10% of men, clown world.
Not him but most of those comics were made during a time where only whites were in comics, television etc.
Thats a lot of junk there.
>rent free
>show made by a Jew
>shoehorned in (((diversity)))
Note how the white protagonist is a hunk of a guy, despite supposing to be a mutant that's nowhere near as attractive, whereas the sorceresses who underwent magical cosmetic surgery fashioned themselves to be ugly as fuck.
you are american, aren't you
Bigger problem is just how old Triss looks, she's suppose to look barely 20.
And Fringillia, she's suppose to look the double of Yennefer, the whole reason Geralt goes with her is because she reminds him of Yen.
Whites are also the core audience and majority your statement is null and void.
For comics? Yeah. For movies and tv shows? Probably not.
Thats not even remotely a good point, latinos are a bigger demographic than blacks and they still have significantly less representation, he showed you pattern there.
Because it's a bunch of internet outrage era raised liberalshit americans making the show. They have no taste. Where was the slavik folk music? Why does the ambientation just look like any other medieval fantasy?
Dont give a fuck about any casting choice except geralt. And they fucked it up, should have been madds
Probably because nigs were enslaved so they have to help push them.
GoT's success can be attributed to the fact that it started off as a genuinely faithful adaptation that managed to translate the setting into a visual medium all the while elevating the standard for what television could be with its immensely high production value and craftsmanship that went into creating it
netflix witcher is just a cheap cashgrab and will end up forgotten or ran into the ground like all the other big netflix series like HoC or daredevil, whereas GoT retained a consistently high viewerbase even when the writing turned to shit
Season 1 was so damn good.
>Muh historical reparation
Sadly I was expecting this retarded reply.
>saying "no" to a dude like Cavill and expecting them to keep pursuing you
Do women really do this?
>netflix witcher is just a cheap cashgrab and will end up forgotten or ran into the ground like all the other big netflix series
I'm gonna be the next Game Of Thrones, they already greenlit a season 2 can't wait to see you incels get btfo
I can't. There's xenoestrogens everywhere. Even the water.
This show was so great, it being canceled proves that Netflix userbase is composed by tasteless basic bitches.
did they run out of helmets and shopped the last one in?
Hey, I'm literally stating the obvious. Sorry it makes you mad. That's why they're doing it.
why even call it marco polo
Lets be real.
You cant realistically make a bunch of women play a 100+ hour game.
Thats why its based on the books.
Season 1-3 of GoT had high quality sets and costume designs, Witcher looking real cheesy and low budget in comparison.
>Blatant off-topic thread stays up for 7 hours meanwhile video game threads get deleted on sight
The state of Yea Forums
this is video games newfag
seethe, tranny
the former was made by people who actually respected the source material and their craft, and the latter is just generic high fantasy with cheap effects that uses the name of an established brand while paying to respect to its setting and characters
Geralt no, that's your daughter
A single look at that trailer tell me it's not happening
>watching mainstream media in current year
>Fucking blushes full red in a fraction of a second
Just like my animes
i want a woman to look at me like this
what the fuck has this to do with Rocket League?
Obvious retarded shit is still retarded.
>Lose an argument
>"y-yyou c-cuck"
Think of something new sometimes npc.
Right? It SHOULD have went to a Blatinx, Asian, trans, woman who identified as a white male feeling entitled to a role. That would be nice.
According to the games, in W3 Yen is a little bit over 100 and Geralt is close to 100.
One of the short stories, A Question of Price, from the first book, takes place roughly 22 years before W3.
The sagas are set 10~15 years after A Question of Price.
But in the books there is no information about Geralt's age.
It's retarded to you, but not to them.
>british women
well Yea Forums is /pol/s vidya branche, why dont you go dilate
>ran into the ground like all the other big netflix series
>Altered Carbon
>tall brooding blond white man as main character
>replaced by scrawny gap toothed nigger famous for capeshit in season 2
it's all so tiresome.jpg
Have you heard him talk?
Because they're retarded, just like you.
The problem for Witcher will always be CGI. Magic will be used heavily, monsters fairly common. Even in the trailer we see the Striga, and the Cintra party where the princess has extraordinary powers and the groom ends up being some monster who turns human. We will for sure get the Djinn/Geralt/Yen thing which is full of magic shit going on. Plus the spider at the end of the trailer.
Most of GoT early seasons was very tame except for the big city shots and crowd scenes. Dire wolves weren't big, dragons smol
No they don't. Axii is only used once in the books, and just to calm roach. CDPR was the one who created more effects.
That's Ciri. /pol/tards don't want you to know about her. Because she's pure white, and doesn't fit their narrative that Netflix is killing the white race. Note all their talking points and images only show the brown girls.
>>>>geralt's amnesia
fucking retarded
Imagine being this much of a obsessed faggot that you see your boogeyman in everything.
>Geralt obviously wearing a terrible wig to hide the actor's receding hairline
they had to do it, with the hair of his he would never have grown it for the show, and dyeing it would destroy what's left
>Triss is black for some reason
a gypsy actually
>elves going full WE WUZ
that's what they did in the books AND IN THE GAMES though, so everything's fine and dandy
>since Triss is black they probably won't have her take advantage of Geralt's amnesia, he'll just want her in general
hi /pol/
>Yennefer is younger than Geralt for some reason
Cavill likes 'em young
>probably won't be the gigantic cunt she actually is
objection, your honor, speculation
suck a fat one, fag
the thing is, netflix could've done a much more limited, low key story with all the grit and grey area morality of the games for a reasonably tight budget.
but instead they're doing the whole SAVE THE WORLD shit from the off.
>the series is being made due to the popularity of the vidya
Yes and? The video games are not leading, mongoloid.
>focus on the bad casting instead of the couple of good ones
Supposedly it was supper expensive. But the SJW media's reaction to it was pretty suspicious for this to be the entire story. It had one white character, who was quickly overshadowed by based B. Wong, and they were still bitching about diversity and "muh evil white males".
Jews fear the Samurai, and western roasties resent sexual asian women.
Because 1. hispanic people don't ask for anything. And 2. Many Hispanic people either think they're white, or wish they were white. They are self loathing in that sense.
The Witcher 3 is actually fairly popular with women. They love open world shite like that.
Yeah we get parts of multiple short stories, and the actual books and story of Ciri in this single trailer. Its a lot going on for one season.
Only when it suits your narrative appareantly.
>Only focuses on details that they find disagreeable.
>"What do you mean I'm biased?"
>More bad details than good or accurate ones
>"Why do you focus on the bad?"
Why would he go into a detailed explanation about wow if he's talking for normies?
You don't explain your wow raids for people that don't know shit about it, those simple conversation concepts you're seemingly unaware points towards your autism, user.
He sounds pretty much exactly like Geralt in TW3, only in german tho
>Lefties: We want more diversity. So we're going to shove in a black woman, an indian woman, and a hispanic woman. But don't worry, there's still a white woman.
>/pol/tards: wtf, this is literally white genocide! Why can't we have white women? Look! They're replacing redheads again!
If no one was this size, then how did the artist know what an extremely muscular body looks like? No way could he guess this close.
I don't see black people asking for it either, its usually a bunch of white liberals on Twitter that celebrate and push blackwashing.
And Man of Steel turned out great. The woman dragged it down though. God she is boring.
He's a fan of Superman too, and Man of Steel fucking sucked.
>I don't see black people asking for it either
Guffaw. You guys are always quick to note how much blacks complain. But then when that fact is inconvenient for your argument, you pretend like it doesn't happen.
Not it didn't it flopped. Fucking Thor was bigger at the box office than a Superman film lmao
>Not it didn't it flopped
I don't care, lol. I enjoyed it.
>You guys
You're replying to me, stop making up shit to pretend that you have a valid point.
Geralt actually put all skills in dex not in strength.
If witchers need strength he has potions for that.
Well if you haven't seen black people complaining about representation, then you're blind def and dumb. And there's nothing I can really say or do to convince you of something so obvious.
Not true
Witchers literally make people vibrate in a nice way, when they touch them. Thats why everybody wants to fuck Geralt in books adn games
Black people complain about representation as much as any other minority does, which are very few of them. The reason why they are pandered to so hard is because there's also some white retards speaking up for them, but when it comes to other minorities they just go mute.
Bull fucking shit. He uses Axii in like the second chapter of The Last Wish on a couple of guards.
You're coping hard.
user, we're all coping, the best we can.
Every single one of these threads are filled with hysterical incels crying about black people and SJW.
Not to mention the massive misinformation about the series lore while failing to grasp a concept such as adaptation.
Can't even remember when exactly did this board started failing.
I don't want to see good looking characters turning into fugly shitskins, fuck off Resetard.
And you're seething, my buzzword beats yours.
I agree, though I think with such a grounded and personal story like the witcher they could easily compensate for lackluster cgi by focusing on other aspects like the narrative, characters, competent use of lighting, good choreography, costumes, scenography etc.
the problem with the netflix series is that contrary to the books they're evidently relying on big cgi action setpieces to draw in the audience and it inevitably makes the end product look like shit due to their limited budget
the use of monsters and action should be sporadic, the witcher's atmosphere should be crafted with good use of cinematography, lighting, music, a gritty colour palette, good costumes and sets which netflix clearly has little regard for
>Can't even remember when exactly did this board started failing.
When you left Reddit to start posting here.
I meant the part where he fucks a few guys up in an inn at the beginning, literally a few pages in.
please show me the book lore that says it's ok for the northern kingdoms to be inhabited by black people
sure, it was the open world aspect
I respond with "dilate".
Have sex, dilate, cope, seethe, and have my huge Yikes.
The superior ass that Geralt never had.
I don't know about that. I mean his brother is a certified massive nerd, so it wouldn't surprise me if Cavill also shared similar interests albeit to a lesser degree.
Sometimes, however, both of those are the same person and something amazing gets made.
This is an idealized image made by men that worshipped FIT. THis physique didn't exist naturally but was pursued in dreams. People were fit int he ancient world, not ripped
fuck off you cunt
him pretending to be muh nerd is a non sequitor.
how the fuck did pornos got more things right is besides me
This mirrors evolutionary psychology though. In all other species, it's the male that is judged and the females that do the judging. Male lions have the mane, male peafowls have the tail, etc. Humans are no different, and how they managed to convince themselves that the reverse was true so they could get mad and fight it is beyond me.
user-kun, your yikes is so big...
why low IQs always want to be under the spotlight?
no, they are just riding the big dick the game who sold millions more than the shitty books have..
No no, nothing like the game, totally under its own merit.........
no, its crackers who shouldnt even exist, hence why you are gong extinct, you inbred negative birthrate cracker
They're riding the coattail of the video game series while adapting the novel series.
You got a problem with that?
take this shit to Yea Forums you fucking losers
>b-but it's not based off the books either! look at these b-black people ij my polish fantasy!!
racist incels should neck themselves
>inb4 reeee gtfo reddit
nope, just your resident chad with a gf and friends coming to Yea Forums to talk about VIDEO GAMES and not the latest incel rage
Yes. The game made the franchise, obviously the consumers want game inspired. Its simple market math.
Also, andrej can't write for shit.
>obviously the consumers want game inspired
well that's not what we're getting now is it?
have you tried having sex
Yes....that...is exactly why I (and many by the threads around here) am not satisfied
How is this hard to understand?
just forget about it, user. I am retarded.
>make Geralt a sexy übergigachad Jabaha
>make all female characters ugly niggers
Women were a mistake
Look at that smug face he had, knowing what he did. what a fucking savage
This shit made me mad. Why show me that ass and not let me plow it?
good bait
haha sure I love it
no I never played it haha
Nooo! That's your daughter Geralt!
Non whites should shut the fuck up and create there own storys created around non white characters.
You have two boards where this would have been ON-TOPIC, TWO (2). Lets go through them!
- I mean this one is an obvious one, right? It's a television show so logically you should make a thread about it there.
- Since the show is based on the BOOKS, one could argue that making a thread on Yea Forums is also appropriate, but Yea Forums is probably the safer bet.
Now, The Witcher TV-show has nothing to do with the games, N O T H I N G. So why the FUCK are you making a goddamn off-topic thread on fucking Yea Forums? You didn't even fucking use a picture from one of the games.
Instead of ruining white media why dont they create their own? Or are they so low iq they can except swap colours like a child
>Bear or Undvik
"I need heavy as fuck armor that's hard to move in." -Geralt, circa fucking never
You have once chance not to bump a thread and you do it anyway
Im really mad Hiroshim00t took away obvious sage because you retards never use it
You're not talking about video games neither, you double nigger.
I mean, I'm not gonna defend them but don't doujin artists do the same?
>Make women ultrasexy 20/10 models with curves that rival several women and bodies any woman would kill for
>The man they end up fucking is usually ugly as fucking sin. Obese, hairy, sweaty, ugly and just disgusting in all areas
>Since the show is based on the BOOKS
netflix has publicly stated otherwise
u mad white boi
They will likely drag it out in different directions to make it last for a long time. The series wouldn't be the "next game of thrones" if they could wrap it up in 5-6 seasons. I think we can see enough from the trailer that they are adapting some of the stories and likely parts of the actual Ciri story. Ciri in the desert, Foltest's Stiga, Cintra party with the arrival of Skellige people and the princess being wed to someone
Gimme ya rupes muthafuga.
I’m still fucking mad. First thing you see is that big round ass and you’re telling me I can’t fucking plow it. CDProjekt why you dun this to me :(
Stop the bickering and post shirtless Henry Cavill pics. That's what everyone is here for anyway
Dryads dude. Those are dryads.
Cavill is the only good thing about this
Its really not fucking fair.
>reminder that true beauty has no place in the new modern West
It's all about realism now but looking downwards.
I wonder what all these famous European artists, that strived to depict human perfection, would say about the state of the West nowadays. The Pheidias, DaVincis, Michelangelos and the rest.
Can someone mod her over Triss? Pls :’(
Nah, but it does fucking suck. I did her quests thinking I’d get something out of it.
no retard, that was literally the average greek male
>dryads on screen
>marketing clips the audio to include the elves line in that part
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums falls for the bait
Who cares what they would think. They are dead and we are alive, that is what matters you sanctimonious faggot
Imagine how well in shape people would be if we weren’t as lazy as we used to be. I was fucking ripped when I used to live and work in my family’s farm.
As an alive person today, I say they had superior taste to the degenerated kikery we get today.
Why not rope yourself so you can join them in the past then?
I do, and so do many people, thats why they're still praised to this day you stupid shitskin.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user. And it's still sad.
Don't forget that.
Imagine Cavill doing deadlifts naked while you sit directly below him and he squats all the way to your face so you can have full access to his asshole, balls and dick haha
I'd rather rope you and end your bullshit.
how about you go back
>here's proof *shows torn up job application*
Jesus Christ, I go away for a full day, and you're still moaning over a trailer?
I wonder if they will adapt how cartoonish and ridiculous the magic is.
>Yen, with only her foot, casted spells that turn people into frogs
plus just teleporting water for baths and conjuring up literally anything they need.
How about (You) go back!? Smelly Redditor.
How come no one is talking about the fact that he only has one sword in all the promo art?
He almost, if ever, carries both at once. Its a game thing so the player doesn't have to go back and forth between the horse and objective. In the books, the silver sword is wrapped up in his horse's saddle which you can see in one of the released pictures. You can see the pommel of the sword on the right.
That's at least good to know. I haven't even played the games, I just knew about the two swords thing because no one shuts the fuck up about it.
I do in VIDEO GAME related threads, triple nigger
Then go to VIDEO GAME related threads and stop being a faggot, you inbred nigger.
What is this from?
>tfw I just want some dumb slavshit series were geralt fucks bitches and gets drunk with his bros.
>Monsters are a sideshow and fuck the books.
>We're probably gonna get some dumbshit moral message instead of pointless, comfy slavkino.
Man, fuck this gay earth.
Michelangelo was a flamming faggot and DaVinci was a closeted faggot
And you are a colossal faggot.
fucking kek
I'm gay.
We know.
everyone is for henry cavill
isn't that just on sorceress and not on normal people who aren't in touch with estoteric shit?
Good cosplayer =/= actor
Man, Henry is slowly approaching daddy mode.