Why was SMTxFE such a flop even by WiiU standards?

Why was SMTxFE such a flop even by WiiU standards?

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because it shit on both franchises

it wasn't though, especially by wiiU standards

Because it's not what neither fanbase wanted.

>Advertise with FE and SMT
>People expect FE and SMT
>Get a weird idol game featuring some FE characters, not sure there was any SMT
I hear it was a decent game anyway but you shouldn't be surprised with that sort of advertising

Cause it's a fucking idol game

That's not W101

Because both fans of weeb series unironically hate weebshit.

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censorship. I believe if it was never censored it would of been fine. at least in the western world.

I genuinely hope one of those "behind the scenes" books gets written about theme game's development, assuming anyone is willing to talk. I bet it's an amazing story.

>tease an SMT X FE Crossover
>people expect a strategy game with smt elements, probably similar to devil survivor but with more FE elements
>get KOWASHITAI idol jrpg thing instead
>both fanbases feel shat on and don't buy, the few normies who bought a wiiu ignore it because they don't play weeb stuff either way
It's a solid game but what inthe hell were they thinking with that direction?

It’s persona with FE characters, not smt unfortunately, but it’s still a lot better than people think

>not sure there was any SMT

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>Censor game
>It sells horribly on the worst console Nintendo ever made that was not a virtual boy.

Nintendo during Wii u time will always be the lowest point. Worst console with worst games.

Personally, I was interested in it but then the whole censorship fiasco happened.

I don't care for idolshit.
And they decided to censor the localization.

It didn't actually have the worst games, a lot of them were well received and most were ported to the Switch.
This game in general was just a failed experiment. Same result would've happened on any system.

I wanted to play it but not enough to get a wii u.

Wy do they censor anyway? It isn't a selling point, as I don't see any "Featuring Censorship!" stickers on the box. Seems to only waste localization money and make weebs angry

Literally ironic weebs crying about two weebshit franchises making a full weeb game

Nintendo Treehouse.

>in b4 "SMT is akchually very mature and deep, you just don't get it because you are a baka gaijin"

california trannies needing to show off their self-righteousness to everyone else

>Seems to only waste localization money and make weebs angry
Yes, basically. Treehouse saw it as a win on all fronts: drive up the percieved necessary cost of localization so they could justify larget budgets for themselves from Nintendo, piss off weebs that they hate and get another "win" in the culture war they could high-five their Neogaf friends about. Same reason why Sony's California branch is censoring all their Japanese games, just with ResetEra instead of Neogaf.

Fake weebs out

Tiki as a cute idol was the literal only redeeming factor of #FE. If you want a quick fix replace the whole cast with lolis and make the battle system proper SMT, the battle system seemed fun and deep at first but totally fell apart past early game.

What's wrong with the battle system? I thought it was the same as strange journey?

Use CEMU, user! Last I played it, the emulation was nearly perfect, with silky-smooth FPS outside of Shibuya crossroads. You also don't need to fiddle with the emulator itself too much and it handles the uncensor patch just fine.

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The battle system is actually one of the best parts wtf are you talking about.
Also tiki is cringe and only good for her cun but there’s 0 good doujins of her so she’s worthless

>everything you just typed

FE and SMT at the time weren't hugely popular to mainstream gamers and Wii U even less so. I think the game would have been well received if it was on the 3DS.

Wasn't it this game that made them literally get cucked from further localizations? Because I'm sure Nintendo didn't care about the actual FE game translations since they didn't flop

Because the design of the fire emblem characters in that game sucked and it was just generic high school shit with no real payoff. It wasn't bad but I was hoping for something a lot better.

No target audience.
>Alienate SMT fans by carrying next to nothing of the franchise
>Alienate older FE fans by only representing two games
>Alienate new FE fans by going hard into an idol theme no newer players would understand
>Alienate anybody that might be interested in anime game otherwise by censoring the little remaining appeal in the game premise
The game isn't even awful or anything but who the fuck is going to give it a chance if they had to pay for it? And on the fucking Wii U too that cripples sales.

>>Alienate SMT fans by carrying next to nothing of the franchise
Except you know, the gameplay.

Possibly. There's no real way to know for sure without somebody coming out and saying why the policy changed with the Switch. But I wouldn't be surprised if "we NEED to change all of this for the game to sell" and it still not selling was a factor, when instead they should have gone "this is inevitably niche but if you let us censor this and that minor thing we can avoid controversy."

>Same reason why Sony's California branch is censoring all their Japanese games, just with ResetEra instead of Neogaf.
Seems like that all the sjws who shitting up Treehouse were kicked out, only to be hired to shit up Sony instead. Kinda explain that drastic shift on censorship from Nintendo and Sony.

Legitimately the best game on the Wii U, and one of the best Fatlus JRPG

This game was good.

I literally could not give 2 fucks about idol shit so it immediately lost me on the reveal. I have no ideal why they couldn’t have done the easy thing of either making a fire emblem with smt demons and mechanics or a dungeon crawler with demons and fire emblem shit


>a JRPG plays like a JRPG

They would have a whole catalog to choose from, and they wouldnt waste their time with this.

Isn't it in Nintendo's best interest to get a cheaper localizer then? Why pay more for no benefit?

If you wanted a FE with demons wasn't there Devil Survivor?

I like to think the game was supposed to be like FEH but with a fusing mechanics instead of the gacha. Then nintendo realize its mobage potential, scrap the plan altogether, patching up some random shits and call it a day.

Devil survivor is literally a better SMTxFE

Nah, they simply changed the policy, now everything has to approved by Nintendo of Japan before it's finalized.

You know what I don't get? Everyone shit on this game for being animu but will gladly eat persona 5 despite being the same sort of garbage

>It’s persona with FE characters
False, it has no common ties with persona that isn't shared by megaten in general.

That's insulting. I like the gameplay. Just like how I like Persona Q for being Etrian Odyssey even though it's Persona instead of Etrian Odyssey.

It looks better then Three Houses. Why does Three Houses look so jaggy in all the trailers?

idolshit is a subset of animeshit which is even worse and more degenerate


Correction they'll eat persona up even though its worse in that regard.
As much as people look at it as an idol game it still doesn't have all of the usual weeb dating/school sim stuff persona does.

Because Atlus is better than Koei.

this is true but less because of the censorship itself imo and more the way it was blown out of proportion by that "torrential downpour" business that it overtook any of the minimal advertising it received. back when SBFP did their LP censorship was literally the only thing commenters knew about it.

Nintendo's best interest at the time was protecting their brand image coming off the success of the Wii. They were probably convinced by Nintendo of America and Treehouse that a certain amount of censorship was neccessary to protect said image. It worked for a while, but they got greedy.

Now, the policy is that localization companies are brought in much earlier into the process, and the games are supposed to be designed as "acceptable" for a worldwide release. The policy sounded catastrophic when it was announced, but luckily in practice many devs seem comfortable telling them to fuck off, so major censorship changes don't go through and they're back to having only minor control over scripts. Hopefully the success of XC2 (not perfect, but a huge step up from what they got away with censoring XCX) and the reaction to Sony encourages more devs to tell them to fuck off.

Would've bought it if it wasn't censored, if anyone gives a shit about my anecdotal decision

TMS is what people who don't play Persona (or only play the spinoffs) think Persona is, not what it actually is.

Maybe people wouldn't have spammed the censorship everywhere if it wasn't censored.

Those are what are called fake weebs

Right now I'm thinking of a somewhat normal FE, but demons have to be gained mostly through negoation and sometimes ask for one of your demon's life, and you would willingly do this at times because they're expendable unlike your human protagonists.

Because fuck Treehouse

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Tiki looks like she is drugged up on Aphrodisiacs in this game, which is kinda hot but still I wonder why.

>Hee Haw

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I think it boils down to that "Development in Progress" trailer. Characters from every part of each franchise's history, vague yet "cool" and (for lack of better term) "edgy" visuals, general lack of information. They didn't promise anything, but that also means they didn't promise an idol game, so everyone built up their own expectations for a campy crossover game and felt betrayed when those expectations weren't met. Of all the varying expectations from that trailer, KOWASHITAI wasn't one of them.
Not to mention Persona 5, while it is "anime," isn't idolshit (and even if it were people have come to expect "anime" from modern Persona, that's its whole selling point and identity as a spinoff series). That's its entire selling poit. If you were going to make that argument, at least do it with 4, which has an idol party member and a dancing game whose story revolves around her and another idol. Rise poster Easter eggs near the subway don't count.

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They don't do it to make money. They do it for moral grandstanding.

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Gee I wonder why

>Hopefully the success of XC2 (not perfect, but a huge step up from what they got away with censoring XCX) and the reaction to Sony encourages more devs to tell them to fuck off.
The lack of overt graphical censorship is nice but unfortunately XB2's success will also tell Nintendo that everyone loves their bastardised scripts.

pretty much this
fucking Atlus

They play nothing alike beyond the vague concept of being SRPGs.

go back to your SJW games westacuck

Easily the biggest fucking letdown I ever went through, fuck anyone who thought this was a good idea

You say that like XC2 was changed drastically.

>being an EOP that's at the mercy of cuck localizators

same goes for the censorship in TMS desu

If that were the case then they should not release the game at all.

why bother learning any other language when this is the only one that matters

>Still called an EOP because you don't know nip

Atlus: hey we're making a crossover of SMT and FE
Fans: oh cool we might get like soul hackers gameplay mixed with FE stuff like weapon triangle and a overall grittier setting.
Atlus: youtube.com/watch?v=MTl8gDQiKiE

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You know, I was going to say something like "yeah no" but the script itself was the same and conveyed the same points and such it was mostly the visuals that changed.

It’s not a very good game. Also this .

>oh cool we might get like soul hackers gameplay mixed with FE stuff like weapon triangle
To be fair it was like SJ with the weapon triangle.

Sorry, but speaking your irrelevant country's language does not qualify you as a polyglot you dumb Yuropoor.

Because it was. XB2's localisation is fucking awful, it's full of rewrites and needless changes. The only thing separating it from Treehouse's bullshit is the lack of censorship.

>the script itself was the same and conveyed the same points
>rewrote an entire chapter to change what it was about

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Do you mean only nip counts?

That doesn't have the same impact at all. If they didn't release the game, then someone else could. If they release the game and butcher it, their mark is left on it forever.

>>rewrote an entire chapter to change what it was about
That was never true. They changed the outfits for the gravure chapter but the script was the same.


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Sorry, you knowledge of spic and shit doesn't matter here.

Then call it NJP or something. EOP is a misnomer.


>Left to right

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You can look down on people who it appeals to but I question the choice to heavily censor a game whose main aesthetically appeal is to push cute/sexy girls showing themselves off. I honestly don't see the business angle of that.

Ironically a few years later nintendo wouldn't censor any of this today. It's weird how much ninty changed.

>was going to buy it but treehouse ended up censoring it

a real shame, i enjoyed playing it when i pirated it

>It's weird how much ninty changed.
I mean, you say that but it was bound to happen eventually. The fact that NoJ isn't too big on unnecessary censorship and how loud people get when Nintendo does literally entering meant that it was only temporary.

I didn't buy it because I don't support censored games, dunno about why other people didn't tho


>get promised SMTxFE
>get PersonaXawakening: censored edition

Still want a switch port though. The game still looks fun to play despite the conceptual trainwreck

>Instead of a straight up crossover, it was idol stuff with FE characters and SMT turn based gameplay
>too niche for west + censorship
>fuck knows specifically with east
Might pick it up via emulator or switch port, my seething's gone so I'm cool with playing it now.
I mean, you knew what you were getting from the teaser with Persona 5, plus 5's less idolshit, hell it's the most approchable of the Hashino persona games for western entry level faggots or normalfags if you think about it.

Tiki and Mamori are CUTE!

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More like Persona x NuFE

Seething EOP

What did everyone think it was going to be?

Personally thought it was going to be FE like SRPG where you fight demons. Where at times you can talk to them recruiting them and fusing them throughout the game.

It really is amazing just how they could have done so many different things with this idea and yet went the one that no one wanted nor liked.

It's the opposite of Mario + Rabbids. Where people heard the crossover and hated it but once they saw what the game would be loved it.

It was maximum pandering, but was so obvious about it that it was kind of patronizing, then the western release censored shit and pissed people off.

The decision to release or not comes from their betters. Then they do what they want in "translation" and "localization"