Path of Exile

Is this game worth checking out? Does the content run out eventually or can you spend years grinding if you please like back in Diablo 2?

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I've played it every day for the past two years, and recently made a new Witch on the PS4 version and played it constantly. It's great, and I haven't spent a dime.

If you are a new player, the pace of new content releasing is higher than you running content. There is so much to do.

uhhh, yeah basically. i mean every new season is actually very solid, the last few seasons i played were pretty big, and i easily sank over 1000 hours into the game. poe is fucking great, its only because i launched my own company that i stopped playing, otherwise i would be playing even now.

also necromancer builds are actually viable, as in bone army type shit. the game is really great, and i ended up spending like 10 usd during a sale to get some premium tabs, not that you need them in the slightest, they just make selling shit easier. fuck i need to go download the game again

play grim dawn instead

Alright, thank you. Further questions:
- How often do you have to adjust your build to changed buffs/nerfs?
- Can you just reset your attributes on the same char when a patch arrives or do you have to start a whole new char?
- Is the item treadmill 'worth it'? I'm particularily looking for a 'go-to' game which I can casually boot up every now and then, farm here, grind there while listening to podcasts and stuff etc, and still have stuff to do aftet a couple of years. Does it deliver on that front?

You can grind all you want but the economy of standard league is so far out of your grasp at his point that you might as well play alone, and every 3 months they launch a new league (this is the league everyone plays in) which banishes all your existing characters to Standard realm and requires you to begin a new one in order to participate in the next league. The current dev team is barely capable of keeping up with the pace of content launches and this most recent one was fraught with more bugs, crashes and other errors than ever before. Basic quality of life things like increased inventory space (honestly pretty much required with how bloated the game has become with various currencies and other shit) are locked behind the cash shop which uses a pretty scummy business model, but they have sales pretty frequently which helps.

I wouldn't really recommend it, myself, but hey it's free so go nuts. By the time you can tell if you like it or not you'll start running into the inventory space problem and can decide if it's worth actually putting money into.

It's vastly easier to reroll a character and do the entire game over again than it is to respec more than ~40 points, unless you already have a strong economic base, but serious trading largely requires you to buy cash shop tabs that interact with the game's "auction house" (an external website)

i started playing this league and had a great time. started with ssf though since the trading stuff looked like aids to me

You're wasting your time.

You're most likely going to look at the skill tree and get excited and make a 120 points build and then make your first character, probably in a shitter league and then kill yourself after the first 10 levels then come back here asking what you did wrong expecting us to spoonfeed you.

We'll tell you to fuck off and read the OP and use google like the rest of us, you will, you'll make a new build and try something new. You'll get to level 30 or something, get bored and ask when does the game get fun. You'll eventually link your first items in the thread asking questions like how to determine the price, we'll tell you to read the OP and fuck off again. You'll say "wah wah haters from hardcore" and continue playing, you'll hit level 60 and realize this game is just a grind so you can start another grind, you'll complain about this here and we'll say "it's a game made by GRINDING GEAR GAMES you faggot", a game in which you grind for gear.

Enjoy, you fucking retard.

>Playing a game that nerfs good builds into the ground every time they're discovered

No lol.

Thank you all for your answers. I'm gonna give it a try and see whether it fits me or not.

Streamerbait game. It looks like you'll have this giant variety of build possibilities but in reality there are only a handful of map-clearing builds that basically autopilot the game for you and anything else is hideously inefficient at best and
at worst a colossal waste of time and effort that requires you to just restart the game as a meta build anyway.

1) The dev team is honestly retarded and their buff/nerf cycle for any given playstyle/skill/class/build can range from mid-league adjustment to 1-4 leagues of not doing shit (roughly a year or so). The thing is the meta in this game is basically clearspeed. You want to kill as many mobs as fast as you can. Melee is viable but it still suffers from the problem of it being VASTLY underwhelming compared to spells because 99% of melee builds while having great single target damage, suffer from next to zero AoE so you always clear slower than spells or even ranged builds do. Not to mention the fact that since it IS melee, you always have to be right in the heat of the action which means much less survivability. Plus there's the whole issue with life being incredibly hard to gear for due to retarded design decisions with the passive skill tree.
That said there are viable builds for every single playstyle basically, I made a pure melee build this league that has cleared pretty much all content.

2) You can but generally you don't really do that. It's somewhat expensive and most BIG changes come with every new league, so no reason to ever actually keep old characters to respec them

3) Again, because of the league driven nature of the game you never really play it casually. You learn to play the game, then play nonstop for like the first 2 to 4 weeks of a league and then wait till next league unless you really like the game. Nobody plays Standard, it's a dead cause to play it there as a casual game.

More you'll look at streamers and think you can genuinely get that rich just by playing the game, then you realize those people either A) RMT B) Have guilds supporting them C) Have both guilds and streamcuck viewers giving them shit for free. You can get pretty wealthy in the game but it requires you to either flip currency or find a crafting niche where you invest low and sell for super inflated prices for whatever the league meta is.

The reality is build versatility only opens up once you play the game through 2-3 leagues and learn how everything works. There's a bunch of shit you can make viable if you're not a complete brainlet. The real problem lies in the player driven economy because it's pure fucking cancer and driven by 100% by streamers. Not to mention the entire game balance is completely reddit-driven. Reddit bitches about something? Gets changed. Reddit finds something is op? It gets nerfed because it becomes popular.

when I tried it I got jealous how if I wanted to make my character look cool or unique, I'd have to pay money for cosmetics.

I've tried to get into PoE three times now but it doesn't hook me. Yet I always come back to D3 for a couple weeks whenever a new season launches. Am I retarded?

Yes and no. Once you actually learn how the game works it's super satisfying and addictive as shit but before that it's tedious and slow and boring. It also shows that you have the attention span of a fly and an extremely low IQ to prefer D3's literal nothing of content

you are wasting our time with your outdated hate and memetic "I post a lot I am a genius" verbal diarrhea

What fucking hate you retarded redditor?

I'd say it's worth to play for the first time just for the story and lore alone. It's very interesting, better than many Diablo clones. I'd say experimenting with the builds and possibilities is nice, specially if you accept that your first character is going to be garbage no matter what.

Then, if you get hooked up, you can explore other people's builds or try to figure it out your own. If you get bored by the art or by the obscene grind then you played a good game for free.

>plan your build outside of the game for hundreds of hours or just steal some working build in minutes
>play the game just mindlessly mashing clicks throughout
not my cup

Checking it out is free. Buy a supporter pack for all the stash tabs when you deem it worth indulging yourself in. They're owned by Tencent, though, if that influences your spending.

Easily worth checking out if you were a fan of Diablo 2. D2 is my favorite game of all time and PoE is the best ARPG since D2. It's extremely generous for a F2P game, the limitations all revolve around your inventory stash. If you get invested in the game heavily you will want to expand the inventory for sure, but until you reach that point you can experience everything you need to to learn whether or not you really like the game. It has a fairly steep learning curve and can be punishing to people who don't take the time to learn the game mechanics. There's just a fucking ridiculous amount of content available and learning everything takes time. The first thing everyone notices is the intimidating skill tree. It's a lot to take in, but honestly that just scratches the surface of the depth to this game and all the other shit you will have to learn, but it's rewarding as hell once you start figuring these things out. A lot of naysayers for this game are people who have spent thousands of hours playing it and burned out and became jaded. You shouldn't listen to people like that. You can't expect to have the same type of experience someone else will have who has already played the game thousands of hours. They once loved the game, too, but haven't realized yet that sometimes you have to move on.

most people have caught on to what the real meta in the game is and they just became annoyed. After a while a lot of things without QoL just start to add up, like being forced to do labyrinth every single time despite it being complete cancer, how fucking shit tier it is to find the uber lab trials, how enchants work, crafting being rng on top of rng on top of rng on top of rng, etc.

It's like someone took an rpg then tried to remove everything they could that's good about it. So you just walk from screen to screen pressing the button that will auto-kill everything. Then once a month they nerf that so you have to build a completly new character so you can auto-kill everything with a meteor like effect instead of lightning. Then you spend another month grinding that so you can do it but 10% faster and see slightly bigger numbers until things get stupidly cartoonishly inflated. Then things get nerfed again and we reapeat.

The entire goal of the game is to not play it. Just power through it as fast possible so the next time you can get through it slightly faster with slightly bigger numbers.

This skinner box is then obscuricated behind a large wall of "burdern of knowledge" to make the players feel they got good at something.

What's the point of playing leagues? They last for a few months and then your character goes back to standard. It's not like you can easily make a full build and clear every single map in a few months. I play almost exclusively on standard because I can keep building up my character forever. Not to mention anything new a league brings also goes back to standard too after it ends.

The game begins amazing and then becomes really monotonous and boring. A character build basicaly revolves around using one single ability to kill enemies. A arc lightning build means you'll press the arc lightning button 99.9% of the time. The 0.1% left are buffs that you enable once and they become passivily active until you die. The end game is basically farming maps as fast as possible with movement speed boots. If you're melee and party with ranged friends, good luck killing anything as you'll probably just stroll behind your ranged friends as they kill everything. At that point the game lost all meaning to me and I stopped. I sometimes play a new league just to start over with a new character and new build. At least in the early to mid game you'll have a bunch of skills in a "have to make do" sense - You'll use whatever the game throws at you and it's really fun.

It's enjoyable game for the first or second playthrough but after that it's magic starts to wear out. There are too many problems in the game for me to enjoy it properly, and most of it revolves around trading and how grindy playing without trading the game is. Your mileage may vary but I'm personally quite bored with the idea of leveling a new character, kill uber elder in the first week and then spend rest of the league farming some low level map for the league mechanic. Maybe 4.0 will change things up but for all we know that might be come out in mid or late 2020.

>trading ist necessary If you wanna progress at a reasonable pace
>worst trading system imaginable

try ssf and you can experience making do with gear instead of trading for everything and getting a perfect build

well, ask yourself why you like D3 more than PoE... it could be as simple as aesthetic taste, my dude.

Diablo 3 is better for that.

You should be able to have endgame viable build after around 12 hours playtime.

PoE has way more clicks per minute than D3
if you don't like micromanaging, play D3.

If you're retarded that is.
Diablo 3 is trash.

Once you learn the game you should have cleared the story within 10-12 hours of the league starting, even as low as 6 hours if you become really proficient. If you take MONTHS to clear the atlas you're a fucking brainlet. Also literally nobody plays standard, it's just the sandbox for people that wanna theorycraft and try out crazy shit with gear they imported from a league.

OP wants something casual for podcasts and such. Diablo 3 is much better for that purpose than your free to play autism simulator.

bigger inventory means less time spent sorting shit.
don't have to fuck with socketing, linking, coloring just to try out another fucking ability that i might not like.

Most content in POE is pretty braindead, as long as you follow a half decent build, 99% of content is trivial

It's great.
It runs dry after some time, but that's what the new Events/Leagues are for, basically with new content.
I haven't played for 2 years, but my wife and i always watch from time to time and i'm amazed how much new stuff it had gotten and still get's after each update.

If i wasn't too busy with other games i also would play again, but that might be soon.

I remember the first time i see the skilltree, almost got a hearth attack.

GGG has slowly refined the early game to compete with how easy it is to get into D3.
these days it's a lot easier to get a character to the end game with no preplanning.

I like it and have played it alot but i wouldn't recommend you just jump in and make a rando character, follow a guide on the forums.
The talent tree and the way the game does skills is very complex and can be confusing at the least.

Poe has by far the best ARPG game play out of basically any of the modern games but it has a high barrier to entry, going without the stash tabs is fucking ASS and you should not consider the game free to play but free to try.

absolutely don't, you'll run into 900000 "budget gear, league started, 30 million shaper dps uber lab certified" builds that were actually designed around mirrored legacy standard gear that is impossible to get and super hard to replicate in the current league, on top of flat out not working unless you invest 100ex into it

Just follow random streamer beginner builds or ask /poeg/ instead


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