Meanwhile on Yea Forums god tier mecha experience

Meanwhile on Yea Forums god tier mecha experience.

What exactly what you want in the game, game mechanic wise?

Attached: East Vs West Mecha.png (1105x773, 794K)

Other urls found in this thread: Stick Shooter

Japanese mechs are fucking trash

I loved Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolve, I'd seriously play your game if it had tank options not a few but alot even if your simply mounting tank parts onto mecha parts like treads or anitgrav plate.

Attached: centaur_tank4.jpg (387x219, 17K)

Western mechs are almost always just knockoffs of Japanese mechs, unless you're talking about fucking chickenwalkers.

>no room for all mecha
You’re a faggot

I don't know about you, but i like flyers.

I want to be able to attack your tanks without the need to worry about a big bulky thing but just a small manportable flyer.

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Uh-oh user that is NOT a mech, that is CLEARLY a "Titan"

Never expected someone to talk about western mecha and actually know his shit. OP was not a faggot today.
Mechs =/= Mecha Japs make predominantly Mecha
Fuck are you even talking about, you fucking retard?

Um.. But what about moving troops around in that carrier of yours? Don't you wanna move the boys in their armored powered exoskeletons?

Attached: But it's a TROOP CARRIER not a TANK.jpg (296x170, 5K)

The west honestly is more fond of Power armor than they are Mech suits

I think he's talking about Battletech, almost every Battletech mech early on was just blatantly from an anime because they just threw a bunch of Japanese miniatures in a box and made up some lore for them.

t. Harmony Gold

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in a mech game there has to be a tangible feeling of size and mass, and they should do that by allowing the person to get out of the vehicle, and into small cramped areas inaccessible to mech while also having destructible environments only destroyable by heavy equipment.

as it is, games will just have mech as a stand in for the controllable character. it wouldn't matter if the character and enemies was changed to a human.

an example would be EDF where you get to be a regular sized human, but also pilot 2 story tall walkers, and also 50 story tall giant robots. it feels more of a mech game than games where you spend 100% of the playtime in the cockpit

It was a nice touch they added non-corrupt versions of it in 30k

>Mechs =/= Mecha
All Mechs are Mecha but not all Mecha are Mechs

that's a Titan tho

>Those little farewell messages your Titan displays on the viewscreen when you eject.

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No Mechs are Mecha, no Mecha are Mechs.

An Atlas can't do 50G-force somersaults flying at 300km/h firing a gazillion rockets while having anime tits and a space magic sword.
A Gundam can't rotate its upper torso, can't work without space magic, doesn't have armor, doesn't have the cockpit in its head.

>doesn't have the cockpit in its head.

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Mecha is for five and under children.

If you're seven years old and you haven't figured out how retarded mecha shit is, you're eligible for an automatic diagnosis of retardation.

That's not a Gundam. That's a "Mass Production General-Purpose Mobile Suit" made from Gundarium.

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cringe as fuck no wonder weebs are always autistic

>That's not a Gundam.

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Mecha is fucking retarded just take out the legs LMAO

Mechs are boring, mecha is dumb but cool.

>A Gundam can't rotate its upper torso, can't work without space magic, doesn't have armor, doesn't have the cockpit in its head.
UC Gundams are powered by the same nuclear reactors that other Mobile Suits are. The closest thing to space magic the older shows have are the major pilots being space psychics. Also, Turn A can rotate its torso, but that's an American designed robot.

The true red pill is that all giant robots are toys.

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>Not Lunar Titanium
Way to expose yourself.

>mechs =/=mechas
I feel like i've bumped into a new kind of autism, arent they all just robots

Not really a fan of Nippons take on mechs, it seems kind of boring to make a giant robot and have it just be a big person in armour.

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For me, it is orbital frames

The entire concept of mecha is dumb and inpractical to begin with so you may as well have fun with it. Japanese people usually focus on making designs that look cool whereas westerners strive for gritty realistic takes. I don't really understand the western obsession with making dumb concepts like Batman, Mecha or Optimus Prime look realistic. I think its better to just let unrealistic things look cool.

Are you saying that isn't cool?

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>western obsession with making dumb concepts like Batman, Mecha or Optimus Prime look realistic
because nerds grew up and want their childhood to come along for the ride

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Don't blame me, faggots. I literally pasted this shit straight from the wiki ""

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>giant walking guns are cool
>giant walking people with guns are boring

Hey faggot why don't you reply to me now that i've completely proved you wrong

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t. Tankfag

I can't think of a single mech game even in the same league as armored core or front mission. Battletech has fuck all for customizability.
What's the point of a mech game with no customization?

Think of Mechs as upright bipedal tanks grounded in pseudo realism for the most part.
Think of Mechas as robotic ballerinas powered by space magic and FUCK-YOU physics.

Giant walking guns is cool, making a giant person just so it can hold a giant gun is too silly for me.

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it's cool when you get to be a giant
it's not so cool when everyone is also a giant all the time

As I already said cunt I don't know shit about Gundam because I DON'T WATCH THIS SHIT now leave me alone.

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>I don't really understand the western obsession with making dumb concepts like Batman, Mecha or Optimus Prime look realistic.
It's a founding tradition of Western writing, as deep as hundreds of years prior.
Having one's writing be believable, to be real even when it is not, is very important to writing fiction, even and especially with science fiction. If you can't make the audience believe that *thing* can exist, they won't bother to continue reading, so some grounding is always taught to be necessary, even in fantasy.

Americans are far more loose with Super Heroes admittedly. A character like Batman would likely be arrested for vigilante-ism, but the fantasy of dishing out home made justice to evil-doers is another long held American desire, so they go with Super Heroes in goofy suits because they love the heroism of it. Giant Robots don't have the same pull, nor do American's connect with the "Giant Car with a man body to escape traffic" that Go Nagai had when making Mazginer Z.

So mechas are VOTOMS and mechs are like those VTs from Steel Battalion Heavy Armor?

>What's the point of a mech game with no customization?
play any game that lets you pick equipment loadouts for your characters, those games may have more customizability, but essentially you just have a player character with no sense of scale because everyone is giant all the time

>Can't have a giant robot thread on Yea Forums without some American crazy trying to start a spat from the first response because Giant Robots are not Giant Robots.
I don't even care about not liking Gundam, but why all the salt shaking from the word go?

Just admit you're a goalpost moving faggot

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I always had trouble distinguishing between WH40k walkers.

Knights are basically steampunk WH40k Battlemechs
Titans are basically WH40k Battlemechs without the Mechwarrior part
Dreadnoughts are basically Battlemechs exclusive to supersoldiers

Am I getting this right?

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>but essentially you just have a player character with no sense of scale because everyone is giant all the time
have you ever played an armored core or front mission game user?

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I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say here.

have you played titanfall or EDF?

Dreadnoughts are walking life support coffins with guns on them, theyre all piloted by nearly-dead astartes

I mean Gundam is cool, but mecha is too tokusatsu-esque. It's hard to take them seriously.

I came in here for mechs and got autism. Someone nuke Japan

That sounds silly, then again I don't really know what is immersion.

>avoiding the question
but yeah i've played both actually
what you said was wrong and you've clearly played neither game

Japan isn't the problem here

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There is no such thing as a west/east mecha divide and anyone who thinks that there is one is either a crusty Robotech fanboy still or a Mechwarrior simdad

We already did. If we did it again it would only get worse

Dunno anything about the comparisons you're making so basically;
Dreadnoughts are the smallest (pic related) and are essentially just super power armour for a life support machine containing a mortally wounded space marine who are interred inside the dreadnought as an honour for battlefield performance so that they may continue fighting beyond "death".
Titans are a big fucking deal and are part of a seperate organisation from regular army units and are deployed when you need massive guns, these are the greatest weapons the imperium can deploy on land (asides from some superheavy tanks).
Knights fall somewhere in the middle and are essentially styled after real world knights, piloted and maintained by noble houses who fight when the imperium calls them up.

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I just don't like two-legged walking turtle guns

I'm not an American.

Is it so bad that I want my shit straight when you have retards like these thinking everything's the same because DUDE LMAO ARMS LEGS AND A HEAD XD HUMANOID XD
Let's get real, can you imagine this shit, no matter how unrealistic it practically is, pulling crap like Gunbuster/Gundam/Geass/PacificRim mecha? No, because its design principles are grounded in realism and not just straight up over the top fun.

I want FROM to make another fucking Armored Core already

"West" is also East. East has every single possible mech variation, West merely copies some of them.

Western mech vs Eastern mecha

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Everything after the Nephitis fight sucks up until Anubis btw

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Lmao, no they don't, read the thread.

>Lumping pacific rim in with anime
bruh it's directed by a spainiard

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So exciting.

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user the two mechs in are quite literally the same except one has greebling

it wouldn't make a difference if you replaced armored core's focus from "giant mechs" to people with advanced customizable equipment. you can call it a mech game but it doesn't give the feeling of departing from a human sized perspective the way that titanfall or any game with the ability to get in and out of giant robots feel

I'm still angry. Staged bullshit

Yeah, pretty much. Westerners have also done Mecha as well, think Titanfall and Pacific Rim for example.
The mechmecha distinctions are clear despite the humanoid forms, don't let the antisocial weebs tell you otherwise.

>Walker has a head
>destroy it and mecha is broken

Attached: urgh inkmaster.gif (480x270, 649K)

Why would I bother to read the thread?
It's always the same, half the people don't know what they are talking about, the other half knows everything is jap-inspired.

God, looking back the lefty just looks so fucking cheap compared to the KURATAS

There are examples in this thread of things clearly not inspired by nippon.

>put a bunch of shitty greebles on a mecha
>it is now “realistic” according to battletechfags

I mean, its not like the western one could use real guns.

so western...................................................

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soulles vs soul

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getting in and out of a cockpit is different from spending 100% of your time in a cockpit or playing a TBS. in EDF you always get to go into the giant robot to fight a fucking kaiju, but you also can fight it as a foot soldier. there is a difference in the experience

the pinnacle of western mech design

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I understand what you’re saying but the idea that Titans don’t play like big humans with a dash and lots of health is absurd. It’s different from the normal on-ground combat sure but it isn’t so removed from that experience either.

This looks like the walkers from wargames

Hnnnggg...... S-So realistic........!!!! No hands......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Western mechs be like...
But Japanese mecha be like!

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>named after a tranny

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the point is that, while they are just bigger versions of the player, the mechanics are changed. you suddenly are a powerhouse in excange for being bigger target and are susceptible to different things you didn't worry about when on foot

I'd like to remind you all that the only mecha that would ever exist practically in real life would only be used for construction.

Fuck off losers. Being weebs is your own prerogative, don't lump everything together to justify your obsession.

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mechs are trash

anyone every play Ring of Red? I through it on my PS2 HDD. I'll get around to it eventually.

I highly doubt there's any influential western material earlier than the 50's. Even if there is (I'm sure there are novels of space invaders or niche hollywood movies) it didn't at all cause the boom of mecha.
It was obviously japan's 60/70's mecha explosion that influenced today's field.

You could have just said that you don’t actually have an argument earlier

War of the worlds, they had mechs


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is this that stupidly powerful nuke gundam?

There ALL Giant Robots. Can't we just all have fun? There isn't a ton of Mech/Mecha games out there (RIP Titan Fall)

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Only Japan knows how to do mecha

It's "FIRE EVERYTHING" in robot form; it's fucking cool stop kidding yourself.

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>War of the worlds
Like I said, I was sure there were novels or movies. None that influenced anything related to this thread.

mechanical walking octopuses were not the inspiration for warhammer/mechwarrior's mechs.

It's that Gundam designed by a westerner.

Shhh go back to spazzing about your power of friendship robotic ballerinas and let the adults share their interests.

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Ok, Talos/Bronze giant from greek myth

I'm not talking about mecha, there's more to giant fuck off stompy gun robots than mecha

That's not the appeal of mechs for me. What you're describing is no different from getting in a big tank. The appeal of mechs is building your own then piloting it.

Warhammer wasn't inspired by nippon, it was inspired by the idea of making cool walking tanks, none of the walkers in 40k look even remotely like nipponese walkers.

I would love to be able to enjoy Battletech to my hearts content but there are too many faggots that despise anything “Japanese” for that to be possible

>It's "FIRE EVERYTHING" in robot form
Hold my beer

Attached: 3055u_Salamander[1].png (1376x1146, 1.09M)

Reminder that it's the inspiration for the Numidium in Morrowind.

>none of the walkers in 40k
None of the Imperium walkers do but the Tau are literally the anime faction.
Besides, if the concept was even in part due to some guys at GW liking Battletech then it’s still anime inspired.


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Daggerfall* the one in morrowind is different, my bad.

you can mod TF2 and pretend everyone is a mecha. what can separate a mecha game from a shooter with customization feature?

Pfffffft, pussy.

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>none of the walkers in 40k look even remotely like nipponese walkers
Like I said in my first post, anything you see in the western side there is 3x as much of it in the nippon side.

Guess what is a "walking tank"? nearly all mechs. Not sure how that would counter my argument.


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what about sexy robutts

I was leaving the space communists out of this with their obvious asian influence. The degrees of seperation at this point of "someone on the team liked the idea of a walking robot game, made in the west, based on walking robots from japan" and proceeding to incorporate none of the designs beyond "is a weapons platform that walks" mean that its safe to not call it japanese inspired, otherwise I'm gonna say that all jap mechs are actually western mechs because they are armoured fighting vehicles, a concept that the japanese took from the west.

Space battles with Dead space setting.

Attached: Dead warhammer.jpg (600x900, 72K)

Fip Bip

I like you.

Whats your point?

>Literally less LRMs than the Salamander (3x15 vs 3x20)

West Mech, East Mecha
idk desu
Giant Robot (No one controlling from inside)
That tho confused with mecha these are both mechs
JFC but mech

>Guess what is a "walking tank"? nearly all mechs. Not sure how that would counter my argument.
You know, lack of armor, heavy-hitting weapons, armament variance, reliance on space magic for power, among other things. Obsessed weeb freak.

>Childhood is thinking Turn A is ugly and out of place.
>Adulthood is knowing that Turn A is the most elegant Gundam and its linework shines when it's in action.

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To add to that, Titantfall mechs and anything like them, (Humanoid holding giant gun but still heavy), bridge the gap between mech and mecha.

why the fuck are battletech designs so fucking ugly?
who the fuck thinks any of these look "cool"

nah, titans are mechs

No you can't. You've clearly never played armored core. Every single part affects your controls and playstyle in noticable ways. No shooter has customization on that level.

It needs more missiles.

If anything I’d say Imperial Knights and Titans have more in common with super robots than real robots, at least in terms of visual design. Sure there’s nothing quite like them due to 40ks propensity for skulls and cathedrals but Mazinkaiser wouldn’t look entirely out of place there either.

Mechs = Giant bipedal machines
Mecha = Short for Mechanical

All Mechs are Mecha(nical), but not all Mecha are Mechs, power armor and toasters are also Mecha.

It has 3 ER large lasers and and 3 SRM4s though, and its variant 3ER PPCs. Are we talking sheer missile volume, or firepower volume?
Rocket-wise the Salamander is superior, but has less overall firepower. Still doesn't look as retarded as the Blood Kite.

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Its honestly a spectum
On left: Mech (More Western, Heavier, Walking Gun/tank IE Mech Warrior/battletech)
On right: Mecha (More Eastern, Lighter, Humanoid with sword/gun IE Gundam)

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The balls flag is fucking stupid though, another point (and a hidden one) enemies can climb from.

>we will never get another mech game as good as ACFA
it hurts bros

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is that your only protest? so you're saying as long as you can customize to a certain extent and look like a robot, you're satisfied with calling it a mecha game? besides, playstyles are affected by loadouts in TF2 as well

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just play EDF 4.1 or 5 and play fencer or air raider

I was just going off pure missiles, anything mounting 3 PPCs is objectively better than anything that isn't

I want a game where you pilot a mech (western mech styled not those gay ass anime robots) and the camera is like from the top like an ARPG but you control the mech movement with WASD keys and the torso with the mouse and aim the weapons with the mouse
is there any game like this?
I scoured the 'mech' tagged games on steam but didnt find anything promising

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You’ve never played Armored Core because you clearly can not grasp how much customization there actually is.

Yeah goes to show you know jack shit about jap mechs. You have everything from Titanfall/Battletech levels of "realism" to absurd space magic, even within the same franchise sometimes. And there are about 50x more japanese mecha franchises than there are western so you can simply assume I am correct by sheer volume even if you do zero research.

My post is correct:
>half the people don't know what they are talking about, the other half knows everything is jap-inspired.

That is not an integral feature of the titan. That was just put on by some guy.

What are you talking about that's the γ Gundam

Mix between Titanfall 2 and MechWarrior 3. Japanese mechs are boring.

I love me some non humanoid bipedal mechs

Attached: emancipator.jpg (500x410, 31K)

Airmech sounds the closest desu but not exactly
this is the genre you are talking about tho Stick Shooter

>Because a japanese man once drew a picture of something somewhat similar to what you're talking about, clearly this means that everything is taken from japan
Woah, amazing.

Shit's burnt off 10 minutes into the fight. Also thing's like 15 meters tall running at 50km/h so good fucking luck grabbing onto the crotch-banner.

i have, i played the original and it was my favorite game until i lost the use of my left hand. what i'm trying to understand is why customizability= mecha when games like zone of enders, among others don't have that same level of customization. are you saying those aren't mecha games?

airmech is trash dude
I played this obscure game called 'Gatling Gears' pretty solid gameplay but its like steampunk styled and its not really my thing I want something more sci-fi and with more mech customization

These are arbitrary distinctions with absolutely no objective basis.

Mechs are just what the west calls giant humanoid vehicals and robots

Mecha is the Japanese term but is used more broadly

I like them slim and elegant like a sticc, i'm. Also triangle-sexual.

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"""Realistic""" mechs are trash. Why do people even bother with them?

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you know I still struggle to get over the fact this movie was actually made and wasn't trash

If you don't get what he's saying and why it makes sense then honestly you might be on a spectrum.

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>Mix between *japanese inspired design* and *actually plagiarized japanese design*. Japanese mechs are boring.

You are aware that a lot jap mecha franchises are way more popular, longer lived, have more merch, and create more revenue than the pitiful state of western mech, right? I mentioned franchises in particular for that reason, not "hurr a single accidental western looking drawing".
Sorry it's beyond clear you live in a bubble. Not worth replying to anymore.

mechassault, gotta dig up an OG xbox

Honestly a game like Foxhole but instead of WWII its mech combat would be fun as shit,

Large scale battlefield, Slow tactical combat, (because mechs are slow)

Hawken has such a fucking awesome soundtrack. Shame nobody has the balls to keep the game alive.

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This is probably how mechs will turn out. Nothing is more efficient than having what we already have but on legs. Imagine a SAM site that can move to better align missiles to take out planes.

Because they look cool

Because the ultimate realization of the dream is to make it believable.

I'm saying that's the appeal of a mecha game yes. That's why I love AC and FM and feel pretty meh about the rest of them. Fucking barely dude. It's not even the equivalent of switching weapons in AC let alone legs core arms head processor generator etc.


Sounds like an worse tank.

Alpha and Omega yikes.

fun fact: the mangaka bought several model kits and chopped them up to create the original design for his mecha

Everyone here is a nigger for not realizing most western mechs a are still from the east

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is the japan version of this just gundam heavy arms?

This is actually true, for the most part. One of the very few things western designers actually do better.

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You are aware that all your jacking off about how great nippon mecha is is completely irrelevant and that you trying to desperately cover the fact that you forgot that "mechs" extended beyond battletech.

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>Imagine a SAM site that can move

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land based mechs > flying mechs

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Realistic mechs are for faggots who wish their german panzers had thighs to cum on.

Because it is a worse tank.

>Yuhata got so assblasted by Nagate's rejection she turned herself into a man and married the hermaphrodite

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This is the only bases opinion here

make it then
I would unironically buy it

Look at these ugly gook goblins.

Is there any counterpart for zoomer there in japan?

Tanks are the coolest

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2 legs on heavy equipment is a meme

You can't drive that at a mountain top in the middle of a blizzard when your enemy's expecting you to be bogged down and unable to deploy.
There are tactical advantages to a mech's ground clearance and self-sustainability, if you can ever make a viable mech that is.

Walking tank, derserves the name of weapon platforn. Functional and grounded in real life military. The technology comes first.

Not really a vehicle at all, pretty much the sci-fi version of a knights armor. the pilotes agility directly impacts the mechs performance

I've been thinking of buying a model to assemble and maybe paint but I no fucking clue what to get. Any reccomendations? I like sleek mechs like in EVA or maybe like the Tau from W40K.

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You can't tell me this isn't the coolest shit. Or doth thou desire the power?

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What he's trying to convey is a general stylistic difference but he's using words that don't mean what he thinks that mean and trying to redefine them to point out this difference.

Here is a better way to plot this spectrum.

Attached: 1555313200139.jpg (853x467, 47K)

>There are tactical advantages to a mech's ground clearance and self-sustainability
you want a low profile or else you're a walking target. if you want sustainability, you don't want complicated legs, you want complex treads like the mars rover

Tanks are pretty much train-loving-assburger tier


Fuck yeah, western design.

Attached: VT.jpg (1280x720, 663K)

Both depend on the writer. Votoms are relatively tanky eastern mecha

>There is a tactical advantage to mechs in very very very specific circumstances
And significantly more downsides in common circumstances, legs are slower than wheels, more complicated, meaning they'll break a lot more and need fixing and if they break its going to wreck the expensive components.
Only place I can see walkers being viable is on a small scale like pic related as infantry support/scouts on rough ground.

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Eldar Wraithknights are a middle ground between wh40k over-the-top scale and mecha sleekness. Good luck with the price though ayy lmao.

>Functional and grounded in real life military.
>building ten meter tall targets
Mechs will never be real functional the best you will get is some bigger power armor like Landmates from Appelseed

But they've got big, fuck off guns on them

Attached: Shooty tank.webm (1280x720, 328K)

>japanese "language"
>a third to half the things you say is on deformed english anyways

Attached: 59af8981-e7ab-49c5-8358-b8a607f332a3.jpg (500x404, 110K)

If you don't get what the image is saying and why it makes sense then honestly you might be on a spectrum.

Yes, and trains are super duper fast. Autists get easily fascinated with mundane shit.

Not my fault that west mech games are better than east mecha games. MechWarrior or Titanfall games are better than Armored Core.

This comparison is one-sided. Summing of East to just magical knights when there is so many kinds of mecha from the realistic to the literal magic knights is unfair.

>titanfall mechs
>better than AC
absolutely horrendous taste

You say west mech games despite most of the designs coming from moon rune land

>ZoE 3 never

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DCS Mecha. Basically, you need to learn how to start, shutdown and actually know what the buttons do.

I could see mechs being viable in locations where literally nothing else can be stationed/driven there. Just walk your robot there and have it lob missiles to the enemy. Or make a walking radar and never have to build permanent installations ever again.

you might as well merge Yea Forums and Yea Forums since anime copied cartoons from the west. and since mecha is anime, it belongs to the west, too

Tanks aren't mundane though, unless you happen to live somewhere where everyone and their mum has one.

Attached: Lend lease.jpg (1600x1066, 347K)

But what kind of locations are those where you literally cannot station anything else?
And why would you be attempting to hold somewhere that humans cannot access or use and therefore holds no value?

funny you say that when MW blatantly copy/pastes jap designs, how can you not know this by now? Sometimes the concept art is in the exact same pose and angle, changing only a couple of minor details.

Now you've done it.
Get into the shelter before weeb REEEing destroys the thread

Attached: Happening.gif (670x473, 188K)

No straight up battletech mech designs are from Japan meaning Japan has been doing mechs longer then the west has. Any argument about which is better is fucking futile because in the end of the day there still just cool robots

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I don't talk about design. West mechs feels like giant tanks. East mechas like paper or plastic models.

Where is the Mecha show with a whimsical plot and scientific mecha?

Not him, but does inprovised tanks count?

>MechWarrior or Titanfall games are better than Armored Core.
>can't even mix and match limbs and parts

Attached: assemble_01.jpg (1200x675, 291K)

It depends how improvised and how tank.

Attached: Libyan technical.jpg (720x476, 121K)

>a gundam doesn't have armour
What the fuck are you smoking

Again depends on the show

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it doesn't matter. each one has it's base of influence in different areas. anime super humanoids are mechas popularized by the east, while tanks on legs are mechs adopted by the west

Post examples of eastern mechs that feel like giant tanks. Cause I've yet to see any.

water based mechs > everything else

Well, in the shithole where I live, the gangs have some pretty beefy looking vehicles, althrough only had something on top like a main cannon.


Attached: zockdock.jpg (472x600, 258K)

Metal Gear

>althrough only one had something on top*

Trust me user, you know when its a tank, because its the size of a house (with some exceptions to be fair)

Attached: Beast Slayer.jpg (1096x581, 49K)

Western designs can't into variety, and its adherants expect other group's designs to be just as singular and stiff.

Knowing that the same people who made Mazinger Z also made the YF-19 is as paradigm breaking as learning Gundam Wing is not the only Gundam. That's the vibe I get from this thread at least. Other Anons I've seen are not nearly as uptight on this subject.

What I actually want from a mecha game is something that properly conveys scale through an equally detailed and varied landscape. Too often do you get into a mech and despite towering near buildings, feel no bigger than if you were traversing at ground level.

Yes they are. You have to be super autistic to get excited by some piece of generic military hardware.

>humans cannot access or use
>therefore holds no value
That's fundamentally wrong.
>locations where you literally cannot station anything else
Building a radar installation on Everest or K2 is logistically/practically impossible. What if you could however walk a robot up there; you'd have the best Radar coverage on the planet.
I'm not going to list you all the possibilities, think for yourself.

Those look nothing like tanks, they look like jap walkers.

>tanks with legs are adopted by the west
Y'know that's fair actually. Good day
Pic related
Fuck motion controls tho

Attached: VT-OG.jpg (450x360, 60K)

/m/ exists, and they talk about Giant Robots no mattet where they spawn from. It is relatively close to what you're trying to mock, and was one of the best boards on Yea Forums for a long time.

I tell you what, being inside one sounds terrifying.

That doesn't look like a tank with legs, that looks like a spindly jap mecha.

Attached: Tiger_kursk.gif (300x170, 1.89M)

Why does every mecha thread here always starts with east vs west shitflinging. And don't get me started on the tankfags.

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Ring of Red

Attached: (1024x768, 108K)

>mechas that feel like giant tanks
>straw-thin chicken legs with exposed joints
You can't make this shit up. Weebs are delusional.
Depends on the tank

>anime super humanoids are mechas popularized by the east
>what is VOTOMS
>while tanks on legs are mechs adopted by the west
>what is 40k
This is why mecha is dead, because so many retards like this know nothing about it.

Racism, swords/gun vs katana, cool vs practical, the mesoamerican thread had something similar, it had a couple of spammers going "white good non white bad"

>piece of generic military hardware.
Because giant mecha will never be real.

Attached: Tiger II.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

Armored Core. I want Armored core back. I want my autism level tweak and design. I want my almost unhealthy obsession of collecting parts back. I want the ability to build and design my mechs around being so fat they can't fly but lay down massive damage, to my small and lightly armored flyweight skirmishers.

Mechwarrior online was alright, but they were slow even when they were fast, but I did enjoy turning everything into an ammo box.

Fighting is fun.

Attached: Votoms 2.webm (420x282, 2.52M)

Anons do u have brain damage

Attached: r45n0otk8lo11.jpg (474x355, 33K)

Now you're just being a baby. Is winning really thay important to you user?

Attached: GiantRobotsAreCool.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Tanks are boxy, heavy and imposing.
That thing looks spindly as fuck and nothing like a tank.

Attached: British Tank riders.jpg (795x800, 85K)

There's also Dougram, came from the same guy that made Votoms. A fantastic show. A Battletech design was lifted from it, the Griffin.

Attached: Dougram.png (500x500, 145K)

Not with that defeatist attitude they won't.

You're like the guy in the 1450's saying human flight is impossible and makes no sense. Look at us now.

Attached: uploads252Fcard252Fimage252F1014787252F318303e2-5c38-4508-8695-fefd1db0005a-1.jpg252F575x323__filter (575x323, 22K)

>straw-thin chicken legs with exposed joints
So Battletech then?

What's with you leftists being obsessed with race.
In a thread filled up to the brim with such entertaining unadulterated autism, what does race have to do with fucking any of it. Fuck's wrong with you people.

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the point is that who influenced what isn't as important as being able to differentiate two things that have become distinctly popular in different places and ways for different reasons

>tfw lost my folder of SRW webms

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Ah yes, what a imposing tank desing. Truly one or more trench rats died to the treads of this majestic beast

Attached: tiny_tank.jpg (600x435, 156K)

This is closer to what a walking tank looks like

Attached: Walking tank.jpg (679x382, 55K)

The leftist is you.

Attached: (700x605, 176K)

You can't post a tankette and expect me to treat it like its anything other than an aberration.

>literally "no u" argument
Sheesh, I'm bailing this thread. Enjoy fellating each other.

Attached: dilate.png (225x225, 2K)

Humans still can't fly, we just sitting on flying machines.
And no, I didn't say giant robots can't be made, they are just impractical for military use.

This is also a walking tank. Guess where its from

Attached: scorp-model-box.jpg (500x354, 46K)

Tankfags are retarded because they think that because mecha are “land” based vehicles with lots of firepower and armor that they must be like tanks in terms of function and mythos.
In reality mecha of all kids has always acted more like fighter jets with legs rather than tanks with legs.

Ok, thats just silly.

>West and East unite

Crush them under our mighty feet

In the thumbnail it looks like he's yelling with a cigar in his mouth.

But user tanks are massive imposing boxes, (((you))) said so

>no sense of scale
You have never played an armored core or front mission.

The west

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Attached: Steel-Battalion-Heavy-Armor-XBOX-360.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

>heavy ass giant humanoid robots
In anime maybe.

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They are, just because tankettes also exist doesn't make that not true. You can try to play technicalities all you want its not going to make it untrue.

Kind of surprised this hasn't been posted.

Attached: TheSpidersHaveRisen.jpg (640x427, 49K)

>Humans still can't fly
Get with the times grandpa. Future is now. The impossible becomes possible everyday.

> they are just impractical for military use.
"What, sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I pray you excuse me, I have no time to listen to such nonsense."

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Thats clearly western inspired though.

mecha is dead because it's stupid. just make a super powered human as the main character of your game/story

Nope. Guess again.

The transformers from the bay movies could fly.

>That date
But I thought it was impossible for people outside of japan to imagine the concept of a walking combat vehicle on their own?

New Armoured Core when? I've been waiting for years.

It's just a tank on legs.

i've seen one with jets a-la ironman
not sure which one has the brighter future

Clearly it is, because they look similar.
Why can't japan come up with original ideas?

Humans are so boring though.

God. The whole argument of "those are spindly chicken legs" grinds my fears because battletech has spindly leg mecha as well. I feel like tank tags don't like mechs on principle and are just /k/ trolls. Dedicated/k/ trolls but /k/ trolls. On the less. Or maybe they just like battle tech and battletech alone

Attached: d2ycsib-23edd7d0-2d19-4494-9ace-1194c3f1f2ec.png (800x600, 159K)

New TF game with superior western designs when

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this picture is me every day


Attached: Active Mind.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

Mecha is dead becose mecha was good in spite of being mecha, not because of it. It used to have compelling or entertaining characters, usually tragic, tended to explore warfare and politics and even the concept of predetermined fate and had cool giant robots protagonists would fight in. Now it's just cool giant robots and nothing else of substance.

Attached: Sleeping in a VOTOMS.jpg (2298x1644, 1.79M)

Nah, its

i like mine speedy with as many intimidating ordnances as possible

inb4 mobile game

Attached: Raketenwerfer.jpg (1000x678, 152K)

>reading comprehension
What I’m saying is that the tropes and mythology that surrounds mecha is more like that of the fighter pilot than of the tank crew. Focus on individual skill, dueling, and upclose and personal engagements are more associated with dogfighting.
Just because combat often happens on the ground in mecha doesn’t mean that mecha actually behave like tanks in battle, regardless of their influence.

front missions were TBS and armored core you never see mech from human perspective. compare those to titanfall or EDF or RAD

It most looks like a botched M3 Lee on legs, but the pictured forces are very clearly based on the real world US military.

Attached: Mr Lee.jpg (602x405, 120K)

Not really, you're stretching it and getting dabbed on.

>Are clear
Except Japan has done everything the west is doing or has done, but first. A western mech doesn't exist as a unique concept that hasn't been done by the Japs already.

Is there a guide to build this?

So its /pol/ cool

Is this the new real robot vs super robot thing?

Attached: 1550312171066.png (480x600, 265K)


The walkers from War of the Worlds predate anything Japan has done.

No I'm making fun of the idea floated in this thread that all walking combat vehicles have to come from japan. Like its such a unique idea that it couldn't have possibly existed in the west independently.

A ship that could sail against the wind has potential.
What potential does a giant humanoid robot has to be use for war that couldn't be done better with other mean?

And no, that guy didn't fly, he stand on a drone.

>Now it's just cool giant robots and nothing else of substance.
it used to be that they would write stores to sell toys and merch, now they're just selling merch and nostalgia


why don’t tank fags just switch over to bolos instead of forcing themselves to like mechs?

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While I disagree that all good mecha had interesting stories of war and politics with tragic characters in them, you are right that the actual meat of every great mecha series didn’t just come from giant robots fighting.

>Walking vehicles is a uniquely japanese concept, nobody could have come up with this idea without having been inspired by based nippon

A good gundam vidya plz bandai, licence it to a major studio plz

Attached: Rx-93-destroy_Equipped_with_fin_funnels_ver_ka_cg.jpg (1182x1500, 567K)

Tank fags don't try to like mechs, they like tanks.
Its in the name.

Attached: Coldstream Sherman.jpg (1600x1040, 437K)

>ywn give Saki the erection
God what a fucking awful series. So fun to watch with /m/.

what about tachiomas?

Attached: tachikoma.gif (500x280, 349K)

How do west fags feel about pic related

Attached: 25403.jpg (900x1165, 168K)

Sidonia mechs are fucking sexy

Small robots and drones are the future.

Japanese mechs: Beautiful yet powerful looking

Western mechs: farming equiptment

fuck western designers and their obsession with muh realism

Attached: 51z5VyJ+WCL._AC_SX215_.jpg (215x305, 21K)

First off:
>Distinctly popular
Giant Robots are very niche in this day and age. In Japan robots have been cast aside for cute girls and are largely reference fodder. In the West, they're nearly non-existant, especially with Titanfall going down.
If Yea Forums were made today, we would not have a mecha board, as it would be viewed as irrelevant.

Secondly: The distinction are not nearly as extreme as some folk in here think it is. Western designs go hard on the military and greebly aesthetic, but the East often do both that and more Whimsical styles, sometimes in the same work. Along with the instances where Western designs turn out to be slightly modified Japanese designs, the conmection is clear. The "weebs" in this thread are aware of this comnection, and I can wager many of them are fans of both. That's why it is odd to them that the Battletech/Mechwarrior fans here can't bridge the gap.

Attached: SneakyZaku.jpg (1262x1000, 217K)


Both are good your adding nothing to overall mechdom with saying that

Why are you so salty that people enjoy things you personally don't?
As many anons have pointed out in this thread, the existence of western mechs doesn't mean that mecha doesn't exist.

You shoot and kill tanks, helicopters, and even squads of soldiers. In the urban areas you can also run over cars with no issue, and there are missions where you straight up destroy big rigs to stop shipments to rival corporations and find parts. There is plenty of scale.

>The novel does not contain a fully detailed description of the tripods' (or "fighting-machine", as they are known in the novel) mode oflocomotion, however it is hinted at: "Can you imagine a milking stool tilted and bowled violently along the ground? That was the impression those instant flashes gave. But instead of a milking stool imagine it a great body of machinery on a tripod stand."
>Ōgon Bat, akamishibaithat debuted in 1931 (later adapted into ananimein 1967), featured the first piloted humanoid giant robot, Dai Ningen Tanku(大人間タンク),but as an enemy rather than a protagonist.
Japan does it again baby.

Dilate you polcuck

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I really like GearHead Arena, and was pleasantly surprised how much work the designer put in to that game. It's directly based on Mekton and another RPG book, and it's fun to read up on such an old and niche artifact.

stop projecting, tranny

I need to find that then. I plan on getting battle century G and Z seeing how 4 chins had a hand in that but god the art is fuggly in that book

>In Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being that is magically created entirely from inanimate matter
Another victory for gods chosen people

Attached: jew hammer.jpg (750x747, 52K)

Realism has no place in video games and can actively make them less fun. There's a reason there's no good tank games and the only one anyone remembers (battletanx) wasn't realistic at all.

>Functional and grounded in real life military. The technology comes first
That's bullshit tho
Western mechs play a game of pretend with functionality and realism but they are just as nonfunctional as jap mecha
Tanks are functional, mechs however are always inherently nonfunctional no matter how much you go for the simplistic weapon platform look

Dilate harder mechs can have melee weapons too

Attached: d2j7ysc-69dfdbbd-18f5-457a-a2e0-a81ee9d25a01.jpg (688x800, 186K)

Pot meet kettle. This thread is filled with Battletechfags pretending that greebles are what determines if something is realistic or not and disparaging any who say otherwise.

You're right user, all videogames should be abstract and feature the adventures of 2d shapes flying through a void. By severing all the shackles of reality we shall be free to make the best video game (tetris).

If you want good art you're not gonna find it in Gear Head.

No pilot, not a mecha

So you're mad because other people are mad?

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Titanfall 2 already feels perfect for its scale.

Its piloted by the power of jehovah.
The original and best mecha pilot.

I thought gearhead was a ttrpg. Ya this looks uggo but theres a Charm to it. It seems like a above average drawing a kid would scribble in his notebook

Dai-Guard definitely.
Also Patlabor sans the movie.

Attached: CardboardDucktapeAndSOUL.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>Get in the golem, Jehovah

All that inbreeding must've scrambled your brain.

I personally prefer mechs to mechas

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In BT canonically some mechs can do handstands and of course there's a mech with a huge axe which runs at other mechs and hits them with said axe.

Also BT fusion reactors and myomer muscles are space magic. Kind of.

every M3 Lee is a botched M3 Lee, might as well put legs on it

I’m saying that to call someone out for saying “hurr durr western mecha a shit” is absurd in a thread where a lot of people have said that as well as the opposite.

>does an alpha strike
>reactor immediately turns into a fucking star

It's an open source game, and the files are all easy to access, so someone could probably redraw/redesign the robots and portraits if they desired. I was thinking about doing that as a little pet project.

Believable is different than realistic. Realism is cancer.

>What potential does a giant humanoid robot has to be use for war that couldn't be done better with other mean?
Adaptability to direct neural control, our brains are hardwired to control our bodies, a giant humanoid would be easier for us to adapt to than a traditional machine of war.

>And no, that guy didn't fly
He did. Human flight is now possible when previously it was thought to be impossible.

Huh. I never actually considered that.

I disagree, I have had a lot of fun in realistic games and greatly prefer them to more stylised games.

Attached: There are two ways to play ARMA.jpg (3599x1049, 362K)

I make an exception for sims. But someone asking for realism from a mech game is a tard.

Fighting mostly in space means you don't need to consider ground capability, but this absolute unit can still stand on its own two feet without a support.

Attached: RX-121-2A + FF-X29A Gundam TR-1 [Hazel-Rah], Second Deployment.jpg (1200x959, 125K)

>Titans are basically WH40k Battlemechs
They are a level above, protected by Plotarmium shields and with enough firepower to kill armies and level cities. The lightest Titan, Warhound aka """Scout""" Titan, weights 410 tons. The largest conventional Battlemechs are 100, I know there are also 150 models but they're super-exotic.

But why?
This is something that has always bugged me, why can't we take these unrealistic settings and concepts and make a version grounded in reality?
Having an arma/steel beasts style mech game sounds like something that could be really fun and immersive. I've always preferred the western take on mechs anyway simply because I can't suspend my disbelief for the more "floaty"? eastern mecha games.

Yeah, fuck swords, beam maces are the way to go.

Attached: beam mace.webm (640x480, 1.99M)

I'd rather have good gameplay than "immersion". Slowing everything to a crawl isn't my idea of fun. Tribes > Arma for me.

You can have both, one does not preclude the other.
>Tribes > Arma
I enjoy both

The western ones are all just Destroid variants drom Macross that regress into gun platforms.

Not the guy you're replying to but you're not making a very good case when all you're doing is saying
>b-but technology! wow! people can fly now when we thought they couldn't before!
You're not providing any sensible situations where they would be more effective than existing tools of war or ways to make them practical since no military on the planet is using them. I like all sorts of mecha from the more "grounded" ones to the over the top crazy shit but no military is going to use them anything that looks like them unless the way wars are fought and the environments they're fought in change drastically from what we know, and even in this extremely unlikely scenario it will probably look nothing like what you see in video games and anime. Just face it, this stuff is fun but it's place lies solely in fiction.

Granted, the robots are powered by gas and are driven like cars, steering wheel and all, so I'm not sure if it can be called 100% Scientific.

Attached: GasPoweres.jpg (1200x1875, 442K)

I like everything save the two herobots in the back.

ANY form of bipedal war machine significantly larger than a human is completely magic space dust, you may as well be asking for a 'realistic' and 'grounded' game about frog wizards with magic wands casting spells at tanks.

That's not how the industry works. It jumps hard on trends. If realism becomes the trend my life gets worse, so I hope it never happens.
I'm not sure I've ever enjoyed a game going hard on realism.

I don't care what anyone says, I absolutely adore AoZ designs.

Attached: hyzenthlay II rah.jpg (1000x1128, 151K)

>Adaptability to direct neural control, our brains are hardwired to control our bodies, a giant humanoid would be easier for us to adapt to than a traditional machine of war.

Actual tests with neural control interfaces shows monkeys adapting incredibly quickly to seamlessly controlling mechanisms that don't resemble their own bodies. try again retard

Why is 8th MS team the best implementation of mechs in any game or TV series? What made it just so good.

Have sex.

Uh, how about just airlifting that shit up there? Are you fucking stupid nigger? have you ever heard of the concept of a helicopter and airplane?

Holy autism. You probably sent letters to developers to tell them that orcs and dragons aren't real and shouldn't be in their game.

Attached: 1403221717556.jpg (251x240, 5K)

While I lean on the less realistic side, I don't think it's good to dismiss the desire for grounding. Having your giants have a sense of weight is honestly a good thing, and adds to the presence of the robot. Kind of like how Big O _feels_ massive, even though there are bigger robot that move way faster. That feeling is key to the aesthetic, and it should not be lost.

t. Autistic Kike

Realism is cool. Gritty military aesthetic > toy aesthetic any day.

Xenoblade X-2 when?

Well yeah, but he specifically talked about suspending his disbelief. Honestly I can suspend my disbelief more for super robot because at least that has magical justifications that actually could make internal sense, 'real robots' don't even have an internal logic that isnt stupid.

I’g honestly recommend you start with something cheaper and less complex than 40k stuff. Most modern $20-$25 HG gunpla sets are a good starting point to seeing if you like building mech modes at all before you get into the nitty gritty of buying lots of paint, glue and expensive GW stuff.

i think both are very cool and is a giant faggot

Yoshiyuki Takani's work is SO good. I wish Anime production art was like this now.

Attached: ChiricoDitchesHisRide.jpg (1280x900, 728K)

Westernfags getting BTFO

Attached: 1543784551470.webm (1280x690, 2.94M)

You keep going on about muh scientific progress making mecha possible but by making a giant machine and putting a guy in it you'd be going against one of the most important recent ongoing developments in military technology, which is to have them be remotely controlled and have the operator be nowhere near the device he's controlling.

>It's realistic if it fits my specific preferences
If you are going to dump your money into a war machine it would have to be a Valkyrie from Macross anyway. Something that moves fast, hits hard and can adapt to situations while taking advantage of the fact that it's a 30' high death robot fighterjet. Remember the Gundam and its Ilk are made for Space Combat first and foremost and were shit on the ground.

I don't need to because it's not my place to predict how or why they would be used hypothetically.

The point is making broad statements about what is and isn't possible and what will and will never be plausible is a fool's errand especially in the grandness of time. A guy from the 1450s isn't going to know how human flight would ever feasibly work or how it would fit into warfare, same is true now for us because without a complete picture we can't make any real conclusions. The only thing you can say is that they're highly unlikely to be used in the future as weapons of war.

That webm is BASED

I wonder if anyone ever counted how many VOTOMS did Chirico end up wrecking over the course of the series and additional movies. And I really enjoyed the VOTOMS take on mecha, they were more like powered armor, cheap, except for some powerful custom variants, easy to mass produce, deployed en masse and running on an incredibly volatile fuel compound.

Remote control only works if no one is jamming your control signals. Future is in AI controlled bots not remote controls.

Cool but why neural control anything when you can just have an AI that does it for you?

I did Warhammer as a kid but I was more thinking of model kits to assemble, Warhammer is barely that. I've been browsing amazon and it's 95% gundam, aren't there cool model kits from other franchises?
Otherwise this dude is pretty cool looking.

Attached: 71eu4l-zNVL._SL1229_.jpg (977x1229, 132K)

Brigador is pretty much exactly like that.

Attached: Brigador Aethos.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Attached: 74415466_p0.jpg (1080x1920, 227K)

Giant Mechs are Kino

Attached: Killzone3_02-921x720.png (921x720, 1.12M)

Did these fellas ever appear in a Super Robot Wars?

Attached: 73293585_p0.jpg (1020x1920, 140K)

Attached: MAWLR.png (1920x1080, 2.47M)

>all those APC kills filled with people count as single kills

Big mechs are unnecessary until you create tanks or other targets harder than what we have now. Think about it, even a javelin can be used by a mere soldier.

Just give us battlesuits so a soldier can wield a GPMG and AT missiles at the same time. What else would you need?


I'd suggest looking into Kotobukiya kits. They do quite a few other franchises along with their own Frame Arms line.

Attached: 10548690p.jpg (980x1200, 329K)

armor mechanics like warthunder / wot should be standard in anything with tanks mechs or anything with armor in general

Attached: 1563460097006.jpg (325x325, 30K)

What is the deal with immersion anyway? You're playing on a controller or keyboard most of the time, I never undestood this immersion thing, I am aware that its not real, excuses don't make believe that its legit, that doesn't mean I can enjoy it for what it is.


Mechwarrior living legends just had the PTE for its next patch drop. 3 new mechs, 2 new maps and lots of balance tweaks.

Not mecha but the two groups are so small I think its best to group them

Attached: Low health killsteal.webm (1440x1080, 2.94M)

>tfw you keep shooting at the tank, but it's like fucking plastic pellets because it's not at an exact angle with the exact right kind of shell
Warthunder was infuriating, I almost believe it's pay to win. Cool mechanic though when you get it right and every passenger gets hit.

You have 10 seconds to explain why you've never played cyberbots.

Attached: cyberbots.jpg (1904x1407, 1.1M)

Attached: Crossfire kill, then legging.webm (1440x1080, 2.83M)

Attached: Clanner scum gets InnerSphere Justice.webm (1440x1080, 2.92M)

Not him but they don't look like they belong given there is a CALVARY battle below and their size. Just off

Based getter team

It's actually fairly realistic unless your weapon can achieve penetration with absolute certainty. There were cases of heavily armoured tanks taking multiple dozens of direct hits and zero penetrations.

Attached: Trying to run from THOR.webm (1440x1080, 2.81M)

Well in one series mobile suits were explained to be for intimidation but as their numbers grew and everyone started having them then the battles became all about them.

Isn't this arcade? I have no way to play it.

I want to play this but my technical illiteracy kills me

1. Feeling of weight. Mecha are usually pretty big and heavy, and their movements need to reflect this. This doesn't mean they have to be slow, but details like a jumping mech practically crouching on landing to absorb the shock, or firing retro thrusters just before touchdown. Kicking up dust clouds and/or debris when walking/running. More animation than gameplay, but needed very much to give that mecha feel.

2. Combined arms. Mech vs mech duels are good, but there needs to be other kinds of fighting too. VTOLs, tanks, dropships, wet navy ships, buildings, massive bosses, anything goes.

3. Damage that's both visible and affects gameplay. Stuff like your over the shoulder autocannon becoming unavailable because it just got shot off. Physical shields that can be used to block, but will shatter after taking too much damage.

4. Comms banter. Mechwarrior style teammates and ops communication, animu mecha yelling at and/or debating philosophy with opponents, Ace Combat style listening in on random enemy comms, anything's good as long as there's something.

Now that I've written all that down wow there's not a lot of actual mechanics I can think of, it's mostly atmospheric stuff I want.

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It has a full downloader, installer and launcher now. It installs like any other game.

Attached: Poptart makes them jelly.webm (1440x1080, 2.93M)

I'd throw in that they would use more computer generated and 3D bullshit which kills the art style.

>Killing you from orbot
Nothing personnel, chicken legs.

Attached: 1044.150418.221925_wingzerocustomv1launchtbr1.jpg (1200x713, 118K)

Western mechs are heavily based off Japanese mechs.

You're no fun on your period, honey.

I have the combined arms you ordered sir

Attached: RemoveLT1.webm (1440x1080, 2.92M)


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>Comes out of cloaking to tell you you're already dead.
Nothing personnel, chicken legs

Attached: Gundam-Wing-Deathscythe.jpg (4000x2000, 458K)

CGI isn't inherently bad, Gundam Origin is a good example of that. But good CGI also takes time, effort and investment, same as good art and lately CGI simply has been used as an excuse to outsource production to Chinese interns to cut costs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.50.17.000.jpg (1920x1080, 578K)

Good news my boy, not only is it easy to emulate. You can also play it online against a buddy with better netcode than 90% of paid fighting games if you use fightcade.

Attached: fba.jpg (323x290, 16K)

blessed posts

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it should but it wouldn't work if it features anything aside from mechs
generally mechs are easy to hit targets due to their legs making them stand high up as opposed to ranks which try to go hull down whenever possible
they also have a hard time to find cover outside of maybe city combat
and how would you assign their armor thickness? Obviously the front of the torso needs thick armor but covering the entire front of the mech in thick armor will make it far heavier than a tank which tries to have small targetable area
then you need at least some armor on the legs to keep them from getting BTFO'd immediately
side armor would be lower I suppose and back armor even lower

really the biggest problem with mechs of any design western or eastern is that they have far too much surface area to be practical



Attached: fuck realism.jpg (3000x2363, 1.4M)

/m/ BTFO

Attached: popgoestheuziel.webm (1440x1080, 2.84M)

Both are ugly.
The only good mechas is small ones.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1176x767, 157K)

TF is from japan

where do I download it? same site still? I dont wanna fuck up and have empty files filling my computer

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that's just power armor isn't it?
could also be a robot I guess, but not a mecha in either case



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Attached: RemoveHovers.webm (1440x1080, 2.95M)

>that's just power armor isn't it?
What's the difference?
Thing you call mechas is the same exoskeletons, just big, no?

thats power armor though with a super shitty draw back

Attached: 51N0BAB1H2L.jpg (475x373, 39K)

you usually drive mecha/mechs while you wear power armor.

mechas are piloted vehicles
power armor is a bulletproof suit with an engine strapped onto it

What's the difference? I remember mechwarrior had some kind of small mechs also, they was ok.
Big ones are nigger tier tho.

though I guess there are some mechs you wear as well

>you usually drive mecha/mechs
So, like, with controls inside of a hull? What's the point of it when you could just control it with your body?
So if it's something big as a building yet controlled with a suit it's not a mecha?


do you wear it over your limbs? power armor
do operate it from a cockpit? mech

My favorite are still the older Armored Core games.
The newer ones aren't bad but I missed the weight and clunky feeling of the old more grounded mechs, even when they could turn into sky dancing weapon platforms once you got good.

Oh, ok.
Then i don't understand the point of mechas at all, besides fanservice ofc.

Mechwarrior is weird. there are Fuck Huge Mechs that I dont think are on the scale of anything? you have power armor with genetically engineered people in them jumping around. then a middleground class. and then I think you get the shit like jenners and commandos along with atlas's

Attached: 250px-g2xy0mya94wol7y5jmqzun55n0q8isu.png (250x325, 123K)

>So if it's something big as a building yet controlled with a suit it's not a mecha?
if the suit is only an interface option to pilot it then it would still be a mecha

unironically grow up

Always enjoyed reading those, and I read them often since I was a ronin main with nuclear ejection

>you have power armor with genetically engineered people in them jumping around
I think i found what i was saying about, "elemental" is the thing i called small mechs, right?

>What's the point of it when you could just control it with your body
its cool

Attached: 0WuvzMA.png (300x395, 141K)

BATTLETECH is Unrealistic too, ALL MECHS are made with Living Artificial Muscle bundles Tied to their circuits called Myomer.


The Tank Simulator Bullshit exists because Realityfags never played the tabletop or Mech3/4

Attached: Myomer Robotic Muscles.jpg (1604x2190, 980K)

Never played the Titanfall 2 MP so I don't know anything about that. However, the ending to the SP campaign, it's Gargantia all over again. Fuck.

>War Thunder
>instead of getting your breech knocked out 90% of the time get your legs blown off and fall over 90% time
>now instead of just being unable to fire back but still able to retreat be able to neither
sounds fun

The studio/s that Netflix has make their shit is so bad. I think it's the same guys that did Sidonia, but it's just getting lazier and lazier. Like that Ultraman show looked so awful.

Yes. the thing I posted is a protomech. doesnt pop up in the vidya games but there cool still. if you can get behind the derpy design of the thing I posted

mech = singular
mecha = plural

idk, i need shit to be somewhat authentic at least to consider it cool. i guess it's not for everyone.

Metal Gear Rex.

Eh I'm honestly torn on the issue. I mostly don't really like western mechs since they try to be realistic, but still fail since you could just go with a simpler build and be more useful. Still looks cool sometimes and I like how they often feel like they have weight.
Nip mecha is basically
>we're already retarded for making giant robots so let's take this concept and go full fucking retard
which usually ends up being more fun, but obviously every aspect of realism is gone.

thats literally nothing but a power armor except they lie to you that pilot is really small.
Only mecha that's okay at being an oversized power armor is the EVA because the only reason it's an oversized power armor is because it's a fucking humanoid angel


this guy gets it.

thats fair man

Sick. I'll give it a shot.

Ahh mech thread.

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based msgo poster
I still play it

I enjoy how crazy Battletech is with their history, culture, and tech, yet how at the same time the majority of the fans know nothing about any of it and just see mechs stomping around stiffly in video games with the occasional funny word thrown around.

why did they stage it, i dont fuking understand, they had the means to make something big and exciting, but they fuking grab the money and ran home

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>In Japan robots have been cast aside for cute girls
The long dark age has ended brothers

Attached: 3968.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

user thats one studio that still aided to the mecha cause. if anything this is a loss.

How come there seems to be such a major market for mecha stuff in Japan though? Is it just a handful of autists?
Model kits are basically carried by mecha.

Except it has a cockpit and isn't worn like a suit? Doesn't sound very power armorish to me.

based /n/ died for our mecha


They haven't made anything but moeshit and yuribait for ages.

the EVA armor is a powersuit for the humanoid angel inside it which in turn is controlled by humans in special suits in a cockpit linked to the angel's nervous system

I dont like FMP but its still mecha.

Attached: FMP_ArmSlaves.jpg (1200x675, 115K)

But FMP belongs to Sunrise Beyond now. Kyoani hasn't been making any mecha anime since forever.

I know. it hurts

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Have you not seen or heard of Full Metal Panic?
But seriouslly though people dying in fires is not Kosher. There was no need for that card to be played.

wait shit really? well thats egg on my face then,

hey how do yall feel about this pic btw?

Attached: 1563380225020.jpg (640x641, 128K)

We half-life now

it's been 14 years since kyoani did FMP
this decade has been exclusively moe and yuribait

I was talking about the Thunderbolt Full Armor

>Posts screenshot of the only FMP season that's not made by Kyoani

BT canonically also has mechs that turn into jet fighters. That can also use a half-mech half-plane mode that goes fast like a plane, but because the legs are sticking out and getting hit by wind it makes the mech cool down super fast and prevents heat buildup.

Cool conversion
Looks like something out of the new Wolfenstein games

Attached: Distraction Elemental gets me killed.webm (1440x1080, 1.76M)

Yeah. Xebec (now called Sunrise Beyond) did the latest season.

stop making fun of death of people. I got angry.

For me, it's the MS Girls.

Attached: msgirl20.jpg (1200x1675, 239K)

>latest season.
wait its still going? I watched the original then dropped out when moe stuff got in.what the fuck did I miss?

This kills the Tankfags

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I legit wanted the nobel gundam to sit on my face when I was 12 I now want to be the nobel gundam

Attached: 61X1kSf9KeL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 18K)

That looks pretty nice

Kyoani didn't make the Full Metal Panic that people think of 99% of the time they're talking about it


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Attached: RemoveLT3.webm (1440x1080, 2.92M)

Well there's the first season, season 2 is called The Second Raid, season 3 is called Fumoffu which is entirely SoL stuff, and the latest season is called Invisible Victory (IV).

I liked the idea of protomechs and their fluff. Super-heavy infantry that still operates like infantry but can stand up to tanks and 'mechs just fine. Direct neural interfaces, replacing the pilot's senses, developing god complexes and refusing to leave the 'mech, all of that was good stuff.

Their looks, on the other hand. Bleh.


Attached: peekingpower.webm (1440x1080, 2.87M)

You're not going to see any good Gundam games in the future, especially with Bandai throwing Gundam Breaker to the gachatrash hell after the shitshow that was NGB. Your best bet is to look at the older stuff like Zeonic Front.


user what does that have to do with this thread

Already grown up.

You should perhaps grow up mentally, since you lack that part, since you type as if you think you're grown up just because you're physically an adult.