
Hardcore, roll now

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check em

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fuck niggers let me post faggot captcha


670, Bosmer, Morthal, choose profession

715, Nord, Whiterun, fisherman

Be honest, how many times have you purchased Skyrim? 5 times for me, 2 of which I also got all the DLC

Skibbidy bibbidy, I'm gonna fuck your mouth OP.

twice, once for the 360 and the other for PC

So many Orsimer, finally Khajit

Roll pleas

Three times if you count the anthology.

Zero. But my GF bought it 2 times, on PS4 and on PC again when I switched to PC gaming.
I'm thinking about picking it up on sale on Switch though, seems like a comfy game to play on the go
get out of my head Todd

Sounds fun desu

514, Dunmer, Whiterun, enchanter



nord alchemist

Dunmer, Falkreath, bounty hunter

This is Helgen, I used to be sweet on a girl from here...



baka desu senpai

sure why not

Check em

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