Why is the steelbook cover so much better than the standard one?

Why is the steelbook cover so much better than the standard one?

Attached: 1EB3D7C2-C5BA-4A57-9A99-94CC36AFDAEA.jpg (592x518, 31K)

Why are these retards still so mysterious about whether there will be a PC version or not?
Just say yes/no so I know which platform to buy it on.

They both look like shitty movie posters


because it doesn't say "ps4"

Steel book version confirmed multiplat

because it makes the editions actually have a difference
like the halo 3 one that gave you a bunch of books n stuff
that was nice and i love that item, one of the few things i can say i'd like keep in good nick for a long time like dads guitar and flask

It's funded by Sony so it's going to be exclusive.

because they want people to buy it twice obviously


Steelbook covers always look better, because of it's shape and how minimalistic it looks

Attached: days-gone-ps4-playstation-4-steelbook.original.jpg (1500x1189, 249K)

It's not coming out on PC

>dudeman's back as a cover

so original

name a better steelbook

Attached: STEVE_NASH_COLLECTION_STEELBOOK_FRONT_001.jpg (1067x1357, 276K)

I said they always looked better, not that their always great and original

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>have all sorts of cool constructivist shit in game
>that boringass cover

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Excuse me, kino coming through.

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>videogame boxes
HAHAHAwhat the goddamn fuck consolekids, time to crawl into the 21st goddamn century.

Attached: 7a0gjhbt19j01.jpg (3024x4032, 1.18M)

>have to read spine from bottom up
>because of that have to place the book facedown if i dont want the spine title to be upside down

shit design

we fucked your mom's box

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Isn't that the case for every boxart?

If Sony doesn't explicitly call a game an exclusive at every opportunity then it's almost certainly just a timed exclusive. You should really know this by now.

can't disclose that otherwise you're fucked

>Xcucks seething again


Prey is one of the best covers.
I love fem Morgan, she is cutie

Because steelbooks always look better.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XII-steelbook-750x426.jpg (750x426, 57K)

This game was funded by SONY. Made with DECIMA engine that belongs to SONY. Why the do you still think this game will be ported? The only reason why new kojima production exist is because Sony agreed to help them. It's not the type of situation like with Nier or Yakuza 0 when these game where made by third-party studios and this game is too much important to Sony to be released on epic game store unlike Cage's games or journey.

Literally look at the two above the original image, the Days Gone one, or even

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To incite you to buy the steelbook.