Final fantasy 14

So why does ff14 get a free pass with flying mounts but people hate on wow for having flying? Also Shadowbringers single handily proved you can tell a good story with an mmo. The best final fantasy game in over 15 years is an mmo expansion, how does this make you feel

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XIV doesn't have open world pvp

Heavensward already proved you could tell a good story with an MMO. As for the flying mounts thing I would assume this is the reason

That isn't even the main argument against it on wow. People still hate it on pve servers as well

Even so flying in xiv is limited to expansion zones, I'd imagine most people complaining about it in WoW are poorfags or retarded loreniggers but I haven't bothered with Blizzard shit since War3 with its trash yugioh card aesthetic

Those people are retarded. Flying mounts suck for one reason, and that's ruining world pvp. When some faggot can simply fly around waiting for people to get into combat and then pick them off and fly to safety again without any worry for retaliation it ruins the whole concept of world pvp.

People bitching about flying somehow ruining pve are just idiots.

I don’t mind flying mounts but aether currents can piss off. They should change how you unlock flying

aether currents are fine

pvp servers dont even exist WoW anymore

>click compass
>solve easy jump puzzle or just click on the thing
what else do you want? for it to be gated behind reps and months like WoW?

bros sch is way too much work honestly, cant wait to get this titania wep and go back to whm

it ruins more than just pvp. it ruins the world by making it seem tiny, it ruins the ability to see cool things on your way to your quest or dungeon or whatever

once you can fly in wow you just auto fly towards the quest objective and tab out to jerk it to sylvanas porn. you can't do that on the ground because you'll run into stuff or fall off a cliff

>I have no self control
Stop bitching at others to solve your problems for you.

>Why does weeb game get free pass???

2 Questions. Don't you get a free Fantasia after completing ARR? Also playing as DRG it seems that the combo with Chaos Thrust doesn't seem to work everytime. Often it doesn't give the sound of a successful combo.

Yes you do.
Read the tooltip and hit the correct positional.

>Keep putting cool stuff behind PvP
>Make absolutely zero effort to balance ranged classes in PvP
>People wonder why nobody does it and the same people get the rewards every season

what are you even talking about you absolute drongo

Don't know what you mean about ranged classes, but I will tell you that WHM absolute needs a huge pvp nerf.

Bros MCH or BLM?

There is literally zero point to playing a melee class in PvP, it's so fucking pointless that you have to be retarded to actually do it

>be DNC
>do shit for personal dps
>guy you're tethering to is pulling 7.5k without deaths
What's the FUCKING point of this job?

>Yes you do.
I didn't get one. Looked with my retainer and also didn't have it.

you should get one in the mail eventually

Flying doesn't ruin immersion like in WoW. The game locks entire areas and flying in general behind the main story, so you can't just fly to the final zones in Heavensward and Shadowbringers

>innocence ex farm party
>NIN player admits he's high as fuck
>dies 4 times, does 5.2k dps
>I ask the party leader if he's gonna get kicked
>'no, he brings trick attack'

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All healers do. They are super OP just like in PvE, to the point that the only way to kill one is using two melee LBs at once. Which is why melee exist in pvp at all.

Maybe try tethering to someone who isn't absolute shit? I do way more than that on RDM even without dancer buff and everyone I've seen partner with a dancer has been top DPS in the party as a result.

Hm, I'm at Dragonsong War and nothing.

Because Console War tier Faggotry. It's a "My art is better than yours" argument and anything WoW does will look shit to XIV fags and anything XIV does will look shit to WoW fags.

One day both FFXIV and WoW players will have to realize that their respective companies are shafting them on potential content and shitting out the least amount of work for their continued subs. Do better and demand better from your games Yea Forums.

The game makes you do the entire main story and a large amount of sidequests plus explore the map to find additional aether currents before you're allowed to fly in a zone. The system they have in place is fine.

The PvP is so bad in this game that I honestly think i've had a better experience with F2P MMO PvP

You don't get it in the mail. They changed it to be the reward from the Ultima Weapon quest back when they revamped veteran rewards. If you're in Heavensward and don't have it then you've lost it somehow.

>Healers are OP and pvp is a huge meme
And people insist this game is different from wow.

most shitty f2p mmos focus on pvp because it's a decent surrogate for actual content

So how long till the world firsters clear savage? 24 hours?

I've yet to play a single mmo where pvp didn't revolve entirely around killing OP as fuck healers.

I already cleared it.

yes I too would like to run around the whole damn world every time I need to do a quest on the other side

usually takes a few days, depends on if there's a gear check or not like alexander had with living liquid

Maybe un-smooth your brain and take the red pill that good pvp+mmo=impossible.

>every game that has healers

Considering how easy the normal raids are, I seriously doubt savage will be harder than Omegascape so it certainly won't take longer to clear. Also there will be job changes in the savage patch so first they'll have to determine the actual meta.

I see melees dominate in PvP all the time. And you're forced to have a melee in feast and they are the second most important position after healer because they are the ones who coordinate burst. Haven't played since 5.0 launched though.

Flying making zones irrelevant in post-game is not a result of flying. The irrelevancy is a result of the Devs not knowing how to draw players in to do overworld activities. They rather rely on DF.

Maybe un-smooth yours and realize that's exactly what I was saying.

>shitting out the least amount of work
Most other games put out content at an even more glacial rate

5.0 fucked everything
Dancer AoE is stupid strong and a lot of jobs lost good skills to deal with bullshit healers

>nerf healers
>nobody wants to play healer on pvp anymore
>pvp effectively dies
How to kill a game mode in one single step.

Because WoW is a garbage game and anyone who has actually played this game seriously beyond the free trial at any point of its lifespan is factually retarded.

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Guy i need some help with crafting, like you should leveling up all the relevant craft jobs at the saem tiem right because i want to make this armor but it need some mat from gold smith that need some mat from mining and leather working as well. Goddamn this is confusing

it's already dead dude

I think that SE has been pretty straightforward about what and how much content you can expect. I wouldn't say they're shafting their audience because the audience knows exactly what they're gonna get. It's not like SE is promising shit that's never gonna happen.

Imagine it even more dead then.

>o-others do it worse
That doesn't excuse them one bit user. Blizzard and Square Enix are massive companies, both WoW and FFXIV and especially this fucking game with the trend of the last 2 expansions tend to have good player populations. You'd think they'd scale the investment from there.
>game population doubles in one expansion
>shouldn't expect more with increased revenue
This is why Theme Parks will eternally be marred with a bad reputation.

Couldn't make it more dead than it already is. Half the reason people stop playing is because they get sick of not being able to kill healers and victory being determined mostly by how many healers each side has. No one wanting to play healers could only improve XIV's pvp.

They are becoming the opposite of WoW's "Reinvent the wheel" problem though. Rather than making new systems with no real meaning they're letting things stagnate and never grow. The game has serious problems with not expanding on good potential systems.

So the trick to the aoe vomit in Eden Prime is to all move together, right?

A4S: 34 days
A8S: 17 days
A12S: 50 hours
O4S: 16 hours
O8S: 18 hours
O12S: 41 hours

Can anyone pinpoint when the game went casual?
Heres hoping the scale goes back into the days again, instead of hours

Both Blizzard and Square are very straight forward about the content they do.
However Blizzard does add retarded gimmicks and refuses to admit they are bad. Sorta like Nintendo.

Nah the game is fine and you're dumb. It's currently more popular than it's ever been and its latest expansion is a contender for GOTY

I'm curious to know what game you're using as a baseline for how much and how frequently the devs should release content.

imagine thinking gordias of all fucking things is a shining example of good raid design

Living Liquid was the peak of raiding

The game never changed, the players just got fucking used to the limited ways it can come up with "move in this manner" patterns.

A4S was simply trash design
Does anybody even know how to properly do Nisi to this day?


So what voice chat thing do people use now a days for raids and shit? I assume the days of ventrillo and TS3 are LONG gone

then that's probably while it's fine in ff14
you need to clear all story quests in that given area as well as specific side quests AND find 9 collectables scattered around the entire area. If you still have anything left to do in an area after you've got flight it means you've probably been purposely ignoring the side quests there or are coming back looking for a hunt mark or something.

>t. never cleared A4S

>generic MMO
This delusion over a story. An MMO that is pretty niche is never going to win GoTY. Go find the most popular "normie" game out at the moment and realize that its going to be GoTY and not some Theme Park with a decent story. At this point Death Stranding is more liking to win.

what exactly was so hard about this fight? did they have to nerf it or something? I never did the content when it was new

Up to A4S was batshit fucking retarded and nearly killed the raiding scene, it's directly responsible for the obsession with parses because min-maxing was mandatory to clear at the time.

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>gordias almost killed the game
>gave birth to fflogs and parse trannies
>b-but raiding was better back then
As from someone who raided since ARR, gordias was fucking shit, the game became a lot better once they made raids mechanically fun rather than "hey lets throw damage at people and see what sticks"

SE never said they'd give more content if population increases. That's just your expectation. In this game you 100% know what you're gonna get and you can take it or leave it.
They have no reason to take any risks. The players know what they're getting and they're still playing the game.

God I hope so. Fuck all these wowrefugees and parsetrannies.

>nice and geared up from eden/dungeons
>time to buy some food and strength potions!
>check food
>buy a 99 stack of really good hq food for 300k
>check potion
>tincture of strength is 300k for 20(TWENTY) fucking potions


DPS checks were so absurdly stringent you had no chance of clearing if you weren't walking in with the best possible gear or fairly close to it, and you weren't performing at your absolute best.

It's final fantasy and the best MMO on the market calling it niche is a joke. You have no idea what you're talking about m8


Crafters only know how to jew each other endlessly

one of the tightest dps checks in the game coupled with difficult mechanics
one person dying or getting a damage down debuff and you might as well wipe because you wouldn't beat enrage

>parsetrannies arise because of hilariously strict clear-conditions
>lmao fuck trannies make things hard again
Do you breathe manually, user?

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>voice chat
Most people use Discord now but don't do that to yourself

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sounds like any ex trial with pugs desu

Buy my potions, knight.

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Crafters love them shiny

What's the matter goy? You want to get that gold parse right? Better hurry and buy before next Tuesday when demand drives prices up even more!

What makes it so good besides the story? tell me.

Because surprise, most of the playerbase is shit.
A3S destroyed so many raid groups it isnt even funny.

Because final fantasy 14 is FUN

Why do people rate the quality of raids by how long it takes the most maximum fucking autismos in the entire world to clear them? These people literally play 18 hours a day to get world first. Thinking it's a good idea to cater to these people by cockblocking them for months is a surefire way to make sure that your game's raiding scene fucking dies.

flying mounts are still shit design but it's a lost battle at this point. the casual hordes have won.

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>With your VOICE

lmfao you are so weird, I bet you have a fetish... FOR MEN

Good players were losing constantly because of the absolute slightest mistakes, horseshit is not a substitute for difficulty

Is voice chat not a thing or something? I was under the impression people need to COORDINATE to do savage raiding?

Pretty much every raid-viable potion uses aethersand in its crafting process. That shit's expensive.

>it's not actually difficult if it's too difficult!

I excuse flying mounts in XIV because the zones are so fucking boring,souless and instanced that being able to go fast in a blessing.

requires two kinds of sands and a monster drop, which are annoying to get


Team jump-rope is for trannies and hive-mind Japs.

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Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiasts at? Just imagine having a cute Lalafell lass siting in your lap and being able to stroke her hair

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>make poopsockers repeat trivial first half every time they make a mistake in the relevant half
there's your formula for making shit take days to clear

can confirm, my entire guild quit at this point. We had 2 raid groups stuck on it and the guild leader and myself had a bitch fit and we all left

I desperately want to find a static so I can do some comfy savage raiding but my job is late/early shift patterns and I cant commit to any specific days of the week

Anyone else know this depressing feel?

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I can only imagine how firm and wrinkled your grey-matter is.

What is/was your favorite ex trial Yea Forums? Assume it's at a reasonable ilvl or when it was current. I thought Sephirot EX and Thordan EX were fuckin great. I also really like Titan.

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Pretty sure its an achievement reward so you would have to claim it from the guy in gridania

>savage raiding

It's okay to call it a gay anal orgy, user....

FFXI proved you could tell a good story with an mmo almost 20 years ago.

Crafting retard trannies should be lucky you get ONE of my gil. Now set the fucking price to 400k for a 99 stack and FUCK OFF

>trailer and title screen show you parting the light sky with darkness
>in reality the light just fades away after beating each lightwarden
>don't even use any darkness at all, pretty much still a light-aspected hero

Aethersand is easy as fuck to get. One Eorzian day and you can easily walk out with 40 to 50 of each of the 2 sands needed. The real problem is the cubus flesh. That one is limited to 10 an hour per combat retainer at lvl80, assuming you have those. If not, you're fucked. Game over. Buy off the market board. The actual mob that drops it has a goddawful drop rate.

Susano EX and Seiryu EX are two of my favorites, Seiryu is just the right kind of hectic

So this is the power of XIV players...........

>Team jump-rope

WoW did it first.

Its smoother than yours thats for sure

This shit was a nightmare for A6S having to go through every robot all over after a wipe

buy the stuff from the gemstone traders

I don't give a fuck about YOUR gil. Someone else's gil is worth the same as yours, and they are willing to spend 1.6m for my stack.

I know it would take a lot of work, but FUCK I want my Viera to have visible helmets and hats.

Just pick a time outside of all possible schedules you dumbass. I'm in the same boat as a retailcuck, I just pick a static that's 11PM+ because I'll never be scheduled at that hour no matter if I opened or closed that day

Those potions are too strong for me potion seller

Because light + darkness = shadow

No. Warcraft 3 told the good story. WoW rode its coat tails and fucked it beyond all repair.

you can buy them with fate gems too, so they're a bit easier to get than that
still a pain tho

>and they are willing to spend 1.6m for my stack.
no one is buying that retard price dumb fuck

That's a one time thing until you run out of gems you already happened to have. Once that is gone, it is not worth to farm fates for the sole purpose of buying cubus flesh. It's an awful conversion.

seiryu is sleep inducing

SE pulling another early HW is a surefire way to kill the momentum they built up.

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>really harsh DPS checks, including an add phase that was rough
>strange HP balancing mechanic was seemingly inconsistent, would auto-wipe you if you did it incorrectly
>FFXIV's netcode made passing debuffs a pain in the ass
>everything did crazy damage. Cascade was ridiculous
However, I still maintain Manipulator without limit break cheese is the harder fight. FUCK Judgment Nisi.

This retarded shit right here isnt good game design for an MMO. It's team based DDR.

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Stop skipping cutscenes, moron. You're the Warrior of Darkness because you restore darkness. Not only the night, but you inspire the people of the First back into action. Darkness is the Astral, the active state of aether.

Honestly, because XIV has nothing to explore. Before anyone jumps down my throat that's not to say they aren't pretty, and that there aren't nice vistas full of lovely music, but from a gameplay sense. The zones are independent little playgrounds usually restricted to one major plane and all quests, 'exploration goals', aether currents etc. are marked on your map or you're given a tool to find them. There are no chests, rare spawn nodes show up on a timer and there's a big icon on your map showing you where to go. To be fair not sure about that last part as I haven't touched crafting since early HW.

Like all things the flying is restricted by the MSQ, so once you're done with a zone story wise there's no reason not to let you fly around the little toy box, so they do just that.

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Sounds like the games respecting my time by letting me fly. You do know flying is optional faggot

Would be a good idea if I didnt get home by about 12am. If there are statics that raid at that time then im all for it though

It seems all they can come up with is either horseshit or piss easy. Why not something in between? Current mechanics are fine, but why not increase the gear check a bit? I don't think the 4th floor should be clearable on crafted gear.


But you don't use darkness. I thought we'd end up being able to use both to become even more overpowered but nope, still Hydaelyn's bitch.

Read the post again, dumbass. The trailer and even the title screen are blatantly misleading.

WoW story overall is pretty bad but it has some lovely world building and fun zones, learning about each zone was great.

FFXIV audience are not vanilla WoW boomers, they're Wrath+ nuWoW zoomers. The game is not given a pass for it, the audience of the game genuinely finds no problems with it, duty finder (lfg/lfr), etc.

if you're so busy that you need flying to get around quickly maybe consider not playing the game in the first place bro

FFXI came out before WoW


it's literally better than the retainer tho, you can buy 6 with a gold rank and fates take a few minutes at most during active hours

If you can't find a static willing to play around you as a BLM then don't bother
All the top BLMs have statics that cater to them so they don't have to move

Nothing is stopping you from playing through it as DRK. And you do cleave the sky after Holminster.

I love potatoes!

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Jesus, the absolute salt on this bald soilad over a fucking emote

Shinryu EX on release was the best. Tsukuyomi was also really fun once people stopped using the retarded Happy strat. I hope Hades EX turns out to be a ballbuster like Shinryu because I think the normal mode is pretty underwhelming for a final boss.

>best ff story in 15 years
>It's literally only competing with xii, xiii and xv

Game will never go back to Gordias/Midas because they realized how much of a fucking waste of time it was to develop all savage fights when only like 1% of the population bothered with them since you pretty much needed a static and hardcore progging for them.

Creator and Omega did a lot to bring more new blood to raiding, specially in Party Finder. It's a lot more successful as a content. If you miss the former difficult just do Ultimate.

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ff14 fanboys never criticize their shitty game

>Some guy standing on top of my ley line
>He get's a stack markers
>Goes way from my ley line for some reason
>Start thinking he should get fucked and i'm going to stay in my ley line
>Didn't knew everyone outside of that marker dies

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Sounds like a shitty job nobody wants

Wow also locks flying behind a ton of shit


Thoughts on viera?

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After content is completed there is very little to keep one engaged beyond crafting.

There, I criticized my shitty game, you mouth breathing simp fuck.

the fuck do i do with all this aetherflow in these extremes literally nothing to spend it on. same with fairy gauge should i just sit it on the tank when i reach 100 just so i dont overcap?

I'm considering resubbing just to make one

imagine if this game had /spit

>Someone says in NN that would be cool having items with more effects
>10 people triggered and telling him that this game is MUCH better than WoW even through he never said anything about WoW

I really hate this playerbase, good thing I have my irl friends to play with

Easily the best looking race now, fuck cat shitters
Lizards can stay though

>everyone should cater specifically to me waahhhh
Gas BLM mains

LOL omg that shirt almost looks like it says fuck like a bunny LMFAO thats so dirty and adult!!! xD

Nope :)

is nuCraft easier or harder than before?

>best looking with the least amount of options
yea ok. also tranny lizards lmao.

just make a custom emote

Why not? What's fun about "oh you know how to beat this boss and could easily do it but we're blocking you because you're going too fast so please wait an arbitrary amount of time to get enough upgrades to clear"?

It's an awful conversion for your time spent. That's what I meant. The whole point of retainers is that it's not your time. You can go do whatever the fuck you want as they fetch it for you.


Wow has one of the worst ways to tell a story in games ever. There's a reason warcraft story and lore recaps are popular on youtube, the game is dogshit at delivering the narrative.

Prepatory touch currently makes everything trivial

He was literally on top of my ley line, he had no reason to move

I like mine even if she's kinda generic due to the limited customization
And the fact that the one during the Gunbreaker questline changes her outfit for every area they go to is fuckin cute
But most of the ones I see other people playing look awful

Okay, how about this, hear me out:
/three/ difficulties! Normal, medium for the masses of shitters and puggers, and then savage for the people that actually want challenging content! Crazy, right?

Judgment Nisi isn't mysterious it's just fucking stupid design. I don't remember the exact colors so I'll just say red and blue.
>Red Nisi and Blue Nisi go out
>They tick for damage every 3 seconds and have a 30 second duration. iirc the damage increased every tick
>If you walk into another player, Nisi will spread to them at full duration
>If a player gets both Red and Blue, they die.
>Like 6 minutes after Nisi goes out, Manipulator uses a skill that places 6 objects on the field
>running into these objects kills you, but doing it with the correct color of nisi cleanses the nisi and removes the object safely
>if you don't get rid of all of them then they explode and wipe the raid
So, the goal is to keep Red Nisi and Blue Nisi alive until Manipulator does that move. You need at least 4 players for this, passing them back and forth at least every 30 seconds. Then, when the 6 objects do appear, you need to spread the appropriate number of each color among your party, PLUS one extra red and one extra blue (to keep the debuffs alive), and then run everyone into a landmine.
The problems:
>Nisi did decent damage and you had other damage soak mechanics you had to do
>The color pattern for the objects you had to remove was semi-random
>you needed to do this THREE TIMES and it happened 10 mins into the fight.
Nisi was the worst design they've done. The devs didn't even beat the fight without god mode.

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it does take time to get a combat retainer to 80

Range from awesome to fucking weird but the same kind of gap is true for all races.

I still think that female Miqo'te's have the best animations and expressions though so I wont be going bunny anytime soon

WoW has items with more effects so its obviously bad and shouldnt be in the game.
FF14 players were originally against the inclusion of a jump button because WoW had one.

cat daddies are way hotter

I find them to be legitimately ugly and don't get why so many people play them. Is it the novelty factor? I mean, I get the appeal of tall amazonian woman, but they don't have toned bodies or anything, so they just end up looking like (I hate to uss this overused term) trannies.

Potionseller, I need your strongest potion and I need it at a reasonable price.

As a RDM main I can tell you the sense of entitlement I see from fire4 mages all the time is ridiculous. RDMs don't get catered to we have to earn everything we get, we have to claw our way up the DPS list kicking and screaming and we are expected/demanded to make sacrifices for the party. Then dumbfuck BLM's come along and start demanding everyone do everything around them so they can chill and do damage. It's nuts. Then they have the nerve to expect buffs from the dancer and astrologian and 99% of the time they aren't even good enough to justify the snowflake treatment

Probably the best looking female race after maybe cats. It's a shame that the playerbase is fucking terrible at making attractive ones.

>Best MMO on the market
Objectively speaking that's OSRS going if numbers and revenue. FFXIV is like 3rd in that regard.
>being a shiny turd is being GoTY
Next thing you'll tell me is RS and WoW are GoTY contenders. Death Standing probably won off actor names alone

Unironically going to hold my fanta until femhroth or male buns are confirmed because I'm a contrarian

I wish I could make them blue though

Nah, my cat is cuter

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It's probably not worth it to level one from the ground up solely for this. Yes. That being said, you're likely missing the point. It's not taking your time because your time is free and can be used to whatever you want. The only thing that's needed of you is to click on it every hour which is like 10 seconds.

How? It looks worse than using another touch twice because that would gain you 2 inner quiet stacks for the same durability cost. As far as I can tell you just use it to save crafting time, rather than actually making things easier.

Fuck off, go back to wow if you want a million arbitrary difficulties

>Realize that the first ranged phys LBs are crossbows
>Make a macro that waits until just before I finish charging to fire it and says "Animals have no god!"
>Use the macro any time I can (dungeons with no phys lb, situations where I'm the only AoE, etc)

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potion seller, I found this image of you maybe you should lower those prices to reshape this image of you

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I think most of them are fine, I just don't get the obsession with crazy neon hair that ends up making them ugly.

or just do Ultimate

How about you hear them out? They literally just told you your final difficulty is a massive failure.


I find flying mounts gay even in this game

based and argathpilled

Is your name lore-friendly, Yea Forums?

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So BLM only works when catered? It's much more flexible now with 15s buffs and umbral soul though

It's too boring for me

No, it was because we all played FFXI for years beforehand and saw zero reason to add a jump button except that it might mean they were going to copy WoW rather than expand on 1.23 like they said

That's nowhere as funny as you think it is.

>16h for world first
ff14 trannies actually tried to tell me that ff14 raiding is good

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>Implying fucking Gordias was a good way for the game to be
Fuck off, Pepsi man was not good endgame

Have you played ShB DRG? Its fun as fuck now

WoWfugee secondaries aren't going to get it but that makes it more based

Yes, I have a city named Viera

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Just swiftcast the tingle rune bitch

How long did it took you?

I love mine. She's pretty generic with dark skin, white hair and red eyes but I think she looks great. It's refreshing to play a race with non-shit animations after being a female elezen since 1.0.

Lack of hairstyles kind of bothers me but most of the hairstyles in this game are short and Viera look bad with short hair so no huge loss for me. Only real negative is no hats/helmets. Granted I turn those off in most glamours so its not a huge problem but the handful of helmets I do like I really like and its a shame to lose them. Hopefully they'll get access to more of them in updates like Yoshi said they would.


>not making sure you use it to kill primals

A4S wasn't exactly the wall, A3S was the real static killer

Animal detected

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I'm not playing this trash


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why yes, yes it is lore friendly

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they make my pp the big pp

It just got another extension to the combo and another big hit, didn't it?

That's because RDM doesn't do nearly as much damage as BLM and your only real raid utility is mana shift and instacast revives

Am I reading this right? Rava just call themselves whatever the fuck they want after they leave teh forest? So user's ebin name Creampie Strudel is lore friendly?

>No static
>Went on vacation
>Have now missed the Innocence/Titania EX wave and Eden wave
Shit sucks man.

BLMs got some utility to help with their movement but they're still very much a rail gun that works best when they don't have to move.
Your static will always cater to you because you're the one getting them over the DPS thresholds. It's a give and take relationship.


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>mana shift

>Major Spoilers if you have done it yet.

Whoa what. Just did the Final Role Quest and this actually seems extremely important in terms of story. She even mentions Unukalhai and such. Very interesting that they decided to make this side content.

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It also has comically linear dungeons that WoW gets shit for.

>Creampie Strudel
Yes, if it's something she enjoys after leaving her homeland.

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>putting faith in others, ever
time to switch to blm

My Roe is named Birry Herrington, do I look like I give a fuck about lore-friendly names

I love Seiryu's theme and his VA, fight is easy but it sells the chaotic vibe on aesthetics alone.

name another MMO that has comparable raid difficulty to Ultimate
even Asmongold can literally clear WoW's raids in 16 hours lmao

Its now much faster and less awkward. Jump is sanic fast so getting animation locked in a random AoE rarely ever happens now. Blood of the Dragon no longer needs a friendly target; eyes of the dragon only proc of high jump and you only require two of them to hit a full 30 second life of the dragon.

I just find it much more silky smooth to play now. And it brings big dick damage and still has big raid utility. Its in a great place right now.

anyone got some trading cards

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Wait that got removed didn't it
Oh no no no no no

why are viera players so shit at this game?

It was if you were good enough to clear. I remember the good old days of standing outside the entrance during peak raid time on the gobwalker watching everyone get mad.


Kinda? I don't think players can have truly lore friendly names since it says they pretty much just name themselves after whatever and leave their forest name behind and the name of their village also has no meaning once they leave but XIV's requirement of a first and last name mean you can't just call yourself "Cherry" like their example.

So yeah, I guess Creampie could be a lore friendly name if its something they have a fondness of.

assmongol cant even clean his ass in 16 hours

>important in terms of story
Probably 60% of the playerbase never even did the Triad at all

I still haven't touched AST, is it true that the job is beyond cucked that the only fix would be a completely new revamp in another expansion?



Makes complete sense

I play a midlander, I can just go with whatever real life name I fancy

That didnt stop them from making Omega and Alexander canon with the Twinning. Side content is no longer side content. Its all canon now.

Just like the crystal tower am i right?

>Probably 60% of the playerbase never even did the Triad at all
I was gonna call bullshit on that but there are a lot of players that haven't even done Labyrinth of the Ancients and were confused about whether you're meant to know who Graha Tia is

Play shadowbringers

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90% of the playerbase definitely didn't remember G'raha and look at him now

no it just needs potency buffs for now

Sucks for those retards. They're the same dumb niggers that didn't get to make G'raha cry

>Can fluff my old elezen name has one my viera just happened to like
nice, keeping my 10 dollars

not necessarily. I cleared ultimate on BLM with a static that made only 2 adjustments for me, both during ifrit. Rest of our strats were pretty much by the book

The pale goddess

it was always canon, you dunce

you can make 1/3rd of your gcds instant cast it honestly has no problems with movement anymore

Just like Omega; Alexander and the Crystal Tower, right?

And I bet you also believe that the scene involving not-Judge Gabranth at the end of the Ivalice raids is something that will never be featured again.

I absolutely love mine, I loved my cat and thought i couldn't do better until i made a viera. the animations they all have are great and they look especially good in armor. Problem is the hair choices, most of them clip like a motherfucker and the rest are crap, there's only like 4 that i don't mind, and only 2 that i regularly switch between. If there was a reason i'd ever switch back it would be the hair. Also i like standing next to lala's and making them look like minions. Yea Forums also has a huge hate boner over them, obviously there are going to be ugly ones because this community can get pretty blind, but I've yet to see any veira being posted that anons think look good, even though they were relatively non-offending.

i already am

Knockoff Fran is the only choice

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Were you ley lines in melee range shitter.
Also what fucken mechanic are you even talking about

Here's a rare one.

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I'm talking shit about
>decided to make this side content
By 10.0 the story won't make sense if you're not a level 130 omnicrafter with all the Hildibrand and beast tribe quests done

Ive seen you once in Crystal tower. had a good laugh.

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should i get bard or scholar titty weapon bros both are my alt jobs i main whm

Can someone explain where I'm supposed to throw out Thundercloud procs? I'm at 80 and still don't get where it's appropriate to throw them out. Should I save them for when I'm in Umbral Ice?

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>Expansion with best zones

Look. Heavensward's zones were too big. Stormblood's was better.

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I'll give it a whirl user. I have a level 58 or so DRG laying around. High Jump seems like it does retarded damage now, after dragon buff it's like 440 potency. Does it have a different animation?

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this is your brain on midlander

this makes me smile

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I think the Twinning is a special example because of the time travel element. They can refer to it even if you haven't done because in the future where this Crystal Tower comes from you eventually did it even if you have not personally done it yet.

How long did the Ultimates take?

Just do the side content retard. You're complaining that other important effects actually have an effect on the world and don't just happen in a bubble.

I played healer in Arena WoW and would quite frequently see 3 dpser arena, being a healer in pvp is hell sometimes.

other than azim stormblood zones were absolute shit. the entire gyr abania region was terrible

as soon as possible as long as they don't make you drop enochian

4 free casts each minute isn't very many.

will this guy sell me gil


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I met the guy who took the actual name before I could, we posed at eachother, it was cash


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>Pure white
The best title along with confederate

How do you guys level a very low level job?

I want to make an SMN so that I can complete my DPS jobs. But right now I'm at level 5 and I honestly forgot how to level jobs at this level.

11 days and 5 days respectively.

Thanks friend. Didn't realize they were that strong.

>Viera basically get a free pass for lore names.

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If you play Warrior and don't use Bravura then you are a straight up fucking busta

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they do the same damage as fire iv not counting the DoT so really whenever

Yes, its animation is slightly different. The noise it makes has also changed. The main thing is that its simply super fucking fast. Its a "blink and you'll miss it" kinda thing

And DRG up until 70 is still pretty boring. Just giving you the heads up.

Eulmore dungeon dungeon with jongluers and Ran'Jit bosses

Dulia fucking ate her bro

Follow up question

Would you marry a Viera?

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it's actually 8

it's 7 every minute minimum, usually in practice it's 8+

So that's how the cuckshed looks like.

>not heavy metal axe
sasuga user

shit really? i'm still new and this whole time i've been trying to save them until

Heavensward's zones were big and empty but Stormblood zones were bland and boring with like one exception.


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Only a Rava.

No, rabbits are known for eating their own shit.

I love it!

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When should I use swiftcast? I feel like I should keep it for when I have to move but it seems like a waste sometimes

Nah, Ragnarok Zeta is much better.

will summoner ever be fun bros?


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here she is bro

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I usually use it for Despair

>omega gear

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that's not her, that's the Sin Eater that was always petting the lion

Forgiven Obscenity was already in Vauthry's crib before that dumb auri bitch ascended

>nice ears
>nice bodies
>Icelandic accent that makes me diamonds
Absolutely. Though has any mention been given lore-wise about Viera seeking romantic partners outside of their own race?

The ones that stay in the forest have to abide by a pretty strict tradition regarding this, and there is the possibility of their child being taken from them immediately if its male. I would imagine the Viera that have left the woulds would be a lot less inhibited.

MCH for high APM fun and putting harpfags in their place, BLM for guaranteed big dick damage

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>Neto Rare


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What did she mean by this?

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transportation overall is way more convenient in xiv than in wow.

in xiv you can basically hearth anywhere you've attuned yourself to. so you can just cut out the middleman of taking airships/boats/flightmasters. also because unlike in xiv, flight in wow is gated behind a metric ton of horseshit. get ALL the reputations up to revered (about 2-3 weeks of doing the same terrible WQs every day), explore the entire map (more easily said than done when the map is designed in such a linear fashion especially when there's verticality involved). do the main story. do this that and the other fucking thing.

whereas in xiv you just need to clear the zone, do sidequests, explore the overworld/pull up a list of the coordinates for where the aether winds are and you're good

More like weeping waifu. I want her to LA HEE on my dick.



>has any mention been given lore-wise about Viera seeking romantic partners outside of their own race?
I mean, you gotta be a real chad, but it can happen

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I always loved flying in WoW it added a whole dimension to the game and the mounts were cool. It was the whiny bitches who complained about muh immersion that made Blizzard lock flying. Now you have to wait months to be able to fly and running on ground mounts is shit because they still have daze in the game. It just slows everything down. By the time flying is unlocked it doesn't even matter anymore because Blizzard doesn't understand what actually makes the game fun. They listened to the stupid people on their forums and dug themselves into a hole they can't escape.

The only reason they took flying away is because they think people enjoy running slowly on the ground for hours. They wanted to slow you down so you can stay addicted playing their shitty game forever. Based Yoshi understands that people have lives and want to stop playing and take a breaks.

he didn't want to fuck a potato, nothing wrong with that.

Its just a faster jump with a different sound. Still fuckloads better than the original jump.

The real kino animation is Stardiver which you get at lvl 80. Giving DRGs the same animation as they ultimate move by one of the games most iconic antagonists was just great by SE

Is there a straightforward in game way of seeing your DPS output?

I'm interested in seeing how much I output as a GB

>Every high-end FC is benching MCH for BRD
>MCHfag still trying to start shit like he wasn't left in the dust already

>Comparing Ultimate to easy mode in WoW


you just have to be a leading man

Here I figured I was in for a long grind but I went from level 1 to level 80 fisher in 4 days. It was insanely fast, God damn.

What did she mean by this?

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you need an add-on

you have to use act to see your dps, there's no ingame way to do it and there never will be

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I thought everyone went crazy for Veena?

>Ardbert knew but he's not a fucking degenerate

>implying WoW has a hard mode

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Purely in-game, go hit the dummies at SSS.

I loved that conversation. DRK quests the best even when it's just a short fetch quest

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Don't bother user, you'll just be greeted with "B-BUT 5.05!!"

Triplecast+Swiftcast+two Sharpcasts+two Xenoglossies

Well, Balthier fucked Fran but that was in XII world.

As a tank no way, as a dps, the numbers on the enmity list is the only way

Plus, she's a miqo'te, not a au ra.

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where do you get food for cheap for leveling alts?

There would be nothing wrong with being with a dwarf/lala because they're just another race of people. Stop trying to put earth think on a fantasy universe.

>them facemarks
Nice catch

Gold Saucer Orange juice my boy, buy local from your friendly Manderville

i get the feeling she always wanted to tell him but the timing wasn't quite right due to the fact they were fucking murdering ascians and then caused the flood of light

>YorHA Apocalypse being a 24-man means we won't get Nier weapons
it's not fair

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user mentioned early in release aggro could be a good indicator of dps, but i've found it's not, because healing like bloodbath and phoenix still inflate it

The stone,sea,sky EX training dummies are the closest you can get. You pretty much have to deal almost the maximum amount of dps in order for your job to defeat it. I think it's a mid purple parse dps you need.

Literally just use any cheap vendor food if you're just trying to get that % bonus exp
I don't think it affects PotD though

Dwarves are considered beastmen on the First, moron.

My dick get so hard when there is a viera showing her thighs during praetorium cutscenes in the party.

bros how do i get a qt sin eater gf?

nice headcanon faggot.

they're literally going to be one of the Beast Tribes we get quests from.


There's a reason it's illegal to fuck aborigenes.

It's literally how they were fucking revealed at fanfest you ignorant faggot.

I don't get it.

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Unless you want to have a good lay once in your life. Just imagine being stuck with a fucking potato as your romantic partner. They're so short they can't do anything and even if they could, who cares? They've got no sexually pleasing attributes.

is BRD or RDM any fun? NIN is too much work for too little damage

i do 9.9k on the innocence target dummy as bard. is that good?

Ok you're right on this one, that pale looks disgusting.

What do we think of spellspeed on healer gear?

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who is this faros guy I keep hearing about

you're playing ninja for the wrong reason user. ninja is basically a debuff slave. that's all you do.

try them out in palace of the dead

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absolutely btfo

Neither, all viera look like shit

>Lalanigger is terrified of the truth

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Best of the best.

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What did he mean by this?

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*clears throat*
Fuck fflogs trannies and fuck bards

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Only if it looks like that one

absolute chad he killed an entire FC

moments before disaster

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And you can even go around with the trainer and remove their helmets.

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>So why does ff14 get a free pass with flying mounts but people hate on wow for having flying
Because you can be more lenient for a good game.

Alphinaud casting cheeky shade at Alisaie for being the brainlett of the two will never not be funny

Don't listen to the other retards who replied to you, they're working off incredibly old and wrong information that was only true in certain edge cases to begin with.

T3 proc absolutely does NOT do the same damage as F4, in AF3 all fire spells have 1.8x potency. But the way more important factor is that a proc use in many situations can delay your phasing, and if you ever have to replace a F4 with a fire to keep AF rolling because you used a proc you just lost 216 potency if you don't get a lucky firestarter proc.

It's only worth it to use a T3 proc if absolutely necessary for movement or if the buff is going to fall off and it won't delay your phasing at all. If you repeatedly use procs you're massively lowering your PPS. One despair cast alone has similar potency to hitting a T3 proc and letting the full thing tick down, cycling through fire faster will result in vastly higher pps than anything else will.

Good Lawd they're all turning into sin eaters!

>Use a Viera name
>It's wrong because it's a "forest name"

going off dialog and lore that was actually implemented in-game it's abundantly clear that the concept of beast tribes do not exist on the first or it's an entirely different perception of what a beast tribe is

sure they may get quests similar to them, but they aren't primal summoning morons like their source counterparts

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Based and amaurot-pilled

>Finder of false gods title
>Edgy as fuck message
>Named himself Uchiha and is in Akatsuki FC
>Isn't a male Au'ra
That's all sorts of sad and confusing

Emet please tell us how we can rid the world of the fflogs menace

>FC kill count 1
holy based

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Jealousy that she's closer to receiving WoL's flood of darkness than he is.

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>it's abundantly clear that the concept of beast tribes do not exist on the first or it's an entirely different perception of what a beast tribe is
No, it's just post-apocalypse and nobody cares anymore. Doesn't mean it was the same a hundred years ago before the Flood.
>but they aren't primal summoning morons like their source counterparts
That's not what determines a beastman to anyone but the Garleans though. The term is older than primals. It's entirely about public perception.

I bet he did it in a single slash.

Not all of them.

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You can also just play the healer role quest which depicts many of them taking off their helms

What are they even going to be in the patches? Dwarves for crafters, Pixies/the Fae in general are likely as another, maybe the Greatwood Viera or Y'shtola's group as another?

>Visibly upset whenever Feo Ul is on the screen

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This is what bugs me. So basically it's more lore-friendly to have...a non-lore friendly name.

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>my first opinion is unquestionably true
>everyone else's opinion is wrong
>retarded, faggot, idiots

Hope you get a handle on your insecurities someday my dude, sounds exhausting to think that way.

How can I make money off Gemstones.

not him but where's that from

is bigamy legal in eorzea? instead of just marrying alisae i could marry alphinaud at the same time

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>FC Kill Count

is savage this week or next week?

SE is playing 4d chess, they knew people would make attempts at lore friendly names to save on buying name changes, but made up names are are far more lore friendly for any viera adventurer, primarily the continent and world hopping player character

the 30th

2 weeks after 5.01
so next week

There are the Mord and Ondo but that would just be a retread of Kobolds and Sahagins. I really don't know what else they could do. They may just say fuck it and only do two this time.

Tuesday after this one

>face 4

>Dwarves: Based as fuck, cool beards and helmets, invent things useful to the world, helped save the world from Lord Janny
>Lalaniggers: Jews, potato people, the reason WoL can never physically interact with NPCs, cause 99% of the problems on the source, worse than Garleans and not even manipulated by Ascians to blame it on, coined the term beastmen and pissed off all of them to the point they began summoning primals.
Civilised race
Bunch of bullshit

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I'm honestly equal parts impressed and angry.

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was a slide from JP ShB fanfest

Not really, it depends on your item level but at 444ilevel you should at least be pulling 11k

It's the best if you change it properly because it has an actual chin.

>finally got my ui just right after 6 years
feels good bros

>Dwarves: Based as fuck
They exiled Lamitt for saving their people though

should I meld my level 80 crafting gear or not?

I would glady take aether currents over WoW's retarded grind for rep model.

>don't have to make some lore bullshit excuse about how my Rava was raised by Hellsguards to have her name follow their customs
>instead she's just a Hellsguard weeb

>tfw we never get to bring them back to the pixies

guess ill take a week break then after i get some shit from eden normal

It's a matter of success. The dwarves would happily Jew people if they didn't have to compete with not!kobolds and the wealth of Eulmore.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of a cute concept that Viera rename themselves after things they like outside of their home villages, etc.

Tsukuyomi and Shinryu are up there as well.

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There's a google doc for crafter leveling. It's for the end of SBD but should be still good.

Probably will whenever those not-Ishgard ruins on the far side of the map are a MSQ dungeon for some reason

You have to transcend. Overcome the urge to upload parses yourself. Play your job optimal but not greedy. Still, practice to maximize your uptime. Then, let others do the uploading. You WILL accumulate good parses just from random people uploading your fights. When others see your purple/orange numbers and ask you about them you can safely say "I don't parse, parsers are for niggers." Overcome the stigma that people who don't parse have to be bad players. Then, spread the word.

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How do faerie players react to getting trapped in the queer bubble?

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>Pale buns
>Not best buns

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They're already in it.

>you can safely say "I don't parse, parsers are for niggers."

the ghost of emet selch trying to get people banned i see


>get a fight where i know for sure i'm 99
>niggers don't upload it
That's when I took the plunge. I must seize the chance before catered padders dilate the upper percentiles

Fuck off degenerate.

Why are his reaction faces so perfect?

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Wrong. It was absolutely A4S that held people up hard.
If that LB3 cheese for Pentacles hadn't been discovered you would have been able to count the groups that cleared it before Midas came out on your fingers, it was that retardedly overtuned of a fight.

Based. The only parse that matters is the one you get when you clear a fight for the first time because it proves you've done it.

Even then, you may only compare that parse to others if:

>they have the same ilvl as you
>they have the same comp as you
>they have the same buff distribution as you

The thing about FFXIV parses is that they are so fucking loaded that if you just filter shit properly for a fair comparison you're probably way better than you think you are.

Ascians are perfect beings.

They don't notice it

That's Solus's face dumbass

The game is designed around you having to buy mats/gear from other crafters to make and wear the shit you want.

If you don't want that then level all your crafters/gatherers to 80 so you can solo play and then play actual 'end game' crafting 2 months later than everyone else unless you've been keeping up in each expansion (doesn't sound like you have been)

A perfect being made a perfect face for himself whilst pretending to be human

Whats the issue?

Almost read that as Ilberds, you got lucky this time.

extra rare

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>Someone else fond of pale buns
You have at least one ally, Comrade.

That epilogue role quest. Meeting an actual person the 13th world. One of the 'heroes' who utterly failed to stop the Darkness.


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Should I fanta from middie to viera? Pic is my current character.

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I love how WoL has PTSD from Ishgard but gives legit no fucks about Ala Mhigo.

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i have no opinion on them really but it's annoying to see them fill shout chat with shit like "why would anyone play elezen or roe when you could play as a cute bunny"

>Not using the dwarf hammer

my WoL was just thankful we got rid of NotYda for good.

>as a cute frog


Attached: hihohoho.png (1965x2048, 3.29M)

>want to read up on fight strats
>only options are MrHappy or MTQ
There's got to be a third option, r-r-right?

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Just ask Yea Forums :)

there is, it's called doing the fights blind and telling people to fuck off if they complain

Pixies, Nu Mou and Dwarves. Basically confirmed from how they announced them at fanfest.

>find a pale viera
>compliment their char cause it doesn’t look like shit for once
>”oh, it’s actually a self insert haha!”

What the fuck was I supposed to say after that? I just wanted to give them props for a good character, not this

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Yes, it's called stop relying on guides and learn the fight by yourself.

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warrior sucks

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>What the fuck was I supposed to say after that?

Most people in "learning" groups might as well be blind even if they watched a video

>you look good ;)
then you get an e-girl gf

Pretty sure most fights have text guides.

call them a furry faggot

I'd use it if I could dye it to a non-ugly colour.

how the fuck does blm aoe work at 50

If a person pounded her, would he turn into a sin eater himself? Dick first?

>kills ur raid scene

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She's perfectly fine as she is. Why do you want to be a viera?

>dps north in front of your path

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Cute midlander but meh hairstyle. Boots and gloves don't fit the chest.
Also there are thousands of bunnies for each midlander there is. Surely you're not going to join the bandwagon

i wish they would make repertoire add 10 to the soul voice gauge instead of 5 because sometime it feels like im getting fucked over by rng gods

How's that Inner re-... I mean new Delirium for you? :^)

Oh hey this new necklace model is really ni-
>DoL/DoH only
I swear to fucking god yoship does this shit on purpose.

extremely boring, but at least edge of darkness and tbn make up for it

I said “oh cool, well it looks good!” and my queue popped so I had to leave but what the fuck. Is that common for girls to do? I thought they made eyesore OCs


Did you reach 80 late or something? People were doing dps north before mr happy video was even out.

B3-T2-F3-F2-F2-Flare-Transpose repeat from thunder onwards, you'll be hardcasting F3 with only the 1 stack.

>learn the fight by yourself.
>8 player team
There are no more than two types of party finder groups, user:
>drooling tumblr spergs who play Roe in their underwear and create attack patterns by mashing their face on the keyboard
>75,002-pound mouthbreathing neckbeard assholes who vote-kick you the very first time you ask them to explain a mechanic

If you don't have an FC that raids, you're kind of screwed.

>MCHfag starts shit
>it turns to parsetranny boogeyman posting
>"lol just be yourself and maximize uptime"
I wish you contrarian retards would shut the fuck up about raid DPS. You pretend you don't give a shit about job choice because all jobs are viable, how you're above comparing arbitrary numbers, except you're still obsessed with raid DPS and how it threatens you in your shitty PF progs. I hope they buff SAM and MCH but you people posting this shit day in and day out are pathetic.

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do you want to do a lot of work for not much damage and use trick or do you want to spam the same few attacks and still not do a lot of damage

This. The fucking discussion about DNC yesterday gave me aids.

Make a blind PF, people will join you.


Your middie is literally perfect, if you change her you're a faggot and a nigger.

Which do you have more fun playing?

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MTQ is good, stop being a faggot

I honestly have no idea what's going on, I just like playing the game.

Actually that was the old rotation, adding in freeze before you shift back is probably a DPS gain now that they've switched it, but I haven't done the math or tested it.

MTQ is a pure garbage player but she's good at making videos

>play elezen
>do alliance
>all my party members are lalafell

this shit has happened like 3 times in the last few days

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this desu I think, only ever watched his recent ones quickly, he seems to be very concise and leaves space for showing the mechs properly and doesn't autistic shitfit you if you don't follow it exactly.

>For example:

where is that happy merchant lalafell image when you need it

>seething greylet

So what you're saying is she's infinitely better than mrbrappy cause at least she's proficient in one of the two

thunder 2, f3, flare, wait until it gets interrupted at 0.5s because your target died, switch to another one, repeat, then realize pre-72 blm was a mistake and just spam scathe instead.

I h8 trannies. thanks

Unless the master recipes end up being actually difficult, which they won't, you can get away with a 10-15 step macro depending on how many HQ mats you start with.
Compare to SB endgame crafting which spanned over 3 macros.

Now you know what it's like when a Scandinavian goes to Japan.

Mr "Happy" is fucking subhuman

The hell? Just switches to DRG and it has like fuck all changes.

It's going to get even worse once Savage is out

um, cope, sweetie.

The what?

>rare spawn nodes
What the fuck do you call elite marks then?
Shitposting discussion about DNC being trash and their buffs not being any good compared to just playing overtuned jobs instead.

Mr Happy is your Pappy.


Except vanilla.

A waste of time? Something that just gets announced over a linkshell to 99% of players?

They exiled a THOT who lusted for midlander loins. They did the right thing.

Is it just me or does Eulmore's part in the story feel rushed?
>Set up as a false paradise for people to live out the ends of their day
>Weird jester twins
>Ran'jit in general
>Go there once to set things up
>The literal next time you go there is to free the city. The jesters are killed immediately and Ran'Jit dies in a solo duty and also the entire city changes it's tune from a single speech from an elf fuccboi

No real need to at the moment. See what crafting requirements, if any, are going to be on the next tier and then slot accordingly.

I didn't mean to reply I'm a retard whoops

well i'll admit it's a bit better than having a party full of viera that ask me why i didn't change yet

i really dont know why people keep expecting so much out of the jesters like they were meant to be anything more than nameless goons

>play ANYTHING but lala in a lala party
>hello tall one

Eulmore was just another light warden, it didn't need to be more than that.

All the normies leveling lalas to get into the dwarf house.

Because it seems weird that out of literally everyone else in the city they're the only ones who he trusts enough not to hypnotize other than Ran'Jit who is basically a broken man anyway

Thanks for the screen cap user. Garlenmald is imploding on itself, Mainly thanks to Zenos.

I wonder where all the Garlean fans that scream and cry wishing they could join the Empire are now. Ever since Shadowbringers and I would say late patches Stormblood they given up or something. :^)

i would marry one and breed her all night long

Eulmore is just one part of the arc called Kholusia's Agape.

>I wonder where all the Garlean fans that scream and cry wishing they could join the Empire are now
They just changed teams to wanting to join the Ascians

Eulmore in general was just wasted potential.
>Could have further explored the dilemma of risking everything for a chance of salvation vs. just living out the rest of your days in relative peace
>Could have delved deeper in to why pajeet was so intent on getting minifillia back rather than just mentioning it in passing
>Could have made Vauthry interesting, but nip's hatred for christianity ends up making him more shallow than your average cartoon villain

If they gave Vauthry pajeet's personality/backstory and removed pajeet entirely, it probably would have been better overall.

p bitches
sup bitches
its lightwarden here

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>implying you wouldn't be swayed by a fuccboi's honeyed words

he got the white ps triple

[vague whistling sounds]

God I want to smell that butthole so bad.

Made for spontaneous breeding.

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so assuming we're going to get either a melee dps that uses maiming or scouting next expansion what classes would you like to see
i just want some kind of wuxia swordsman class without having to play blade and soul

>everyone knows exarch can't do SHIT but SUCK. DICK

Alisaie needs more training

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>In FF
You're a retard.

isn't hingashi based off both parts of china and japan?

Chemist and beast master are the next classes

Just you

They could have done more with it but I don't think they really had to, it served its purpose in the narrative. There's still patch stories I guess so we'll see if there's any more development there. The only thing I thought was a bit undercooked was Ran'jit; for a recurring antagonist with crazy powers and mysterious motivations he was pretty underwritten.

whatever happened to that """"toxic""" warrior player who made everyone mad?

>what is monk
>who is Pa'jeet

Hingashi is just Japan. Yanxia is China+Japan+Korea, and Nagxia is Vietnam.

i hope beast master is an actual class cause i fear they'll just make it like blue

It was already named along with Puppetmaster as a future limited job. Your only hope is for them to trash the limited job system and make BLU a proper job first.

I said this in more than one thread but I'm hoping next expansion we get
>chemist for healer, based on buffing like the old AST cards but without the RNG, just a mixing minigame like what dancers do
>judge for DPS, using a garlean gunblade so it could be phys-ranged or melee either way

What's the difference between that and a samurai

Ran'jit could've been explained better but his motivations were literally that he was sick of losing Minfillia after Minfillia to fighting the Sin Eaters and had finally just given up. That's why when he dies he says "My girls, there you are..."

>every single botanist quest up to level 70 at some point sends you to talk to Fufucha in Gridania
who designed this

Attached: angry.png (785x1076, 1.46M)

probably wouldn't based off using iai moves like sam

Assuming they learned their lesson with BLU, and knowing how lazy SE is; Beast Master will be a melee pet class that can copy the model from overworld beasts and use them as totally-not-egis glamour. They will, of course, be shrunk and nearly unnoticeable; and have ai resembling that of a lobotomized monkey.

I have a feeling they might just do one new healer and call it a day with 6.0, using the excuse that there's too many jobs already and it's getting difficult to manage and create new weapons for all of them.

If they do do two jobs then the other job will definitely be a DPS, but I reckon it could be any of the 3 types. There's only 3 ranged/magical compared to melee so they might go for one of those, or they might go for melee with the reasoning of using Scouting/Maiming sets, or that there's 4 DEX classes but only 3 STR.

Hoping for Chemist healer. For the DPS I really don't know. Maybe a Geomancer melee or caster since I feel like the game is lacking a job that uses water/wind/earth magic.

Someone who really likes lalafell?

We already have one asian swordsman, why would we get another

I want to tend to fufucha's cunny garden

Geomancer is already established in the setting as a healer and there's high player demand for it. It's going to be the new healer in 6.0, no question. I'd prefer Chemist, but this is just how it is.

crystal tower? c'mon now, shit look like a deel dough

Do you think she has a big bush, or does she trim?

>implying anyone in Eorzea has natural body hair

>so assuming we're going to get either a melee dps that uses maiming or scouting next expansion
What gave you this impression? Yoshi-p made it pretty obvious they want to balance the number of jobs in each role, hence why DNC is a ranged DPS, but adding one more melee is the exact opposite of that since melee is the role with the most jobs right now.

I'm guessing she trims it in cute shapes

Geomancers aren't really strongly defined in the AST questline. They are written as having a similar root to their magic as AST, also being prophets/seers, and being able to create magical/wards barriers, but it's not so heavy handed that there's no way they could do anything but heal. Swallow's Compass shows offensive use of geomancy. You could easily also argue that they just wouldn't do Geomancers at all because they're just Asian AST.

technically we have 2 if you count ninja, but assuming they have going to have another fast melee class that using scouting i don't really know what they would pick

thanks for the lore friendly name square
i fucking love mini cactpot i wish you could buy more than 3

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>Be tank
>Most of the time don't say a word
>Played since ARR and know how to speedrun all dungeons by the book including weird shit like wanderer's palace NM
>Don't waste time and keep up the pace
>More often than not don't get comms leveling the tank jobs this expack

What gives?

Attached: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.gif (429x204, 69K)

because maiming and scouting are the only dps in the game that dont share and left side gear with anyone

SE does not take that into account when choosing the roles new jobs will have. All they care about is how many jobs there are in each role.

Respect the content.

Getting comms is a weird thing
>expert roulette
>be MCH
>use Peloton between pulls
>use Tactician during stacks or for incoming tankbusters if tank has a debuff
>used lb on a big pull when asked to
>got 3 comms

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>make SAM wear Maiming gear
>make NIN wear Striking gear
>get rid of Scouting
Tell me one good reason why they shouldn't do this

Maybe you were with a group of 3 friends who couldn't commend each other?

lazy devs

Nope just 3 randos. That said they came from the same server and seemed to be a really nice bunch

if that was the case they would have done that exactly